The Gate: Dianetics/DNA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media vignette inspired by Toys.

Signing off,



Angels guarded the dominions of vanity and pleasure in the modern Burger King signature civilization. American women suffered from obesity, and men were gluttons. There was cruelty in the capitalist corporate culture, and comic book writers were dreaming about urban apocalypses. Where would Scientology/Dianetics stand and would pro-populism media (e.g., celebrity democracy) make media-idols like Tom Cruise diplomats of forward thinking?


At the entrance of the grand Gate of the Heaven/Hell of pedestrian metaphysics in this new age of globalization/commerce stood two diametrically-opposite pillars of wisdom --- one was called Blue Snow and it represented purely aesthetics. The other (Gate 2) was Purple Noon and represented pure mechanics (and sometimes machinery). Gate 1 was for urban gizmo slang/comics and toy-like consumer products (like compact cassettes). Gate 2 (or Pillar 2) was for hard-rationalism in anthropology and evaluation of consumerism tickets. Whichever gate/pillar suits you may determine your contribution to 'TrumpUSA.'


As expected, security is tight, but the NSA is working closely with media-figures/celebrities such as Tom Cruise, Kurt Russell, Tom Hardy, Leo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Margot Robbie, The Rock, and Amy Fisher. These indoctrinated underground 'agents' would serve the U.S. government by disseminating ideas regarding the vitality of negotiable democracy in a modern pro-consumerism state through their various work-spaces and media-spotlights. The team was called the Radio Guerrillas (or RGs). It was pretty cool...


A demonic entity rose from all this water of media-mind traffic. This demon was comprised entirely of electric energy and was a messenger only of static. The demon's name was Xandu, and he wanted to ask humans in America if they believed in the Two Pillars of Wisdom and if they truly captured a modern social focus on the metaphysics of mass behaviors (in a consumerism state!). Xandu wanted to argue that all the Internet-energy and media-dolls/celebrities were merely distractions which delayed humanity from ascending to the next stage of evolution --- immortal fury.


GOD: It seems 'Dianetics-America' might endure...
SATAN: Yes, it won't collapse due to terrorism/war.
GOD: America is well-financed and handsomely-governed.
SATAN: It boasts the world's finest military forces.
GOD: The Army and Navy college football teams have a rivalry!
SATAN: Yes, their annual games are nationally-televised...
GOD: TV is changing the way we conceive of relaxation(!).
SATAN: Yes, living room amenities comprise the modern suburban yoga.
GOD: Are you a fan of Christmas movies?
SATAN: I like A Christmas Story, Scrooged, and Home Alone.
GOD: I like the classics --- It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th St.
SATAN: Media impacts mob psychology...
GOD: That's the magic of mobilization.
SATAN: That's not what Marx said.
GOD: No, Marx believed social coordination was purely economic.
SATAN: Isn't it?
GOD: Not really. There's an unpredictability that comes with competitive behaviour.
SATAN: What's so special about being shocked while watching Wall Street?
GOD: It's a sign of 'vitality of the masses' (compare to French Revolution).
SATAN: Are you suggesting that Netflix (e.g., Christmas movies) will alter philosophy?
GOD: I'm merely suggesting that mob psychology will always be governed by atheism.
SATAN: Ah, and since atheism promotes healthy debates, it is 'incendiary' (and creative).
GOD: To each his own; I believe MTV will alter human DNA.
SATAN: The new sci-fi horror-film Alien: Covenant represents evolutionary-panic.




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