The Front Porch Swing


I still have not rented the room. So..I switched up the wording, told the inlaws to go in the room that is for rent and I will rent their bigger room for more money.

So..I get phone calls all day and the one I just got was a doozy.

Caller: Hi. I am calling about the room you have for rent.

Me: Yes?

Caller: Is it still available?

Me: Yes. At the moment. I am still contemplating on a few who have called and are interested (I say that to everyone cuz they think this is a first come first serve thing).

Caller: Well, I am calling for my son. He is obese. Likes his chocolate pudding too. He moved to colorado to be with friends and then had to move back because one friend "changed", and the other ate all his chocolate pudding!

Me:...silence. Mouth a big round O

Caller: Hello? Are you there?

Me: Um. Yes.

Caller: Oh. ok. Anyway, he suffers from insomnia. Do you know what insomnia is? Anyway, he doesn't sleep much. But he likes his chocolate pudding! And he is really REALLY good at taking the lint out of the dryer when he uses it.

Me: Ma'am, sorry, but I don't want drama. I wish you good luck though finding a place for your son.

I SHIT YOU NOT. This is exactly how that convo went. :cuckoo:

I still have not rented the room. So..I switched up the wording, told the inlaws to go in the room that is for rent and I will rent their bigger room for more money.

So..I get phone calls all day and the one I just got was a doozy.

Caller: Hi. I am calling about the room you have for rent.

Me: Yes?

Caller: Is it still available?

Me: Yes. At the moment. I am still contemplating on a few who have called and are interested (I say that to everyone cuz they think this is a first come first serve thing).

Caller: Well, I am calling for my son. He is obese. Likes his chocolate pudding too. He moved to colorado to be with friends and then had to move back because one friend "changed", and the other ate all his chocolate pudding!

Me:...silence. Mouth a big round O

Caller: Hello? Are you there?

Me: Um. Yes.

Caller: Oh. ok. Anyway, he suffers from insomnia. Do you know what insomnia is? Anyway, he doesn't sleep much. But he likes his chocolate pudding! And he is really REALLY good at taking the lint out of the dryer when he uses it.

Me: Ma'am, sorry, but I don't want drama. I wish you good luck though finding a place for your son.

I SHIT YOU NOT. This is exactly how that convo went. :cuckoo:

Oh, HE'S a keeper!

I still have not rented the room. So..I switched up the wording, told the inlaws to go in the room that is for rent and I will rent their bigger room for more money.

So..I get phone calls all day and the one I just got was a doozy.

Caller: Hi. I am calling about the room you have for rent.

Me: Yes?

Caller: Is it still available?

Me: Yes. At the moment. I am still contemplating on a few who have called and are interested (I say that to everyone cuz they think this is a first come first serve thing).

Caller: Well, I am calling for my son. He is obese. Likes his chocolate pudding too. He moved to colorado to be with friends and then had to move back because one friend "changed", and the other ate all his chocolate pudding!

Me:...silence. Mouth a big round O

Caller: Hello? Are you there?

Me: Um. Yes.

Caller: Oh. ok. Anyway, he suffers from insomnia. Do you know what insomnia is? Anyway, he doesn't sleep much. But he likes his chocolate pudding! And he is really REALLY good at taking the lint out of the dryer when he uses it.

Me: Ma'am, sorry, but I don't want drama. I wish you good luck though finding a place for your son.

I SHIT YOU NOT. This is exactly how that convo went. :cuckoo:

Yeah well, I'm sure they'll find a place for their obese son where he can eat chocolate pudding to his hearts content but that wouldn't be living in a place in my house either. Good grief sounds way too weird.
Well, I am slowly back on the mend.
Whatever it was..... sucked.

Sorry you were ill. Glad you are feeling better.

"Cold enough for ya!?"



Holy crap!! I am sooooooooo sick of it. I heard someone say on the radio that it's the worst winter we've had in 20 years.

I've been using my UV light cuz I get blah this time of year.

I still have not rented the room. So..I switched up the wording, told the inlaws to go in the room that is for rent and I will rent their bigger room for more money.

So..I get phone calls all day and the one I just got was a doozy.

Caller: Hi. I am calling about the room you have for rent.

Me: Yes?

Caller: Is it still available?

Me: Yes. At the moment. I am still contemplating on a few who have called and are interested (I say that to everyone cuz they think this is a first come first serve thing).

Caller: Well, I am calling for my son. He is obese. Likes his chocolate pudding too. He moved to colorado to be with friends and then had to move back because one friend "changed", and the other ate all his chocolate pudding!

Me:...silence. Mouth a big round O

Caller: Hello? Are you there?

Me: Um. Yes.

Caller: Oh. ok. Anyway, he suffers from insomnia. Do you know what insomnia is? Anyway, he doesn't sleep much. But he likes his chocolate pudding! And he is really REALLY good at taking the lint out of the dryer when he uses it.

Me: Ma'am, sorry, but I don't want drama. I wish you good luck though finding a place for your son.

I SHIT YOU NOT. This is exactly how that convo went. :cuckoo:

I think there's a whole subculture out there that gets off on prank calls to room listings.

I was doing the same thing a few years ago, got this call:

Guy calls up, wants to know if the room is still available, I say yes. He says he works in Alaska and wants to set his wife up with a place. Okay. He starts going on and on about how he's away all the time. Okay. Then he says just one thing, she's afraid of thunderstorms and might want you to hold her. Then he starts talking about what she looks like, promising "I think you'll like the package".

I still don't know what kind of reaction he was expecting. Didn't say a word about chocolate pudding though.
Sorry you were ill. Glad you are feeling better.

"Cold enough for ya!?"



Holy crap!! I am sooooooooo sick of it. I heard someone say on the radio that it's the worst winter we've had in 20 years.

I've been using my UV light cuz I get blah this time of year.

Good plan. Now if only it gave off heat, and you could strap it to your butt. ;)
This was no prank. She was quite serious and sounded my age, and even said where she lived (few blocks away).

One guy came to see the room...almost 70...and he had a scowl on his face so prominent, he looked like an upside down smiley. Couldn't get a smile out of him for anything and we all 4 tried. Soon as he left...I looked at the others and said NO. They all nodded.
This was no prank. She was quite serious and sounded my age, and even said where she lived (few blocks away).

One guy came to see the room...almost 70...and he had a scowl on his face so prominent, he looked like an upside down smiley. Couldn't get a smile out of him for anything and we all 4 tried. Soon as he left...I looked at the others and said NO. They all nodded.

I am a really good tenant. I cherish my solitude, I pay on time every time, I don't make waves (much less demands), and I am a ray of sunshine when I am out in the house.

/injured patting self on back with both hands

The last house I was in before I moved back in with my sister, I was supposed to be there 4-6 months. Two point five years later, I gave notice so I could help ease my sister's budget.

So far, I've been lucky. I wouldn't want to live somewhere that people are just ... dicks.
QOD, 2/9/2014: Have you ever had stitches?

Yes, for surgical reasons - not an injury.

Yes-c-section. That's the one and only time-so far. Fingers crossed.

Two for me, post-birth and hysto.

I feel for moms of kids that are all skateboarding while hanging upside down from the chandelier, y'know? I don't do well with injured offspring. I was in the room when my daughter had her first two, and she was in so much pain (from her hips, strangely enough, not the actual delivery) that I went in the bathroom, stuck my head between my knees, and shed a few tears.

My sister teased me because she was in with her daughter-in-law. Well, I'm sorry but that is different. If she'd seen her son in that kind of pain, at some point her nerves would've gone into overload knowing there was nothing she could do to make it easier for him.

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