The Front Porch Swing

I ain't saying where all mine are. Too many. And a SHITLOAD in my back from all the knives.
I'm not sure about this new "team" combo of skaters per country, this go round. What are your thoughts on it?
Japan's gal did great too, but she didn't bother with doing triples cuz there is no way they can get a medal with the "team" thing. So why bother to do harder stuff when the medal is non existant? Pretty sure this team thing sucks.
I have adblock also. I can block images, ads, but I've never seen how it can be done with threads?

Right click on the thread in question, drop down to AdBlock, choose block ad (even if a thread isn't an ad, a slider will appear.) You only want to move it maybe 20% to the right. You'll get a warning if you go too far.

You'll still see the name of the last person who posted, the post count etc - but the name of the thread will be erased.
Did anyone put two and two together about the little 15 year old russian skater in her red outfit skating to Schindlers List song? Remember the little girl in the movie? All black and white exept for the red jacket during the march out of the ghetto and on to the concentration camps?

She did a great job in that skate dance.:clap2:
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Almost 10 here. And I still have Uncharted game to finish up, then put in the movie The Family with Robert DeNiro.

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