The Front Porch Swing

What does everybody have planned for Valentine's? I know Mertex is going out for Italian with her husband. I'm working, Stat I think got V Day out of the way last night, ;) ... how about you all?
What does everybody have planned for Valentine's? I know Mertex is going out for Italian with her husband. I'm working, Stat I think got V Day out of the way last night, ;) ... how about you all?

Yes, he did.

/smoking a cig.


I am working most of the day, and then I am entertaining (don't laugh, this is real) two young mormon gentlermen, Elder "This" and "That" (names changed to protect the innocent), who want to come and talk with me about G-d. I am gonna rock their world with some Hebrew that may make them jump for the rafters!! Actually, the person who heads up the Mormon contingent where I lived asked if I would give the two young cookie crunchers some German lessons, so for about an hour today, I am gonna play school teacher. This will probably be very interesting.

I will go to Shabbat Evening service tonight.

Afterward, I am out to drink some whiskey with one of my workout buddies. His girlfriend is on expedition in Africa for two weeks..... and I am supposed to keep him out of trouble. :D
What does everybody have planned for Valentine's? I know Mertex is going out for Italian with her husband. I'm working, Stat I think got V Day out of the way last night, ;) ... how about you all?

Yes, he did.

/smoking a cig.


I am working most of the day, and then I am entertaining (don't laugh, this is real) two young mormon gentlermen, Elder "This" and "That" (names changed to protect the innocent), who want to come and talk with me about G-d. I am gonna rock their world with some Hebrew that may make them jump for the rafters!! Actually, the person who heads up the Mormon contingent where I lived asked if I would give the two young cookie crunchers some German lessons, so for about an hour today, I am gonna play school teacher. This will probably be very interesting.

I will go to Shabbat Evening service tonight.

Afterward, I am out to drink some whiskey with one of my workout buddies. His girlfriend is on expedition in Africa for two weeks..... and I am supposed to keep him out of trouble. :D

Phfft. I don't know how you got the job. Musta been those innocent looking, lyin eyes.
Good morning, porch-swingers of the world!!!

Weather report for today for the swing:

Fun, sunny, light wind through your beautiful hairs, lots of drinks. Radio on!!!

Söhne Mannheims - Und wenn ein Lied [Official Video] - YouTube

"Und wenn ein Lied meine Lippen verlässt, dann nur damit Du Liebe empfängst, durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geäst, damit Du keine Ängste mehr kennst"

"And when a song leaves my lips, then only so that you receive love, through the night and the thickest thicket, so that you won't know any more fear."

Das Lied ist für Bloodrock44 und seinen Bruder, Hossfly, damit sie wissen, daß sie keinesfalls allein sind.

This song is for [MENTION=36767]Bloodrock44[/MENTION] and [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION] - who should know that they are not alone.

GREAT SONG, worth the hearing.

Germans also do really, really good pop music of their own. Cool.

Vielen Dank!
Glory Hallelujah!!!
I wore a jacket to work this morning instead of my heavy winter coat...first time in weeks!!
But we are also supposed to get 4" of snow today.....:doubt:
Glory Hallelujah!!!
I wore a jacket to work this morning instead of my heavy winter coat...first time in weeks!!
But we are also supposed to get 4" of snow today.....:doubt:

Four inches? That's not so bad! You going to be able to go out for Valentine's?

Probably won't go anywhere tonight, but tomorrow night instead.
Friday night is good for doing absolutely nothing, rent a movie from Vudu and relaaaax.
Glory Hallelujah!!!
I wore a jacket to work this morning instead of my heavy winter coat...first time in weeks!!
But we are also supposed to get 4" of snow today.....:doubt:

Four inches? That's not so bad! You going to be able to go out for Valentine's?

Probably won't go anywhere tonight, but tomorrow night instead.
Friday night is good for doing absolutely nothing, rent a movie from Vudu and relaaaax.

Quite right; my daughter said the same. "Too expensive, too much hassle."
What does everybody have planned for Valentine's? I know Mertex is going out for Italian with her husband. I'm working, Stat I think got V Day out of the way last night, ;) ... how about you all?

Yes, he did.

/smoking a cig.


I am working most of the day, and then I am entertaining (don't laugh, this is real) two young mormon gentlermen, Elder "This" and "That" (names changed to protect the innocent), who want to come and talk with me about G-d. I am gonna rock their world with some Hebrew that may make them jump for the rafters!! Actually, the person who heads up the Mormon contingent where I lived asked if I would give the two young cookie crunchers some German lessons, so for about an hour today, I am gonna play school teacher. This will probably be very interesting.

I will go to Shabbat Evening service tonight.

Afterward, I am out to drink some whiskey with one of my workout buddies. His girlfriend is on expedition in Africa for two weeks..... and I am supposed to keep him out of trouble. :D

Phfft. I don't know how you got the job. Musta been those innocent looking, lyin eyes.

Intergalactic computer says: CORRECT. :lol:
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In honor of St. Valentine's day, this is a real satellite picture of a lake that really DOES look like a heart:


Space in Images - 2014 - 02 - Heart of the Atacama

That is called "Miscanti" lake, and it has the highest salt content of any lake in the world, higher than the salt lakes of Utah, higher than the Dead Sea in Eretz Yisrael.

I went swimming in that lake in December of 2009 while on tour in Chile. It is part of what is called the ATACAMA desert, not the hottest, but the dryest desert in the world. Not far from this picture are the deepest and largest lithium mines in the world. Around 50% of Chile's economy is supported through the lithium trade (batteries for everything from laptops to cars).

See the little dot under the lake? That is a smaller lake, but with high cliff formations around it. I dove into that one about 10 times. It was totally cool.

If you go to the highest point of the Atacama desert, there is a natural hot spring. We visited there at 6 in the morning. On the way up it was -11 celcius. When we got back down at about mid-day, it was +40 celcius. The quick change in altitude and temp was one of the hardest things my body ever went through.

But I thought you all would like that pic. I am going to post it in the CS as well.
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