The Future of Pedestrian Crossing


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Commissioned by insurance company Direct Line, the Starling Crossing(STigmergic Adaptive Responsive LearnING Crossing) is a smart, interactive pedestrian crossing system developed by London-based software company Umbrellium, that prioritizes pedestrian safety, according to the company website. This week, the team installed a temporary full-scale prototype in South London to test the system's capabilities. The 72-foot-long installation demonstrated the durability of its infrastructure, carrying the weight of vehicles, as well as being able to differentiate between cars, cyclists, and pedestrians. By putting the prototype to the test, the company demonstrated that the system "reacts dynamically in real-time to different conditions and is able to modify the patterns, layout, configuration, size, and orientation of pedestrian crossings," while utilizing common traffic signs and pavement markings.

If it doesn't smack the bejeezes out of some pedestrians than it isn't far enough advanced.

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