The Front Porch Swing

My sister did Saturday night in the ER. Once again, they have no idea what is the matter with her. At least they got her rehydrated, and she has to go see a specialist.

I hope she feels better and finds out what is going on with her.

My sister did Saturday night in the ER. Once again, they have no idea what is the matter with her. At least they got her rehydrated, and she has to go see a specialist.

Thinking of both you and your sister.

Thank you both - and so do I.
My sister did Saturday night in the ER. Once again, they have no idea what is the matter with her. At least they got her rehydrated, and she has to go see a specialist.

Glad to hear that she is going to see a specialist. Something must be wrong for this to be happening to her! :smiliehug:
My Facebook status: The screw fell out of the right side of my glasses, and the lens fell out for probably the third time since I got these glasses. I was at work. I am legally blind without my glasses. Necessity being the mother of invention, and since I spent probably twenty minutes tearing my room apart trying to find my old glasses (with no luck) I wound up stripping down one of the electronic cord wrappers that I found in the desk drawer, threading it through the top and bottom, and tightening it into place. Booyah!! I can see!!!

My nephew's response: Way to go, Mcguyver. :)

My Facebook status: The screw fell out of the right side of my glasses, and the lens fell out for probably the third time since I got these glasses. I was at work. I am legally blind without my glasses. Necessity being the mother of invention, and since I spent probably twenty minutes tearing my room apart trying to find my old glasses (with no luck) I wound up stripping down one of the electronic cord wrappers that I found in the desk drawer, threading it through the top and bottom, and tightening it into place. Booyah!! I can see!!!

My nephew's response: Way to go, Mcguyver. :)


Pic or it didn't happen.....:lol::lol:
My Facebook status: The screw fell out of the right side of my glasses, and the lens fell out for probably the third time since I got these glasses. I was at work. I am legally blind without my glasses. Necessity being the mother of invention, and since I spent probably twenty minutes tearing my room apart trying to find my old glasses (with no luck) I wound up stripping down one of the electronic cord wrappers that I found in the desk drawer, threading it through the top and bottom, and tightening it into place. Booyah!! I can see!!!

My nephew's response: Way to go, Mcguyver. :)


Pic or it didn't happen.....:lol::lol:

I was damn near in tears. Taking down big boxes of books on the off-chance my old pair was in there, putting them back up, through all the drawers, bags, shelves, ... ouch. :( But I can see now, and this makes me a happy panda.

Of course!

Ok, it is May 2000.

My then fiancee and I had just gotten the dog that I still have, Klia.

Exhibit A: Dog


(ignore that man who is playing "Stöckchen" with said dog...)

So, it was a Saturday, around 5 pm where we lived. We were hanging out in my apartment, had just finished dinner.

The clothes, freshly washed, were hanging out on the line in front of my apartment.

My then-fiancee had just made a big bowl of chocolate pudding for us for dessert, had just put the whipped cream (ahhh, the things we did with whipped cream back then...) on top of the pudding, when, suddenly, a storm started to break.

Exhibit B: Chocolate pudding


So, with the pudding in a bowl on the table, my then-fiancee and I ran down the steps and got the laundry off the line. It took maybe one minute. The moment we got to the door, it started to rain like mad.

We go into the apartment. The dog is sitting next to the table. The bowl of pudding that was on the table is now completely, and I mean, COMPLETELY empty. The pooch has a ring of white whipped cream around the edges of her face and an inner ring of chocolate.

So I say really loud, "Klia, did you eat our pudding?"


Funniest damn thing I ever saw. Never knew a dog could climb up onto a table, snarf down a large bowl of pudding, get down from the table, and sit innocently, all within 60 seconds.

We went out for dessert that night...

I had a dog eat an entire package of chocolate eclairs-4 of them with the wrapping. I was worried because I heard chocolate is bad for dogs but the dog was fine. One time he had a rib bone and I tried to take it away and he swallowed it whole. I was scared something bad would happen, he was fine.

He's the dog with the iron stomach. One time he chewed up a pot holder that had pizza sauce on it. It all came out in his poop but again he was fine.

I swear that dog could eat anything and not get sick.

We were living on base temporary housing while waiting to close on our house, so we bought a small Hibachi to grill a couple of T-bones.....the hubs was watching a football game and kept going inside after checking on the steaks ever so often. He came in with a puzzled look on his face and asked me...."did you bring the steaks in"? "No" I said, "I didn't bring them in" - and there sat the dog on the patio licking his chops....with a real contented look on his face. Man, and those steaks were smelling so good and looking even better, just before the dog took them both and ate them.

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