The future of religion. Where will Islam and Christianity stand in light of cancel culture ?


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Many Muslims of today are acting like Christians did in America back in the 1950s and 1960s.

Religion has always been a major part of America. Today, Christianity is less popular in America than it was in the past. And that’s a bit of a concern.

As for Islam it is growing in America. …While there are Muslim that use drugs and alcohol and party …. And of course, on the other end, there are the extremely conservative Muslims who dress very religiously attend a mosque multiple times a day. … there is a 3rd group of Muslims who are more into nationalism from whatever country they might be from whether it’s Arab nationalism, Indian, nationalism, Pakistani nationalism, or maybe even Turkish nationalism…. This ideology includes a rejection of Islamic supremacy. ….and what that has led to is a sort of middle class among many Muslims, where they are reminding us of the American Christians of the 1950s and 1960s. Do you know what I’m talking about here the man would go off to work the woman would be at home.

Although there are plenty of Muslim women in the workforce that goes back to some but not all of the Middle Eastern countries going back to the 1970s and 1980s with the rise of Arab nationalism as an opponent to conservative Islamic theology. In other words, if you look at Lebanon in the 1960s it was basically like the France of the Middle East whereas Saudi Arabia was perhaps the most conservative religious country in the entire world in the 1960s. So it seems like there’s tons of Muslims in America today that are more like those wine drinking or cigar smoking European oriented Muslims who lived in Lebanon in the 1960s.

All the meanwhile, Christianity has been under attack in America by numerous people. Of course we have the war on Christmas, we have a certain portion of Americans who are atheists and who think it’s OK to insult Christianity or to blame Christianity for all of the worlds problems. It seems like there’s some portion of atheists who are vehemently against Christianity and they’re OK with other religions. Seems like there’s less atheist today who are against all religions and more atheist today in the USA who simply despise Christianity.

that’s the weird thing about cancel culture, black lives matter, and the far left. All of these entities seem to welcome, or claim to welcome religions that they don’t think are part of the European culture like say, Hinduism, or Buddhism or Islam.

The hope for anybody who cares about Christianity as we go into the future… is we have politicians, judges, teachers, doctors policeman, who embrace Christian values, because Christianity is what in large part brought us to the civilized western world. We could also learn from the Muslim’s, and from anybody who is not a Christian who cares about traditions, who cares about honor and dignity. And there are huge masses of Arabs and Muslims who are OK with a woman in the workforce but at the same time who want traditional marriage, who want to have family structures, who want to have religion in our lives. So the point of this post is to say we need to maintain Christian strength in America and we need to oppose non-Christians who despise Christianity, and we need to embrace the many non-Christians of the world who are about mutual respect of different religions.
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Many Muslims of today are acting like Christians did in America back in the 1950s and 1960s.

Religion has always been a major part of America. Today, Christianity is less popular in America than it was in the past. And that’s a bit of a concern.

As for Islam it is growing in America. …While there are Muslim that use drugs and alcohol and party …. And of course, on the other end, there are the extremely conservative Muslims who dress very religiously attend a mosque multiple times a day. … there is a 3rd group of Muslims who are more into nationalism from whatever country they might be from whether it’s Arab nationalism, Indian, nationalism, Pakistani nationalism, or maybe even Turkish nationalism…. This ideology includes a rejection of Islamic supremacy. ….and what that has led to is a sort of middle class among many Muslims, where they are reminding us of the American Christians of the 1950s and 1960s. Do you know what I’m talking about here the man would go off to work the woman would be at home.

Although there are plenty of Muslim women in the workforce that goes back to some but not all of the Middle Eastern countries going back to the 1970s and 1980s with the rise of Arab nationalism as an opponent to conservative Islamic theology. In other words, if you look at Lebanon in the 1960s it was basically like the France of the Middle East whereas Saudi Arabia was perhaps the most conservative religious country in the entire world in the 1960s. So it seems like there’s tons of Muslims in America today that are more like those wine drinking or cigar smoking European oriented Muslims who lived in Lebanon in the 1960s.

All the meanwhile, Christianity has been under attack in America by numerous people. Of course we have the war on Christmas, we have a certain portion of Americans who are atheists and who think it’s OK to insult Christianity or to blame Christianity for all of the worlds problems. It seems like there’s some portion of atheists who are vehemently against Christianity and they’re OK with other religions. Seems like there’s less atheist today who are against all religions and more atheist today in the USA who simply despise Christianity.

that’s the weird thing about cancel culture, black lives matter, and the far left. All of these entities seem to welcome, or claim to welcome religions that they don’t think are part of the European culture like say, Hinduism, or Buddhism or Islam.

The hope for anybody who cares about Christianity as we go into the future… is we have politicians, judges, teachers, doctors policeman, who embrace Christian values, because Christianity is what in large part brought us to the civilized western world. We could also learn from the Muslim’s, and from anybody who is not a Christian who cares about traditions, who cares about honor and dignity. And there are huge masses of Arabs and Muslims who are OK with a woman in the workforce but at the same time who want traditional marriage, who want to have family structures, who want to have religion in our lives. So the point of this post is to say we need to maintain Christian strength in America and we need to oppose non-Christians who despise Christianity, and we need to embrace the many non-Christians of the world who are about mutual respect of different religions.

I didn't know that you lived in Saudi Arabia.
As long as radical lefties don't get to change the culture of the Supreme Court or rewrite the Constitution, the people are free to worship whatever religious diety they choose. Thank God for the 1st Amendment.
Yes, thank God for freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Right now the religion that is most criticized in America is Christianity. And I think that’s a result of far left-wing politics. That’s a problem and it’s a cause for is a concern we did not have in the American past.

as you can see America has changed over the years, sometimes better sometimes for worse.
Yes, thank God for freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Right now the religion that is most criticized in America is Christianity. And I think that’s a result of far left-wing politics.
Nah, it's because in the USA, Christianity is the religion that's actively attacking liberty and democracy.

And you're helping them do it, because you support fascism of all types.
Many Muslims of today are acting like Christians did in America back in the 1950s and 1960s.

Religion has always been a major part of America. Today, Christianity is less popular in America than it was in the past. And that’s a bit of a concern.

As for Islam it is growing in America. …While there are Muslim that use drugs and alcohol and party …. And of course, on the other end, there are the extremely conservative Muslims who dress very religiously attend a mosque multiple times a day. … there is a 3rd group of Muslims who are more into nationalism from whatever country they might be from whether it’s Arab nationalism, Indian, nationalism, Pakistani nationalism, or maybe even Turkish nationalism…. This ideology includes a rejection of Islamic supremacy. ….and what that has led to is a sort of middle class among many Muslims, where they are reminding us of the American Christians of the 1950s and 1960s. Do you know what I’m talking about here the man would go off to work the woman would be at home.

Although there are plenty of Muslim women in the workforce that goes back to some but not all of the Middle Eastern countries going back to the 1970s and 1980s with the rise of Arab nationalism as an opponent to conservative Islamic theology. In other words, if you look at Lebanon in the 1960s it was basically like the France of the Middle East whereas Saudi Arabia was perhaps the most conservative religious country in the entire world in the 1960s. So it seems like there’s tons of Muslims in America today that are more like those wine drinking or cigar smoking European oriented Muslims who lived in Lebanon in the 1960s.

All the meanwhile, Christianity has been under attack in America by numerous people. Of course we have the war on Christmas, we have a certain portion of Americans who are atheists and who think it’s OK to insult Christianity or to blame Christianity for all of the worlds problems. It seems like there’s some portion of atheists who are vehemently against Christianity and they’re OK with other religions. Seems like there’s less atheist today who are against all religions and more atheist today in the USA who simply despise Christianity.

that’s the weird thing about cancel culture, black lives matter, and the far left. All of these entities seem to welcome, or claim to welcome religions that they don’t think are part of the European culture like say, Hinduism, or Buddhism or Islam.

The hope for anybody who cares about Christianity as we go into the future… is we have politicians, judges, teachers, doctors policeman, who embrace Christian values, because Christianity is what in large part brought us to the civilized western world. We could also learn from the Muslim’s, and from anybody who is not a Christian who cares about traditions, who cares about honor and dignity. And there are huge masses of Arabs and Muslims who are OK with a woman in the workforce but at the same time who want traditional marriage, who want to have family structures, who want to have religion in our lives. So the point of this post is to say we need to maintain Christian strength in America and we need to oppose non-Christians who despise Christianity, and we need to embrace the many non-Christians of the world who are about mutual respect of different religions.
As we saw with the Left, they preached tolerance and freedom of speech when they were not in power, but once in power, the hammer comes down as they became intolerant and fully embraced censorship and a lack of freedom of speech.

Society tolerated them all the way into political power which was the only objective with tolerance, but now it is no longer needed. All other political rivals will not be tolerated and probably arrested and put in prison from here on out.

That is how I see Islam as well.

Just you wait.
As we saw with the Left, they preached tolerance and freedom of speech when they were not in power, but once in power, the hammer comes down as they became intolerant and fully embraced censorship and a lack of freedom of speech.

Society tolerated them all the way into political power which was the only objective with tolerance, but now it is no longer needed. All other political rivals will not be tolerated and probably arrested and put in prison from here on out.

That is how I see Islam as well.

Just you wait.
That was another fine example of the infallibility of the "Every conservative accusation is a confession" rule.

It's not the liberals squashing free speech, jailing people for having the wrong book, trying to make up fake crimes to pin on opponents, or forcing people to obey the fascist edicts of religious tyrants.

That authoritarianism comes entirely from your side, and you smooch the butts of those who do it.

I'm just making it clear where we all stand.

You're for fascism.

We're for liberty.

That's why you hate us. You've devoted your life to trying to create a fascist utopia, and you hate us for preventing your fascist utopia from coming about.
That was another fine example of the infallibility of the "Every conservative accusation is a confession" rule.

It's not the liberals squashing free speech, jailing people for having the wrong book, trying to make up fake crimes to pin on opponents, or forcing people to obey the fascist edicts of religious tyrants.

That authoritarianism comes entirely from your side, and you smooch the butts of those who do it.

I'm just making it clear where we all stand.

You're for fascism.

We're for liberty.

That's why you hate us. You've devoted your life to trying to create a fascist utopia, and you hate us for preventing your fascist utopia from coming about.
Don't you have some guns to ban in New Mexico or some people to fire for not getting the jab you Brown shirt freak?
God inspires revivals :bowdown:

and housecleaning's. :omg:
god inspires only hate, genocide, inquisition, and war.

that’s the weird thing about cancel culture, black lives matter, and the far left. All of these entities seem to welcome, or claim to welcome religions that they don’t think are part of the European culture like say, Hinduism, or Buddhism or Islam.
at the heart of every religion are superstition and submission. you can have them all. the golden rule covers the value of all religion in 1 line.

has the annual war on xmas (a truly deplorable holiday ) begun already? it is only october,
god inspires only hate, genocide, inquisition, and war.
This is true of "the god of this world".

2 Corinthians 4:4
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
has the annual war on xmas (a truly deplorable holiday ) begun already? it is only october,
I love Christmas. Most of my student tenants go home (peace and quiet). "Tom 'n Jerry's" flow generously, good cheer abounds, decorations and music please the senses (as well as the snow), my boss gives me a generous bonus. What's not to like? :)
the golden rule covers the value of all religion in 1 line.
This is true of Christianity (according to Jesus).

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Jesus also said that by loving your neighbor you show love to God.
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Nah, it's because in the USA, Christianity is the religion that's actively attacking liberty and democracy.
Christianity attacks all kinds of sin. :biggrin:

Liberalism (lawlessness) disguised as liberty.
Mob rule disguised as democracy.
As a Christian I never seem to have the problems others claim to have. No one has cancelled Christmas for me.

As for going forward, I would hope Christians would act more like Jesus and less like Paul.
I'm just making it clear where we all stand.

You're for fascism.

We're for liberty

;oberty foe whom
This is true of Christianity (according to Jesus).

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Jesus also said that by loving your neighbor you show love to God.
wisdom that jesus learned from "three wise men from the east." perhaps buddha, confucious, and zoroaster? i have posted each of their golden rules in the past. all religion is one.
;oberty foe whom

wisdom that jesus learned from "three wise men from the east." perhaps buddha, confucious, and zoroaster? i have posted each of their golden rules in the past. all religion is one.
Jesus was sent only to a people that sat in spiritual darkness, the lost sheep of the House of Israel.

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