The Friday Five

The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate? Participate

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet? I hate shopping, I want it I go buy it.

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text? In person

4. Typing or writing? Typing

5. Eat in or eat out? Eating at home.

The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. well I guess that all depends on the activity :eusa_whistle: for the most part I would say participate

2. catalog

3. in person

4. typing

5. eat in

wait what am I eating out? :badgrin:

Somebody's muffin. :D
1. To watch or participate?

Most times...I'm a watcher...

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

Catalogs or Internet -- I don't like crowds

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

e-mail or in person

4. Typing or writing?

No preference there

5. Eat in or eat out?

Both really :)

The Friday Five

Do you prefer

1. To watch or participate?

2. Malls, catalog shopping, or the Internet?

3. To talk to people by telephone, in person, e-mail or text?

4. Typing or writing?

5. Eat in or eat out?

1. Depending on what we are talking about, I like to watch, but mostly participate. Watching can be very stimulating.

2. Internet. I can get exactly what I am looking for and fast.

3. I like to talk in person. I don't even own a phone any more and I do fine. If people want to meet with me they know they have to email me or call my wife and leave a message.

4. I like to write, though out of necessity the laptop and the internet forces the need to type.

5. I like to eat in, though its nice going out to a pub and having a burger and beer every now and then. In Stockholm, the food is not that great in most places anyway, and is expensive. Two beers and burgers will cost you $60 easily. I make much better at home.
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The Friday Five

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

1. Which do you think reveals more about a person, the contents of their refrigerator or the contents of their glove compartment?

Their refridgerator.

2. When you visit someone's home, what are you most interested in looking at? Do you ever open cabinets to take a peek inside?

I am not interested in looking at anything but them as I am talking and visiting. Although, I occasionally would browse the bathroom medicinal cabinets of women I was dating prior to my latest marriage. Don't know why.

3. If you could make it so that one person on earth was physically incapable of telling lies or keeping secrets, celebrities & politicians included, who would you choose?

The President of the United States.

4. Have you ever spilled the beans on someone else's secret? If so, what was it?

I don't think I have. I may have filled in the blanks once there was an investigation, but I don't remember initiating anything.

5. Have you ever kept a diary? If so, was it top secret? What did you write about? Have you ever sneaked a peak at someone else diary?

Yes, I kept one. I never wrote about anything that would qualify as secret, though maybe a little erotic and not openly shared. I eventually destroyed them all. As for have I sneaked a peak into someone else's, why yes I have. I went to empty the garbage once and found a diary in it. From what I could tell by reading in it, the journal belonged to a young college girl that lived in the building above. I enjoyed reading many parts of it before placing it back into the trash.
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The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?

The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

Being able to use the outdoor pool.

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

Eh? What you talkin bout, Willis?

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

Where I am, it is definitely behind.

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?


5. Is spring the signal for you to put away your winter clothes?

Well, I don't really have any winter clothes; the difference is now I can wear short sleeved tops instead of long sleeves.

1. What signifies the start of spring for you? Just the date

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree? You bet! After the winter of candles, cooking and fires with closed windows it time clean

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind? Winter weather is still here for us.

4. Do you have any springtime traditions? Just cleaning and bringing out brighter lighter throws, pillows and chachkies

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes? Not altogether but the nice ballet flats come out of the closet
The Friday Five
Spring has Sprung!
1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?
Spring begins with the first rehearsal of the Easter Pageant on the Hillside. Right after Lent begins, my church begins rehearsing a Passion Play. There are costumed actors creating the action on the hillside that begins at the church parking lot and rises toward the High school on the crest. These actors pantomime their roles while voice actors provide the dialogue and sound from the shelter of a booth fitted with microphones and amplifiers. I am a voice actor. My favorite 'speaking' role is that of the two thieves crucified beside Christ. I get to scream my head off as the actors on the hill drive nails into them.

On the first really warm, sunny day of Spring, I wash the windows in my house, the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate. I named my house Pimplebutt after visiting Newport, Rhode Island and the seaside 'cottages' there. Magnificent mansions laid out along Bellevue Avenue. All these homes were named. Marble House. Breakers. Kingscote. I figured if these places could bear names, why not mine! So, the windows get washed, the very last of the Christmas tree needles are finally found and vacuumed away, the hardwood floors get polished and the garage gets swept.

Now, about leaving winter behind. This year it's not up to any mere mortal to leave winter behind but it's winter's responsibility to leave us behind. The season has been interminable. If winter decides it's time for the tulips to bloom, the daffodils to pop and the trees to finally leaf out, that is her decision, not mine. I'm powerless.

A week from Monday is baseball opening day here in Pittsburgh. But I've seen the Pirates snowed out in early April before. I'll buy a package of hot dogs and a six pack of Iron City and a bag of charcoal and imagine myself enjoying a Sunday afternoon in the PNC Park club boxes, but I know that fantasy won't play itself out as a reality until late May.

Meanwhile, I'll keep a rotation of sweatshirts in my dresser. The T shirts and short sleeved polo shirts and sunblock can wait until they are necessary. Shorts and tennis shoes and coolers packed with ice and beer will come in their own good time. Maybe this winter has worn me down to a nub, but this too shall pass.

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?

1. The Redbuds, Wild Plums and Japanese Magnolias bloom ... It is spring.

2. I do "Spring Cleaning" about four times a year ... Just about every season I do the extra heavy duty cleaning of everything.
The garage, boat, attic and flowerbeds get extra attention in Spring and Fall ... Painting and extra Holiday cleaning in the Summer and Winter.
Baseboards, light fixtures(disassembled and washed in sink), cabinets, drawers and closets ... Once a season.

3. Winter is long gone by the time Spring on the calendar arrives here ... Already been mowing grass ... Already planted the early stuff like lettuce and herbs.
We might get a cold snap before Easter, but nothing serious.

4. The White Bass do a run on the river every Spring ... You can catch them all day long as long as you have bait ... First time to get the boat on the water each year.
They live in running water, are hard hitters and fighters ... You can keep 25 a day on Toledo Bend (50 boat limit other waterways) ... I don't care to eat them so I throw them back.
I caught one 3 years ago that was over 6 lbs ... That afternoon at lunch the game warden informed me that I threw the State Record back (The standing record is 4.18 lbs the last place I checked).

5. I have two large walk-in closets in the master bathroom ... One is for dress clothes and the other is for casual clothes, gun safe and stuff ... No need to store seasonal clothing separately.

The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?

1.sprinkler repair
2. a small one
3. left winter behind
4. a trip to Joshua tree national monument.
5. yes, since this is southern California it's a change from long to short sleeves.
The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?

1. Longer sunlight at night after the closck change

2. No, I'm pretty much a hoarder lol

3. Oh I've left winter behind. I'm in spring mode and thinking about warmer weather activities

4. Turn over the garder, get the summer equipment out and ready, store the winter equipment, but seeds

5. No, don't really have winter clothes other than a coat.
The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you? It isn't a date on a calendar, but rather that point that we don't EXPECT to need a jacket when we go someplace.

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree? Good heavens no. But we do put away some winter stuff and get out the summer stuff.

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind? Not a date at all, but it is a sense that winter is done.

4. Do you have any springtime traditions? Just putting the spring months on a quarterly newsletter I write and publish.

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes? I don't have any winter clothes. Or summer clothes. Just clothes.
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Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

The magnolia blooming in the backyard, even though it always blooms too early and all of the flowers die when it freezes...stupid thing!

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

Doing it right now!

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

It still gets cold, so I haven't given up on it yet...

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?


5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?

I never "put them away"...they stay where they've always been!
1. Went swimming then Grilled Salmon outside.

2. Changed places for my motorcycle.

3. This Spring was important deep freeze winter.

4. Look for wood to chop

5. Changed fedoras from heavy weight felt to a lighter weight felt.
The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

Sunny weather and blossoms.

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

Not anymore. I am constantly on the road overseas, and only have one large roller, one large base camp duffle, and one 45 liter pack with contents to my name as far as belongings. The house is rented and the car sold awhile ago.

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

I love leaving winter behind, but it depends where I am at if I can leave it behind.

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?

Getting out more?

5. Is spring the signal for you to put away your winter clothes?

Not in Stockholm.
1. What signifies the start of spring for you? Hearing the birds in the morning, Tulips, more people outside working in their yards.

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree? Always, not just Spring.

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind? Nope, unfortunately we have not left Winter behind just yet.

4. Do you have any Springtime traditions? I buy Summer clothes in the Spring. My sisters and I plan Fall vacations in the Spring. This year - Nashville.

5. Is spring the signal for you to put away your winter clothes? I do switch closets for Winter and Summer clothing.
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The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you?

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree?

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind?

4. Do you have any springtime traditions?

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes?

1. The first tulips pushing up through the soil.

2. Yes, with the windows open if at all possible.

3. Around here, it's just a date as March is usually our snowiest month.

4. Not usually but since my daughter is old enough now, we may do a spring craft this year.

5. Not around here. It's too cold. LOL
The Friday Five

Spring has Sprung!

1. What signifies the start of spring for you? Being able to open the windows during the day.

2. Do you go on a spring cleaning spree? Yup, I like to do it right now ... mid-March to mid-April so when the weather is finally cold-free I'm ready. Never got it done last year so our house is especially icky right now.

3. Is spring just a date or have you really left winter behind? Winter has to be gone, baby, gone in order for it to be spring ... regardless of the date. They're talking possible snow here on Tues. Yeeesh.

4. Do you have any springtime traditions? Ya, scrubbing the screens and washing the windows neither of which got done last year. I didn't even realize I never took the screens out until almost Christmastime.

5. Is spring the single for you to put away your winter clothes? No! I always think it is but then it bounces too much so I generally live with a mix of seasonal clothes all over for about 4-6 weeks. Same holds true for the fall.


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