The Geminga Scenario

Understandable, in a way.
However, there might be a larger scope in play, and such might include this world/planet being under a quarantine of sorts as far as the rest of the intra-galactic community is concerned.

We here on Earth my be part of a "Dosadi Experiment" of sorts;
The Dosadi Experiment is a 1977 science fiction novel by American writer Frank Herbert. It is the second full-length novel set in the ConSentiency universe established by Herbert in his short stories "A Matter of Traces" and "The Tactful Saboteur", and continued in his novel Whipping Star. It was first published as a four-part serial in Galaxy Science Fiction magazine from May to August, 1977.

Plot summary​

The novel is set in a distant future when humans are part of an interstellar civilization called the ConSentiency composed of many species. One, the Taprisiots, provide instant mind-to-mind communication between two sentient minds anywhere in the universe, and the Caleban provide "jump-doors" (which allow instantaneous travel between any two points in the universe). This is the glue that holds the far-flung ConSentiency together. Unfortunately, one consequence of jump-door technology is the possibility that large numbers of unsuspecting sentients can be diverted to destinations unknown for nefarious purposes. A government saboteur attempts to expose one such plot.

Jorj X. McKie is a Saboteur Extraordinary, one of the principals of the Bureau of Sabotage, and the only human admitted to practice law before the Gowachin bar as a legum (lawyer). While meditating in a park in the Bureau's headquarters, McKie is mentally contacted by the Caleban Fannie Mae, a female member of a multidimensional species of unparalleled power whose visible manifestation in this universe is the star Thyone in the Pleiades cluster.

Generations ago, a secret, unauthorized experiment by the Gowachins was carried out with the help of a contract with the Calebans. They isolated the planet Dosadi behind an impenetrable barrier called "The God Wall". On the planet were placed humans and Gowachin, with an odd mix of modern and old technology. The planet itself is massively poisonous except for a narrow valley, containing the city "Chu", into which nearly 89 million humans and Gowachin are crowded under terrible conditions. It is ruled by a dictator, many other forms of government having been tried previously, but without the ability to remove such things as the DemoPol, a computer system used to manipulate populaces without their consent or knowledge. The culture of ordinary day-to-day power in Dosadi is very violent. Among other tools, addictive psychotropes are used for handling power among hierarchies in organisations.

Senior Liator (or Liaitor) Keila Jedrik starts a war that will change Dosadi forever. Jorj travels to Dosadi and escapes with Keila after engaging in ego sharing. This gives them the ability to swap bodies and thus by using a hole in the contract sealing Dosadi they can escape via jump gate. Once free, by legal manoeuvring the Dosadi population is unleashed upon the ConSentiency for good or ill, while the people who set the project in motion try to deal with the consequences, having sent McKie there hoping a solution more in their interest could be found.
LOL....Now I'm even less curious about the whole thing.....Hey I like science fiction as much as the next guy but damn. ;)
LOL....Now I'm even less curious about the whole thing.....Hey I like science fiction as much as the next guy but damn. ;)

I'm not here to convince those whom don't want to be or aren't curious how things have come to be how they are.

So yes, some will write this off as "fiction". Others will see and wonder how the earliest civilizations knew so much and included it in their "mythologies" when it would be centuries before our science could confirm such. Not to mention, many will find my "hypothesis" a bit uncomfortable.

I'm just providing an alternative history and explanation that some might see fits the puzzle pieces better than the dominating paradigms.
Everything wasn't suddenly created out of nothing, by way of a huge explosion.

God made this.
O-K ~ Let's expand upon this ...

1) Most Religions/Theologies posit that "God"~"Gawd"~ "Creator of Cosmos" is Eternal = Has No Beginning, nor No End.

2) Logic would suggest you can not get "Something out of Nothing".

3) Therefore, this "Something" we know as the Cosmos/Univese, if Created by a Creator, would have to be composed of some Essence of that Creator.

4) Hence, this Cosmos/Universe is also Eternal, having No Beginning nor No End, AND is composed of some form of Essence/Substance of/from the Creator(God~Gawd).

5) Therefore the Cosmos/Universe is also Eternal. If we are witnessing evidence of an "Expansion Mode", resulting from a creative endeavor such as a Big Bang, it follows there will eventually be a Contraction Mode = Big Collapse.

AND, since the Cosmos/Universe is Eternal being Substance of an Eternal Creator Entity; then any Big Collapse is followed by a Big Expansion(Bang); followed by another collapse, followed by another expansion/bang, etc. for eternal no begin/no end.

The image/metaphor of the circle snake eating it's tail comes to mind.

Always Was
Always Will Be.

Put that in you pipe and puff on it ....
We have an up close and personal view of nearby celestial bodies that somehow dovetails into a God vs big bang theory of creation. I don't get the connection but it's too bad the same geniuses can't seem to deal with the geological history of earth and consider that the Sun is the energy source and the theory of man made global warming is just an extortion scheme.
Some more related material here. Most of these 35 slides are Old Testament. Many seem to forget when they say "The Bible" that it is two major "books", each having numerous authors with their own smaller "books"/chapters.

The most disturbing parts of the Bible​

Limited fossil finds seem to affect speculations, and/or accuracy about Neanderthals. It's quite probable they were one of the transitional paths from earlier post simian hominids to we present humans (homo sapiens sapiens).

Genetics Spills Secrets From Neanderthals’ Lost History​

How many Neanderthals were there? Archaeology and genetics have very different answers. But recent discoveries reveal the lost history of these ancient people—including an early brush with extinction.


Ancient solar storm smashed Earth at the wrong part of the sun's cycle — and scientists are concerned​

An extremely powerful solar storm pummeled our planet 9,200 years ago, leaving permanent scars on the ice buried deep below Greenland and Antarctica.

A new study of those ancient ice samples has found that this previously unknown storm is one of the strongest outbursts of solar weather ever detected and would have crippled modern communications systems if it had hit Earth today.

But perhaps most surprising, the massive storm appears to have hit during a solar minimum, the point during the sun's 11-year cycle when solar outbursts are typically much less common, according to the study, published Jan. 11 in the journal Nature Communications. Because of this unexpected discovery, the study researchers are concerned that devastating solar storms could hit when we least expect them — and that Earth might not be prepared when the next big one arrives.

"These enormous storms are currently not sufficiently included in risk assessments," study co-author Raimund Muscheler, a geology researcher at Lund University in Sweden, said in a statement. "It is of the utmost importance to analyze what these events could mean for today's technology and how we can protect ourselves."
One huge challenge here is in how we define "Man"~"Humans"~Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

While there is clear fossil evidence of earlier forms of hominids~homo erectus, neanderthal, etc. one problem is that most of this is hard tissue=bone and there is no soft tissue with DNA (or not enough), either basic genetic from X and Y chromosome or the mitocondrial or mtDNA passed down from mother to daughter, etc.

A couple of reference links for more information and context;
The Hominidae (/hɒˈmɪnɪdiː/), whose members are known as great apes[note 1] or hominids (/ˈhɒmɪnɪdz/), are a taxonomic family of primates that includes eight extant species in four genera: Pongo (the Bornean, Sumatran and Tapanuli orangutan); Gorilla (the eastern and western gorilla); Pan (the chimpanzee and the bonobo); and Homo, of which only modern humans remain.[1]

Several revisions in classifying the great apes have caused the use of the term "hominid" to vary over time. The original meaning of "hominid" referred only to humans (Homo) and their closest extinct relatives. However, by the 1990s humans, apes, and their ancestors were considered to be "hominids". The earlier restrictive meaning has now been largely assumed by the term "hominin", which comprises all members of the human clade after the split from the chimpanzees (Pan). The current, 21st-century meaning of "hominid" includes all the great apes including humans. Usage still varies, however, and some scientists and laypersons still use "hominid" in the original restrictive sense; the scholarly literature generally shows the traditional usage until around the turn of the 21st century.[5]

Within the taxon Hominidae, a number of extant and known extinct, that is, fossil, genera are grouped with the humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas in the subfamily Homininae; others with orangutans in the subfamily Ponginae (see classification graphic below). The most recent common ancestor of all Hominidae lived roughly 14 million years ago,[6] when the ancestors of the orangutans speciated from the ancestral line of the other three genera.[7] Those ancestors of the family Hominidae had already speciated from the family Hylobatidae (the gibbons), perhaps 15 to 20 million years ago.[7][8]
In 1987, A world wide survey of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was published by Cann, Stoneking, and Wilson in Nature magazine. Its main point was that "all mitochondrial DNAs stem from one woman" and that she probably lived around 200,000 years ago in Africa. When the media picked up from Wilson, one of the authors of the paper, that they had found the "Mitochondrial Eve" or "African Eve", the story became a sensation. Have scientists found "the mother of us all"?

Most people know about the nuclei of cells and that the genetic inheritance from both parents are found in the nucleus. Humans have 46 chromosomes which they inherit from both their parents. Parts of both the DNA from the mother and father are put together in a recombination process that allows the children to have traits from both their mother and their Father.

However, there is DNA located in other parts of the cell. In the cytoplasm, organelles called mitochondria, which provide energy for the cell in the form of ATP, also have DNA. This DNA, however, does not seem to come from both parents. Instead, it comes only from the mother and not from the Father (There seems to be some rare exceptions to the rule that only the mother contributes the mitochondrial DNA. See the mitochondrial Clock Update: Is maternal mitochondrial inheritance still thought to be true?).

Initially, it was thought that for humans, most of the sperm remained outside of the egg. Only the head with the nuclear DNA and the centrosome, were thought to enter the egg. But that view has changed. Now it has been determined that the whole sperm enters the egg. However, virtually all of the sperm is broken down by enzymes. Only the chromosomes found in the head of the sperm in crystalline form are preserved and used in the recombination process to produce the final version of the new egg cell DNA. The sperm mitochondria and its DNA are broken down by enzymes made for that purpose. See the mitochondrial Clock Update: for details. However, the end result is still the same. The mitochondria and its DNA from the sperm are not used. Only the mitochondria from the egg are used for the newly developing person.

So, our mitochondrial DNA is essentially identical to that of our mother. Mitochondrial DNA is transfered from mother to daughter, generation after generation. The mitochondrial DNA in the son, which he got from his mother, is a dead end street, since his mitochondrial DNA will not be used in his children.

Nuclear DNA changes a lot since it undergoes recombination in every generation. However, the mitochondrial DNA gets transfered from generation to generation without any recombination. Only the normal mutation rate that occurs when DNA is replicated allows the mitochondrial DNA to change. This is why the world wide survey was able to determine that all people are related via some original mother which they called the "mitochondrial Eve". They produced ancestral trees that depended on the slow mutation rate of mitochondrial DNA to estimate how the whole human population came from a single woman.

After the initial discovery of the "mitochondrial Eve", Wilson felt uneasy about using the term "Eve" because it caused many to think that she was the only woman living at that time, much like what is written in Genesis of the Bible concerning Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Also, the usual evolutionary time-scale for man did not allow such a short time as 200,000 years. Rather, it is believed that man has been around for a much longer period of time. Java man is thought to be 800,000 years old. Homo erectus specimens are found all throughout the world. Over forty specimens of Asian Homo erectus which have been found in China, have been dated 220,000 to 500,000 years of age. Lucy, and the earliest remains of specimens that are thought to be of the first to stand upright, are thought to be at least 1 to 4 million years of age.
We have an up close and personal view of nearby celestial bodies that somehow dovetails into a God vs big bang theory of creation. I don't get the connection but it's too bad the same geniuses can't seem to deal with the geological history of earth and consider that the Sun is the energy source and the theory of man made global warming is just an extortion scheme.
So if you've followed the chain so far, we "Humans"* might be between 200-300-330,000 years old and separate from our simian/ape ancestors due to our genetic differences. Differences that might be the result of genetic alteration by the Annunaki~ "Those Whom From Heaven to Earth(Ki) Came".

Genetic incentives due to the supernova event which destroyed the Home-World/Star Systems of these inter-stellar/Intra-galactic colonists whom had an urgent need to rebuild what was lost.

Meanwhile, Earth has been in a cycle of Ice Ages and Warm Periods; Glaciations and Inter-Glacials as far as global climates are concerned and we "Humans" have existed through 2-3 of such. As this chart would suggest;


Lots more to follow, several more posts to finish 'fleshing out', but need to do several chores and personal tasks before I can return to provide more details and context.
Bare with ....
* = Here on I'll use the term "Human" to distinguish we "Homo Sapiens Sapiens" as separate from earlier forms of homonids/humonids such as our ape relations and critters like Neanderthal, homo erectus, etc.
Another take on the material in post #29 above;
The Hominini form a taxonomic tribe of the subfamily Homininae ("hominines"). Hominini includes the extant genera Homo (humans) and Pan (chimpanzees and bonobos) and in standard usage excludes the genus Gorilla (gorillas).

The term was originally introduced by Camille Arambourg (1948). Arambourg combined the categories of Hominina and Simiina due to Gray (1825) into his new subtribe.

The taxonomic classification of humans following John Edward Gray (1825).

Traditionally, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans were grouped together as pongids. Since Gray's classification, evidence has accumulated from genetic phylogeny confirming that humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas are more closely related to each other than to the orangutan.[2] The former pongids were reassigned to the subfamily Hominidae ("great apes"), which already included humans,[2] but the details of this reassignment remain contested; within Hominini, not every source excludes gorillas, and not every source includes chimpanzees.

Humans are the only extant species in the Australopithecine branch (subtribe), which also contains many extinct close relatives of humans.
A couple more items to park here;

Did a mega drought topple empires 4,200 years ago?​

People abandoned thriving cities in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and farther afield at about the same time as a decades-long drought gripped parts of the planet.

Comets and the Bronze Age Collapse​

by Bob Kobres​


A Solution to the Faint-Sun Paradox Reveals a Narrow Window for Life​

Back when the sun was 30% dimmer, Earth should have frozen solid. Yet water flowed and life blossomed. The solution to the paradox shows that we might have that faint sun to owe for life’s existence — with critical consequences for the possibility of life outside Earth.
What 'tech' did Hitler 'jump way ahead' on, exactly?

As for the rest, it is merely a matter of word definitions re creation;Thomas of Aquina specifically defined what he meant by 'God' and went to formally prove his definition, successfully so in fact, so his proofs are just as scientific as anybody else's, and in fact Genesis is certainly a pretty good guess for such allegedly ignorant dumbasses, especially when compared to the handwaves and absurdities asserted by the usual 'rationalists'.

It's always entertaining to still see 'rationalists' still trying to convince us all that a few bones from extinct species of apes are somehow 'human ancestors' with zero proof and zero chains of evidence while claiming to be all 'scientific n stuff', and then mocking da evul xians for being 'irrational'. lol

And, the old myth that 'we all came from Africa' is losing ground the last few decades as well, another patently absurd claim by 'rationalists' that has zero evidence for it.
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Astronomers find mysterious Trans-Neptunian object in our solar system​

Vatican astronomers have discovered a mysterious new object beyond Neptune that could help in the search for our solar system's supposed ninth planet.

The trans-Neptunian body, called 2021 XD7, takes 286 years to travel around the sun and is almost certainly smaller than the dwarf planet Pluto.

It was spotted by Richard Boyle using the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope on December 3 last year.

Much like Pluto, which in 1930 became the first of more than 800 trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) to be discovered, 2021 XD7 has a strange orbit that is considerably more tilted than the movements of Earth, Mars and other planets.

The closest it gets to the sun is still 30 times further than our own world.

Astronomers hope the exploration of TNOs could help them find the elusive so-called Planet Nine.

They believe that the orbits of a number of bodies in the distant reaches of the solar system have been disrupted by the pull of an as yet unidentified planet.

First proposed by a group at CalTech in the US, this alien world was theorised to explain the distorted paths seen in distant icy bodies.

In order to fit in with the data experts have, the supposed planet would need to be roughly four times the size of Earth and ten times the mass.

Researchers say a body of this size and mass would explain the clustered paths of a number of icy minor planets beyond Neptune.
Lol, the middle ground has a bunch of evidenced for it. That is the story of the Enki. Enki created us out of existing hominids to mine gold for them. Not saying this actually happened but there is evidence for it. According to Von Braun Hitler jumped out ahead in tech through alien tech found by Hitler's archeologist s
1) "The Geminga Scenario" suggest that mining gold is a partial reason and also a cover story. It would seem biologically compatible hosts for their fellow Gemingians lost in the supernova event destroying the Home World to have a means to continue their soul evolution/karma cycles might be more the reason for the hominid genetic alterations.

2) According to some researchers, Hitler and the Nazis had direct interaction with some faction of ET Aliens (Anunnaki ?) whom then provided some advanced technology to the Nazi Germans.

According to aerospace reporter and author Nick Cook, it might be more a case of the Nazi Germans just had more and better "motivated" scientists to research into advance tech concepts prior to and during the war.

The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of ...

The atomic bomb was not the only project to occupy government scientists during the 1940s. Antigravity technology, originally spearheaded by scientists in Nazi Germany, was another high priority, one that still may be in effect today. Now, for the first time, an acclaimed journalist with unprecedented access to key sources in the intelligence and military communities reveals suppressed evidence that tells the story of a quest for a discovery that could prove as powerful as the atomic bomb.

The Hunt for Zero Point explores the scientific speculation that “zero point” energy—a limitless source of potential power that may hold the key to defying and thereby controlling gravity—exists in the universe and can be replicated. The pressure to be the first nation to harness gravity is immense, as it means having the ability to build military planes of unlimited speed and range, along with the most deadly weaponry the world has ever seen. The ideal shape for a gravity-defying vehicle happens to be a perfect disk, making antigravity tests a possible explanation for numerous UFO sightings during the past fifty years.

Drawn from interviews with those involved int the research and visits to labs in Europe and the United States, The Hunt for Zero Point is a captivating account of the twentieth century’s most puzzling unexplained phenomenon.
In 1956, a group of highly respected aerospace engineers revealed that US scientists were perfecting ways to control gravity. They predicted a breakthrough would come by the end of the decade, ushering in an era of limitless, clean propulsion for a new breed of fuelless transport systems – and weapons beyond our imagination. Of course it never happened. Or did it?

Forty years later a chance encounter with one of the engineers who made that prediction forces a highly sceptical aerospace and defence journalist, Nick Cook, to consider the possibility that America did indeed crack the gravity code – and has covered up ever since. His investigations moved from the corridors of NASA to the dark heartland of America’s classified weapons establishment, where it became clear that half a century earlier, in the dying days of the Third Reich, Nazi scientists were racing to perfect a Pandora’s Box of high technology that would deliver Germany from defeat. History says that they failed.

But the trail that takes Cook deep into the once-impenetrable empire of SS General Hans Kammler – the man charged by Adolf Hitler with perfecting German secret weapons technology – says otherwise. In his pursuit of the true facts behind Kammler, Cook finally establishes the truth: America is determined to hang onto its secrets, but the stakes are enormous and others are now in the race to acquire a suppressed technology.
The other layer to be dealt with in all this subject area;

Into the Black​

Nick Cook, a respected military journalist, describes his foray into a hidden "black world" where powerful technologies of warfare are born.
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Might the Cosmos be some form of eternal cycle of Big Bangs and Big Collapses, neither a Beginning nor an End, and along the way Others show up and had some role in the appearance of the current version of we Humans, hence becoming our Gawds/Gawdesses ???

This does not belong in history, it is more religion.

But there is no "Big Collapse" or "Big Crunch". That was a big belief, around 4 decades ago. But has since been dismissed, with more modern understanding of the Universe. Such as the CMB and how the fabric of space is changing and everything is accelerating away from each other.

There will be no "Big Crunch", simply a long, slow, and lingering heat death.

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