The Funny Thing About The 9/11 Debate

Here they come! toto the moron and childish debwunking tactics

Oh, so you think that the imposition of world government is near? Why doesn't that surprise me.

Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe in?

If you believe that the UN or whomever is going to displace the US government, I'm sorry, you're an idiot.

yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?

I just noticed something that I cannot believe I did not spot before. You?? You are a "super" moderator?? What are the qualifications for the job??? A GPA of 1?? :lol::lol::lol:

Well, that explains so many things.
yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?

is any of this relevant to 9/11
it goes to show your sanity, or rather the lack of it

So you are another one without a mind of your own. Why don't you all call your relatives and neighbors and tell them to neg rep me, too. Bunch of childish bullies.

Oh, so you think that the imposition of world government is near? Why doesn't that surprise me.

Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe in?

If you believe that the UN or whomever is going to displace the US government, I'm sorry, you're an idiot.

yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?

is any of this relevant to 9/11

toro asked which conspiracies you don't believe in.
Oh, so you think that the imposition of world government is near? Why doesn't that surprise me.

Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe in?

If you believe that the UN or whomever is going to displace the US government, I'm sorry, you're an idiot.

yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?

I just noticed something that I cannot believe I did not spot before. You?? You are a "super" moderator?? What are the qualifications for the job??? A GPA of 1?? :lol::lol::lol:

Well, that explains so many things.

If a prerequisite were a GPA of 1, it would certainly rule your stupid ass out.
Oh, so you think that the imposition of world government is near? Why doesn't that surprise me.

Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe in?

If you believe that the UN or whomever is going to displace the US government, I'm sorry, you're an idiot.

yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?

is any of this relevant to 9/11

Read the OP again. He is making the argument that 9/11 is a step towards world government. You'd have to be an ideot to believe that the American media is being deliberately manipulated to impose world government on the country.
yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?

I just noticed something that I cannot believe I did not spot before. You?? You are a "super" moderator?? What are the qualifications for the job??? A GPA of 1?? :lol::lol::lol:

Well, that explains so many things.

If a prerequisite were a GPA of 1, it would certainly rule your stupid ass out.

Hey, I just found out that Gunny is involved with USMB somehow too! WOW!
yeah did the moon landing really happen? did the Reagan campaign kill Lennon?

is any of this relevant to 9/11

Read the OP again. He is making the argument that 9/11 is a step towards world government. You'd have to be an ideot to believe that the American media is being deliberately manipulated to impose world government on the country.

really ? and you support this statement with what ?...nonsense about moon landings and helicopters ??
For the sake of those who don't follow these conspiracy threads, I believe that any competent prosecutor could place several former and current senior US officials behind bars for their roles in the 9/11 attacks.

Now I'll get to the purpose of this thread:

It's my opinion that the US media may be used as a tool to expose the fact that the US government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. If/when that happens, I also suspect that there will be some level of organization waiting in the wings to "introduce" some level of new government that involves some sort of global authority, possibly starting out as a global military force rather than domestic - so that another 9/11 and subsequent global terror by a government never happens again.

And here's where I get to "the funny" thing about the 9/11 debate. If/when the US government is exposed, and there is a push to minimize US sovereignty as a result, I'll be standing beside all of the so-called conservatives who refuse to consider/admit that the US government was involved in 9/11 - but who would also refuse to allow any organization to minimize the representative system established in our Constitution.

We may debate bitterly on the involvement of the US government in 9/11 - whom I believe is fully culpable in the 9/11 attacks - but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with every single one of you to protect our nation from foreign or domestic enemies who would use 9/11 as a means to alter our Constitutional system and our sovereignty.

That you "think" any prosecutor could indict any American officials for 9/11/2001, much less convict anybody for it, is simply proof of what a fucking imbecile you are.

There is no credible evidence -- none whatsoever -- that anybody was complicit in the attacks other than the dead fucking Islamoshit who did it that day and the al qaeda camelfuckers who coordinated it all.

The balance of your post is just your pablum puke -- a vehicle for you to share in the imbecility of assholes like id-eots, Turdball, 9/11-rimjob and the ball-less child non-supporting scumbag fucktard, ChrissytoFEARa.

All Troofers suck shit.

blah blah blah dead fucking Islamoshit blah blah blah camelfuckers blah blah pablum puke blah blah blah imbecility assholes Turdball, -rimjob ball-less scumbag fucktard blah blah suck shit
is any of this relevant to 9/11

Read the OP again. He is making the argument that 9/11 is a step towards world government. You'd have to be an ideot to believe that the American media is being deliberately manipulated to impose world government on the country.

really ? and you support this statement with what ?...nonsense about moon landings and helicopters ??

I know that your team has a problem with the concept of proving a negative, but if you had a clue about how media companies generally work with regards to the demands of millions of shareholders, you'd find that the notion of a few puppet-masters imposing a complex structural form of government unwillingly on a populace to be laughable. But of course, to those weak-minded individuals who believe pretty much every conspiracy that comes down the pike, the leap of logic is a tiny gap, not an enormous crevice.

blah blah blah dead fucking Islamoshit blah blah blah camelfuckers blah blah pablum puke blah blah blah imbecility assholes Turdball, -rimjob ball-less scumbag fucktard blah blah suck shit

Bad dog! :cuckoo:

No, no, dickless.

What I said was fairly straightforward and requires no translation especially from an asshopper like you.

id-eots, you have no brain, no nadz, no dick, no honor and no integrity.

Hurry back to share more of your always dishonest bullshit with us! :lol:
You offer nothing but denial classic debwunker

pointing out that twoofers have no proof of any of their outrageous claims isnt denial. its pointing out absurd leaps of logic with no facts to back the claims.

there is more proof that santa claus actually lives at the north pole than 9/11 was an inside job. :cuckoo:

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