The Front Porch Swing

Good evening all!!!!


Fighting off a sinus infection..........
family member had an operation: cleaned out the sinus (had to take out a lot of diseased tissue), took the tonsils, and whatnot.

what a mess

will be down for at least a week
Been in several earthquakes, suffered hurricanes and cyclones and tornados.

The last bothered me the most, though hurricane Rita was awesome and devastating.
family member had an operation: cleaned out the sinus (had to take out a lot of diseased tissue), took the tonsils, and whatnot.

what a mess

will be down for at least a week

My sinus surgery lasted 7.5 hours but the results were worth it. I no longer get sinus infections twice a year during allergy seasons. Instead my sinuses can drain properly. During the op the surgeon (who looked like Doogie Howser ;) ) also repaired one nostril which had a bad habit of "collapsing" on the inside.

So I wish your family member all the best and a speedy recovery.
I used to go to a HNO in Akron, OH who used ancient egyptian medical tricks to help clean up an infection, esp. a sinus infection.

First, I inhaled a water/eucalyptus mix for 15 minutes. Then I lay in a recliner for hot rags covering my face. The rags (wet) were switched out every 5 minutes or so. That lasted 20 minutes.

the I leaned over in a chair with my elbows on a table and he stick this every, very long metal q-tip like stick, with a solution, up my nose, one in each nostril. That stuff burned like a MOFO, and the sticks stayed in my nose for 20 minutes. Then, slowly he withdrew the sticks and when I blew my nose, it was like 100% of my sinuses came out as well. I felt free for the first time in years.

He then lay me on a table and then used his thumb and index finger to tap on my forehead and also right under my eyes. He did this for 10 minutes.

Then the hot rags again.

Then the pain sticks.

and then, freedom.

Best treatment I ever got.
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