The Front Porch Swing

My grandparents are the pair that let me know that a happy, healthy relationship was possible. And when I heard this song for the first time, oh man did I cry hard. It's totally them. She was a 'spinster schoolmarm,' he was a traveling salesman for NYLIC. They met at 29 and were together for 29 years - then she was a widow for 32 years. Never looked at another man, and after her stroke, any guy that walked in the lunchroom at the nursing home, she'd murmur "Oh, there's daddy now" to my mom.

[ame=]Kathy Mattea - Where've You Been? - YouTube[/ame]
Well, so owie. :(

Brilliant me was in a mad search for the checks I haven't seen since I moved here 8.5 months ago. Turned out they were in a box of books on the top shelf in my closet. I had to take down and put back up two very heavy boxes, plus take down an empty box that was fighting not to be removed.

Everything hurts in my upper back, shoulders and neck. I think I see a pain pill in my immediate future.

Mother Fletcher. :(
My grandparents are the pair that let me know that a happy, healthy relationship was possible. And when I heard this song for the first time, oh man did I cry hard. It's totally them. She was a 'spinster schoolmarm,' he was a traveling salesman for NYLIC. They met at 29 and were together for 29 years - then she was a widow for 32 years. Never looked at another man, and after her stroke, any guy that walked in the lunchroom at the nursing home, she'd murmur "Oh, there's daddy now" to my mom.

Kathy Mattea - Where've You Been? - YouTube

My Grandparents on my Moms side were together forever too. They actually died a week apart.
My grandparents are the pair that let me know that a happy, healthy relationship was possible. And when I heard this song for the first time, oh man did I cry hard. It's totally them. She was a 'spinster schoolmarm,' he was a traveling salesman for NYLIC. They met at 29 and were together for 29 years - then she was a widow for 32 years. Never looked at another man, and after her stroke, any guy that walked in the lunchroom at the nursing home, she'd murmur "Oh, there's daddy now" to my mom.

Kathy Mattea - Where've You Been? - YouTube

My Grandparents on my Moms side were together forever too. They actually died a week apart.

I don't know if you know the story of Johnny and June Carter Cash, but when he died six months after she passed, the only surprise to me was that he managed to stay behind that long. They had one of those 'love for the ages.'
My grandparents are the pair that let me know that a happy, healthy relationship was possible. And when I heard this song for the first time, oh man did I cry hard. It's totally them. She was a 'spinster schoolmarm,' he was a traveling salesman for NYLIC. They met at 29 and were together for 29 years - then she was a widow for 32 years. Never looked at another man, and after her stroke, any guy that walked in the lunchroom at the nursing home, she'd murmur "Oh, there's daddy now" to my mom.

Kathy Mattea - Where've You Been? - YouTube

My Grandparents on my Moms side were together forever too. They actually died a week apart.

I don't know if you know the story of Johnny and June Carter Cash, but when he died six months after she passed, the only surprise to me was that he managed to stay behind that long. They had one of those 'love for the ages.'

Yes I did read about that. They had a real all consuming romance.

Another thought provoking statement and peaceful, beautiful picture. While I'm here in this unfamiliar place on vacation, I had no idea that I would actually be considering forgiveness of "you know who"....

As they say, "Never say never. It could make for a lifetime of anger"

Another thought provoking statement and peaceful, beautiful picture. While I'm here in this unfamiliar place on vacation, I had no idea that I would actually be considering forgiveness of "you know who"....

As they say, "Never say never. It could make for a lifetime of anger"

Exactly. I have that quote up on Pinterest. 162 people hit like, and 676 people re-pinned it. It resonates with a lot of people.

Forgiveness is a tough one for me, it makes me feel vulnerable. Not the little stuff - I'm no good at holding a grudge. But if somebody does serious damage, I don't know how to forgive them without feeling like they will perceive it as weakness and take another shot.

Another thought provoking statement and peaceful, beautiful picture. While I'm here in this unfamiliar place on vacation, I had no idea that I would actually be considering forgiveness of "you know who"....

As they say, "Never say never. It could make for a lifetime of anger"

Exactly. I have that quote up on Pinterest. 162 people hit like, and 676 people re-pinned it. It resonates with a lot of people.

Forgiveness is a tough one for me, it makes me feel vulnerable. Not the little stuff - I'm no good at holding a grudge. But if somebody does serious damage, I don't know how to forgive them without feeling like they will perceive it as weakness and take another shot.

Same here...thanks. I thought I was getting soft there for a minute.

Stat's Porch Swing tidbit of the day, and it is a true story, and not only that, I was there when it happened:


The plaintiffs: Sixteen professional String-players (Violin, Viola, Cello)
The defendant: The city of Bonn, Germany

The lawsuit: In March 2004, 16 Violinists from the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn sued for a pay-raise on the grounds that they played more notes per rehearsal than brass or woodwind players. They demanded an extra €100- ($123 at that time) per rehearsal (or performance) for the extra notes they had to play, adding that they were being "generous" by not asking for more. (eyeballs rolling)

The Verdict: the violinists changed their tune and dropped the suit.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED (I was there): the newly hired Orchestra director added 2 more rehearsals per week, meaning, an additional 8 hours of work, which caused many string players, who were used to making lots of extra dough on the side teaching privately, to lose money from having to cancel giving said private lessons during that time. Not only that, the opening repertoire of the 2003-2004 Opera Season in Bonn had two baroque operas in the mix, which required no brass. So, those string players were all pissed off that they had to do their jobs. This caused a huge schism in the Orchestra and I remember a major Sitzprobe for an Opera where I had the title role of Mahatma Ghandi, in May of 2004, where the other string players were so pissed at the 16 that they refused to sit next to them. The Concertmaster was not one of the 16 players. Seeing that they had made an absolute laughing stock out of themselves and that no sane pro-musician wanted to be around them, having become pariahs in the musical community, they gave up.

One of those string players called me four years later, wanted me to sing a solo gig with a string quartet. I told him I would be charging €10 per eighth-note... :D

Ahhh, that was a wild moment in history, one I will not forget...
Another thought provoking statement and peaceful, beautiful picture. While I'm here in this unfamiliar place on vacation, I had no idea that I would actually be considering forgiveness of "you know who"....

As they say, "Never say never. It could make for a lifetime of anger"

Exactly. I have that quote up on Pinterest. 162 people hit like, and 676 people re-pinned it. It resonates with a lot of people.

Forgiveness is a tough one for me, it makes me feel vulnerable. Not the little stuff - I'm no good at holding a grudge. But if somebody does serious damage, I don't know how to forgive them without feeling like they will perceive it as weakness and take another shot.

Same here...thanks. I thought I was getting soft there for a minute.


Oh, yeah. I don't do well with vulnerable. It takes me long enough to trust, forget about it if I perceive that was stupid of me. (What the HELL was I thinking!?)

Anyway. Wandering vigorously away from the sentiment, yeah. I have to forgive because I don't have the energy to hold up that level of negative emotion, yet I remain vigilante against those who have done damage in the past.
Exactly. I have that quote up on Pinterest. 162 people hit like, and 676 people re-pinned it. It resonates with a lot of people.

Forgiveness is a tough one for me, it makes me feel vulnerable. Not the little stuff - I'm no good at holding a grudge. But if somebody does serious damage, I don't know how to forgive them without feeling like they will perceive it as weakness and take another shot.

Same here...thanks. I thought I was getting soft there for a minute.


Oh, yeah. I don't do well with vulnerable. It takes me long enough to trust, forget about it if I perceive that was stupid of me. (What the HELL was I thinking!?)

Anyway. Wandering vigorously away from the sentiment, yeah. I have to forgive because I don't have the energy to hold up that level of negative emotion, yet I remain vigilante against those who have done damage in the past.

Here's a cup of coffee for you, my own special brew, just made!

Same here...thanks. I thought I was getting soft there for a minute.


Oh, yeah. I don't do well with vulnerable. It takes me long enough to trust, forget about it if I perceive that was stupid of me. (What the HELL was I thinking!?)

Anyway. Wandering vigorously away from the sentiment, yeah. I have to forgive because I don't have the energy to hold up that level of negative emotion, yet I remain vigilante against those who have done damage in the past.

Here's a cup of coffee for you, my own special brew, just made!


You gave Boopsie the chipped cup? :eek:
Good morning, everyong. I need a coffee...went to bed late last night so I'm a little tired. How is everyone?
Well, so owie. :(

Brilliant me was in a mad search for the checks I haven't seen since I moved here 8.5 months ago. Turned out they were in a box of books on the top shelf in my closet. I had to take down and put back up two very heavy boxes, plus take down an empty box that was fighting not to be removed.

Everything hurts in my upper back, shoulders and neck. I think I see a pain pill in my immediate future.

Mother Fletcher. :(

Oh no! :(

Not good to hurt your back!

I hope that it isn't serious! :smiliehug:

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