The future of the GOP isn't about Ron DeSantis or Glenn Youngkin

“DeSantis and Youngkin both have worked to adapt to Trumpism, to find ways to tap into the excitement Trump arouses in their own way, something nearly every Republican candidate will do in the next few election cycles. But the real question we should be using to assess these candidates is not the moderation of their tone or their relationship to Trump -- it's their dedication to democracy.

In Republican politics these days, that dedication is increasingly rare. Calls for election audits, attempts to strip power from voters, threats of future insurrections -- all have been defining features of Republican politics in the past year since Trump left office. Which is why, when it comes to discussions of the future of the Republican Party and who might lead it after Trump, the main question we should all be asking is about the candidate's relationship to democracy. Are they actively working to undermine it? Are they playing along with the baroque schemes and conspiracies of the antidemocratic right? Are they speaking out forcefully against the insurrection and efforts to undermine future elections?

Where Republicans land on those questions will determine not only the future of the Republican Party, but the future of the republic itself.”

The antidemocratic right, indeed.
what youre calling anti democratic is in reality pro constitutional republic,,

so it seems once again your premise is a lie
“DeSantis and Youngkin both have worked to adapt to Trumpism, to find ways to tap into the excitement Trump arouses in their own way, something nearly every Republican candidate will do in the next few election cycles. But the real question we should be using to assess these candidates is not the moderation of their tone or their relationship to Trump -- it's their dedication to democracy.

In Republican politics these days, that dedication is increasingly rare. Calls for election audits, attempts to strip power from voters, threats of future insurrections -- all have been defining features of Republican politics in the past year since Trump left office. Which is why, when it comes to discussions of the future of the Republican Party and who might lead it after Trump, the main question we should all be asking is about the candidate's relationship to democracy. Are they actively working to undermine it? Are they playing along with the baroque schemes and conspiracies of the antidemocratic right? Are they speaking out forcefully against the insurrection and efforts to undermine future elections?

Where Republicans land on those questions will determine not only the future of the Republican Party, but the future of the republic itself.”

The antidemocratic right, indeed.
I was glad when Trump was shown the door but after one year those like you have made it clear you need him and Republicans like him so you can instill fear and hate against the opposition and like a good little puppet Trump plays to your tune.

Who will lead the GOP after Trump is gone is not the biggest concern you should be worrying about but why has Biden and the Progressive left made it clear that if you are not 110% with us then you are against us and how it will make those like me forever third party because let face it Biden has been a miserable failure in his first year!

What also has not been discussed today is all the great accomplishments in Biden first year, but instead the focus on Trump and Trump like Republicans and why?

Simple, those like you know Biden has been a miserable failure in office and know if you can not keep Trump on the minds then 2022 is truly lost and it is Sparky!

So as you do your little hit thread and try to paint the GOP as the anti-American party let me ask how do you feel about the mere fact your own political party want to rid itself of any Blue Dogs left in it when all they have to do is compromise with those like Manchin?
The future doesn't hang on them specifically, but they are definitely something to aspire to. They are good examples.
Democrats allowed rioting, burning and murder to go unpunished for months and now they are pointing fingers of blame at Republicans?

That's been a standard behavior of Democraps for quite some time, to the point of becoming an absurd, but true cliché. They put forth what any rational person has to know are bad policies that will only produce bad results, come up with all sorts of irrelevant and ridiculous accusations against anyone who opposes those policies, and when these policies do take effect, and produce exactly the results that everyone should have known they would produce, they try to blame their opposition for those results.
We need a third party in America...I say we call it the America first party....because neither the dems or the GOP puts America first...and I for one am sick of that BS...Trump gave us hope but was run out of office by the lies told by the globalist two party system believers....

Why do you think a 3rd party would be free of corruption and not just more of the same?
About the author of the OP article.

Nicole Hemmer is an American historian. She is an associate research scholar with the Obama Presidency Oral History project at Columbia University.​

Enough said about this hack.
That's been a standard behavior of Democraps for quite some time, to the point of becoming an absurd, but true cliché. They put forth what any rational person has to know are bad policies that will only produce bad results, come up with all sorts of irrelevant and ridiculous accusations against anyone who opposes those policies, and when these policies do take effect, and produce exactly the results that everyone should have known they would produce, they try to blame their opposition for those results.

To Pelosi referring to federal officers attempting to protect a federal courthouse as 'stormtroopers'.

She and others also attacked use of force to protect the White House.
The antidemocratic right, indeed.
Democracy is a failed system, just like Communism.

Democracy requires an Educted, Informed, Invested, and Morally-Centered populace. No nation in the world has such a population. The United States was the last hope in that regard, but we’ve failed to maintain the expectation of any of those concepts in our Society.
Why do you think a 3rd party would be free of corruption and not just more of the same?
Why do you think it wouldn't?...the two we got sure are corrupt...we need to give people a third way...a way where in my opinion the majority in this nation really are....
We need a third party in America...I say we call it the America first party....because neither the dems or the GOP puts America first...and I for one am sick of that BS...Trump gave us hope but was run out of office by the lies told by the globalist two party system believers....

And what does that do? Split the vote and democrats will win every single time.
Yeah, that's what lily livered republicans say, just before they get their asses handed to them.


Not at all. I just choose to not be an ape, and win my battles with in your face evidence, not school yard insults. I was raised better than that.
“DeSantis and Youngkin both have worked to adapt to Trumpism, to find ways to tap into the excitement Trump arouses in their own way, something nearly every Republican candidate will do in the next few election cycles. But the real question we should be using to assess these candidates is not the moderation of their tone or their relationship to Trump -- it's their dedication to democracy.

In Republican politics these days, that dedication is increasingly rare. Calls for election audits, attempts to strip power from voters, threats of future insurrections -- all have been defining features of Republican politics in the past year since Trump left office. Which is why, when it comes to discussions of the future of the Republican Party and who might lead it after Trump, the main question we should all be asking is about the candidate's relationship to democracy. Are they actively working to undermine it? Are they playing along with the baroque schemes and conspiracies of the antidemocratic right? Are they speaking out forcefully against the insurrection and efforts to undermine future elections?

Where Republicans land on those questions will determine not only the future of the Republican Party, but the future of the republic itself.”

The antidemocratic right, indeed.
CNN IS fake news.
“DeSantis and Youngkin both have worked to adapt to Trumpism, to find ways to tap into the excitement Trump arouses in their own way, something nearly every Republican candidate will do in the next few election cycles. But the real question we should be using to assess these candidates is not the moderation of their tone or their relationship to Trump -- it's their dedication to democracy.

In Republican politics these days, that dedication is increasingly rare. Calls for election audits, attempts to strip power from voters, threats of future insurrections -- all have been defining features of Republican politics in the past year since Trump left office. Which is why, when it comes to discussions of the future of the Republican Party and who might lead it after Trump, the main question we should all be asking is about the candidate's relationship to democracy. Are they actively working to undermine it? Are they playing along with the baroque schemes and conspiracies of the antidemocratic right? Are they speaking out forcefully against the insurrection and efforts to undermine future elections?

Where Republicans land on those questions will determine not only the future of the Republican Party, but the future of the republic itself.”

The antidemocratic right, indeed.

Oh, well we should really listen to you Nazis, you filthy vermin only have our best interests in mind....
And what does that do? Split the vote and democrats will win every single time.
I think you underestimate the number of people that can't relate to the Far left or the far right and don't want war and want our tax dollars to stay here....America First is no vice....
I think you underestimate the number of people that can't relate to the Far left or the far right and don't want war and want our tax dollars to stay here....America First is no vice....

And I think you underestimate just how many people do not have the balls to choose a side, and will shy away from anything remotely like an "America First" party.

The independents, to frightened over Trumps "mean tweets" or something a republican said. My mother would never go for it. She's a far right, near wacko stage. My dad might go for it. He's a classic republican. I would go for it, depending on the candidate. My brother would never do it. He's an independent moderate who hates anyone left of center or right of center. Unfortunately, a lot of America is like my brother when it comes time to vote. 41% in fact, according to Gallup polls.

If a party like this is to be created, they would have to steer clear of anything Trump, anything Biden, and be completely neutral for it to work. It would have to promise and DELIVER a completely up to the people policy of not having any agenda. People would have to vote for anything and everything.

The problem with that is, no politician, I don't care who it is, will ever be completely objective. They will always have an agenda. Some agendas are innocent. Others are more sinister. But everyone of them has one. It would be impossible.

So like I said, it would split the vote between conservatives, republicans and RINOs and leave the rest open to democrats. I'm not open to risking the future of our nation like that.
Not at all. I just choose to not be an ape, and win my battles with in your face evidence, not school yard insults. I was raised better than that.

Yeah, how's that working for ya? First you have to have an audience with an open mind, you won't find that here.

“DeSantis and Youngkin both have worked to adapt to Trumpism, to find ways to tap into the excitement Trump arouses in their own way, something nearly every Republican candidate will do in the next few election cycles. But the real question we should be using to assess these candidates is not the moderation of their tone or their relationship to Trump -- it's their dedication to democracy.

In Republican politics these days, that dedication is increasingly rare. Calls for election audits, attempts to strip power from voters, threats of future insurrections -- all have been defining features of Republican politics in the past year since Trump left office. Which is why, when it comes to discussions of the future of the Republican Party and who might lead it after Trump, the main question we should all be asking is about the candidate's relationship to democracy. Are they actively working to undermine it? Are they playing along with the baroque schemes and conspiracies of the antidemocratic right? Are they speaking out forcefully against the insurrection and efforts to undermine future elections?

Where Republicans land on those questions will determine not only the future of the Republican Party, but the future of the republic itself.”

The antidemocratic right, indeed.
The Republican Party is now a full-blown Fascist Party.

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