The Gay Agenda

The only ones into "government gifts" are the Liberals. I don't want anything from the government, but thank you anyway.:)

Marriage = 1 MAN + 1 WOMAN

You get over a thousand different forms of cash and prizes from the government for being married. Government is all up in our marriages because we demanded it.

Gays are just asking for the exact same legal protections.

This has nothing to do with your God or your religious beliefs. If you are all about GOD HATES FAGS, that's your business. If your church only wants to join men and women together in matrimony, that's your business.

But this has to do with secular legal protections. Cash and prizes is what this is all about.

I do not appreciate your vulgar language towards gays, or portraying that as my beliefs. I have nothing at all against gays, if this is how they want to live their lives, it is THEIR business.

I start having a problem with it when it is forced on all of America.

Don't pretend to know anything about my religious beliefs.

It's a shame how you Liberals demonize any position that differs from yours, really childish actually.
It is clear you do not like gays. And I said "IF" quite plainly.

Now...please explain how two married homosexuals filling out a joint tax return or buying a house or being eligible for Social Security death benefits or being able to visit each other in the hospital as immediate family is forcing anything on you. All the things you take for granted which are provided to you under the protections of the law; are you forcing those on me?
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M.D., since you don't have the numbers, the law, or the fact on your sides, your pointless threat is nothing more than. . . pointless.

Threat? Projecting? Like I said, leftists are stupid. Indeed, evil, tyranny, in the final analysis, really is mindless, banal. My statement goes to the nature of your political agenda. Obviously, it's true, as any sane or sensible person can see, in light of the video and the mindless response of the leftist thugs on this thread.


Your laws, both real and imagined, contrary to divine, natural, constitutional and case law?

Your meaningless blather about facts?

Evil loses in the end. You're a fool. It's not my problem that you're too stupid or corrupt to acknowledge the truth.
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You fill out a married tax return. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You are allowed to visit your husband/wife in the ICU because you are their spouse. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You and your spouse pay into Social Security all your lives and then one of you dies. The other receives Social Security death benefits. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You have employer-sponsored insurance and your spouse is on your policy. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You walk in a public park with your spouse, holding hands. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

At your weekly bridge game with your friends, you tell them a funny story about your spouse. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!
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You fill out a married tax return. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You are allowed to visit your husband/wife in the ICU because you are their spouse. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You and your spouse pay into Social Security all your lives and then one of you dies. The other receives Social Security death benefits. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You have employer-sponsored insurance and your spouse is on your policy. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You walk in a public park with your spouse, holding hands. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

At your weekly bridge game with your friends, you tell them a funny story about your spouse. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

Now you're just making a fool of yourself.:cuckoo:
You fill out a married tax return. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You are allowed to visit your husband/wife in the ICU because you are their spouse. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You and your spouse pay into Social Security all your lives and then one of you dies. The other receives Social Security death benefits. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You have employer-sponsored insurance and your spouse is on your policy. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You walk in a public park with your spouse, holding hands. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

At your weekly bridge game with your friends, you tell them a funny story about your spouse. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

Now you're just making a fool of yourself.:cuckoo:

Prove he is a fool. Show how a single thing is being forced upon you.
Your laws, both real and imagined, contrary to divine, natural, constitutional and case law?

Nobody gives a shit about your "divine law". Take your problems to Jesus.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).
Your laws, both real and imagined, contrary to divine, natural, constitutional and case law?

Nobody gives a shit about your "divine law". Take your problems to Jesus.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).

"But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you." (Leviticus 11:10)

So tell us about the last time you had some shrimp or lobster, sinner.
You fill out a married tax return. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You are allowed to visit your husband/wife in the ICU because you are their spouse. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You and your spouse pay into Social Security all your lives and then one of you dies. The other receives Social Security death benefits. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You have employer-sponsored insurance and your spouse is on your policy. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

You walk in a public park with your spouse, holding hands. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

At your weekly bridge game with your friends, you tell them a funny story about your spouse. STOP FORCING YOUR MARRIAGE ON ME!

Now you're just making a fool of yourself.:cuckoo:

I am glad you are able to see how the whole "forcing their marriage on me" argument is stupid crazy talk.
M.D., since you don't have the numbers, the law, or the fact on your sides, your pointless threat is nothing more than. . . pointless.

Threat? Projecting? Like I said, leftists are stupid. Indeed, evil, tyranny, in the final analysis, really is mindless, banal. My statement goes to the nature of your political agenda. Obviously, it's true, as any sane or sensible person can see, in light of the video and the mindless response of the leftist thugs on this thread.


Your laws, both real and imagined, contrary to divine, natural, constitutional and case law?

Your meaningless blather about facts?

Evil loses in the end. You're a fool. It's not my problem that you're too stupid or corrupt to acknowledge the truth.

Rant when confounded with the truth, huh.

You do not interpret for anyone else the divine, natural, constitutional, and case law.

You have enough trouble remembering to take which meds at what times.

Sonny, don't be stupid enough to threaten anyone.
M.D., since you don't have the numbers, the law, or the fact on your sides, your pointless threat is nothing more than. . . pointless.

Threat? Projecting? Like I said, leftists are stupid. Indeed, evil, tyranny, in the final analysis, really is mindless, banal. My statement goes to the nature of your political agenda. Obviously, it's true, as any sane or sensible person can see, in light of the video and the mindless response of the leftist thugs on this thread.


Your laws, both real and imagined, contrary to divine, natural, constitutional and case law?

Your meaningless blather about facts?

Evil loses in the end. You're a fool. It's not my problem that you're too stupid or corrupt to acknowledge the truth.

Rant when confounded with the truth, huh.

You do not interpret for anyone else the divine, natural, constitutional, and case law.

You have enough trouble remembering to take which meds at what times.

Sonny, don't be stupid enough to threaten anyone.

Nobody gives a shit about your "divine law". Take your problems to Jesus.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).

"But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you." (Leviticus 11:10)

So tell us about the last time you had some shrimp or lobster, sinner.

Why would the Mosaic dietary laws apply to Christians of the New Testament era?

But in any event. . . .

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).
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For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).

"But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you." (Leviticus 11:10)

So tell us about the last time you had some shrimp or lobster, sinner.

Why would the Mosaic dietary laws apply to Christians of the New Testament era?

But in any event. . . .

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

Homophobes selectively quote from the Old Testament when speaking out against gays, not the New Testament. Perhaps you should be quoting Romans 5:8 to them.
As I've said before, the only things that homofascists and their straight fascists allies will ever understand about the point at which their rights end and those of others begin is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

Or edge of a sword I imagine. Hey I think the Taliban are looking for new radical hardliners to recruit.

Really? So forced outings? and coming out are about minding your own business? hmmmmmmm that does not compute
God gave so much talent to the gays. That's why Republicans are like Cain and gays are like Able. Cain is so jealous, he can't see "straight".
"But whatever is in the seas and in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable things to you." (Leviticus 11:10)

So tell us about the last time you had some shrimp or lobster, sinner.

Why would the Mosaic dietary laws apply to Christians of the New Testament era?

But in any event. . . .

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

Homophobes selectively quote from the Old Testament when speaking out against gays, not the New Testament. Perhaps you should be quoting Romans 5:8 to them.

Love that verse, not sure how it applies here, other than we all sin, sure, but on Earth some are worse than others.

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