The Fundamentalist White Christian Right will never turn against Trump

It's amazing that they're called 'Fundamentalist Christians'!

They should be called 'Christian satirists' or perhaps just simply 'Satanists mocking Christianity'!

Certainly if you vote for a satanist to be the most powerful leader in the world, you have to be a satanist yourself!

Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.
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While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

You mean kind of like how far leftwing Marxists, communists, homosexual deviants, Christian hating, anti-American Democrats will never turn on the Hussein, or Hillary, or Pelosi?

What is a "homosexual deviant?"

It's amazing that they're called 'Fundamentalist Christians'!

They should be called 'Christian satirists' or perhaps just simply 'Satanists mocking Christianity'!

Certainly if you vote for a satanist to be the most powerful leader in the world, you have to be a satanist yourself!

Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.

Can you back any of that opinion up with anything concrete, or do you "just know it"?
It's amazing that they're called 'Fundamentalist Christians'!

They should be called 'Christian satirists' or perhaps just simply 'Satanists mocking Christianity'!

Certainly if you vote for a satanist to be the most powerful leader in the world, you have to be a satanist yourself!

Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.

Can you back any of that opinion up with anything concrete, or do you "just know it"?

He's the one with relative and subjective morality. That's why it took him a day to answer my question.

I believe in absolute morality. The laws have been laid down for this world.

That leftist shill is full of shit.
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While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

The Crazy Democrat Bigots have a scary dark side of humanity obsession with the fundalmentalist Christians.
They are totally harmless and they are mainstream Christians.

Its Christianity they hate. Every last one of them. By appending "fundamentalist" they feel better about themselves and have some cover but they want to expunge Christianity from a christian nation. Ive quoted their documents on it.

"This trend—combined with growth among non-Christian faiths and race-ethnic trends—will ensure that by the 2016 election (or 2020 at the outside) the United States will have ceased to be a white Christian nation
The advantage Democrats derive from minority voters should continue to grow.

Here's where you dropped the ball. Trump is not about Christianity. Trump is about taking Christianity hostage, in order to achieve evil. Which is exactly what he has done. And in the process, he solidified and stoked his base into using it 180 degrees away from what Christianity is all about. In other words, Right-wing Christianity is totally detached from Christianity. Which is exactly why my OP has nothing to do with hating Christianity. No one could be more wrong than you.

The reason why Trump and his minions have hijacked Christianity by using it in this pawn, is for the exact reason you just explained. "The advantage Democrats have derive from minority voters should continue grow." That statement is correct, and explains why Trump and his followers use religion to try and hijack the Democrat party into labeling them anti-Christians.

So, to your point, "they feel better about themselves and have some cover but they want to expunge Christianity from a Christian nation" is a bald faced lie. You are a liar and I'm calling you out on that. That is the false narrative they play up to in order to stoke their base, who have evolved into cultists for Trump.

The United States has never been a christian nation.

The United States is a secular nation.

Those who claim that the United States is a christian nation are a good example of what I posted about that those people want to return the United States back to a christian theocratic monarchy.

The pilgrims did establish a christian nation with a monarch in England.

They are also the same people who burned women at the stake, put people in stocks and believed that disease was caused by the devil.

The founders of the United States went to war to overthrow that theocratic monarch and created a secular nation with freedom, liberty and justice for all. They wrote a constitution that prevents monarch, aristocracy and theocracy ever happening in the United States.

The United States was always a Christian nation. The government was not.
It's amazing that they're called 'Fundamentalist Christians'!

They should be called 'Christian satirists' or perhaps just simply 'Satanists mocking Christianity'!

Certainly if you vote for a satanist to be the most powerful leader in the world, you have to be a satanist yourself!

Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.

Can you back any of that opinion up with anything concrete, or do you "just know it"?

He's the one with relative and subjective morality. That's why it took him a day to answer my question.

I believe in absolute morality. The laws have been laid down for this world.

That leftist shill is full of shit.

No moron, I don't post often because I have a life to live and don't spend much of it on this forum.

Laws and morality are not equivalent by a long shot. If you believe that they are, then you're obsessively authoritarian - an extreme statist!
It's amazing that they're called 'Fundamentalist Christians'!

They should be called 'Christian satirists' or perhaps just simply 'Satanists mocking Christianity'!

Certainly if you vote for a satanist to be the most powerful leader in the world, you have to be a satanist yourself!

Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.

Can you back any of that opinion up with anything concrete, or do you "just know it"?

He asked what the foundation for my morality was, so I explained my personal beliefs.

As far as my analysis of Trump's personality, my answer is simple - have you been living with your head in a hole that past few years? Have you been paying attention at all? Even most Trump supporters don't deny that he's a total sleazebag.
It's amazing that they're called 'Fundamentalist Christians'!

They should be called 'Christian satirists' or perhaps just simply 'Satanists mocking Christianity'!

Certainly if you vote for a satanist to be the most powerful leader in the world, you have to be a satanist yourself!

Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.

Can you back any of that opinion up with anything concrete, or do you "just know it"?

He asked what the foundation for my morality was, so I explained my personal beliefs.

As far as my analysis of Trump's personality, my answer is simple - have you been living with your head in a hole that past few years? Have you been paying attention at all? Even most Trump supporters don't deny that he's a total sleazebag.

That's quite some analysis, you may want to look the word up.
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

Evil is the left. A lot of talking and a lot of bullshit. Idiot.
It's amazing that they're called 'Fundamentalist Christians'!

They should be called 'Christian satirists' or perhaps just simply 'Satanists mocking Christianity'!

Certainly if you vote for a satanist to be the most powerful leader in the world, you have to be a satanist yourself!

Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.

Can you back any of that opinion up with anything concrete, or do you "just know it"?

He asked what the foundation for my morality was, so I explained my personal beliefs.

As far as my analysis of Trump's personality, my answer is simple - have you been living with your head in a hole that past few years? Have you been paying attention at all? Even most Trump supporters don't deny that he's a total sleazebag.

That's quite some analysis, you may want to look the word up.

Hey, if you have something intelligent to say instead of just making flippant comments then say it.

Otherwise STFU!
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

Evil is the left. A lot of talking and a lot of bullshit. Idiot.

The why did the right elect a sicko like Trump?
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Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.

Can you back any of that opinion up with anything concrete, or do you "just know it"?

He asked what the foundation for my morality was, so I explained my personal beliefs.

As far as my analysis of Trump's personality, my answer is simple - have you been living with your head in a hole that past few years? Have you been paying attention at all? Even most Trump supporters don't deny that he's a total sleazebag.

That's quite some analysis, you may want to look the word up.

Hey, if you have something intelligent to say instead of just making flippant comments then say it.

Otherwise STFU!

I did say it, dumbass.
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

The Crazy Democrat Bigots have a scary dark side of humanity obsession with the fundalmentalist Christians.
They are totally harmless and they are mainstream Christians.

Its Christianity they hate. Every last one of them. By appending "fundamentalist" they feel better about themselves and have some cover but they want to expunge Christianity from a christian nation. Ive quoted their documents on it.

"This trend—combined with growth among non-Christian faiths and race-ethnic trends—will ensure that by the 2016 election (or 2020 at the outside) the United States will have ceased to be a white Christian nation
The advantage Democrats derive from minority voters should continue to grow.

Here's where you dropped the ball. Trump is not about Christianity. Trump is about taking Christianity hostage, in order to achieve evil. Which is exactly what he has done. And in the process, he solidified and stoked his base into using it 180 degrees away from what Christianity is all about. In other words, Right-wing Christianity is totally detached from Christianity. Which is exactly why my OP has nothing to do with hating Christianity. No one could be more wrong than you.

The reason why Trump and his minions have hijacked Christianity by using it in this pawn, is for the exact reason you just explained. "The advantage Democrats have derive from minority voters should continue grow." That statement is correct, and explains why Trump and his followers use religion to try and hijack the Democrat party into labeling them anti-Christians.

So, to your point, "they feel better about themselves and have some cover but they want to expunge Christianity from a Christian nation" is a bald faced lie. You are a liar and I'm calling you out on that. That is the false narrative they play up to in order to stoke their base, who have evolved into cultists for Trump.

Oh, my the other day TDS was coming out of his butt. Today it's eaten up his brainstem. lol
It's amazing that they're called 'Fundamentalist Christians'!

They should be called 'Christian satirists' or perhaps just simply 'Satanists mocking Christianity'!

Certainly if you vote for a satanist to be the most powerful leader in the world, you have to be a satanist yourself!

Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.

Can you back any of that opinion up with anything concrete, or do you "just know it"?

He asked what the foundation for my morality was, so I explained my personal beliefs.

As far as my analysis of Trump's personality, my answer is simple - have you been living with your head in a hole that past few years? Have you been paying attention at all? Even most Trump supporters don't deny that he's a total sleazebag.

His failed marriages, his affairs, yes sleazy.

"SATANISTS"? That is crazy talk. Unless you can back it up with more than sleeping with a porn star.
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

Evil is the left. A lot of talking and a lot of bullshit. Idiot.

The why did the right elect a sicko like Trump?

To keep the hag Hillary the crook out.
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

The Crazy Democrat Bigots have a scary dark side of humanity obsession with the fundalmentalist Christians.
They are totally harmless and they are mainstream Christians.

Its Christianity they hate. Every last one of them. By appending "fundamentalist" they feel better about themselves and have some cover but they want to expunge Christianity from a christian nation. Ive quoted their documents on it.

"This trend—combined with growth among non-Christian faiths and race-ethnic trends—will ensure that by the 2016 election (or 2020 at the outside) the United States will have ceased to be a white Christian nation
The advantage Democrats derive from minority voters should continue to grow.

Here's where you dropped the ball. Trump is not about Christianity. Trump is about taking Christianity hostage, in order to achieve evil. Which is exactly what he has done. And in the process, he solidified and stoked his base into using it 180 degrees away from what Christianity is all about. In other words, Right-wing Christianity is totally detached from Christianity. Which is exactly why my OP has nothing to do with hating Christianity. No one could be more wrong than you.

The reason why Trump and his minions have hijacked Christianity by using it in this pawn, is for the exact reason you just explained. "The advantage Democrats have derive from minority voters should continue grow." That statement is correct, and explains why Trump and his followers use religion to try and hijack the Democrat party into labeling them anti-Christians.

So, to your point, "they feel better about themselves and have some cover but they want to expunge Christianity from a Christian nation" is a bald faced lie. You are a liar and I'm calling you out on that. That is the false narrative they play up to in order to stoke their base, who have evolved into cultists for Trump.

Oh, my the other day TDS was coming out of his butt. Today it's eaten up his brainstem. lol

They are closely connected.
When Trump kept his word on so many things, it's understandable that he got support in return. It's called loyalty and it's a beautiful thing. Viva Trump.
Kept what word?
It's amazing that they're called 'Fundamentalist Christians'!

They should be called 'Christian satirists' or perhaps just simply 'Satanists mocking Christianity'!

Certainly if you vote for a satanist to be the most powerful leader in the world, you have to be a satanist yourself!

Black is white! Bad is good! Day is Night!

I'll ask you: What is the foundation for your morality?

No fool! Black is Black, White is White, Bad is Bad, Good is Good, Day is Day, and Night is Night. No matter how hard Trumpbots may try to convince us otherwise.

The foundation for my morality is something close to Vulcan Kolinahr. I believe that everyone has a conflict between instincts that were developed when our ancestors were hunter gatherers vs. intelligence. Often people are conflicted between the two. 'Good' is intelligent behavior. 'Evil' is primordial instinctual behavior.

Judeo-Christianity was a huge stepping stone out of the primordial instinctually driven behaviors towards intelligent human behavior, so my philosophy strongly correlates with Judeo-Christian philosophy even though I do not believe in the theological beliefs of Judeo-Christianity.

Many people only use their intelligence to justify their instinctual behavior, rather than ignoring their instincts and only allowing their intelligence to determine their behavior.

'Fundamentalist' Christians are primarily concerned with theological beliefs - that part of Christianity that satisfies their primordial instincts and fears. Evangelicals pervert Christianity to justify pure materialism and greed.

Trump is a few steps beyond. Consider his known personality traits:

1. Extreme narcissism
2. Greed
3. Materialism
4. Obsession with sex
5. Pathological liar
6. Meanness
7. Relative morality (As opposed to monotheistic absolute morality)

Are these the personality characteristics of Christians? No.
Are these classic personality characteristics of Satanists? YES!

Trump may not attend black masses or sacrifice babies (I'm not too sure he doesn't), but his personal philosophy is clearly and obviously Satanic.

Can you back any of that opinion up with anything concrete, or do you "just know it"?

He's the one with relative and subjective morality. That's why it took him a day to answer my question.

I believe in absolute morality. The laws have been laid down for this world.

That leftist shill is full of shit.

No moron, I don't post often because I have a life to live and don't spend much of it on this forum.

Laws and morality are not equivalent by a long shot. If you believe that they are, then you're obsessively authoritarian - an extreme statist!

At least you know who "That Leftist shill" is. :04:
the Democrat Bigots hate Christians

The "Republican Christians" in quotes for good reason

are the DUMBEST LIFE FORMS in the universe.

They worship Jews and Jesus and can't understand why Jews reject Jesus....

like, they like observed Jesus, while "Christians" parrot the pathetic sales brochure to "refute" them...

Who knows more about Jesus, the Jews who observed him, or the "Christians" who parrot the biBULL?

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