The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Alan should have considered the consequences of Americans not having even what his ancestors were forced to trade their freedom for.

So you do advocate trading freedom for government goodies. Thanks for clearing that up.

I think that the least expensive alternative to those that business fails to utilize in a productive job, is what we do. Mostly health care and Aid to Dependant Children and education. Without them, living in America would be like living in Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Beijing or Nairobi.

As you've never left your County apparently, you'd never know.

And that is a lie.
Why don't everyone quit fighting, and try to come up with some bi-partisan ideas, because what has been formulated recently is a mess in this nation. To much favoritism involved, just as it was before.

If it isn't federal, the left wants nothing to do with it.
It can be both(Government and Private solving the problems of today) just like it always was in so many things in the past, problem is though, is that the people have grown to not trust anything that moves anymore, and the rich dang sure don't trust the feds after they (the Rich/CEO's/ Producers or their Companies who were riding these waves) had turned and heaped hundreds of thousand of workers upon the government roles after the bubbles burst in this nation.

It's a stand off it seems in everything now, where as the rich are suspicious of the government doing everything it can to protect it's bottom line, where as the government is wanting to curb the numbers in which they had acquired over time, by forcing the rich whom they think is mainly to blame in it all, to then help them deal with it all until balance returns to the system somehow. I mean hec the conservatives are crying that the government needs to curb it's appetite for more and more right, yet meanwhile the numbers were steady climbing and climbing in the unemployment sectors and/or out of work sectors. Now who takes care of these people in these sectors or within these numbers ? The government does right ? Meanwhile the private sector just walks away with their stream lined companies after the bubble burst, and trying to hold on to the profits in which they made in the bubbles before they had burst. The unbalance found in it all, has led to some serious situations, and also some hard choices to be made, but the private sector wants no part of anything that affects their bottom lines or their profits gathered in the bubbles any further. Now it is them looking to stop the government in getting the money to deal with it all, and this by creating various instruments in order to do so. Am I hitting anywhere near what has transpired over time in all of this messy problem that we have finally inherited, and the mistrust that we have inherited as a result of it all today also ?
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So you do advocate trading freedom for government goodies. Thanks for clearing that up.

I think that the least expensive alternative to those that business fails to utilize in a productive job, is what we do. Mostly health care and Aid to Dependant Children and education. Without them, living in America would be like living in Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Beijing or Nairobi.

As you've never left your County apparently, you'd never know.

You don't know where I've been....arroagant asswipe as usual. In fact you don't know shyt.

And we do have places that are just like third world countries all thanks to libs.

Proof that I know where you haven't been.
I think that the least expensive alternative to those that business fails to utilize in a productive job, is what we do. Mostly health care and Aid to Dependant Children and education. Without them, living in America would be like living in Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Beijing or Nairobi.

As you've never left your County apparently, you'd never know.

You don't know where I've been....arroagant asswipe as usual. In fact you don't know shyt.

And we do have places that are just like third world countries all thanks to libs.

Proof that I know where you haven't been.

Why don't everyone quit fighting, and try to come up with some bi-partisan ideas, because what has been formulated recently is a mess in this nation. To much favoritism involved, just as it was before.

If it isn't federal, the left wants nothing to do with it.
It can be both(Government and Private solving the problems of today) just like it always was in so many things in the past, problem is though, is that the people have grown to not trust anything that moves anymore, and the rich dang sure don't trust the feds after they (the Rich/CEO's/ Producers or their Companies who were riding these waves) had turned and heaped hundreds of thousand of workers upon the government roles after the bubbles burst in this nation.

It's a stand off it seems in everything now, where as the rich are suspicious of the government doing everything it can to protect it's bottom line, where as the government is wanting to curb the numbers in which they had acquired over time, by forcing the rich whom they think is mainly to blame in it all, to then help them deal with it all until balance returns to the system somehow. I mean hec the conservatives are crying that the government needs to curb it's appetite for more and more right, yet meanwhile the numbers were steady climbing and climbing in the unemployment sectors and/or out of work sectors. Now who takes care of these people in these sectors or within these numbers ? The government does right ? Meanwhile the private sector just walks away with their stream lined companies after the bubble burst, and trying to hold on to the profits in which they made in the bubbles before they had burst. The unbalance found in it all, has led to some serious situations, and also some hard choices to be made, but the private sector wants no part of anything that affects their bottom lines or their profits gathered in the bubbles any further. Now it is them looking to stop the government in getting the money to deal with it all, and this by creating various instruments in order to do so. Am I hitting anywhere near what has transpired over time in all of this messy problem that we have finally inherited, and the mistrust that we have inherited as a result of it all today too ?

I think that you are right on. The last thing the country can afford is the country walking away from the same problems that the wealthy and companies are.
Why don't everyone quit fighting, and try to come up with some bi-partisan ideas, because what has been formulated recently is a mess in this nation. To much favoritism involved, just as it was before.

If it isn't federal, the left wants nothing to do with it.
It can be both(Government and Private solving the problems of today) just like it always was in so many things in the past, problem is though, is that the people have grown to not trust anything that moves anymore, and the rich dang sure don't trust the feds after they (the Rich/CEO's/ Producers or their Companies who were riding these waves) had turned and heaped hundreds of thousand of workers upon the government roles after the bubbles burst in this nation.

It's a stand off it seems in everything now, where as the rich are suspicious of the government doing everything it can to protect it's bottom line, where as the government is wanting to curb the numbers in which they had acquired over time, by forcing the rich whom they think is mainly to blame in it all, to then help them deal with it all until balance returns to the system somehow. I mean hec the conservatives are crying that the government needs to curb it's appetite for more and more right, yet meanwhile the numbers were steady climbing and climbing in the unemployment sectors and/or out of work sectors. Now who takes care of these people in these sectors or within these numbers ? The government does right ? Meanwhile the private sector just walks away with their stream lined companies after the bubble burst, and trying to hold on to the profits in which they made in the bubbles before they had burst. The unbalance found in it all, has led to some serious situations, and also some hard choices to be made, but the private sector wants no part of anything that affects their bottom lines or their profits gathered in the bubbles any further. Now it is them looking to stop the government in getting the money to deal with it all, and this by creating various instruments in order to do so. Am I hitting anywhere near what has transpired over time in all of this messy problem that we have finally inherited, and the mistrust that we have inherited as a result of it all today also ?

The only problem with all this is that big business and government are hardly any different and they are in bed together.
If it isn't federal, the left wants nothing to do with it.
It can be both(Government and Private solving the problems of today) just like it always was in so many things in the past, problem is though, is that the people have grown to not trust anything that moves anymore, and the rich dang sure don't trust the feds after they (the Rich/CEO's/ Producers or their Companies who were riding these waves) had turned and heaped hundreds of thousand of workers upon the government roles after the bubbles burst in this nation.

It's a stand off it seems in everything now, where as the rich are suspicious of the government doing everything it can to protect it's bottom line, where as the government is wanting to curb the numbers in which they had acquired over time, by forcing the rich whom they think is mainly to blame in it all, to then help them deal with it all until balance returns to the system somehow. I mean hec the conservatives are crying that the government needs to curb it's appetite for more and more right, yet meanwhile the numbers were steady climbing and climbing in the unemployment sectors and/or out of work sectors. Now who takes care of these people in these sectors or within these numbers ? The government does right ? Meanwhile the private sector just walks away with their stream lined companies after the bubble burst, and trying to hold on to the profits in which they made in the bubbles before they had burst. The unbalance found in it all, has led to some serious situations, and also some hard choices to be made, but the private sector wants no part of anything that affects their bottom lines or their profits gathered in the bubbles any further. Now it is them looking to stop the government in getting the money to deal with it all, and this by creating various instruments in order to do so. Am I hitting anywhere near what has transpired over time in all of this messy problem that we have finally inherited, and the mistrust that we have inherited as a result of it all today also ?

The only problem with all this is that big business and government are hardly any different and they are in bed together.

We hire and fire our government representatives. The only control we have over business is whose products we buy and government regulation.
If it isn't federal, the left wants nothing to do with it.
It can be both(Government and Private solving the problems of today) just like it always was in so many things in the past, problem is though, is that the people have grown to not trust anything that moves anymore, and the rich dang sure don't trust the feds after they (the Rich/CEO's/ Producers or their Companies who were riding these waves) had turned and heaped hundreds of thousand of workers upon the government roles after the bubbles burst in this nation.

It's a stand off it seems in everything now, where as the rich are suspicious of the government doing everything it can to protect it's bottom line, where as the government is wanting to curb the numbers in which they had acquired over time, by forcing the rich whom they think is mainly to blame in it all, to then help them deal with it all until balance returns to the system somehow. I mean hec the conservatives are crying that the government needs to curb it's appetite for more and more right, yet meanwhile the numbers were steady climbing and climbing in the unemployment sectors and/or out of work sectors. Now who takes care of these people in these sectors or within these numbers ? The government does right ? Meanwhile the private sector just walks away with their stream lined companies after the bubble burst, and trying to hold on to the profits in which they made in the bubbles before they had burst. The unbalance found in it all, has led to some serious situations, and also some hard choices to be made, but the private sector wants no part of anything that affects their bottom lines or their profits gathered in the bubbles any further. Now it is them looking to stop the government in getting the money to deal with it all, and this by creating various instruments in order to do so. Am I hitting anywhere near what has transpired over time in all of this messy problem that we have finally inherited, and the mistrust that we have inherited as a result of it all today also ?

The only problem with all this is that big business and government are hardly any different and they are in bed together.
Ok, and if this is the case, then they are both looking to heap it all on the citizens whom they think are ignorant enough to take it on, and so you know what else ? We can't afford anymore to come at us, and money has got to be loosened up a bit by both the government and the private sectors (re-investments), or we will all lose in the end. The entire system will soon crash under it's own weight, but the insulated aren't concerned as they are not yet directly affected by it like we are down here, but it will reach them soon, just like it always has finally affected them in the past or back when we got ourselves into these situations before. It always takes a super good President and administration, along with the strong will of the people to get us out of it all again, but I'm not so sure that we have either at this point. All we have is confusion, because both the government and the private sector has taken advantage of our weakened positions, where as one is agenda oriented for a cause or specific struggle it believes in strongly going forward, while the other is protecting what it has already gathered and heaped away into the barns in order to preserve what they think is their culture, and their future for their families to inherit within this nation someday. We are just pawns in this game that is played between these two now, so hang on for the ride I guess, because that's all we (for whom are caught in the middle as these kinds or types of Americans), can do anymore it seems.
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It can be both(Government and Private solving the problems of today) just like it always was in so many things in the past, problem is though, is that the people have grown to not trust anything that moves anymore, and the rich dang sure don't trust the feds after they (the Rich/CEO's/ Producers or their Companies who were riding these waves) had turned and heaped hundreds of thousand of workers upon the government roles after the bubbles burst in this nation.

It's a stand off it seems in everything now, where as the rich are suspicious of the government doing everything it can to protect it's bottom line, where as the government is wanting to curb the numbers in which they had acquired over time, by forcing the rich whom they think is mainly to blame in it all, to then help them deal with it all until balance returns to the system somehow. I mean hec the conservatives are crying that the government needs to curb it's appetite for more and more right, yet meanwhile the numbers were steady climbing and climbing in the unemployment sectors and/or out of work sectors. Now who takes care of these people in these sectors or within these numbers ? The government does right ? Meanwhile the private sector just walks away with their stream lined companies after the bubble burst, and trying to hold on to the profits in which they made in the bubbles before they had burst. The unbalance found in it all, has led to some serious situations, and also some hard choices to be made, but the private sector wants no part of anything that affects their bottom lines or their profits gathered in the bubbles any further. Now it is them looking to stop the government in getting the money to deal with it all, and this by creating various instruments in order to do so. Am I hitting anywhere near what has transpired over time in all of this messy problem that we have finally inherited, and the mistrust that we have inherited as a result of it all today also ?

The only problem with all this is that big business and government are hardly any different and they are in bed together.
Ok, and if this is the case, then they are both looking to heap it all on the citizens whom they think are ignorant enough to take it on, and so you know what else ? We can't afford anymore to come at us, and money has got to be loosened up a bit by both the government and the private sectors (re-investments), or we will all lose in the end. The entire system will soon crash under it's own weight, but the insulated aren't concerned as they are not yet directly affected by it like we are down here, but it will reach them soon, just like it always has finally affected them in the past or back when we got ourselves into these situations. It always takes a super good President and administration, along with the strong will of the people to get us out of it all again, but I'm not so sure that we have either at this point. All we have is confusion, because both the government and the private sector has taken advantage of our weakened positions, where as one is agenda oriented for a cause or specific struggle it believes in strongly going forward, while the other is protecting what it has already gathered and heaped away into the barns in order to preserve what they think is their culture, and their future for their families to inherit within this nation someday. We are just pawns in this game that is played between these two now, so hang on for the ride I guess, because that's all we (for whom are caught in the middle as these kinds or types of Americans), can do anymore it seems.

Lincoln was widely criticized by his contemporaries as a backwoods buffoon not equal to the typical DC white wealthy polished politicians.

I think that the same is true of his protégé, Obama.

That’s compounded by his every word and action vilified by the powerful Republican propaganda network.

The result is to have rendered him reluctant to speak directly and often to the American people. He uses the mainstream media to do that. A fault. The Democrat side of every issue is not effectively presented.

If Obama looked like Joe Biden as an example, and vice versa, the team would be treated with much more respect now, but, they will still be so treated by history, over time, as was Lincoln.
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hahahaahah, it's just hillarious when you and Jim post right after another, all bouncing, up and down, geez! ;)

Obviously you haven't read any of his autobiographies.

a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person.
"he was an aide and protégé of the former Tennessee senator"

Your type of idiocy is the disease caused by getting all your opinions from one source without questioning any of it.
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It can be both(Government and Private solving the problems of today) just like it always was in so many things in the past, problem is though, is that the people have grown to not trust anything that moves anymore, and the rich dang sure don't trust the feds after they (the Rich/CEO's/ Producers or their Companies who were riding these waves) had turned and heaped hundreds of thousand of workers upon the government roles after the bubbles burst in this nation.

It's a stand off it seems in everything now, where as the rich are suspicious of the government doing everything it can to protect it's bottom line, where as the government is wanting to curb the numbers in which they had acquired over time, by forcing the rich whom they think is mainly to blame in it all, to then help them deal with it all until balance returns to the system somehow. I mean hec the conservatives are crying that the government needs to curb it's appetite for more and more right, yet meanwhile the numbers were steady climbing and climbing in the unemployment sectors and/or out of work sectors. Now who takes care of these people in these sectors or within these numbers ? The government does right ? Meanwhile the private sector just walks away with their stream lined companies after the bubble burst, and trying to hold on to the profits in which they made in the bubbles before they had burst. The unbalance found in it all, has led to some serious situations, and also some hard choices to be made, but the private sector wants no part of anything that affects their bottom lines or their profits gathered in the bubbles any further. Now it is them looking to stop the government in getting the money to deal with it all, and this by creating various instruments in order to do so. Am I hitting anywhere near what has transpired over time in all of this messy problem that we have finally inherited, and the mistrust that we have inherited as a result of it all today also ?

The only problem with all this is that big business and government are hardly any different and they are in bed together.

We hire and fire our government representatives. The only control we have over business is whose products we buy and government regulation.

Now we know where you haven't been. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Lincoln was widely criticized by his contemporaries as a backwoods buffoon not equal to the typical DC white wealthy polished politicians.

I think that the same is true of his protégé, Obama.

That’s compounded by his every word and action vilified by the powerful Republican propaganda network.

The result is to have rendered him reluctant to speak directly and often to the American people. He uses the mainstream media to do that. A fault. The Democrat side of every issue is not effectively presented.

If Obama looked like Joe Biden as an example, and vice versa, the team would be treated with much more respect now, but, they will still be so treated by history, over time, as was Lincoln.

Alan should have considered the consequences of Americans not having even what his ancestors were forced to trade their freedom for.

So you do advocate trading freedom for government goodies. Thanks for clearing that up.

I think that the least expensive alternative to those that business fails to utilize in a productive job, is what we do. Mostly health care and Aid to Dependant Children and education. Without them, living in America would be like living in Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Beijing or Nairobi.

As you've never left your County apparently, you'd never know.

What a retard.
The only problem with all this is that big business and government are hardly any different and they are in bed together.

We hire and fire our government representatives. The only control we have over business is whose products we buy and government regulation.

Now we know where you haven't been. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Emoticons are great for little kids.

I'll assume that your little happy faces means that you agree with my post.

It might be better to use your words though.
So you do advocate trading freedom for government goodies. Thanks for clearing that up.

I think that the least expensive alternative to those that business fails to utilize in a productive job, is what we do. Mostly health care and Aid to Dependant Children and education. Without them, living in America would be like living in Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Beijing or Nairobi.

As you've never left your County apparently, you'd never know.

What a retard.

Lol...there's really not much more to say..
I think that the least expensive alternative to those that business fails to utilize in a productive job, is what we do. Mostly health care and Aid to Dependant Children and education. Without them, living in America would be like living in Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Beijing or Nairobi.

As you've never left your County apparently, you'd never know.

What a retard.

Lol...there's really not much more to say..

That's what Brownie always says when he can't think of any argument that what he wants to be true really is.
Actually, in this case, it's what he says when there's no point in saying anything else. You're ignorant of the topics you choose to debate, and there's not much a person can do with that.
Actually, in this case, it's what he says when there's no point in saying anything else. You're ignorant of the topics you choose to debate, and there's not much a person can do with that.

One thing that I've learned from folks like you is that people who are unable to learn are more loyal to what they've been told, as a substitute for learning, than people who take the time to wade through all sides of any issue.

To the goose steppers life is pretty easy. Just believe and don't question.

Thinking for yourself is much harder and unreachable for many people. It requires an open mind and the ability to sort truth from propaganda.

But, if blind partisanship is all that you can muster, it's at least a comfortable, if dysfunctional, life.

Enjoy it.

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