the future of the Republican party


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
For some reason the Americans conservative has pushed so far to the right that they are in a mental ditch at the side of the road.

They courted a type of voter who in the past was not even active in the political cycle because they had no interest in politics and did not keep informed. Now they THINK they are informed and what in fact they are is indoctrinated into a type of thinking that was designed to get them to the voting booth to vote for republicans. They have been fed a steady diet of scewed news by Fox and believe no other source but Fox and the radio heads who Fox promotes.

These are the people who have been raised in religion and believe in their religion without question since they were children. The repubpican party tied their message to this religion and got preachers to help them do it. Now that scewed conservative message is part of their unquestioned religion.

This is why they refuse facts and the mountain of evidence that proves much of what they believe is untrue.

Its like telling them God doesnt exsist.

Even though it is the cold hard truth it is just too much for them to handle.

They think their entire worlds would have to change, they would have to reaccess everything they think.

They would have to think for a very long time about what is the real truth and what is the implications of the real truth and then they would have to deal with the embarassment of being wrong for so long. Its just to much for them.

They prefer to just continue to deny facts and pretend the world is just like Fox and friends tells them it is ,its safer and easier.

The republican party lost control of these people because they have to recraft what they tell them very carefully so that what they believe changes with the needs of the party at the momment. At times what the republican party has to do to get the power they wish is to spin on a dime on issues. That gets confusing for the tea party because they like things to stay the same so they dont have to learn new things.

Its why this group had been untapped by any political party before. To really understand politics and know when things need to change and why you have to be very enguaged in many aspects of society. The tea party doesnt like science because they cant keep up with how science changes constantly with new discoveries all the time that cause it to evolve. They dont like history because it doesnt fit the narrative the republican party has had to tell these people to get them on board and excited about voting. They dont like teachers because some of those people they actually have to talk to and they know about science and history so they have to be treated as if they are up to something fishy.

These people will now run the Republican party because without them the republican party can no longer cheat enough to win like they did for decades.

That is why they courted this group. they courted them because the cheating was not enough to win after awhile.

Hell they got caught and their every move was being watched by the courts.

The computer cheating got nipped in the bud quicker than they thought it would.

Its still there in the counting machines but it looks so suspicious that its going to be caught soon too.

The tea party will now own the Republican party until it completely distroys their reputations and they are seen as the party of no nothings.

Real republicans dont have the guts to wrestle it back from them.
For some reason the Americans conservative has pushed so far to the right that they are in a mental ditch at the side of the road.

They courted a type of voter who in the past was not even active in the political cycle because they had no interest in politics and did not keep informed. Now they THINK they are informed and what in fact they are is indoctrinated into a type of thinking that was designed to get them to the voting booth to vote for republicans. They have been fed a steady diet of scewed news by Fox and believe no other source but Fox and the radio heads who Fox promotes.

These are the people who have been raised in religion and believe in their religion without question since they were children. The repubpican party tied their message to this religion and got preachers to help them do it. Now that scewed conservative message is part of their unquestioned religion.

This is why they refuse facts and the mountain of evidence that proves much of what they believe is untrue.

Its like telling them God doesnt exsist.

Even though it is the cold hard truth it is just too much for them to handle.

They think their entire worlds would have to change, they would have to reaccess everything they think.

They would have to think for a very long time about what is the real truth and what is the implications of the real truth and then they would have to deal with the embarassment of being wrong for so long. Its just to much for them.

They prefer to just continue to deny facts and pretend the world is just like Fox and friends tells them it is ,its safer and easier.

The republican party lost control of these people because they have to recraft what they tell them very carefully so that what they believe changes with the needs of the party at the momment. At times what the republican party has to do to get the power they wish is to spin on a dime on issues. That gets confusing for the tea party because they like things to stay the same so they dont have to learn new things.

Its why this group had been untapped by any political party before. To really understand politics and know when things need to change and why you have to be very enguaged in many aspects of society. The tea party doesnt like science because they cant keep up with how science changes constantly with new discoveries all the time that cause it to evolve. They dont like history because it doesnt fit the narrative the republican party has had to tell these people to get them on board and excited about voting. They dont like teachers because some of those people they actually have to talk to and they know about science and history so they have to be treated as if they are up to something fishy.

These people will now run the Republican party because without them the republican party can no longer cheat enough to win like they did for decades.

That is why they courted this group. they courted them because the cheating was not enough to win after awhile.

Hell they got caught and their every move was being watched by the courts.

The computer cheating got nipped in the bud quicker than they thought it would.

Its still there in the counting machines but it looks so suspicious that its going to be caught soon too.

The tea party will now own the Republican party until it completely distroys their reputations and they are seen as the party of no nothings.

Real republicans dont have the guts to wrestle it back from them.

So much of this is BS I have to laugh.
Real Republicans fully understand the concepts of Taxed Enough Already, less intrusive and smaller government, the end of out of control Washington spending and whatever else the lefty idiots find distasteful.
Real Republicans fully understand the concepts of Taxed Enough Already, less intrusive and smaller government, the end of out of control Washington spending and whatever else the lefty idiots find distasteful.

Just Who, Exactly, Is Delusional?

just take a look at the latest Gallup Poll regarding the outcome of the debt-ceiling debate. According to Gallup, 64 percent of Republicans nationwide say they disapprove of the debt-ceiling deal made with the Democrats, and independents disapproved of the deal 50 percent to 33 percent.

On the other side of the coin, Democrats approved of the deal 58 percent to 28 percent, and even liberals approved by a 51 percent to 35 percent margin.
For some reason the Americans conservative has pushed so far to the right that they are in a mental ditch at the side of the road.

They courted a type of voter who in the past was not even active in the political cycle because they had no interest in politics and did not keep informed. Now they THINK they are informed and what in fact they are is indoctrinated into a type of thinking that was designed to get them to the voting booth to vote for republicans. They have been fed a steady diet of scewed news by Fox and believe no other source but Fox and the radio heads who Fox promotes.

These are the people who have been raised in religion and believe in their religion without question since they were children. The repubpican party tied their message to this religion and got preachers to help them do it. Now that scewed conservative message is part of their unquestioned religion.

This is why they refuse facts and the mountain of evidence that proves much of what they believe is untrue.

Its like telling them God doesnt exsist.

Even though it is the cold hard truth it is just too much for them to handle.

They think their entire worlds would have to change, they would have to reaccess everything they think.

They would have to think for a very long time about what is the real truth and what is the implications of the real truth and then they would have to deal with the embarassment of being wrong for so long. Its just to much for them.

They prefer to just continue to deny facts and pretend the world is just like Fox and friends tells them it is ,its safer and easier.

The republican party lost control of these people because they have to recraft what they tell them very carefully so that what they believe changes with the needs of the party at the momment. At times what the republican party has to do to get the power they wish is to spin on a dime on issues. That gets confusing for the tea party because they like things to stay the same so they dont have to learn new things.

Its why this group had been untapped by any political party before. To really understand politics and know when things need to change and why you have to be very enguaged in many aspects of society. The tea party doesnt like science because they cant keep up with how science changes constantly with new discoveries all the time that cause it to evolve. They dont like history because it doesnt fit the narrative the republican party has had to tell these people to get them on board and excited about voting. They dont like teachers because some of those people they actually have to talk to and they know about science and history so they have to be treated as if they are up to something fishy.

These people will now run the Republican party because without them the republican party can no longer cheat enough to win like they did for decades.

That is why they courted this group. they courted them because the cheating was not enough to win after awhile.

Hell they got caught and their every move was being watched by the courts.

The computer cheating got nipped in the bud quicker than they thought it would.

Its still there in the counting machines but it looks so suspicious that its going to be caught soon too.

The tea party will now own the Republican party until it completely distroys their reputations and they are seen as the party of no nothings.

Real republicans dont have the guts to wrestle it back from them.

There is a more mature and responsible way to say what you said in your post TM...
and it would have been a lot quicker...

"I do not agree with nor do I understand the thought process of the GOP and its supporters."

Or you can do it your way....

Right is bad
Left is good.

But both ways are a lot shorter than what you posted.
For some reason the Americans conservative has pushed so far to the right that they are in a mental ditch at the side of the road.

They courted a type of voter who in the past was not even active in the political cycle because they had no interest in politics and did not keep informed. Now they THINK they are informed and what in fact they are is indoctrinated into a type of thinking that was designed to get them to the voting booth to vote for republicans. They have been fed a steady diet of scewed news by Fox and believe no other source but Fox and the radio heads who Fox promotes.

These are the people who have been raised in religion and believe in their religion without question since they were children. The repubpican party tied their message to this religion and got preachers to help them do it. Now that scewed conservative message is part of their unquestioned religion.

This is why they refuse facts and the mountain of evidence that proves much of what they believe is untrue.

Its like telling them God doesnt exsist.

Even though it is the cold hard truth it is just too much for them to handle.

They think their entire worlds would have to change, they would have to reaccess everything they think.

They would have to think for a very long time about what is the real truth and what is the implications of the real truth and then they would have to deal with the embarassment of being wrong for so long. Its just to much for them.

They prefer to just continue to deny facts and pretend the world is just like Fox and friends tells them it is ,its safer and easier.

The republican party lost control of these people because they have to recraft what they tell them very carefully so that what they believe changes with the needs of the party at the momment. At times what the republican party has to do to get the power they wish is to spin on a dime on issues. That gets confusing for the tea party because they like things to stay the same so they dont have to learn new things.

Its why this group had been untapped by any political party before. To really understand politics and know when things need to change and why you have to be very enguaged in many aspects of society. The tea party doesnt like science because they cant keep up with how science changes constantly with new discoveries all the time that cause it to evolve. They dont like history because it doesnt fit the narrative the republican party has had to tell these people to get them on board and excited about voting. They dont like teachers because some of those people they actually have to talk to and they know about science and history so they have to be treated as if they are up to something fishy.

These people will now run the Republican party because without them the republican party can no longer cheat enough to win like they did for decades.

That is why they courted this group. they courted them because the cheating was not enough to win after awhile.

Hell they got caught and their every move was being watched by the courts.

The computer cheating got nipped in the bud quicker than they thought it would.

Its still there in the counting machines but it looks so suspicious that its going to be caught soon too.

The tea party will now own the Republican party until it completely distroys their reputations and they are seen as the party of no nothings.

Real republicans dont have the guts to wrestle it back from them.

As if a liberal knows anything about being a conservative Republican. :cuckoo:
The future of the Republican Party is safe in the hands of corporate America.
The future of the Republican Party is safe in the hands of corporate America.

Is GE part of "corporate America"? You know the corporation that's in bed with Obama, the one that paid 0 income tax. How about Starbucks, Levi Strauss & Company, Nike, Apple, Timberland, Gap Inc., BP, Shell and Johnson & Johnson?

Obama's top contributors.

Those are dem friendly corps. They're exempt in Chris' world.
Look at the people denying facts so they dont have to really think.

Its not for you tea party faction republicans, I already know you can not fathom what is happening to the republican party let alone in your own mind.

Conservatives minds work in such a way they cant move from the trench they call home.

That is why you are conservatives. The word itself is about conserving what already is.

Dont rock the boat in the moat.

Its the prime reason why the Real Republicans dont have the guts to take their party back, they are of a conservative mind seet too.
Look at the people denying facts so they dont have to really think.

Its not for you tea party faction republicans, I already know you can not fathom what is happening to the republican party let alone in your own mind.

Conservatives minds work in such a way they can move from the trench they call home.

That is why you are conservatives. The word itself is about conserving what already is.

Dont rock the boat in the moat.

Its the prime reason why the Real Republicans dont have the guts to take their party back, they are of a conservative nind seet too.

Were laughing at your opinion. When you get to the facts. Post them.
TM why do you hate the middle class and poor so much that you helped Obama hold the country hostage until he caused a Depression?
Look at the people denying facts so they dont have to really think.

Its not for you tea party faction republicans, I already know you can not fathom what is happening to the republican party let alone in your own mind.

Conservatives minds work in such a way they cant move from the trench they call home.

That is why you are conservatives. The word itself is about conserving what already is.

Dont rock the boat in the moat.

Its the prime reason why the Real Republicans dont have the guts to take their party back, they are of a conservative mind seet too.
Republicans can hope the tea party is a phase, I don't see them turning back on that platform yet; but I see traditional republicans and evangelicals of the religious persuasion cringing at the thought of cuts to their special projects or even worse liberal right wingers entering the ring and trying to advocate pro-choice and anti-war. I think the Republican Party will turn on the tea party if they lose too many votes next cycle.
I personally dont care how much you laugh or not.

You and your faction have been so very wrong about everything for so long your giddy laughter is merely a background sound to the failure of your policies.

Its kinda reasuring because its some of the more positive things that come out of your mouth.
Were laughing at your opinion. When you get to the facts. Post them.

See that's just it.... truthdoesntmatter does not have opinions of her own. She is a mouthpiece talking point. She links and quotes what ever she finds that fits into her hack world.
I personally dont care how much you laugh or not.

You and your faction have been so very wrong about everything for so long your giddy laughter is merely a background sound to the failure of your policies.

Its kinda reasuring because its some of the more positive things that come out of your mouth.

Pay attention, I realize that is difficult with such a short attention span.

We pay a half trillion in interest a year, on pace to exceed DOD spending.

But if we could have just borrowed more we wouldnt have been downgraded, Oh woe is me.

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