The Front Porch Swing

Oh, y'all think so huh? Just try it. I dare ya.

(/taps foot, waiting...)

Who wants to go first, come on come on... :eusa_shifty:

Where'd everybody go?

I'm here....I'll go ya go sweetie........

OMG somebody bit...

oh shit what do I do... can't remember...

Hey wait a minit...

This is just a MOUTH! :eek:

I know I know, "but at least it's not talking". I hear it coming :rolleyes:

Where did he go?
I don't know....he was here, shaking in the corner a while ago......
Come here big talker.....
I'm here....I'll go ya go sweetie........

OMG somebody bit...

oh shit what do I do... can't remember...

Hey wait a minit...

This is just a MOUTH! :eek:

I know I know, "but at least it's not talking". I hear it coming :rolleyes:

Where did he go?
I don't know....he was here, shaking in the corner a while ago......
Come here big talker.....

Women! What you do to guys, just isn't right! :eek:
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OMG somebody bit...

oh shit what do I do... can't remember...

Hey wait a minit...

This is just a MOUTH! :eek:

I know I know, "but at least it's not talking". I hear it coming :rolleyes:

Where did he go?
I don't know....he was here, shaking in the corner a while ago......
Come here big talker.....

Women! What you do to guys, just isn't right! :eek:

They like it.....they beg for more.....
Where did he go?
I don't know....he was here, shaking in the corner a while ago......
Come here big talker.....

Women! What you do to guys, just isn't right! :eek:

They like it.....they beg for more.....

No we don't! Knowing exactly what women are up to has taken me years and years and years of personal study. Yes, I got sucked in. Yes, I ended up looking like an idiot. But, during all of this,,,,,I took notes. Now my defense is much better. I'm honest, every once in awhile I take it in the shorts, but the frequency isn't as constant as it used to be.
That ladies,,,,is the slight smell of near victory.
Every morning I wake up, I sing a song to myself to help me forge through the day knowing I'll be interacting with,,women. I am prepared and I will overcome, we shall overcome!!
[ame=]We Shall Overcome - Pete Seeger - YouTube[/ame]
Women! What you do to guys, just isn't right! :eek:

They like it.....they beg for more.....

No we don't! Knowing exactly what women are up to has taken me years and years and years of personal study. Yes, I got sucked in. Yes, I ended up looking like an idiot. But, during all of this,,,,,I took notes. Now my defense is much better. I'm honest, every once in awhile I take it in the shorts, but the frequency isn't as constant as it used to be.
That ladies,,,,is the slight smell of near victory.
Every morning I wake up, I sing a song to myself to help me forge through the day knowing I'll be interacting with,,women. I am prepared and I will overcome, we shall overcome!!
[ame=]We Shall Overcome - Pete Seeger - YouTube[/ame]

I'd love to meet Mrs. Kiwi. ;) I'm betting she can make you melt inside ten seconds.
Well I hope it's not real cold either,,,,for my fellow Minnesotans! It's not just right for it to be this cold and this time of year. It's that damn Polar Vortex again.

Has anyone bothered to check the Visa status of that Polar Vortex?

Perhaps we can have it deported to Canada if it has expired! ;)

Funny that you should mention that....more bad news/good news.....Polar Vortex be damned? Actually it is a blessing, they will keep some of these states from severe flooding.....:confused:

You might remember the polar vortex from January and later in January, when it brought extremely low temperatures to a good deal of North America. Starting next week the atmospheric phenomenon, usually confined to the Arctic regions of our planet, will be dipping down once again into many states.

Models are “very confident that it’ll be significantly colder than average” in much of the eastern two-thirds of the nation, said Mike Halpert, acting director at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center. During the worst parts, temperatures could be as much as 20 to 35 degrees below average. The most affected areas will likely be places that have already felt the freeze this year, such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Dakotas.

Those states are currently feeling a little relief as the weather has momentarily cleared up in the Midwest, leading to warmer temperatures in the 50s and 60s and heavy rain instead of snow. Though it might be a nice break from the freezing temperatures, unfortunately, this is actually a bad thing.
According to Weather Underground, there is so much snowpack on the frozen ground in the central and northeastern U.S. that warm weather and rain could lead to flash floods. Ice flows breaking up in rivers could also get carried downstream and jam up the flow, leading to spillover. It seems that the expected arrival of the polar vortex next week may be a blessing: The return of freezing temperatures could save the region from the worst of this.

The Return of the Polar Vortex Is Actually a Good Thing - Wired Science

Poor Boop.....she's gonna get hit bad.......:eek: But, it will help keep the flooding at bay.

If it dumps even more snow then it will only delay the flooding till the Spring thaw. :eek:
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Trying out USMB with Tapatalk, sitting in a tram, testing to see how much bandwidth it chews up....

Gesendet von meinem BASE Lutea 2 mit Tapatalk 2

I must be missing something because I can't find where I log into USMB via tapatalk. Granted I haven't spent more than a few minutes setting it up but it isn't exactly intuitive from what I have seen so far. :eusa_whistle:
Trying out USMB with Tapatalk, sitting in a tram, testing to see how much bandwidth it chews up....

Gesendet von meinem BASE Lutea 2 mit Tapatalk 2

I must be missing something because I can't find where I log into USMB via tapatalk. Granted I haven't spent more than a few minutes setting it up but it isn't exactly intuitive from what I have seen so far. :eusa_whistle:

Are you on a tablet or phone?
Trying out USMB with Tapatalk, sitting in a tram, testing to see how much bandwidth it chews up....

Gesendet von meinem BASE Lutea 2 mit Tapatalk 2

I must be missing something because I can't find where I log into USMB via tapatalk. Granted I haven't spent more than a few minutes setting it up but it isn't exactly intuitive from what I have seen so far. :eusa_whistle:

Are you on a tablet or phone?

Tablet, Nexus 7 to be precise.

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