The Front Porch Swing

Good morning, fellow boooper-stooopers of the world.

Have only a couple of minutes to check quick mails whilst the little princess walks the dog alone for the first time. Part of the duties awaiting a 7 year old....

it's a short walk if you take the one path, and I can see her pretty much the entire way from my window. :)

Hope you are all having a GREAT WEEKEND.

These weekends with your baby just fly by so fast, don't they.
You can't beat sauteed mushrooms and caramelized onions. I wish I could get them into every dish.

I know....I would make them more often at home, but Mr Mertex doesn't like mushrooms....pity that....they are so good.

Good fungus is good. :)

In other news, I just got checked into my hotel. Free wi-fi, yay.

Orientation begins tomorrow. For today, I relax.

Yay free wi-fi!! And hopefully it's fast.
Yay free wi-fi!! And hopefully it's fast.

Pretty zippy. Better than having to rely on my cell tether.

Free wi-fi, yay.
I travel alot for work, I have yet to come across a hotel that does not have free wifi.

This is pretty much the first time I've traveled with a laptop. I've always been a desktop geek that just doodled on my phone when away from home.

I have a decent connection from my cell phone when I tether which will be nice when I'm on my truck, but it's nice to have the wi-fi when it's available.
I do declare, I didn't know you were a southern bell :D

I don't think there is any such thing as a northern equivalent. BUT: I have many belle friends. ;)

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit

Mmmmmm, buttered butts on biscuits!

[ame=]Sling Blade Biscuits - YouTube[/ame]
On a completely unrelated to anything note.

Oh. My. Word.

[ame=]Britain's Biggest Dog - YouTube[/ame]

I can't even imagine. I mean - I love dogs. But this isn't a dog. It's a moose.
I was awakened earl by the grands, grr. Kangaroos squared. Back to bed with me. Travel safe. :smiliehug:

FYI I did say a prayer for you last night. Good health and all that as well as a winning lottery ticket. I'd like to know if that last part worked. If it does please drop me a PM. :). Better yet say one for me

Dang it!! Give a woman some warning, I would have bought a ticket. :doubt:

I'll say one for you. But just the one. Like I said - I'm getting old, and don't remember much past the first prayer .... kinda sad, really.


Well, if you can only remember part... The good health part would be preferred. What good is a winning lottery ticket if one's health is poor?
Hope this photo posts. Sorry this too so long, BD. I could not get the link to work from photobucket. My gran is almost 3 months old now. She was born day before Thanksgiving. She's my little rosebud!

Those big dogs need a place of their own. Gosh, how do they get that big?
She's gorgeous, J.

thank you, Mud. That was the day after thanksgiving. I was holding her. She had to stay at the hospital for a longer time because she lost oxygen during birth. That's why her little finger nails were dark purple in the picture. She's doing great now!

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