The Gaslighting Begins After Mark Milley's Treasonous Actions Are Revealed

First we have Obama-Biden-Clinton getting caught colluding with Russia and paying Putin for a Fake Dirty Dossier to undermine the political stability and Democracy of The United States, and now you have Nancy Pelosi ordering Milley to commit Treason against The United States by Colluding with China.

And Vindman imo also is a traitor just like the sorry lot of them.

All would be tried and shot just 60 years ago. Today we given them air time on the Commie News Network.
Ike Eisenhower did his best by sigining into Law a Communist prevention in 1954. Unfortunately, the carnivores were guarding the henhouse. :(
And now Biden is YOUR President...and will be for three plus more years
Of course he is now. We're not at all certain he'll make it 3 more years, but as long as he does, he's president. See, this is where some of you don't grasp reality. Wishing a person is or is not your president has no effect on the reality of who actually IS president. I'm sure there were plenty of distraught usual suspects who secretly pretended that Hillary was their president, but she wasn't. We KNOW there are plenty of the usual suspects who pretended TRUMP! was NOT their president, but he most emphatically was.
Yeah, he was, for 4 years. I checked and it's very clear. If you were a US citizen at any time between 2017 and 2021, TRUMP! was your president. Isn't that cool?

yes, we can tell Trump was in the White House.

700,000 died.
65 million lost their jobs
Riots broke out in the streets
The Average life expectancy of Americans actually DROPPED on his watch.

We can definitely tell that Trump's time in the white house was as disastrous as all his other ventures. This is a guy who lost money selling steaks and vodka.

yes, we can tell Trump was in the White House.

700,000 died.
65 million lost their jobs
Riots broke out in the streets
The Average life expectancy of Americans actually DROPPED on his watch.

We can definitely tell that Trump's time in the white house was as disastrous as all his other ventures. This is a guy who lost money selling steaks and vodka.

And he was your president during that time.
Nope, he was just a squatter in the White House against the will of the people. We fixed that.
Man, you are seriously deep in denial. Obviously he was your president or you wouldn't have cared what he did. You've gone bonkers over him precisely because he was your president, and he still occupies a large portion of your mind.
Man, you are seriously deep in denial. Obviously he was your president or you wouldn't have cared what he did. You've gone bonkers over him precisely because he was your president, and he still occupies a large portion of your mind.

Hey, today he was whining that Colin Powell was getting good press coverage after he died.

Class act you support, buddy. Class act.
Hey, today he was whining that Colin Powell was getting good press coverage after he died.

Class act you support, buddy. Class act.
None of which has anything to do with the fact that he was your president.
Nope, the people said no.
Doesn't matter who said what. TRUMP! was YOUR president for 4 years.

Like I've said many times, it doesn't matter if the losing team in the Super Bowl had more fans, that they really really wanted their team to win, or that they held the ball longer, or that they gained more yards, or even that they scored more field goals. They still lost if the other team had more points on the board when the buzzer went off, and that's what TRUMP! did, had more points on the board when the buzzer went off. Hillary gambled that she could ignore certain states in the runup to the election and lost. It's really that simple. If anything, you should be mad at Hillary for blowing a big lead in the 4th quarter.
Doesn't matter who said what. TRUMP! was YOUR president for 4 years.

No, he was a national joke for four years.

And it's only funny until someone dies...

When 700,000 people die, it's not funny at all.
No, he was a national joke for four years.

And it's only funny until someone dies...

When 700,000 people die, it's not funny at all.
He was your president. Look, it simply doesn't matter what you think, how angry you get, how many times you throw your spoon against the wall or your sippy cup to the floor. It doesn't matter how hard you stomp your feet, hold your breath until you turn blue, or how many times you howl at the moon. He was your president. In fact, if he wasn't your president you wouldn't be out here moaning and groaning about him and how sad he made you feel. The only reason you're so obsessed with him is BECAUSE he was YOUR president.
He was your president. Look, it simply doesn't matter what you think,

Yet, you are the one throwing the tantrum...

I mean, come on, guy just admit you all fucked up, you'll feel better.
Obama never did anything crazy like round up THOUSANDS of kids and put them in cages for years. He put kids in cages for a couple of days until they could find people to take them. It's not even nearly the same thing.
SPIN, BABY, SPIN. The pictures of the kids in cages were done not under TRUMP as the media pretended but were taken when Obama was in office. It was Obama rounding up kids and keeping them in cages---TRump was tossing their asses back across the border back to their shitty families and shitty countries.
SPIN, BABY, SPIN. The pictures of the kids in cages were done not under TRUMP as the media pretended but were taken when Obama was in office. It was Obama rounding up kids and keeping them in cages---TRump was tossing their asses back across the border back to their shitty families and shitty countries.

That's why he kept journalists out of those camps where he was keeping those people... because it was totally on the up and up...

I know you really need to believe that.
Yeah, he was, for 4 years. I checked and it's very clear. If you were a US citizen at any time between 2017 and 2021, TRUMP! was your president. Isn't that cool?
It was cooler maligning him and his kooky sycophant Qult45 agenda every minute of every day. Man, they haven't taken it very well. :itsok:
That's why he kept journalists out of those camps where he was keeping those people... because it was totally on the up and up...

I know you really need to believe that.
Believe what?--the photos of kids cages came were taken under OBAMA..this is the fact. You need to grow the hell up and deal with the FACT instead of trying to spin shit. You don't like them in cages, blame obama...or blame Biden who piles them up in cells which is worse.
Believe what?--the photos of kids cages came were taken under OBAMA..this is the fact. You need to grow the hell up and deal with the FACT instead of trying to spin shit. You don't like them in cages, blame obama...or blame Biden who piles them up in cells which is worse.

Obama put kids in custody for a few days until they found guardians.
Trump put kids in cages for months in unsanitary conditions.
Yet, you are the one throwing the tantrum...

I mean, come on, guy just admit you all fucked up, you'll feel better.
What tantrum? I'm merely pointing out that you're so traumatized that you can't even admit TRUMP! was YOUR president for 4 years and you're still ranting about him months after he left office.

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