The future of the GOP isn't about Ron DeSantis or Glenn Youngkin

OP mad that flash bang is tanking and the country can't stand him. Yeah, 81million huh, lol.

Saul Goodman is panicking because election integrity laws keep democrats from engaging in fraud. Without fraud, democrats can't win. We ALL know this. Xi's man Quid Pro tried to federalize elections and make election fraud the law of the land, but the vile puke failed, as he fails at everything.
Saul Goodman is panicking because election integrity laws keep democrats from engaging in fraud. Without fraud, democrats can't win. We ALL know this. Xi's man Quid Pro tried to federalize elections and make election fraud the law of the land, but the vile puke failed, as he fails at everything.
Oddly the only fraud that showed up in 2020...was by Republicans
Oddly the only fraud that showed up in 2020...was by Republicans

A democrat lied.

Another demon got his horns.

Systematic and ubiquitous. Millions of unrequested and unverified mail in ballots.

One alleged ballot harvester, Liban Mohamed, the brother of Minneapolis City Council member Jamal Osman, is shown in a bombshell Snapchat video rifling through piles of ballots strewn across his dashboard.

“Just today we got 300 for Jamal Osman,” says Mohamed, aka KingLiban1, in the video. “I have 300 ballots in my car right now . . .

“Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. . . . Look, all these are for Jamal Osman,” he says, displaying the white envelopes.

“Money is the king in this world . . . and a campaign is driven by money.”}

“DeSantis and Youngkin both have worked to adapt to Trumpism, to find ways to tap into the excitement Trump arouses in their own way, something nearly every Republican candidate will do in the next few election cycles. But the real question we should be using to assess these candidates is not the moderation of their tone or their relationship to Trump -- it's their dedication to democracy.

In Republican politics these days, that dedication is increasingly rare. Calls for election audits, attempts to strip power from voters, threats of future insurrections -- all have been defining features of Republican politics in the past year since Trump left office. Which is why, when it comes to discussions of the future of the Republican Party and who might lead it after Trump, the main question we should all be asking is about the candidate's relationship to democracy. Are they actively working to undermine it? Are they playing along with the baroque schemes and conspiracies of the antidemocratic right? Are they speaking out forcefully against the insurrection and efforts to undermine future elections?

Where Republicans land on those questions will determine not only the future of the Republican Party, but the future of the republic itself.”

The antidemocratic right, indeed.
There is no future for the GOP. They have won 1 Popular Vote in 20 years. Their voters are croaking to COVID. And their politicians are psychopath trolls like Marjorie and DeSantis.

If not for gerrymandering and cheating, the GOP would have died 10 years ago and been replaced.
If that happens in heavily Dem districts...who would benefit?

Traditionally no one, democrats typically get their votes from midnight trucks bringing in trunks full of ballots.

But with voter integrity it may be harder for your Reich to get away with that in certain state.

Can you, or any Nazi here provide a single, verified instance of an American citizen who is alive and registered to vote, being denied the right to vote?

You claim this is happening non-stop, so you must have lots of evidence? Right?
“DeSantis and Youngkin both have worked to adapt to Trumpism, to find ways to tap into the excitement Trump arouses in their own way, something nearly every Republican candidate will do in the next few election cycles. But the real question we should be using to assess these candidates is not the moderation of their tone or their relationship to Trump -- it's their dedication to democracy.

In Republican politics these days, that dedication is increasingly rare. Calls for election audits, attempts to strip power from voters, threats of future insurrections -- all have been defining features of Republican politics in the past year since Trump left office. Which is why, when it comes to discussions of the future of the Republican Party and who might lead it after Trump, the main question we should all be asking is about the candidate's relationship to democracy. Are they actively working to undermine it? Are they playing along with the baroque schemes and conspiracies of the antidemocratic right? Are they speaking out forcefully against the insurrection and efforts to undermine future elections?

Where Republicans land on those questions will determine not only the future of the Republican Party, but the future of the republic itself.”

The antidemocratic right, indeed.
CNN opinion: A failed floundering leftist network spews out failed political agitprop.
And some idiots run and hug it like a warm teddy bear from mommy and daddy.
There is no future for the GOP. They have won 1 Popular Vote in 20 years. Their voters are croaking to COVID. And their politicians are psychopath trolls like Marjorie and DeSantis.

If not for gerrymandering and cheating, the GOP would have died 10 years ago and been replaced.
A progress report from the decks of the Titanic. Let's see how republicans do in the midterm elections.

Let's see who winds up the democrat presidential nominee.

Let's see how much the public likes inflation, the urban crime wave and having our borders over run.

Let's see if Virginia taught the imbecilic left anything at all.
A progress report from the decks of the Titanic. Let's see how republicans do in the midterm elections.

Let's see who winds up the democrat presidential nominee.

Let's see how much the public likes inflation, the urban crime wave and having our borders over run.

But democrats are saying inflation is a good thing.

Let's see if Virginia taught the imbecilic left anything at all.

Doesn't look like it.

There is no future for the GOP. They have won 1 Popular Vote in 20 years. Their voters are croaking to COVID. And their politicians are psychopath trolls like Marjorie and DeSantis.

If not for gerrymandering and cheating, the GOP would have died 10 years ago and been replaced.

Your's is a thousand year Reich. :thup:
Oh look...a rabbit hole into crazyland

When presented with evidence, the Nazi responds with..


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