The Future Demand of Alternative Energy


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
If you have any sense (and money, of course) you'd consider investing in corporations who will extract these minerals. We are getting off oil one way or the other, because there is a finite supply of it, but the urgency has greatly increased after the summer of 2021. The west burns, the east drowns. All climate change induced.

So we need to get off oil because there is only a finite supply of it.
And replace it with a finite supply of rare minerals.
Makes perfect sense. .... :cuckoo:
Technology evolves, and will continue to evolve. Many of these minerals will also be replaced with something. What we do know is the use of carbon emitting energy sources is leading to higher temperatures all around the world, and the result of this is catastrophic.
We are getting off oil one way or the other, because there is a finite supply of it
And there isn't a finite supply of lithium, cobalt, graphite and indium? They are far more finite than oil! And their mining will pollute a great deal. How long do you think you can mine these minerals?

The west burns, the east drowns. All climate change induced.
Yes. God knows that before climate change, there were never any heat waves or droughts in the West and no hurricanes or floods in the East!!! :shok:
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What we do know is the use of carbon emitting energy sources is leading to higher temperatures all around the world, and the result of this is catastrophic
This is categorically untrue. CO² lags heat increases globally.... meaning because it's warmer greenhouse gasses increase...not the other way around.

And then there's the GHG producing "green technologies". Most of the green technologies require things like aluminum which produces the most GHG of any material...also microchips which requires purified silicon.... again one of the worst pollution creation industries in existence.

Then on top of this plastics and rubber come from petroleum products.

Coal is the number one way electricity is generated to make heavy pollution creating batteries like lithium ion batteries energized.

I don't think that our environment can withstand anymore of these "green technologies"
We need to cut back on pollution not increase it.
This is categorically untrue. CO² lags heat increases globally.... meaning because it's warmer greenhouse gasses increase...not the other way around.

And then there's the GHG producing "green technologies". Most of the green technologies require things like aluminum which produces the most GHG of any material...also microchips which requires purified silicon.... again one of the worst pollution creation industries in existence.

Then on top of this plastics and rubber come from petroleum products.

Coal is the number one way electricity is generated to make heavy pollution creating batteries like lithium ion batteries energized.

I don't think that our environment can withstand anymore of these "green technologies"
We need to cut back on pollution not increase it.


Was this satire? No? Oh, well, nevermind then.
Technology evolves, and will continue to evolve. Many of these minerals will also be replaced with something. What we do know is the use of carbon emitting energy sources is leading to higher temperatures all around the world, and the result of this is catastrophic.

I love the warmer temps and higher seas.

WTF are you worried about.
Technology evolves, and will continue to evolve. Many of these minerals will also be replaced with something. What we do know is the use of carbon emitting energy sources is leading to higher temperatures all around the world, and the result of this is catastrophic.
yet, you must increase the use of these carbon emitting energy sources to manufacture the billions of tons of elements you think replace oil?

higher temps? than why use more oil to manufacture billions of tons of elements which? if you think the use of oil is the problem, why would you propose the solution is to use more?
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Lefty liberal Democrats claim to be all about science.
But between using more fossil fuel's like coal to make the electricity to power their EV's as a way to fight global warming. And not being able to figure out the biological difference between a male and a female.
I'd venture to say that science isn't their strong point. .... :lol: :lol:
The future demands nothing, politicians today, do.
The future will demand more energy than ever before.

Let's look at the history of energy usage.

We are individually using on average of 10 times the amount we were 50 years ago.

Our homes in the 60's used 50 amp main panels on average and were a fraction of the size.

Today your average house has a 200 amp main panel and often it isn't enough...300 is going to be the new standard soon enough.

Driving in a car wasn't exactly a novelty but a two car family was not the norm for most people. Now every adult in a home has their own.

So between the goods we purchase from around the world (10 days from field/production facility to table anywhere in the world) and able to travel to anywhere in the world inside of 2-3 days...we are using a lot more than ever before.
The future will demand more energy than ever before.

Let's look at the history of energy usage.

We are individually using on average of 10 times the amount we were 50 years ago.

Our homes in the 60's used 50 amp main panels on average and were a fraction of the size.

Today your average house has a 200 amp main panel and often it isn't enough...300 is going to be the new standard soon enough.

Driving in a car wasn't exactly a novelty but a two car family was not the norm for most people. Now every adult in a home has their own.

So between the goods we purchase from around the world (10 days from field/production facility to table anywhere in the world) and able to travel to anywhere in the world inside of 2-3 days...we are using a lot more than ever before.
wow, under the democrat's plan, we will need more energy, not less. Good to know. But that is not a demand of the future, that is a dictate of the Democrat party today

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