The Ghost of Kyiv

Europe Einstein!
You act like Ukrainians are dying for you.
Trust me. They ain't!!
What I said still applies if China thinks they can get over on the West too the way Russia
thinks they can do in Ukraine.

Isolationism is a form of idiocy thinking that what happens in other parts of the world
cannot effect you here. Look at the calendar. It isn't 1910 anymore.
What I said still applies if China thinks they can get over on the West too the way Russia
thinks they can do in Ukraine.

Isolationism is a form of idiocy thinking that what happens in other parts of the world
cannot effect you here. Look at the calendar. It isn't 1910 anymore.
The Ukrainians die for themselves. But if Russia has it's way they will be in a way dying for us too.
Get smart. Don't be an inbred isolationist.
What I said still applies if China thinks they can get over on the West too the way Russia
thinks they can do in Ukraine.

Isolationism is a form of idiocy thinking that what happens in other parts of the world
cannot effect you here. Look at the calendar. It isn't 1910 anymore.

China stands down and continues to.
They export too much to us.
They aren't ready to move against the goose that continues to lay the golden egg.
That's why the market has been in the green yesterday and today, big time, despite Ukraine!
Shit! The gunfire in this live feed is getting surreal. Then it dies down. Than it starts back. The Russians are moving in from the west

Don't have a link to it, but yesterday in some Ukrainian town some women were giving Russian soldiers sunflower seeds and telling them to put them in their pockets. When asked why by the Russians, they were told "So they will water the gardens that grow where they die."

That's hardcore there. :laughing0301:
What I said still applies if China thinks they can get over on the West too the way Russia
thinks they can do in Ukraine.

Isolationism is a form of idiocy thinking that what happens in other parts of the world
cannot effect you here. Look at the calendar. It isn't 1910 anymore.
Hmm... tell that to North Korea. It's known as the 'Hermit Kingdom'.

Reports: “Two Russian Il-76s Shot Down” in Ukraine, Combat Erupts in Kyiv

As the sun rises on day three of the Ukrainian war with Russia, reports have surfaced that two Russian Ilyushin Il-76 heavy transports were shot down by Ukrainian air defenses. Russia has not acknowledged the loss of any of its Il-76 aircraft.
On Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, Ukrainian air defenses claimed to have shot down one Russian Il-76 transport near Vasylkiv, south of the capital in Kyiv. Ukrainian reports claimed the aircraft was carrying a “landing force” but did not specify any number of casualties or survivors from the reported incident.
The use of the Il-76 transport aircraft along with specially trained airfield seizure troops similar to U.S. Army Rangers is known as part of Russian military doctrine.
Following reports of this first Il-76 shoot-down incident, a “second Il-76” was reported to have been shot down over Bila Tserkya. The report originated from the Ukrainian State Special Communications Agency. Early reports did not suggest what mission this aircraft may have been performing and no specific reports of casualties or survivors has been provided as of this hour.

At least one IL-76 is believed to have contained troops.
Give the Ukrainians their due. Putin may win, but he will be bloodied.
Russian Spetsnaz forces have donned Ukrainian uniforms and have infiltrated the lines and shooting Ukrainian soldiers and people.
Scores of Russian helicopters and planes have also been downed.
China stands down and continues to.
They export too much to us.
They aren't ready to move against the goose that continues to lay the golden egg.
That's why the market has been in the green yesterday and today, big time, despite Ukraine!
Is it possible you are completely unaware that China considers Taiwan a part of it's
nation and has made reunification a big part of their plans on their wish list?

You people think that the geopolitical world is frozen in time and nothing can change now.
That's a juvenile view.
Is it possible you are completely unaware that China considers Taiwan a part of it's
nation and has made reunification a big part of their plans on their wish list?

You people think that the geopolitical world is frozen in time and nothing can change now.
That's a juvenile view. Do you truly believe the Chinese would never move against the goose that lays the golden egg?
I'm sure that's what the naive fools that turned Hong Kong over to the Chinese figured.
Looks like they were really wrong, doesn't it?
I think pumping more weapons into Ukraine to give to these brave people
will do a hell of a lot more good than these toothless sanctions Biden is laying down.

Obviously Putin has calculated he can handle the sanctions. As the Snake Island defenders said to
the Russians, we should be likewise saying to Joe Biden....go fuck yourself!
Funny things to be said by the Putin crowd.

Russian troops enter Ukraine's second city of Kharkiv and fierce fighting breaks out after Putin was said to be 'raging' at stalled invasion: Ukrainians obliterate Chechen special forces column of 56 tanks outside Kyiv and kills top general​

26 Feb 2022 ~~ By Jim McCloskey, J. Robinson and Will Stewart
  • The group - likely to number in the hundreds - was blown to smithereens on their second day in the country
  • Those killed include Chechen general Magomed Tushaev - one of the regime's most highly-decorated soldiers
  • Vladimir Putin had green-lighted their deployment, with each fighter given a deck of cards to help them recognize Ukrainian leaders they were encouraged to capture and kill
  • But Ukrainian president Volodymr Zelensky is still reported to be alive - and is fast becoming a global hero - while Putin has faced scorn over his huge army's slow progress to capture the country
  • On Sunday morning, Ukrainian government ministers confirmed they'd managed to keep control of the capital city of Kyiv for the third night running
  • But Russian forces entered Kharkiv - Ukraine's second-largest city - around the same time, with street battles reported to be taking place
  • Russia has struck the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine in Kyiv, which stores nuclear waste
  • The facility's radiation detector was also destroyed - although a preliminary inspection suggests there is no immediate danger to locals
  • First confirmed death toll has also emerged - UN says at least 240 Ukrainian citizens have been killed
  • Woman was killed in Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine on Saturday, after Russian artillery shell struck nine-story residential apartment building
  • Two blasts went off in the south west of the Ukrainian capital shortly after midnight local time
  • A fuel depot in the city of Vasylkiv was targeted by Russian ballistic missiles, its mayor said
  • Russia also blew up a gas pipeline in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine, which sits close to the Russian border
  • Vladimir Putin is said to be furious at his troops' apparent lack of progress, and is reportedly fuming in his heavily-guarded Russian mountain lair
  • An eerie orange glow filled the sky, CNN reports that a fuel depot may have been hit
  • Blast took place close to one of Kyiv's two airports - Boryspil International Airport, whose capture is vital to Russian takeover ambitions

If all this true, Russia forces are facing stiff opposition and are taking high casualty losses.
AT Javelin weapons are doing the job against the T-90's and APC's, but the trick now is to get more logistics to the Ukrainian forces.
The downing of two IL-76's and perhaps more by now reflects the logistics problems that the Russians are also facing.
Now the specter of Putin using low yield nukes to gain his objectives may be in the next move.
The effect on the U.S. and NATO would be massive, the threat they all fear may now become real.
It's one thing pushing Ukraine to become a NATO member participant, quite another for Europe to face a Russia in determination and resolve to fully effect, weapons of war.
The question remains, will Putin gamble using nukes and provoke WWIII?

Russian troops enter Ukraine's second city of Kharkiv and fierce fighting breaks out after Putin was said to be 'raging' at stalled invasion: Ukrainians obliterate Chechen special forces column of 56 tanks outside Kyiv and kills top general​

26 Feb 2022 ~~ By Jim McCloskey, J. Robinson and Will Stewart
  • The group - likely to number in the hundreds - was blown to smithereens on their second day in the country
  • Those killed include Chechen general Magomed Tushaev - one of the regime's most highly-decorated soldiers
  • Vladimir Putin had green-lighted their deployment, with each fighter given a deck of cards to help them recognize Ukrainian leaders they were encouraged to capture and kill
  • But Ukrainian president Volodymr Zelensky is still reported to be alive - and is fast becoming a global hero - while Putin has faced scorn over his huge army's slow progress to capture the country
  • On Sunday morning, Ukrainian government ministers confirmed they'd managed to keep control of the capital city of Kyiv for the third night running
  • But Russian forces entered Kharkiv - Ukraine's second-largest city - around the same time, with street battles reported to be taking place
  • Russia has struck the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine in Kyiv, which stores nuclear waste
  • The facility's radiation detector was also destroyed - although a preliminary inspection suggests there is no immediate danger to locals
  • First confirmed death toll has also emerged - UN says at least 240 Ukrainian citizens have been killed
  • Woman was killed in Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine on Saturday, after Russian artillery shell struck nine-story residential apartment building
  • Two blasts went off in the south west of the Ukrainian capital shortly after midnight local time
  • A fuel depot in the city of Vasylkiv was targeted by Russian ballistic missiles, its mayor said
  • Russia also blew up a gas pipeline in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine, which sits close to the Russian border
  • Vladimir Putin is said to be furious at his troops' apparent lack of progress, and is reportedly fuming in his heavily-guarded Russian mountain lair
  • An eerie orange glow filled the sky, CNN reports that a fuel depot may have been hit
  • Blast took place close to one of Kyiv's two airports - Boryspil International Airport, whose capture is vital to Russian takeover ambitions

If all this true, Russia forces are facing stiff opposition and are taking high casualty losses.
AT Javelin weapons are doing the job against the T-90's and APC's, but the trick now is to get more logistics to the Ukrainian forces.
The downing of two IL-76's and perhaps more by now reflects the logistics problems that the Russians are also facing.
Now the specter of Putin using low yield nukes to gain his objectives may be in the next move.
The effect on the U.S. and NATO would be massive, the threat they all fear may now become real.
It's one thing pushing Ukraine to become a NATO member participant, quite another for Europe to face a Russia in determination and resolve to fully effect, weapons of war.
The question remains, will Putin gamble using nukes and provoke WWIII?

Putin views the more extreme sanctions against Russian banks in SWIFT as acts of war.

Russian troops enter Ukraine's second city of Kharkiv and fierce fighting breaks out after Putin was said to be 'raging' at stalled invasion: Ukrainians obliterate Chechen special forces column of 56 tanks outside Kyiv and kills top general​

26 Feb 2022 ~~ By Jim McCloskey, J. Robinson and Will Stewart
  • The group - likely to number in the hundreds - was blown to smithereens on their second day in the country
  • Those killed include Chechen general Magomed Tushaev - one of the regime's most highly-decorated soldiers
  • Vladimir Putin had green-lighted their deployment, with each fighter given a deck of cards to help them recognize Ukrainian leaders they were encouraged to capture and kill
  • But Ukrainian president Volodymr Zelensky is still reported to be alive - and is fast becoming a global hero - while Putin has faced scorn over his huge army's slow progress to capture the country
  • On Sunday morning, Ukrainian government ministers confirmed they'd managed to keep control of the capital city of Kyiv for the third night running
  • But Russian forces entered Kharkiv - Ukraine's second-largest city - around the same time, with street battles reported to be taking place
  • Russia has struck the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine in Kyiv, which stores nuclear waste
  • The facility's radiation detector was also destroyed - although a preliminary inspection suggests there is no immediate danger to locals
  • First confirmed death toll has also emerged - UN says at least 240 Ukrainian citizens have been killed
  • Woman was killed in Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine on Saturday, after Russian artillery shell struck nine-story residential apartment building
  • Two blasts went off in the south west of the Ukrainian capital shortly after midnight local time
  • A fuel depot in the city of Vasylkiv was targeted by Russian ballistic missiles, its mayor said
  • Russia also blew up a gas pipeline in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine, which sits close to the Russian border
  • Vladimir Putin is said to be furious at his troops' apparent lack of progress, and is reportedly fuming in his heavily-guarded Russian mountain lair
  • An eerie orange glow filled the sky, CNN reports that a fuel depot may have been hit
  • Blast took place close to one of Kyiv's two airports - Boryspil International Airport, whose capture is vital to Russian takeover ambitions

If all this true, Russia forces are facing stiff opposition and are taking high casualty losses.
AT Javelin weapons are doing the job against the T-90's and APC's, but the trick now is to get more logistics to the Ukrainian forces.
The downing of two IL-76's and perhaps more by now reflects the logistics problems that the Russians are also facing.
Now the specter of Putin using low yield nukes to gain his objectives may be in the next move.
The effect on the U.S. and NATO would be massive, the threat they all fear may now become real.
It's one thing pushing Ukraine to become a NATO member participant, quite another for Europe to face a Russia in determination and resolve to fully effect, weapons of war.
The question remains, will Putin gamble using nukes and provoke WWIII?

Russian casualties are estimated to be between 3500-5000. Most of the Russian troops were told they were going on a "training mission", as many captured Russians have been telling the Ukrainians.

Russia isn't sending the bodies of dead Russian soldiers home, they're being cremated in huge truck-mounted crematoriums.
Confederate Soldier

Ukraine was a huge Nazi ally
Hmm..., Can anyone wonder why Ukrainians welcomed the Nazi in the 1940's?
Read the history of the Holodomor and the Genocide by starvation of the Ukraine by Stalin in the 1930's and other atrocities.
The Ukraine-Russia struggle goes way back | Opinion
Russian casualties are estimated to be between 3500-5000. Most of the Russian troops were told they were going on a "training mission", as many captured Russians have been telling the Ukrainians.

Russia isn't sending the bodies of dead Russian soldiers home, they're being cremated in huge truck-mounted crematoriums.

What's da link? :link:

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