The Front Porch Swing

Good morning all!!!

I like hanging out on the front porch. its about time I get to know you all outside the madness err forums ;) :beer:

We already had the Coffee Shop and Coffee Shop II which worked quite well. As to the new 'foroum', stalkers can still follow you there and post in what is supposed to be a 'protected' thread. All they have to do is make their flame low level. You know, like a fart as compared to shit. But they still stink.
They like it.....they beg for more.....

No we don't! Knowing exactly what women are up to has taken me years and years and years of personal study. Yes, I got sucked in. Yes, I ended up looking like an idiot. But, during all of this,,,,,I took notes. Now my defense is much better. I'm honest, every once in awhile I take it in the shorts, but the frequency isn't as constant as it used to be.
That ladies,,,,is the slight smell of near victory.
Every morning I wake up, I sing a song to myself to help me forge through the day knowing I'll be interacting with,,women. I am prepared and I will overcome, we shall overcome!!
[ame=]We Shall Overcome - Pete Seeger - YouTube[/ame]

I'd love to meet Mrs. Kiwi. ;) I'm betting she can make you melt inside ten seconds.

Well that may be true, but instead of getting blindsided out of nowhere, I'm aware it's happening. There's no more being a dazed and confused man (most of the time).
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Good morning. Should be a clear, blue day in the fifties. I sure hope so.

I hope everybody gets to do what they want today and enjoy it.

Good morning Jake......and good morning to everyone.......I think it's going to be a great day....

I like hanging out on the front porch. its about time I get to know you all outside the madness err forums ;) :beer:

We already had the Coffee Shop and Coffee Shop II which worked quite well. As to the new 'foroum', stalkers can still follow you there and post in what is supposed to be a 'protected' thread. All they have to do is make their flame low level. You know, like a fart as compared to shit. But they still stink.

Why are you doing this?

Oh, and it's another sunny day here in SoCal.
Ok, so now I officially have a sprained neck according the ER to go with the bad back! I was waiting in the intersection to turn left when the light turned orange and after the last vehicle went through I started to cross only to have some idiot try to run the light. He rammed me so hard my car was up on 2 wheels. I managed somehow not to hit any other vehicles and stopped at the side of the road with my flashers on. I was in a lot of pain so I just stayed in the car and called 911.

While I am waiting the other driver comes over and wants my insurance info because he says that he is in a hurry and wants to leave right away. Then he accuses me of cutting in front of him. He was 5+ car lengths away in a 35 mph zone when I started to turn. More than sufficient time and distance to safely stop for the light. He says he has a "witness".

I am probably going to be ticketed for making an "unsafe turn" but thinking about in the ER I am more inclined to believe that this was road rage. He was stuck in heavy traffic because there was construction further down that road (which I knew about hence I was taking an alternative route) and he was "in a hurry". So I honestly believe that he accelerated and tried to run the light.

I know this sounds like I am trying to justify myself but I was in no hurry myself. I had plenty of time and was finished with my errands and heading home for lunch. Some days you think everything will be just like normal and then it all goes wrong. One thing I will say though, that car is built like a tank. It took a full broadside and there was no damage intrusion into the cabin that I could detect. Then again I haven't seen what it looks like from the outside but I am willing to bet it won't be pretty or cheap to fix. Both passenger doors are probably write offs.

So I am still feeling shaky from the adrenelin [sp?] rush and the drugs haven't kicked in yet. Tomorrow will probably be even worse. On the positive side I am alive and able to make this post.

DeRideo, that's not good.

No, but it is what it is. In hindsight I still would have made that turn because there was no way to guess that he was going to try and run the light. And you can't just sit in an intersection and block traffic either. It is a judgment call and this one didn't pan out.

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