The Front Porch Swing

I thought I would say good morning before the morning slips away.......getting ready for a yard sale, got so much crap to price and get ready....:(

Have a nice day at the yard sale, Mertex. You certainly have beautiful weather for it.
Stat's Porch Swing tidbit for the day:

You see the word "fathom" and what do you think?

Usually, we see the word "fathom" in a sentence like

"I couldn't even fathom of that".

But in reality, the word "fathom" was orginally a term of measurement.

A Fathom was orginally equal to the distance between the tips of the left and right middle fingers with the arms outstretched. Today it means roughly six feet.

Stat's Porch Swing tidbit for the day:

You see the word "fathom" and what do you think?

Usually, we see the word "fathom" in a sentence like

"I couldn't even fathom of that".

But in reality, the word "fathom" was orginally a term of measurement.

A Fathom was orginally equal to the distance between the tips of the left and right middle fingers with the arms outstretched. Today it means roughly

The word "fathom" to me, speaks to how far ones imagination can take them from reality.

And with that thought, these words (or non words) come to mind:

"Fathtasmic, Fathmic, Fathtabulous".
Great read. I was an only child, but my wife was a middle child (#4 of 8 siblings). She can not get enough attention it

My wife is the third child of six and cannot get enough attention either.

Personality surely plays some part in that, though? Independent of birth order, I mean. Or in addition to.

Every time I see fathom, I think of the sea.

Me too.

That's deep.

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BTW, thanks to [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], who reminded me, Today is Pi Day!

Ahhh, Pi....


To learn more about Pi-Day, please see my sig file!
Porch to me means music...


Hazel Dickens, playing on the porch of a neighbor of Doc Watson's (up the road from my house), about 1960. My porch looks a lot like this except without Hazel.

Oh, Lordy. I think I am in Many, LA or Pineland, Tx on a Saturday night as a boy with my parents visiting friends. Summer time, insects flitting around the lanterns, warm humid air, chilled lemonade, and the singing singing singing.

Thank you, Pogo.
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