The Gay Agenda

Any heterosexual who has sex out of marriage is a pervert.
Boy is that dumb, and you just wrote off something like 25% or men and 15% of women.
Infidelity Statistics | Statistic Brain

He's on your side, he was trying to call me out on it......really pay attention.

The problem isn't with your marital status, it's with your partner, if they are the same sex, underage, dead, or an animal, there is an issue.

Not in an average brain that understands the issue is consent, between two adults.

Move along.
There is no such thing as "PC."

Both are rightist contrivances and myths.

Really? My own 7 year old nephew told me that I'm not allowed to say the word "retarded" when I told my sister there's a "ritardando" in the piano score that didn't' appear on her cello score.

Neither my cousin nor cousin-in-law (parents of my nephew) knew why he said the word wasn't allowed. Soon after, he said his teacher said it's a bad word. When they asked the teacher a few weeks later, she said it wasn't "politically correct" and allowing the use of such an "offensive word" in elementary school would "jeopardize' her job.

Rightly so, you retard.
As I've said before, the only things that homofascists and their straight fascists allies will ever understand about the point at which their rights end and those of others begin is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.

You and others on the right are at liberty to hate gay Americans; you are not at liberty, however, to seek to codify that hate.

Seeking one’s comprehensive civil rights in accordance with the Constitution and its case law is not an ‘agenda.’

And that you would advocate violence against those pursuing their civil rights is both sad and telling.

You have read and understood my political philosophy, the natural law of the Anglo-American tradition, the classical liberalism of this nation's founding, extrapolated from the Judeo-Christian ethical system of thought. My universal respect for individual liberty and free association is indisputable, my commitment to the imperatives of justice, unassailable. You know very well I have no interest whatsoever in imposing my religion on anyone. You accuse me of what you know to be absolutely false, of that which only the moral relativist and, therefore, the collectivist would necessarily advocate. He who will lie, will murder if given the power to do so without consequence. You're the hater. You're a fascist pig of the Marxist kind, a statist bootlick.

Civil rights?

You lying, hypocritical punk. Your complaint is that of a monstrous whore, a raving lunatic, enraged by decent human beings who have the audacity to tell you to get your blood-encrusted boot off their necks . . . before they break it off.

You're a pathological liar, a sad, pathetic little man, a cowardly thug.

Behold the truth about and the manner in which you deal with the fascists bullies of the political left:

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I attended a secret meeting of the Gay Liberation Font, and discovered that they are in the process of tracking Rawlings down, where they plan to tie him to a chair, and prop his eyelids open with a toothpick, and make him watch endless loops of Richard Simmon's ,"Sweating to the Oldies" tapes. I think that he has a right to be a little paranoid on this issue.
Rawlings knows that political philosophy, natural law, classical liberalism and the American principles of equality and due process before the law contradict his hetero-fascism.

Like all good little fascists, though, that won't stop him from doing that which he accuses others of doing if given a chance. Because his level of morality is so low on the scale, he believes his opposition would do to him if only he had the balls to do what he wants to his enemies.

In no way shape or form is his right to private association threatened by marriage equality.

He may not, however, have special rights in public accommodation.
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There is no such thing as "PC."

Both are rightist contrivances and myths.

Really? My own 7 year old nephew told me that I'm not allowed to say the word "retarded" when I told my sister there's a "ritardando" in the piano score that didn't' appear on her cello score.

Neither my cousin nor cousin-in-law (parents of my nephew) knew why he said the word wasn't allowed. Soon after, he said his teacher said it's a bad word. When they asked the teacher a few weeks later, she said it wasn't "politically correct" and allowing the use of such an "offensive word" in elementary school would "jeopardize' her job.

Rightly so, you retard.

Google ritardando Jake, just so you know who the retard is.
My, my, my. Look at how upset some people get when gays ask to be able to file a married tax return and enjoy all the exact same government presents we straight people do!

All this violent talk. Clearly they don't want anyone else getting government gifts but themselves.

Hypocrites. Worse than hippies, really. Hippies don't care if everyone gets government presents. But the homophobes don't want anyone but themselves getting stuff from the government.

The only ones into "government gifts" are the Liberals. I don't want anything from the government, but thank you anyway.:)

Marriage = 1 MAN + 1 WOMAN

then you can leave

Actually, when Liberalism is dead....and don't fool yourselves, its WELL on its way, "government gifts" won't be an option at all.

People will actually need to work again!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!"

-Margaret Thatcher
Not liberty, but "tolerance," "love" and "equality." . . .

homosexuality - Sid Roth It's Supernatural - YouTube

In other words, tyranny under the banner of politically correct statism.


All this?? Just cause someone ask if they could suck your.......?

Or because they refused?
The only ones into "government gifts" are the Liberals. I don't want anything from the government, but thank you anyway.:)

Marriage = 1 MAN + 1 WOMAN

then you can leave

Actually, when Liberalism is dead....and don't fool yourselves, its WELL on its way, "government gifts" won't be an option at all.

People will actually need to work again!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!"

-Margaret Thatcher

Funny, you could say the same thing about cutting taxes. Eventually, you run up the debt and run out of money.
Any heterosexual who has sex out of marriage is a pervert.
LOL well maybe we could call fornicators on it then. My point is give a pro homo reason and I can apply it to any perversion. Let me try one

Genetics, if gays are genetic, then how come pedophilia isn't? (and I don't believe either or any behavior is genetic)

Kiddo, what you believe doesn't matter.

Noone asked you Jake. I mean for a guy that parades around as a republican, nobody gives a shit. Lets play another game of me kicking your ass in a thread, shall we?
Rawlings knows that political philosophy, natural law, classical liberalism and the American principles of equality and due process before the law contradict his hetero-fascism.

Like all good little fascists, though, that won't stop him from doing that which he accuses others of doing if given a chance. Because his level of morality is so low on the scale, he believes his opposition would do to him if only he had the balls to do what he wants to his enemies.

In no way shape or form is his right to private association threatened by marriage equality.

He may not, however, have special rights in public accommodation.

This comes from a guy who thinks he's an intellectual yet doesn't even know basic facts about history, he just repeats leftist talking points.

Natural law and classical liberalism have nothing to do with the Marxist gay rights movement, which is about as genuine as astroturf. Gay rights, civil rights, animal rights, environmentalists are all the same, just different fronts for lefties to recruit stupid college age kids.

I mean look at this article about Jefferson (classic, classical liberal) and homosexuality (notice how the author parses words and says it's about the act, well no fucking doh. if two guys don't buttfuck we wouldn't give a shit. So is the author saying you can be a homo without the sex part? how is that possible?

Thomas Jefferson wasn't a homophobe

So, I guess, in a way, it's true that Jefferson (and others) were wrong about same-sex sexual acts, but it's only fair to note that from their vantage point, it was only about those sexual acts and not about orientation. It was definitely not about love or coupling or getting married, to most people in those days.

So married wasn't even an issue, and yes it would have been turned down faster than Starkey at a Hawaiian Tropic Ladies Night.

But I love how this author talks about homosexuality without sex. Uh isn't that the point of it, is there another kind? LOLOLOL
Really? My own 7 year old nephew told me that I'm not allowed to say the word "retarded" when I told my sister there's a "ritardando" in the piano score that didn't' appear on her cello score.

Neither my cousin nor cousin-in-law (parents of my nephew) knew why he said the word wasn't allowed. Soon after, he said his teacher said it's a bad word. When they asked the teacher a few weeks later, she said it wasn't "politically correct" and allowing the use of such an "offensive word" in elementary school would "jeopardize' her job.

Rightly so, you retard.

Google ritardando Jake, just so you know who the retard is.

One deals with a music score, the other is you.
LOL well maybe we could call fornicators on it then. My point is give a pro homo reason and I can apply it to any perversion. Let me try one

Genetics, if gays are genetic, then how come pedophilia isn't? (and I don't believe either or any behavior is genetic)

Kiddo, what you believe doesn't matter.

Noone asked you Jake. I mean for a guy that parades around as a republican, nobody gives a shit. Lets play another game of me kicking your ass in a thread, shall we?

That would be the first time. :lol:

Sonny, your opinion is not fact, so step off.
Rawlings knows that political philosophy, natural law, classical liberalism and the American principles of equality and due process before the law contradict his hetero-fascism.

Like all good little fascists, though, that won't stop him from doing that which he accuses others of doing if given a chance. Because his level of morality is so low on the scale, he believes his opposition would do to him if only he had the balls to do what he wants to his enemies.

In no way shape or form is his right to private association threatened by marriage equality.

He may not, however, have special rights in public accommodation.

This comes from a guy who thinks he's an intellectual yet doesn't even know basic facts about history, he just repeats leftist talking points.

Natural law and classical liberalism have nothing to do with the Marxist gay rights movement, which is about as genuine as astroturf. Gay rights, civil rights, animal rights, environmentalists are all the same, just different fronts for lefties to recruit stupid college age kids.

I mean look at this article about Jefferson (classic, classical liberal) and homosexuality (notice how the author parses words and says it's about the act, well no fucking doh. if two guys don't buttfuck we wouldn't give a shit. So is the author saying you can be a homo without the sex part? how is that possible?

Thomas Jefferson wasn't a homophobe

So, I guess, in a way, it's true that Jefferson (and others) were wrong about same-sex sexual acts, but it's only fair to note that from their vantage point, it was only about those sexual acts and not about orientation. It was definitely not about love or coupling or getting married, to most people in those days.

So married wasn't even an issue, and yes it would have been turned down faster than Starkey at a Hawaiian Tropic Ladies Night.

But I love how this author talks about homosexuality without sex. Uh isn't that the point of it, is there another kind? LOLOLOL

This from buckeyes who believes his opinion is fact.

You despise equality and cherish racism, sexism, and other forms of deviancy.

What consenting adults do is not your business.

And your deflection about homosexuality without sex is noted.
Really, you in the party of stupid on our far right of the party need to shut up. You cost us two presidential elections in a row and have allowed the Dems to keep the Senate because you talk about causes that do not matter and are unimportant and merely inflame the majority of Americans.

Two of the TeaP candidates in Texas challenging Cornyn and Sessions had their faces rubbed in the mud of defeat.

You have neither the members or the money.

You no longer count politically or culturally.
Really? My own 7 year old nephew told me that I'm not allowed to say the word "retarded" when I told my sister there's a "ritardando" in the piano score that didn't' appear on her cello score.

Neither my cousin nor cousin-in-law (parents of my nephew) knew why he said the word wasn't allowed. Soon after, he said his teacher said it's a bad word. When they asked the teacher a few weeks later, she said it wasn't "politically correct" and allowing the use of such an "offensive word" in elementary school would "jeopardize' her job.

Rightly so, you retard.

Google ritardando Jake, just so you know who the retard is.

[MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION]

I'm lawling so hard at [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] right now
Rawlings knows that political philosophy, natural law, classical liberalism and the American principles of equality and due process before the law contradict his hetero-fascism.

Like all good little fascists, though, that won't stop him from doing that which he accuses others of doing if given a chance. Because his level of morality is so low on the scale, he believes his opposition would do to him if only he had the balls to do what he wants to his enemies.

In no way shape or form is his right to private association threatened by marriage equality.

He may not, however, have special rights in public accommodation.

This comes from a guy who thinks he's an intellectual yet doesn't even know basic facts about history, he just repeats leftist talking points.

Natural law and classical liberalism have nothing to do with the Marxist gay rights movement, which is about as genuine as astroturf. Gay rights, civil rights, animal rights, environmentalists are all the same, just different fronts for lefties to recruit stupid college age kids.

I mean look at this article about Jefferson (classic, classical liberal) and homosexuality (notice how the author parses words and says it's about the act, well no fucking doh. if two guys don't buttfuck we wouldn't give a shit. So is the author saying you can be a homo without the sex part? how is that possible?

Thomas Jefferson wasn't a homophobe

So, I guess, in a way, it's true that Jefferson (and others) were wrong about same-sex sexual acts, but it's only fair to note that from their vantage point, it was only about those sexual acts and not about orientation. It was definitely not about love or coupling or getting married, to most people in those days.

So married wasn't even an issue, and yes it would have been turned down faster than Starkey at a Hawaiian Tropic Ladies Night.

But I love how this author talks about homosexuality without sex. Uh isn't that the point of it, is there another kind? LOLOLOL

This from buckeyes who believes his opinion is fact.

You despise equality and cherish racism, sexism, and other forms of deviancy.

What consenting adults do is not your business.

And your deflection about homosexuality without sex is noted.

Again starkey, you rattled off the liberal list of bullshit again, but have nothing to back it up...again. I killed you in several debates like the southern strategy and the French revolution, proto communist debate.

Uh we're talking about homosexuality in this thread, perhaps you missed that part, so you stock libtard consenting adults bs has nothing to do with it.

And homosexuality without sex is impossible. that's the funny part that liberals think that it exists. I love my family and friends, some of which are men, but I'm not gay, see how that works. Do I really have to spell it out for you?

and jakey which republican are you voting for? LOLOLOLOLOL this guy!!!!
Really, you in the party of stupid on our far right of the party need to shut up. You cost us two presidential elections in a row and have allowed the Dems to keep the Senate because you talk about causes that do not matter and are unimportant and merely inflame the majority of Americans.

Two of the TeaP candidates in Texas challenging Cornyn and Sessions had their faces rubbed in the mud of defeat.

You have neither the members or the money.

You no longer count politically or culturally.

So Jake we cost two elections, what about Bush? and which republicans should we have nominated, we nominate two very moderate ones....and they stop being a dumbass....

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