The Fundamentalist White Christian Right will never turn against Trump

While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

The Crazy Democrat Bigots have a scary dark side of humanity obsession with the fundalmentalist Christians.
They are totally harmless and they are mainstream Christians.

Its Christianity they hate. Every last one of them. By appending "fundamentalist" they feel better about themselves and have some cover but they want to expunge Christianity from a christian nation. Ive quoted their documents on it.

"This trend—combined with growth among non-Christian faiths and race-ethnic trends—will ensure that by the 2016 election (or 2020 at the outside) the United States will have ceased to be a white Christian nation
The advantage Democrats derive from minority voters should continue to grow.
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

You mean kind of like how far leftwing Marxists, communists, homosexual deviants, Christian hating, anti-American Democrats will never turn on the Hussein, or Hillary, or Pelosi?

What is a "homosexual deviant?"

Fags like you and Tommy-gurl.
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

You mean kind of like how far leftwing Marxists, communists, homosexual deviants, Christian hating, anti-American Democrats will never turn on the Hussein, or Hillary, or Pelosi?

What is a "homosexual deviant?"

One who masturbates at kids in public, or participates in other liberal demonstrations of deviance.

There is way more incidence of Heterosexual pedophilia behavior in that respect, than what comes from Homosexuals in regards to children. Just ask Trump and Epstein with little girls. By the way, I fail to see the guy masturbating there. Do you?
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

You mean kind of like how far leftwing Marxists, communists, homosexual deviants, Christian hating, anti-American Democrats will never turn on the Hussein, or Hillary, or Pelosi?

What is a "homosexual deviant?"

One who masturbates at kids in public, or participates in other liberal demonstrations of deviance.

There is way more incidence of Heterosexual pedophilia behavior in that respect, than what comes from Homosexuals in regards to children. Just ask Trump and Epstein with little girls. By the way, I fail to see the guy masturbating there. Do you?

Trump saw what Epstein and Clinton did to children and is taking action. First he banned Epstein from his club, then went on to become the president so that we might see the guy behind bars.

I did see the deviancy in the picture. Not surprised that you failed to notice it. You are probably one of these deviants yourself.
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

You mean kind of like how far leftwing Marxists, communists, homosexual deviants, Christian hating, anti-American Democrats will never turn on the Hussein, or Hillary, or Pelosi?

What is a "homosexual deviant?"

Fags like you and Tommy-gurl.

Have you ever noticed that most of your answers are centered around hate, and not around debate?
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

You mean kind of like how far leftwing Marxists, communists, homosexual deviants, Christian hating, anti-American Democrats will never turn on the Hussein, or Hillary, or Pelosi?

What is a "homosexual deviant?"

One who masturbates at kids in public, or participates in other liberal demonstrations of deviance.

There is way more incidence of Heterosexual pedophilia behavior in that respect, than what comes from Homosexuals in regards to children. Just ask Trump and Epstein with little girls. By the way, I fail to see the guy masturbating there. Do you?

Trump saw what Epstein and Clinton did to children and is taking action.

I did see the deviancy in the picture. Not surprised that you failed to notice it. You are probably one of these deviants yourself.

That's not an answer, just a deviation from your lying by telling us he was masturbating.
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

You mean kind of like how far leftwing Marxists, communists, homosexual deviants, Christian hating, anti-American Democrats will never turn on the Hussein, or Hillary, or Pelosi?

What is a "homosexual deviant?"

Fags like you and Tommy-gurl.

Have you ever noticed that most of your answers are centered around hate, and not around debate?

What hate? I just answered your question.
I have always marginalized evangelicals, but since Trump arrived, I now disrespect them as well. Frankly, it validates what I have always felt about them, and gives me a certain sense of satisfaction.

And your attitude, is exactly why few evangelicals are in today's Dimocrat party.
Liberal just don't get it.

Trump is saving America. Trump respects are heritage. Our beginnings were as a white Christian country.

Trump is not going to let the liberal dream of diversity ruin America.
This is one of the strange things about left-wingers who look at us on the right.


I must be a "left winger" according to this complete MORON who describes himself as from "the right" even as he CANNOT EVEN DEFINE what "the right" is....

There is everything right, and conservative, about most Christian Republicans

DEFINE THE WORD CONSERVATIVE, and then tell us what the GOP has done since W was elected that was actually CONSERVATIVE....

This MORON will answer something like

conservative = Christian

and that W's 911 fraud and two wars over complete lies

"got us closer to getting Jesus to float down from the clouds"

Want to know what is WRONG with the GOP since 1998? Andylusion is a perfect example....
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

Never. I found it particularly entertaining when i watched the anti-christian liberals here squeal "but Trump isnt a Christian" to try and head off the wave about to wash over them.
Christians just laughed and voted for Trump. And the liberals here seem to have lost their zeal for ensuring that government remains in the hands of Christian Puritans. Go figure.
Told you.

Just like ANTIFA can't define fascist, the modern day supporter of the GOP cannot define the word CONSERVATIVE... since they have NEVER SUPPORTED ANYONE WHO QUALIFIES.
The so called christian fundamentalists want to return this nation to the theocratic monarchy the pilgrims created. They seem to believe that the society that the pilgrims created is the US and want to return to that society.

They don't see or know that the US isn't what the pilgrims created. The US was created to replace and repeal the society that the pilgrims created for a free democratic republic with self determination. The US was created to never allow a monarchy or theocracy to happen. Our constitution prevents it. Which is probably why the far right radical extremists hate our constitution so much.

I've read many posts from the far right radical extremists on this board that they want a civil war to destroy our constitution and write a new constitution.

None of them love or even like the United States of America.

They believe every republican president will do what they believe trump will do. They are very delusional and are willing to destroy our nation for their selfish theocratic delusions.
The so called christian fundamentalists want to return this nation to the theocratic monarchy the pilgrims created. They seem to believe that the society that the pilgrims created is the US and want to return to that society.

They don't see or know that the US isn't what the pilgrims created. The US was created to replace and repeal the society that the pilgrims created for a free democratic republic with self determination. The US was created to never allow a monarchy or theocracy to happen. Our constitution prevents it. Which is probably why the far right radical extremists hate our constitution so much.

I've read many posts from the far right radical extremists on this board that they want a civil war to destroy our constitution and write a new constitution.

None of them love or even like the United States of America.

They believe every republican president will do what they believe trump will do. They are very delusional and are willing to destroy our nation for their selfish theocratic delusions.

Which alternate universe did you come from?
While this video is two years old, it still applies today. These folks are already baked into the cake, and no matter what Trump does, lawlessness, steal, murder, cheat, rape, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, whatever, they look at Trump as a Christ like figure who will cleanse the country of the others with a religious spin. These are delusional, mentally incapacitated people using a Theological strategy, where the end game is an Apartheid type state. It's really been the crust of the Republican party through these Fundamentalist Christians for years. Even before Trump. So this is their game. As sick and evil as it is, Frank Schaffer once a religious Right-winger himself, explained what the rest of us who are not on that side of the fence, always knew. We will have to vote these nuts out and send the evil back from where it came.

No, we wont, because it is you who have made him something he is not.

Your view of the world is complete irrational a has nothing to do with reality.

To be blunt, your idiotology has left you insane.
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

President Trump seems to be proving Goldwater incorrect.

Funny. No one proved Goldwater correct more conclusively than does Trump. These "preachers" were always about white (male) supremacy dictating - without compromise - to everybody else. They found their Messiah in Trump, and they're cheerfully gloating at his compromising with no one at least half-ways sane, and at his sticking it to Those people every single day of the week. And that's why they are with HIM, come hell or high water.

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