The Front Porch Swing

Finally finished watching all 3 Unchartered games. I had to leave RadBrad for awhile...he is in too much with zombie games and I am burned out on zombie ANYTHING. I mean..enough of the zombie games, tv shows, movies. Talk about overkill (pun not intended).

Too late now to watch The Family so I will watch that tomorrow when I get up.

Fixing to head to bed in a few.
Finally finished watching all 3 Unchartered games. I had to leave RadBrad for awhile...he is in too much with zombie games and I am burned out on zombie ANYTHING. I mean..enough of the zombie games, tv shows, movies. Talk about overkill (pun not intended).

Too late now to watch The Family so I will watch that tomorrow when I get up.

Fixing to head to bed in a few.

Oh, I know. I can only read or view the same genre for so long, and then I'm just - done.
I'm done with vampires and werewolves too. Especially vampires. They aren't all vampy any more. That Twilight thing just ruined them all.

I still have not rented the room. So..I switched up the wording, told the inlaws to go in the room that is for rent and I will rent their bigger room for more money.

So..I get phone calls all day and the one I just got was a doozy.

Caller: Hi. I am calling about the room you have for rent.

Me: Yes?

Caller: Is it still available?

Me: Yes. At the moment. I am still contemplating on a few who have called and are interested (I say that to everyone cuz they think this is a first come first serve thing).

Caller: Well, I am calling for my son. He is obese. Likes his chocolate pudding too. He moved to colorado to be with friends and then had to move back because one friend "changed", and the other ate all his chocolate pudding!

Me:...silence. Mouth a big round O

Caller: Hello? Are you there?

Me: Um. Yes.

Caller: Oh. ok. Anyway, he suffers from insomnia. Do you know what insomnia is? Anyway, he doesn't sleep much. But he likes his chocolate pudding! And he is really REALLY good at taking the lint out of the dryer when he uses it.

Me: Ma'am, sorry, but I don't want drama. I wish you good luck though finding a place for your son.

I SHIT YOU NOT. This is exactly how that convo went. :cuckoo:

On the positive side at they were being honest and up front. Imagine if you had rented it out only to discover the insomniac chocoholic playing his Xbox all night long!
QOD, 2/9/2014: Have you ever had stitches?

Yes, for surgical reasons - not an injury.

Yes, for both injuries and surgeries.

Probably the oddest was my 4th of July Snow Shovel ER episode.

We had guests coming over for a BBQ so I went to get the rake from the garage to clear up the patio before setting up the chairs and tables. As I reached up to take the rake down it dislodged the snow shovel next to it. This was one of those old rusty black metal ones and the back edge caught the top of my left wrist.

So there I am in the ER which is practically deserted because I am way ahead of the holiday rush and the doctor asks me how I managed to tear open the back of my wrist like this. So after I explain he agrees that this is his first snow shovel injury on the 4th of July.

Best thing was that I didn't have to do any more work that day. Everyone just took over and served the drinks and did the BBQ and I was able to sit back and just enjoy the day.

FYI I always remove my own stitches. I learned how to do that in the army and so I just do it myself if I can reach.

Next time I will tell you all about how making a peanut butter sandwich ended up with me needing 5 stitches and no, there was no broken glass involved!
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QOD, 2/9/2014: Have you ever had stitches?

Yes, for surgical reasons - not an injury.

Yes, for both injuries and surgeries.

Probably the oddest was my 4th of July Snow Shovel ER episode.

We had guests coming over for a BBQ so I went to get the rake from the garage to clear up the patio before setting up the chairs and tables. As I reached up to take the rake down it dislodged the snow shovel next to it. This was one of those old rusty black metal ones and the back edge caught the top of my left wrist.

So there I am in the ER which is practically deserted because I am way ahead of the holiday rush and the doctor asks me how I managed to tear open the back of my wrist like this. So after I explain he agrees that this is his first snow shovel injury on the 4th of July.

Best thing was that I didn't have to do any more work that day. Everyone just took over and served the drinks and did the BBQ and I was able to sit back and just enjoy the day.

FYI I always remove my own stitches. I learned how to do that in the army and so I just do it myself if I can reach.

Next time I will tell you all about how making a peanut butter sandwich ended up with me needing 5 stitches and no, there was no broken glass involved!

Well, aren't you a creative soul!! Here, let me get my recording device out.... :D I need cool stuff for a new novel.
hi everybody!!!

Hey, Dot! Welcome aboard.

Ever had stitches? It's the question of the day.

I had stitches on my right thumb, my left index finger (inside and outside) and my philtrum. Two of them came together in a long story, too long for right now. Or you could just make up your own like some political threads do. Could be an interesting game-- "I had stitches on my ____ -- how'd I get them?"
hi everybody!!!

Hey, Dot! Welcome aboard.

Ever had stitches? It's the question of the day.

I had stitches on my right thumb, my left index finger (inside and outside) and my philtrum. Two of them came together in a long story, too long for right now. Or you could just make up your own like some political threads do. Could be an interesting game-- "I had stitches on my ____ -- how'd I get them?"


Bottom of my chin when I was four
Tip of my finger when I was eleven
Back of my head when I was 51

Bottom of my chin when I was four
Tip of my finger when I was eleven
Back of my head when I was 51

I had stitches on the back of my head and my forehead by the time I was 4. Both came from wearing a pot as a "helmet" when I was riding my tricycle. :lol:

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