The Front Porch Swing

Holy crap! You guys stay safe and warm! Boop I see where the high out there today will be 17. We're heading for the 3rd straight day of 70's here but we're expecting strong thunderstorms with a possibility of tornados. I'm more worried about tornados than I am hurricanes.

Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

It's 70 here now but the wind is really picking up. I've been through 2 hurricanes. They just wear on your nerves. You know a week in advance they're coming and when they get here the wind just builds steadily and hits 100 mph and stays that way for like 12 hours and you're a nervous wreck until it's over. With a tornado you'll have a bad storm and then there's a dead calm and the next thing you know you think you're hearing a freight train and wham it goes through and is over but leaving one helluva path of destruction. And what do they have against trailer parks? Never figured that one out.
That's my favorite way to sleep, provided it's cool enough. Windows open, fan on.

One leg beneath the blanket... one above...
But not off the edge of the bed, because MONSTERS!!

Holy crap! You guys stay safe and warm! Boop I see where the high out there today will be 17. We're heading for the 3rd straight day of 70's here but we're expecting strong thunderstorms with a possibility of tornados. I'm more worried about tornados than I am hurricanes.

Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

It's 70 here now but the wind is really picking up. I've been through 2 hurricanes. They just wear on your nerves. You know a week in advance they're coming and when they get here the wind just builds steadily and hits 100 mph and stays that way for like 12 hours and you're a nervous wreck until it's over. With a tornado you'll have a bad storm and then there's a dead calm and the next thing you know you think you're hearing a freight train and wham it goes through and is over but leaving one helluva path of destruction. And what do they have against trailer parks? Never figured that one out.

I was in my parents' basement for this one - we lived a block away.

On July 1, 1997, Monticello and its surrounding cities were hit with severe storms. According to the local news stations, the storm was classified as straight line winds. However, many residents disagreed, believing a tornado tore up their hometown. Later data showed that there were actually 17 tornadoes that evening. The damages to the town were extreme as debris from damaged buildings was scattered everywhere, rooftops were lifted from homes, trees were uprooted, and power poles toppled. Although the damage to buildings have been repaired, the extensive loss of mature trees has significantly altered the landscape of Monticello.
We're getting pulverized! Took my daughter over three hours to make her usual under-an-hour commute after work. Lots of cars in the ditches, accidents, power outages and closings.

Any news from your neck of the woods, [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION] ?

Terrible. Blowing snow. I don't know how many inches feel but it's a lot and it's that heavy, wet stuff. I'm not going anywhere today, that's for sure. My husband and daughter are staying home too.

We've had close to 9 in. of snow since yesterday and they've classified many of the roads around here as hazardous and closed some schools too. Just read this online.

I need Spring. I'm soooo tired of this.

My daughter did get to build a snowman in the yard yesterday so that's something I guess.

Glad your daughter got to enjoy the snow....I know my kids used to love are the only ones that look at snow as so much fun....

I'm so ready for spring, too.....just around the corner, I keep telling myself.
Holy crap! You guys stay safe and warm! Boop I see where the high out there today will be 17. We're heading for the 3rd straight day of 70's here but we're expecting strong thunderstorms with a possibility of tornados. I'm more worried about tornados than I am hurricanes.

We've been having really nice weather, too. Makes you want to go out and work in the yard.........NOT!:razz:
Holy crap! You guys stay safe and warm! Boop I see where the high out there today will be 17. We're heading for the 3rd straight day of 70's here but we're expecting strong thunderstorms with a possibility of tornados. I'm more worried about tornados than I am hurricanes.

Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

It's 70 here now but the wind is really picking up. I've been through 2 hurricanes. They just wear on your nerves. You know a week in advance they're coming and when they get here the wind just builds steadily and hits 100 mph and stays that way for like 12 hours and you're a nervous wreck until it's over. With a tornado you'll have a bad storm and then there's a dead calm and the next thing you know you think you're hearing a freight train and wham it goes through and is over but leaving one helluva path of destruction. And what do they have against trailer parks? Never figured that one out.

Sounds like an earthquake. Never know when it is coming then it hits (sounding like a freight train) and it is over almost as soon as it starts.

Trailers parks are just bait traps for tornadoes! :eek:
Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

It's 70 here now but the wind is really picking up. I've been through 2 hurricanes. They just wear on your nerves. You know a week in advance they're coming and when they get here the wind just builds steadily and hits 100 mph and stays that way for like 12 hours and you're a nervous wreck until it's over. With a tornado you'll have a bad storm and then there's a dead calm and the next thing you know you think you're hearing a freight train and wham it goes through and is over but leaving one helluva path of destruction. And what do they have against trailer parks? Never figured that one out.

Sounds like an earthquake. Never know when it is coming then it hits (sounding like a freight train) and it is over almost as soon as it starts.

Trailers parks are just bait traps for tornadoes! :eek:

Good morning....DT.....have you had your coffee yet?

Here, on me:

Holy crap! You guys stay safe and warm! Boop I see where the high out there today will be 17. We're heading for the 3rd straight day of 70's here but we're expecting strong thunderstorms with a possibility of tornados. I'm more worried about tornados than I am hurricanes.

Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

I stayed home today, I often work from home and telecommute.
Next Friday my wife and I are heading to our annual two week stay in Cozumel, so I hope it's just cold here when we leave and we don't have any giant snowfalls so our flight won't get cancelled.
Holy crap! You guys stay safe and warm! Boop I see where the high out there today will be 17. We're heading for the 3rd straight day of 70's here but we're expecting strong thunderstorms with a possibility of tornados. I'm more worried about tornados than I am hurricanes.

Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

I stayed home today, I often work from home and telecommute.
Next Friday my wife and I are heading to our annual two week stay in Cozumel, so I hope it's just cold here when we leave and we don't have any giant snowfalls so our flight won't get cancelled.

I'll hope it's not too cold, either; that can cause flight delays as well.
Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

I stayed home today, I often work from home and telecommute.
Next Friday my wife and I are heading to our annual two week stay in Cozumel, so I hope it's just cold here when we leave and we don't have any giant snowfalls so our flight won't get cancelled.

I'll hope it's not too cold, either; that can cause flight delays as well.

Well I hope it's not real cold either,,,,for my fellow Minnesotans! It's not just right for it to be this cold and this time of year. It's that damn Polar Vortex again.
Holy crap! You guys stay safe and warm! Boop I see where the high out there today will be 17. We're heading for the 3rd straight day of 70's here but we're expecting strong thunderstorms with a possibility of tornados. I'm more worried about tornados than I am hurricanes.

We were expecting hail, strong winds and possible tornadoes at 5 a.m. this morning but it took a turn and missed us. We didn't even get a thunderstorm. Hope you are alright where you're at, Bloodrock!
Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

It's 70 here now but the wind is really picking up. I've been through 2 hurricanes. They just wear on your nerves. You know a week in advance they're coming and when they get here the wind just builds steadily and hits 100 mph and stays that way for like 12 hours and you're a nervous wreck until it's over. With a tornado you'll have a bad storm and then there's a dead calm and the next thing you know you think you're hearing a freight train and wham it goes through and is over but leaving one helluva path of destruction. And what do they have against trailer parks? Never figured that one out.

Sounds like an earthquake. Never know when it is coming then it hits (sounding like a freight train) and it is over almost as soon as it starts.

Trailers parks are just bait traps for tornadoes! :eek:

The last F3 we had destroyed quite a few roofs / uprooted large trees on the opposite side of my street. For some reason it didn't cross over. We are in a sort of tornado alley I'm told. Still we've not had one hit us directly. ( which I'm thankful for )
Holy crap! You guys stay safe and warm! Boop I see where the high out there today will be 17. We're heading for the 3rd straight day of 70's here but we're expecting strong thunderstorms with a possibility of tornados. I'm more worried about tornados than I am hurricanes.

Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

It's 70 here now but the wind is really picking up. I've been through 2 hurricanes. They just wear on your nerves. You know a week in advance they're coming and when they get here the wind just builds steadily and hits 100 mph and stays that way for like 12 hours and you're a nervous wreck until it's over. With a tornado you'll have a bad storm and then there's a dead calm and the next thing you know you think you're hearing a freight train and wham it goes through and is over but leaving one helluva path of destruction. And what do they have against trailer parks? Never figured that one out.

Blood, did you feel the earthquake last Friday night? I heard it was felt as far away as Charlotte -- I was in Augusta and we all got it.
We're getting pulverized! Took my daughter over three hours to make her usual under-an-hour commute after work. Lots of cars in the ditches, accidents, power outages and closings.

Any news from your neck of the woods, [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION] ?

Terrible. Blowing snow. I don't know how many inches feel but it's a lot and it's that heavy, wet stuff. I'm not going anywhere today, that's for sure. My husband and daughter are staying home too.

We've had close to 9 in. of snow since yesterday and they've classified many of the roads around here as hazardous and closed some schools too. Just read this online.

I need Spring. I'm soooo tired of this.

My daughter did get to build a snowman in the yard yesterday so that's something I guess.

Glad your daughter got to enjoy the snow....I know my kids used to love are the only ones that look at snow as so much fun....

I'm so ready for spring, too.....just around the corner, I keep telling myself.

Aw. I look good for my age huh? Flattery will get you everywhere.
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Yup! Which isn't too bad - I heard next weekend we're back in the deepfreeze. :(

It's 70 here now but the wind is really picking up. I've been through 2 hurricanes. They just wear on your nerves. You know a week in advance they're coming and when they get here the wind just builds steadily and hits 100 mph and stays that way for like 12 hours and you're a nervous wreck until it's over. With a tornado you'll have a bad storm and then there's a dead calm and the next thing you know you think you're hearing a freight train and wham it goes through and is over but leaving one helluva path of destruction. And what do they have against trailer parks? Never figured that one out.

Blood, did you feel the earthquake last Friday night? I heard it was felt as far away as Charlotte -- I was in Augusta and we all got it.

I heard about it on the news, Pogo. That is pretty scary. I hope this isn't an indicator of something bigger coming.
It's 70 here now but the wind is really picking up. I've been through 2 hurricanes. They just wear on your nerves. You know a week in advance they're coming and when they get here the wind just builds steadily and hits 100 mph and stays that way for like 12 hours and you're a nervous wreck until it's over. With a tornado you'll have a bad storm and then there's a dead calm and the next thing you know you think you're hearing a freight train and wham it goes through and is over but leaving one helluva path of destruction. And what do they have against trailer parks? Never figured that one out.

Blood, did you feel the earthquake last Friday night? I heard it was felt as far away as Charlotte -- I was in Augusta and we all got it.

I heard about it on the news, Pogo. That is pretty scary. I hope this isn't an indicator of something bigger coming.

It wasn't a big one, 4.3 or something like that -- just seems unusual to have an earthquake in South Carolina. You think of California or Alaska or Indonesia. But reading some history it turns out the biggest earthquake ever in the East was also in South Carolina, something like a 7.6, back in the 19th century. Of course last week's quake was right after an ice storm in the area and a lot of places were still without electricity, so it seemed a confluence of events.

It's an unusual winter in many ways.
It's 70 here now but the wind is really picking up. I've been through 2 hurricanes. They just wear on your nerves. You know a week in advance they're coming and when they get here the wind just builds steadily and hits 100 mph and stays that way for like 12 hours and you're a nervous wreck until it's over. With a tornado you'll have a bad storm and then there's a dead calm and the next thing you know you think you're hearing a freight train and wham it goes through and is over but leaving one helluva path of destruction. And what do they have against trailer parks? Never figured that one out.

Sounds like an earthquake. Never know when it is coming then it hits (sounding like a freight train) and it is over almost as soon as it starts.

Trailers parks are just bait traps for tornadoes! :eek:

Good morning....DT.....have you had your coffee yet?

Here, on me:



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