The Front Porch Swing

thanks for the invite, gracie. Would love to be there on the porch, would finally get a chance to relax. It is chaos at my place right now. I could try to sneak out, but mrs. Jughead would kill me. We have friends and neighbors over for a super bowl party. The food's not ready yet, so we're just watching festivities on the tube while having some cold ones. I check in on usmb every so often. A toast to everyone there from the folks here.
Go broncos!!!

hey, [mention=45739]jughead[/mention], glad you are here!! The more people of good-will, the merrier. I am off to a superbowl party with neighbors soon myself. Broncos!!!!

hmmmmm....I'm thinking along Rube Goldberg lines here....a few simple installations, an eject-button....hmmmm:eusa_shhh:


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thanks for the invite, gracie. Would love to be there on the porch, would finally get a chance to relax. It is chaos at my place right now. I could try to sneak out, but mrs. Jughead would kill me. We have friends and neighbors over for a super bowl party. The food's not ready yet, so we're just watching festivities on the tube while having some cold ones. I check in on usmb every so often. A toast to everyone there from the folks here.
Go broncos!!!

hey, [mention=45739]jughead[/mention], glad you are here!! The more people of good-will, the merrier. I am off to a superbowl party with neighbors soon myself. Broncos!!!!




(that was, of course a joke. We don't neg here)
Hey, y'all. I am just hanging out on my front porch, ready to share some sweet tea and muffins with the neighhbors.

I chose the games folder because it was set up with the following rules:

In keeping with the spirit of this forum we ask that members leave their politics, grudges, guns, knives, anthrax, waterboards and Voodoo Dolls at the front door. This forum is a drama free zone and is all about having fun. Think "Coffee Shop" when posting in here.

I look forward to having some fun. :thup:

Get a life.
hmmmmm....I'm thinking along Rube Goldberg lines here....a few simple installations, an eject-button....hmmmm:eusa_shhh:


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KG has an active-relaxation style....I think I could go along with something like that - especially if I had a button to boost me out of my seat torpedo fashion to interrupt a dog fight (which we had last night and which annoyed me mightily) - I could see myself sailing right in on them like the Wrath of Mom!.....I'd like that:cool:
Well...things are not getting any better lately. The room I thought I had rented, is not gonna happen. She isn't even in yet and I am being slammed with drama. So...I called her and told her no. It just isn't feasible with her and her two dogs. Karma HATES those dogs even though they are friendly. She doesn't want to share this house with them and I don't either. She came by today on the way to take them to the beach and then said "oh by the way, they sometimes poop on the carpet". Um. No. Not on MY carpet. Why the hell didn't she tell me they are not potty trained???

So..back to square one. Which means my pissy mood is still pissy.
Hey, y'all. I am just hanging out on my front porch, ready to share some sweet tea and muffins with the neighhbors.

I chose the games folder because it was set up with the following rules:

In keeping with the spirit of this forum we ask that members leave their politics, grudges, guns, knives, anthrax, waterboards and Voodoo Dolls at the front door. This forum is a drama free zone and is all about having fun. Think "Coffee Shop" when posting in here.

I look forward to having some fun. :thup:

Get a life.

Fuck. Is there NO PEACE ANYWHERE in this joint? Not even HERE on the fucking PORCH?
Well...things are not getting any better lately. The room I thought I had rented, is not gonna happen. She isn't even in yet and I am being slammed with drama. So...I called her and told her no. It just isn't feasible with her and her two dogs. Karma HATES those dogs even though they are friendly. She doesn't want to share this house with them and I don't either. She came by today on the way to take them to the beach and then said "oh by the way, they sometimes poop on the carpet". Um. No. Not on MY carpet. Why the hell didn't she tell me they are not potty trained???

So..back to square one. Which means my pissy mood is still pissy.

That sucks! Perhaps 3rd time will be the charm.
Well...things are not getting any better lately. The room I thought I had rented, is not gonna happen. She isn't even in yet and I am being slammed with drama. So...I called her and told her no. It just isn't feasible with her and her two dogs. Karma HATES those dogs even though they are friendly. She doesn't want to share this house with them and I don't either. She came by today on the way to take them to the beach and then said "oh by the way, they sometimes poop on the carpet". Um. No. Not on MY carpet. Why the hell didn't she tell me they are not potty trained???

So..back to square one. Which means my pissy mood is still pissy.

That sucks! Perhaps 3rd time will be the charm.

I wished. My luck sucks lately. :evil:
hmmmmm....I'm thinking along Rube Goldberg lines here....a few simple installations, an eject-button....hmmmm:eusa_shhh:


Like, like, like, like, like...

KG has an active-relaxation style....I think I could go along with something like that - especially if I had a button to boost me out of my seat torpedo fashion to interrupt a dog fight (which we had last night and which annoyed me mightily) - I could see myself sailing right in on them like the Wrath of Mom!.....I'd like that:cool:

I kinda like that too. I would like to see a machine that washes the dishes, though. The bunny is nice, but a that would be something! I could deal with dogs and knit while watching Downton Abbey and getting the laundry done.

Yeah. I like that.
The OP says we can't bring our voodoo dolls. OK. I'm willing to leave the dolls behind but I paid my root lady a lot of dough for my potions and they travel with me.

Sent from my laptop with my Have Love Potion #9 -Will Travel app
You have a root lady?

I'm all over envious. The best I can do is a mushroom man.
The OP says we can't bring our voodoo dolls. OK. I'm willing to leave the dolls behind but I paid my root lady a lot of dough for my potions and they travel with me.

Sent from my laptop with my Have Love Potion #9 -Will Travel app

If you are talking about these ones, BR...


...I have it on reliable authority (no Countesses will be named) that they weren't up to snuff. :eek:

You wuz robbed! If you are lucky you might be able to catch your root lady before she leaves town and you can get your money back. :D
Well...things are not getting any better lately. The room I thought I had rented, is not gonna happen. She isn't even in yet and I am being slammed with drama. So...I called her and told her no. It just isn't feasible with her and her two dogs. Karma HATES those dogs even though they are friendly. She doesn't want to share this house with them and I don't either. She came by today on the way to take them to the beach and then said "oh by the way, they sometimes poop on the carpet". Um. No. Not on MY carpet. Why the hell didn't she tell me they are not potty trained???

So..back to square one. Which means my pissy mood is still pissy.


I can beat that though. Or rather my friend Sylvia can. She's trying to rent her upper floor, big house, and invited a couple of friends in.

Yeah, we know, first mistake.

The female of this pair has an incontinent dog, which is supposed to be kept on the porch, and isn't being, and between that and several other meltdowns she's been given notice, already. Yesterday Sylvia is trying to paint a room but the tenant is throwing tantrums, so my friend leaves and goes to work outside, pressure-washing the outside. The tenant starts chucking buckets of water out the window crowing "LOOK SYLVIA!! I'm HELPING YOU!" Sylvia goes back in and hears a tremendous crash upstairs, heavy enough to shake the whole house. She knocks on the door, no answer. She tries to go in, and the door is barricaded. Her own house. She goes around to another door, gets in, and finds that wackotenant has destroyed a heavy $700 glass table in an effort to move the pedestals in front of the door as a barricade. Glass, all over the kitchen floor, with a wacko inside.

Police called, etc etc, and that scene is still unfolding. I advised her to go back up there and take somebody with her, and get that glass cleaned up first thing, as you don't want a mass of broken glass and a wacko in the same room. Sylvia's also got a grand piano and some other valuables up there sitting vulnerable, which is a case to get the wacko out yesterday.

And you thought this place was dramatic... :eek:
Oy. That sounds horrible.
I have not had much drama here over the years, thankfully. Had a few wackos but they didn't stay long after I told them to GTFO. Never did they stay the whole 30 days after I gave them notice.

I have this black aura around me, you see. And when I am glows. Longest anyone stayed after I said GET OUT was a week and they didn't even stay here. They slept somewhere else until they could get their crap.

Just 9 more months. Then NO roomies ever again. Come ON 9 months!
Oy. That sounds horrible.
I have not had much drama here over the years, thankfully. Had a few wackos but they didn't stay long after I told them to GTFO. Never did they stay the whole 30 days after I gave them notice.

I have this black aura around me, you see. And when I am glows. Longest anyone stayed after I said GET OUT was a week and they didn't even stay here. They slept somewhere else until they could get their crap.

Just 9 more months. Then NO roomies ever again. Come ON 9 months!

Can I be your roomie? :tongue:

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