The Gay Agenda

Tell us more about how you want to force your religious beliefs on others at the barrel of a gun. :lol:

You're a liar.

As I've said before, the only things that homofascists and their straight fascists allies will ever understand about the point at which their rights end and those of others begin is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

So... tell us more... :eusa_whistle:

You responded to one of my posts. Now this one... :lol:
Tell us more about how you want to force your religious beliefs on others at the barrel of a gun. :lol:

You're a liar.

As I've said before, the only things that homofascists and their straight fascists allies will ever understand about the point at which their rights end and those of others begin is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

So... tell us more... :eusa_whistle:

You can just admit that you lied about me lying. Running from the topic doesn't make you a winner. :lol:
Received in an email:

"The primary driver of sexual deviants is not that of overall acceptance or freedom or elimination of prejudice and discrimination for everybody- the primary driver of any sexual deviant is to force people who are not deviants to constantly say 'what you do isn't deviant, what you do is normal.'

"Live and let live is not acceptable, 'what you do in your own bedroom' is not acceptable."

In psychology, at least back in the good old days when science still was used at the APA, it was known that deep denial such as that experienced by survivors of childhood molestation with repressed memories manifests an intent to force the world to play along.

The mechanism works sort of like this. If the world notices, speaks out about or reflects back to the victim that there is something odd or troubled about them, or just stands in stark contrast to that odd behavior, then the afflicted person is forced to look at themselves...which in deep deep stages of denial is truly a horrible proposition. So, instead, the afflicted will go to unbelievable lengths to change the world around them to stave off the pressure of having to do self-examination. The costs are huge. If that person suddenly realized the damage done to them by the world refusing to play along, their mind could actually collapse.

And my heart goes out to them. But the solution is not to make more of them to suffer the same fate by changing the world to a situation that fosters more of the original damage done:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People

Young people aged 13 to 24 made up about 26 percent of all new diagnoses in 2010, even as other demographics have remained relatively stable, according to new information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

...Most young people diagnosed with HIV today contract the disease through sex. For most young men, it’s through sex with other men. CDC Reports Troubling Rise in HIV Infections Among Young People | ENDGAME: AIDS in Black America | FRONTLINE | PBS
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You get over a thousand different forms of cash and prizes from the government for being married. Government is all up in our marriages because we demanded it.

Gays are just asking for the exact same legal protections.

This has nothing to do with your God or your religious beliefs. If you are all about GOD HATES FAGS, that's your business. If your church only wants to join men and women together in matrimony, that's your business.

But this has to do with secular legal protections. Cash and prizes is what this is all about. The ones you enjoy and want to keep only for yourself.

Your honesty is refreshing. At least you're not trying to convince us that gays only want to marry because they love and cherish their partners, want to raise a family, and they want their love sanctioned and protected. It has always been about the money and other "perks". The divorce attorneys love gay marriage, by-the-way.

"Want to raise a family". The haters have been preventing that. This is exactly what I am talking about. They want the exact same things as everyone else.

The haters also had their way for a long time in preventing gays from being able to love and cherish their partners in the same way as everyone else. They had to love and cherish in secret upon pain of death in many cases.

Open your eyes to what your hate has wrought.

The real agenda at work here is hate on the part of bigots. Condemnation, oppression, separation, violence.

I see you are making broad assumptions about my stance on gays. I don't care what they do to or with each other. I object to their hypocrisy when they DEMAND others accept them and their lifestyle while they turn around and totally disrespect someone else's beliefs.
Your honesty is refreshing. At least you're not trying to convince us that gays only want to marry because they love and cherish their partners, want to raise a family, and they want their love sanctioned and protected. It has always been about the money and other "perks". The divorce attorneys love gay marriage, by-the-way.

"Want to raise a family". The haters have been preventing that. This is exactly what I am talking about. They want the exact same things as everyone else.

The haters also had their way for a long time in preventing gays from being able to love and cherish their partners in the same way as everyone else. They had to love and cherish in secret upon pain of death in many cases.

Open your eyes to what your hate has wrought.

The real agenda at work here is hate on the part of bigots. Condemnation, oppression, separation, violence.

I see you are making broad assumptions about my stance on gays. I don't care what they do to or with each other. I object to their hypocrisy when they DEMAND others accept them and their lifestyle while they turn around and totally disrespect someone else's beliefs.

It's only natural for gays to mistrust and dislike those who try to oppress them. Ask any civil rights activist.
As I've said before, the only things that homofascists and their straight fascists allies will ever understand about the point at which their rights end and those of others begin is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

You and others on the right are at liberty to hate gay Americans; you are not at liberty, however, to seek to codify that hate.

Seeking one’s comprehensive civil rights in accordance with the Constitution and its case law is not an ‘agenda.’

And that you would advocate violence against those pursuing their civil rights is both sad and telling.
God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is [r]unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil. 32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
Your honesty is refreshing. At least you're not trying to convince us that gays only want to marry because they love and cherish their partners, want to raise a family, and they want their love sanctioned and protected. It has always been about the money and other "perks". The divorce attorneys love gay marriage, by-the-way.

"Want to raise a family". The haters have been preventing that. This is exactly what I am talking about. They want the exact same things as everyone else.

The haters also had their way for a long time in preventing gays from being able to love and cherish their partners in the same way as everyone else. They had to love and cherish in secret upon pain of death in many cases.

Open your eyes to what your hate has wrought.

The real agenda at work here is hate on the part of bigots. Condemnation, oppression, separation, violence.

I see you are making broad assumptions about my stance on gays. I don't care what they do to or with each other. I object to their hypocrisy when they DEMAND others accept them and their lifestyle while they turn around and totally disrespect someone else's beliefs.


Just as gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil liberties is not an ‘agenda,’ so too is it not ‘hypocrisy,’ nor are there ‘demands’ being made of anyone – the notion is ridiculous.

Gay Americans have always had the inalienable right to due process of the law and the right to express themselves as individuals absent interference by the state, as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment, and the right to equal protection of the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

Consequently, no one’s ‘beliefs’ are being ‘disrespected,’ as gay Americans are in fact being denied equal protection of the law by jurisdictions that refuse to allow them access to the marriage contract law they are eligible to participate in.

Gay Americans are not ‘demanding’ things be ‘changed’ to ‘accommodate’ them; rather, gay Americans are being denied their civil rights unlawfully by those hostile to homosexuals for no other reason than who gay Americans are.
"Want to raise a family". The haters have been preventing that. This is exactly what I am talking about. They want the exact same things as everyone else.

The haters also had their way for a long time in preventing gays from being able to love and cherish their partners in the same way as everyone else. They had to love and cherish in secret upon pain of death in many cases.

Open your eyes to what your hate has wrought.

The real agenda at work here is hate on the part of bigots. Condemnation, oppression, separation, violence.

I see you are making broad assumptions about my stance on gays. I don't care what they do to or with each other. I object to their hypocrisy when they DEMAND others accept them and their lifestyle while they turn around and totally disrespect someone else's beliefs.


Just as gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil liberties is not an ‘agenda,’ so too is it not ‘hypocrisy,’ nor are there ‘demands’ being made of anyone – the notion is ridiculous.

Gay Americans have always had the inalienable right to due process of the law and the right to express themselves as individuals absent interference by the state, as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment, and the right to equal protection of the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

Consequently, no one’s ‘beliefs’ are being ‘disrespected,’ as gay Americans are in fact being denied equal protection of the law by jurisdictions that refuse to allow them access to the marriage contract law they are eligible to participate in.

Gay Americans are not ‘demanding’ things be ‘changed’ to ‘accommodate’ them; rather, gay Americans are being denied their civil rights unlawfully by those hostile to homosexuals for no other reason than who gay Americans are.

I love these reasons, so how come they don't apply to necrophiliacs or any other sexual perverts?
I see you are making broad assumptions about my stance on gays. I don't care what they do to or with each other. I object to their hypocrisy when they DEMAND others accept them and their lifestyle while they turn around and totally disrespect someone else's beliefs.


Just as gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil liberties is not an ‘agenda,’ so too is it not ‘hypocrisy,’ nor are there ‘demands’ being made of anyone – the notion is ridiculous.

Gay Americans have always had the inalienable right to due process of the law and the right to express themselves as individuals absent interference by the state, as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment, and the right to equal protection of the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

Consequently, no one’s ‘beliefs’ are being ‘disrespected,’ as gay Americans are in fact being denied equal protection of the law by jurisdictions that refuse to allow them access to the marriage contract law they are eligible to participate in.

Gay Americans are not ‘demanding’ things be ‘changed’ to ‘accommodate’ them; rather, gay Americans are being denied their civil rights unlawfully by those hostile to homosexuals for no other reason than who gay Americans are.

I love these reasons, so how come they don't apply to necrophiliacs or any other sexual perverts?

Any heterosexual who has sex out of marriage is a pervert.
"so again, how is the gay movement, making being a gay private? The celebrate, encourage people to come out AND they threaten and out gays who do now tow the line"

Who cares, this is similar to what our TPM did to cow and out Republicans they did not like?

Listen to all the whinging from the losing side of hetero-fascism all the way from Sil's false science and false religion and ad homs to their allies who need a manual to tie their shoelaces.

Kiddos, you are on the losing side of history.
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Nobody loves to hate like right wingnuts. They just love to hate.
Not liberty, but "tolerance," "love" and "equality." . . .

homosexuality - Sid Roth It's Supernatural - YouTube

In other words, tyranny under the banner of politically correct statism.


All this?? Just cause someone ask if they could suck your.......?

Just as gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil liberties is not an ‘agenda,’ so too is it not ‘hypocrisy,’ nor are there ‘demands’ being made of anyone – the notion is ridiculous.

Gay Americans have always had the inalienable right to due process of the law and the right to express themselves as individuals absent interference by the state, as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment, and the right to equal protection of the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

Consequently, no one’s ‘beliefs’ are being ‘disrespected,’ as gay Americans are in fact being denied equal protection of the law by jurisdictions that refuse to allow them access to the marriage contract law they are eligible to participate in.

Gay Americans are not ‘demanding’ things be ‘changed’ to ‘accommodate’ them; rather, gay Americans are being denied their civil rights unlawfully by those hostile to homosexuals for no other reason than who gay Americans are.

I love these reasons, so how come they don't apply to necrophiliacs or any other sexual perverts?

Any heterosexual who has sex out of marriage is a pervert.
LOL well maybe we could call fornicators on it then. My point is give a pro homo reason and I can apply it to any perversion. Let me try one

Genetics, if gays are genetic, then how come pedophilia isn't? (and I don't believe either or any behavior is genetic)
There is no such thing as "PC."

Both are rightist contrivances and myths.

Really? My own 7 year old nephew told me that I'm not allowed to say the word "retarded" when I told my sister there's a "ritardando" in the piano score that didn't' appear on her cello score.

Neither my cousin nor cousin-in-law (parents of my nephew) knew why he said the word wasn't allowed. Soon after, he said his teacher said it's a bad word. When they asked the teacher a few weeks later, she said it wasn't "politically correct" and allowing the use of such an "offensive word" in elementary school would "jeopardize' her job.
I love these reasons, so how come they don't apply to necrophiliacs or any other sexual perverts?

Any heterosexual who has sex out of marriage is a pervert.
LOL well maybe we could call fornicators on it then. My point is give a pro homo reason and I can apply it to any perversion. Let me try one

Genetics, if gays are genetic, then how come pedophilia isn't? (and I don't believe either or any behavior is genetic)

Kiddo, what you believe doesn't matter.

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