The Front Porch Swing

I believe him!

Oh, yeah. I don't do well with vulnerable. It takes me long enough to trust, forget about it if I perceive that was stupid of me. (What the HELL was I thinking!?)

Anyway. Wandering vigorously away from the sentiment, yeah. I have to forgive because I don't have the energy to hold up that level of negative emotion, yet I remain vigilante against those who have done damage in the past.

Here's a cup of coffee for you, my own special brew, just made!


You gave Boopsie the chipped cup? :eek:

[MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION]

I will have you know, Deri, that my little daugher saved money from a kindergarten bake-sale for that coffee cup. Then she was also bound and determined to wash and rinse it the first time, and hence, the chip.

I will never give up that coffee cup for anything. And that will tell you how much I think of my good friends in USMB, esp. Boop - for that cup means the world to me, chip and all.

(roaring with laughter).... must tell a story, must tell a story.... wanna hear it?

Of course!

Ok, it is May 2000.

My then fiancee and I had just gotten the dog that I still have, Klia.

Exhibit A: Dog


(ignore that man who is playing "Stöckchen" with said dog...)

So, it was a Saturday, around 5 pm where we lived. We were hanging out in my apartment, had just finished dinner.

The clothes, freshly washed, were hanging out on the line in front of my apartment.

My then-fiancee had just made a big bowl of chocolate pudding for us for dessert, had just put the whipped cream (ahhh, the things we did with whipped cream back then...) on top of the pudding, when, suddenly, a storm started to break.

Exhibit B: Chocolate pudding


So, with the pudding in a bowl on the table, my then-fiancee and I ran down the steps and got the laundry off the line. It took maybe one minute. The moment we got to the door, it started to rain like mad.

We go into the apartment. The dog is sitting next to the table. The bowl of pudding that was on the table is now completely, and I mean, COMPLETELY empty. The pooch has a ring of white whipped cream around the edges of her face and an inner ring of chocolate.

So I say really loud, "Klia, did you eat our pudding?"


Funniest damn thing I ever saw. Never knew a dog could climb up onto a table, snarf down a large bowl of pudding, get down from the table, and sit innocently, all within 60 seconds.

We went out for dessert that night...
Here's a cup of coffee for you, my own special brew, just made!


You gave Boopsie the chipped cup? :eek:

[MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION]

I will have you know, Deri, that my little daugher saved money from a kindergarten bake-sale for that coffee cup. Then she was also bound and determined to wash and rinse it the first time, and hence, the chip.

I will never give up that coffee cup for anything. And that will tell you how much I think of my good friends in USMB, esp. Boop - for that cup means the world to me, chip and all.


Thanks for sharing that memory, Stat! :) The bond between a father and a daughter is a very special one.
(roaring with laughter).... must tell a story, must tell a story.... wanna hear it?

Of course!

Ok, it is May 2000.

My then fiancee and I had just gotten the dog that I still have, Klia.

Exhibit A: Dog


(ignore that man who is playing "Stöckchen" with said dog...)

So, it was a Saturday, around 5 pm where we lived. We were hanging out in my apartment, had just finished dinner.

The clothes, freshly washed, were hanging out on the line in front of my apartment.

My then-fiancee had just made a big bowl of chocolate pudding for us for dessert, had just put the whipped cream (ahhh, the things we did with whipped cream back then...) on top of the pudding, when, suddenly, a storm started to break.

Exhibit B: Chocolate pudding


So, with the pudding in a bowl on the table, my then-fiancee and I ran down the steps and got the laundry off the line. It took maybe one minute. The moment we got to the door, it started to rain like mad.

We go into the apartment. The dog is sitting next to the table. The bowl of pudding that was on the table is now completely, and I mean, COMPLETELY empty. The pooch has a ring of white whipped cream around the edges of her face and an inner ring of chocolate.

So I say really loud, "Klia, did you eat our pudding?"


Funniest damn thing I ever saw. Never knew a dog could climb up onto a table, snarf down a large bowl of pudding, get down from the table, and sit innocently, all within 60 seconds.

We went out for dessert that night...

Dogs are like 3 year olds. They have no idea that they have done anything wrong but they love you unconditionally even when you are upset about what they just did! :lol:
(roaring with laughter).... must tell a story, must tell a story.... wanna hear it?

Of course!

Ok, it is May 2000.

My then fiancee and I had just gotten the dog that I still have, Klia.

Exhibit A: Dog


(ignore that man who is playing "Stöckchen" with said dog...)

So, it was a Saturday, around 5 pm where we lived. We were hanging out in my apartment, had just finished dinner.

The clothes, freshly washed, were hanging out on the line in front of my apartment.

My then-fiancee had just made a big bowl of chocolate pudding for us for dessert, had just put the whipped cream (ahhh, the things we did with whipped cream back then...) on top of the pudding, when, suddenly, a storm started to break.

Exhibit B: Chocolate pudding


So, with the pudding in a bowl on the table, my then-fiancee and I ran down the steps and got the laundry off the line. It took maybe one minute. The moment we got to the door, it started to rain like mad.

We go into the apartment. The dog is sitting next to the table. The bowl of pudding that was on the table is now completely, and I mean, COMPLETELY empty. The pooch has a ring of white whipped cream around the edges of her face and an inner ring of chocolate.

So I say really loud, "Klia, did you eat our pudding?"


Funniest damn thing I ever saw. Never knew a dog could climb up onto a table, snarf down a large bowl of pudding, get down from the table, and sit innocently, all within 60 seconds.

We went out for dessert that night...

I had a dog eat an entire package of chocolate eclairs-4 of them with the wrapping. I was worried because I heard chocolate is bad for dogs but the dog was fine. One time he had a rib bone and I tried to take it away and he swallowed it whole. I was scared something bad would happen, he was fine.

He's the dog with the iron stomach. One time he chewed up a pot holder that had pizza sauce on it. It all came out in his poop but again he was fine.

I swear that dog could eat anything and not get sick.
I had a dog eat an entire package of chocolate eclairs-4 of them with the wrapping. I was worried because I heard chocolate is bad for dogs but the dog was fine. One time he had a rib bone and I tried to take it away and he swallowed it whole. I was scared something bad would happen, he was fine.

He's the dog with the iron stomach. One time he chewed up a pot holder that had pizza sauce on it. It all came out in his poop but again he was fine.

I swear that dog could eat anything and not get sick.

Whoa! That is rather amazing.
(roaring with laughter).... must tell a story, must tell a story.... wanna hear it?

Of course!

Ok, it is May 2000.

My then fiancee and I had just gotten the dog that I still have, Klia.

Exhibit A: Dog


(ignore that man who is playing "Stöckchen" with said dog...)

So, it was a Saturday, around 5 pm where we lived. We were hanging out in my apartment, had just finished dinner.

The clothes, freshly washed, were hanging out on the line in front of my apartment.

My then-fiancee had just made a big bowl of chocolate pudding for us for dessert, had just put the whipped cream (ahhh, the things we did with whipped cream back then...) on top of the pudding, when, suddenly, a storm started to break.

Exhibit B: Chocolate pudding


So, with the pudding in a bowl on the table, my then-fiancee and I ran down the steps and got the laundry off the line. It took maybe one minute. The moment we got to the door, it started to rain like mad.

We go into the apartment. The dog is sitting next to the table. The bowl of pudding that was on the table is now completely, and I mean, COMPLETELY empty. The pooch has a ring of white whipped cream around the edges of her face and an inner ring of chocolate.

So I say really loud, "Klia, did you eat our pudding?"


Funniest damn thing I ever saw. Never knew a dog could climb up onto a table, snarf down a large bowl of pudding, get down from the table, and sit innocently, all within 60 seconds.

We went out for dessert that night...

I've got one too Stat. When I was a kid in middle school(about 13 years old), we had a really smart Border Collie named Skipper. One morning after breakfast at the table, I was remiss and forgot to put away the leftover food and went to get my books and head to school.

When I came back to the kitchen, Skipper was standing on the table and was just finishing eating a whole stick of butter, and 2 pieces of toast.

There was some cantaloupe left, so I gave it to him and said to him "Guess you need some fruit too"
On a human note, back in the mid-70's I was in high school. Colored mascara was the thing then - I wore dark green.

I come home from school, and my little sister, Oops, *11.5 years younger* had horizontal green stripes above the fold of her upper eyelid, and on her cheekbones. I asked her three times, "Honey, did you get in my make-up?" She kept saying no. Finally I said "Cmere." Stuck her in front of the mirror, she burst into tears and threw herself in my arms. She was four.

This was the same kid, same year, she got a 'bra' for Christmas because she wanted to be like her big sisters. One of the gifts our grandma always gave us was L'Eggs pantyhose. Oops comes downstairs, happy as a clam. She's wearing her new bra, and she has a L'Eggs half egg in each one. But the L'Eggs half eggs together are shaped like an egg, so one boob is pointy and the other is rounded.

Whole family literally roaring with laughter. She's in tears. I felt so bad but omg. Best memory ever.
I had a dog eat an entire package of chocolate eclairs-4 of them with the wrapping. I was worried because I heard chocolate is bad for dogs but the dog was fine. One time he had a rib bone and I tried to take it away and he swallowed it whole. I was scared something bad would happen, he was fine.

He's the dog with the iron stomach. One time he chewed up a pot holder that had pizza sauce on it. It all came out in his poop but again he was fine.

I swear that dog could eat anything and not get sick.

Whoa! That is rather amazing.

Dogs are amazing as far what that they can chew on and not get sick. I had a Black Labrador that I got as an 8 week old puppy who lived to be 16 years old (very uncommon).

During his lifetime, when I once accidentally locked him in the laundry room while I was at work all day, he scratched and chewed a hole through the wall the size of a basketball, chewed through a live 110 volt power cord, a large push broom handle, numerous pairs of my wife's shoes, several bars of soap, a whole uncooked chicken (bones and all ) and a lot of other things that I was surprised didn't kill him.

At one one point I considered changing his name to "Krypto"
I had a dog eat an entire package of chocolate eclairs-4 of them with the wrapping. I was worried because I heard chocolate is bad for dogs but the dog was fine. One time he had a rib bone and I tried to take it away and he swallowed it whole. I was scared something bad would happen, he was fine.

He's the dog with the iron stomach. One time he chewed up a pot holder that had pizza sauce on it. It all came out in his poop but again he was fine.

I swear that dog could eat anything and not get sick.

Whoa! That is rather amazing.

Dogs are amazing as far what that they can chew on and not get sick. I had a Black Labrador that I got as an 8 week old puppy who lived to be 16 years old (very uncommon).

During his lifetime, when I once accidentally locked him in the laundry room while I was at work all day, he scratched and chewed a hole through the wall the size of a basketball, chewed through a live 110 volt power cord, a large push broom handle, numerous pairs of my wife's shoes, several bars of soap, a whole uncooked chicken (bones and all ) and a lot of other things that I was surprised didn't kill him.

At one one point I considered changing his name to "Krypto"

My mom and I ate Thanksgiving meal at my aunt's place in 1972. She had two dogs: one was an irish setter named Tischa, would would also become my dog for a while. The other was also a HUGE male setter named Rusty.

Well, just as the Turkey was going on the table, my sister opened the back door to bring the trash out, Rusty busted in, leaped to the table, grabbed the turkey and ran. The living room was not yet furnished at my aunt's place, just one chair was there, so there we are, chasing an enormous red dog around the living room, with a hot turkey hanging out of his mouth, stuffing flying onto the walls. 2 minutes later, that turkey was gone, bones and all.

We ate PB&J on that Thanksgiving day. Goes well with Cranberry sauce.

Whoa! That is rather amazing.

Dogs are amazing as far what that they can chew on and not get sick. I had a Black Labrador that I got as an 8 week old puppy who lived to be 16 years old (very uncommon).

During his lifetime, when I once accidentally locked him in the laundry room while I was at work all day, he scratched and chewed a hole through the wall the size of a basketball, chewed through a live 110 volt power cord, a large push broom handle, numerous pairs of my wife's shoes, several bars of soap, a whole uncooked chicken (bones and all ) and a lot of other things that I was surprised didn't kill him.

At one one point I considered changing his name to "Krypto"

My mom and I ate Thanksgiving meal at my aunt's place in 1972. She had two dogs: one was an irish setter named Tischa, would would also become my dog for a while. The other was also a HUGE male setter named Rusty.

Well, just as the Turkey was going on the table, my sister opened the back door to bring the trash out, Rusty busted in, leaped to the table, grabbed the turkey and ran. The living room was not yet furnished at my aunt's place, just one chair was there, so there we are, chasing an enormous red dog around the living room, with a hot turkey hanging out of his mouth, stuffing flying onto the walls. 2 minutes later, that turkey was gone, bones and all.

We ate PB&J on that Thanksgiving day. Goes well with Cranberry sauce.


Lol. Priceless. What's really funny is that even when they do those infuriating things it's impossible to stay angry at them.
My sister did Saturday night in the ER. Once again, they have no idea what is the matter with her. At least they got her rehydrated, and she has to go see a specialist.

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