The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

As I said, and others said, you're a fool who prates nonsense that is not worthy of response.

Seriously. Have you gotten anything right since you've arrived on the scene?
Actually, in this case, it's what he says when there's no point in saying anything else. You're ignorant of the topics you choose to debate, and there's not much a person can do with that.

One thing that I've learned from folks like you is that people who are unable to learn are more loyal to what they've been told, as a substitute for learning, than people who take the time to wade through all sides of any issue.

To the goose steppers life is pretty easy. Just believe and don't question.

Thinking for yourself is much harder and unreachable for many people. It requires an open mind and the ability to sort truth from propaganda.

But, if blind partisanship is all that you can muster, it's at least a comfortable, if dysfunctional, life.

Enjoy it.

Projection, from a retard.
As I said, and others said, you're a fool who prates nonsense that is not worthy of response.

Seriously. Have you gotten anything right since you've arrived on the scene?




I know, I know, I know......

That would be NO.
As I said, and others said, you're a fool who prates nonsense that is not worthy of response.

Seriously. Have you gotten anything right since you've arrived on the scene?

Most everything. You, however, not so much. You're, at best, a mediocre insulter and everything else is a repetition of what every other conservative posts right off Fox.

Actually, in this case, it's what he says when there's no point in saying anything else. You're ignorant of the topics you choose to debate, and there's not much a person can do with that.

One thing that I've learned from folks like you is that people who are unable to learn are more loyal to what they've been told, as a substitute for learning, than people who take the time to wade through all sides of any issue.

To the goose steppers life is pretty easy. Just believe and don't question.

Thinking for yourself is much harder and unreachable for many people. It requires an open mind and the ability to sort truth from propaganda.

But, if blind partisanship is all that you can muster, it's at least a comfortable, if dysfunctional, life.

Enjoy it.

Projection, from a retard.

You're really lacking for insults too. RETARD? Really? In every post? You have the imagination of a conservative.
What's the point of wasting eloquence on a retard?

Yep. Done.

At least the Fox News chant has stopped.

The truth is easy to avoid but impossible to escape. Your addiction is a good example. You can avoid admitting to it, but you can't avoid it's impact on who you are.

My mistake....the broken record is still broken.

Fox News....
Fox News....
Fox News....
Fox News....
Yep. Done.

At least the Fox News chant has stopped.

The truth is easy to avoid but impossible to escape. Your addiction is a good example. You can avoid admitting to it, but you can't avoid it's impact on who you are.

My mistake....the broken record is still broken.

Fox News....
Fox News....
Fox News....
Fox News....

The truth often needs to be repeated many times before those with a position contrary to it will accept it.
What's the point of wasting eloquence on a retard?

Yep. Done.

At least the Fox News chant has stopped.

The truth is easy to avoid but impossible to escape. Your addiction is a good example. You can avoid admitting to it, but you can't avoid it's impact on who you are.

Watching you get bent over by everyone on USMB with facts while you scream and wail against those facts is comical.

You're a joke on USMB. Everyone knows you're ignorant. More importantly, everyone knows you're a liar. There is a reason it's 30 on 1 in every thread you enter. It's because you're on the wrong side of the facts.
Wow, been away for a few days and it seems like most everyone here is 12 y/o or younger...geez. Anyway.....

In addition to health policies being cancelled, a Harvard poll indicates young people are not signing up for Obamacare;

This administration and the DNC is making a mockery of the office of President by asking the NFL to promote Obamacare, suggesting talking points for the 'republican uncle' over the Thanksgiving table, and now asking bartenders to push the plan while serving drinks;

Between the lies, rocky implementation and Reid (you know, the guy that helped create the bill) exempting his staff from having to enroll in Obamacare, things are not only looking bad for Obamacare, but desperate as well. I just wonder how far this is going to fall before the plan is scrapped and a new one is created.

I don't have a clue how people are going to get their old ins. policies reissued but something needs to be done quickly, IMO.
Wow, been away for a few days and it seems like most everyone here is 12 y/o or younger...geez. Anyway.....

In addition to health policies being cancelled, a Harvard poll indicates young people are not signing up for Obamacare;

This administration and the DNC is making a mockery of the office of President by asking the NFL to promote Obamacare, suggesting talking points for the 'republican uncle' over the Thanksgiving table, and now asking bartenders to push the plan while serving drinks;

Between the lies, rocky implementation and Reid (you know, the guy that helped create the bill) exempting his staff from having to enroll in Obamacare, things are not only looking bad for Obamacare, but desperate as well. I just wonder how far this is going to fall before the plan is scrapped and a new one is created.

I don't have a clue how people are going to get their old ins. policies reissued but something needs to be done quickly, IMO.

The dream of Republicans. I suppose if such dreams, while cuddling with their Fox blanky, keep them from crying, it's all good.

Obamacare is here to stay. The GOP, not so much. The only question is, what are the next steps towards globally competitive health care.

The health care insurance industry has largely been flying beneath the radar as the bulk of the exposure to them has been by corporate benefits specialists negotiating big contracts. One of the things that Obamacare will accomplish, and the real reason for Republican resistance to it, is that it will expose the shabby business practices of many of them to public scrutiny.

Some things can only survive in the dark.
Wow, been away for a few days and it seems like most everyone here is 12 y/o or younger...geez. Anyway.....

In addition to health policies being cancelled, a Harvard poll indicates young people are not signing up for Obamacare;

This administration and the DNC is making a mockery of the office of President by asking the NFL to promote Obamacare, suggesting talking points for the 'republican uncle' over the Thanksgiving table, and now asking bartenders to push the plan while serving drinks;

Between the lies, rocky implementation and Reid (you know, the guy that helped create the bill) exempting his staff from having to enroll in Obamacare, things are not only looking bad for Obamacare, but desperate as well. I just wonder how far this is going to fall before the plan is scrapped and a new one is created.

I don't have a clue how people are going to get their old ins. policies reissued but something needs to be done quickly, IMO.

The dream of Republicans. I suppose if such dreams, while cuddling with their Fox blanky, keep them from crying, it's all good.

Obamacare is here to stay. The GOP, not so much. The only question is, what are the next steps towards globally competitive health care.

The health care insurance industry has largely been flying beneath the radar as the bulk of the exposure to them has been by corporate benefits specialists negotiating big contracts. One of the things that Obamacare will accomplish, and the real reason for Republican resistance to it, is that it will expose the shabby business practices of many of them to public scrutiny.

Some things can only survive in the dark.

Typical PMS response to facts....don't address them.

Just drone on about Fox News...

Fox News....
Fox News....
Fox News....

You need to expand your vocabulary beyond 50 words.
Wow, been away for a few days and it seems like most everyone here is 12 y/o or younger...geez. Anyway.....

In addition to health policies being cancelled, a Harvard poll indicates young people are not signing up for Obamacare;

This administration and the DNC is making a mockery of the office of President by asking the NFL to promote Obamacare, suggesting talking points for the 'republican uncle' over the Thanksgiving table, and now asking bartenders to push the plan while serving drinks;

Between the lies, rocky implementation and Reid (you know, the guy that helped create the bill) exempting his staff from having to enroll in Obamacare, things are not only looking bad for Obamacare, but desperate as well. I just wonder how far this is going to fall before the plan is scrapped and a new one is created.

I don't have a clue how people are going to get their old ins. policies reissued but something needs to be done quickly, IMO.

The dream of Republicans. I suppose if such dreams, while cuddling with their Fox blanky, keep them from crying, it's all good.

Obamacare is here to stay. The GOP, not so much. The only question is, what are the next steps towards globally competitive health care.

The health care insurance industry has largely been flying beneath the radar as the bulk of the exposure to them has been by corporate benefits specialists negotiating big contracts. One of the things that Obamacare will accomplish, and the real reason for Republican resistance to it, is that it will expose the shabby business practices of many of them to public scrutiny.

Some things can only survive in the dark.

Typical PMS response to facts....don't address them.

Just drone on about Fox News...

Fox News....
Fox News....
Fox News....

You need to expand your vocabulary beyond 50 words.

If you see a house burning, you only need one word, "fire".

I realize that you are worried that your opinion security blanket might go away and you'll get stuck having to think for yourself and form your own opinions.

Scary, like all of the monsters in the conservative closet.

Confront those fears. You may be more capable of thinking than you realize.
If you see a house burning, you only need one word, "fire".

I realize that you are worried that your opinion security blanket might go away and you'll get stuck having to think for yourself and form your own opinions.

Scary, like all of the monsters in the conservative closet.

Confront those fears. You may be more capable of thinking than you realize.

The scary part is that Liberals think yelling "Fire" is more effective than calmly saying ... "I'll get the hose ... You turn the water on".
Liberals just stand there screaming "fire" watching the house burn trying to get elected as Fire Chief ... Or even worse, try to put it out by dumping money on it.

Last edited:
The dream of Republicans. I suppose if such dreams, while cuddling with their Fox blanky, keep them from crying, it's all good.

Obamacare is here to stay. The GOP, not so much. The only question is, what are the next steps towards globally competitive health care.

The health care insurance industry has largely been flying beneath the radar as the bulk of the exposure to them has been by corporate benefits specialists negotiating big contracts. One of the things that Obamacare will accomplish, and the real reason for Republican resistance to it, is that it will expose the shabby business practices of many of them to public scrutiny.

Some things can only survive in the dark.

Typical PMS response to facts....don't address them.

Just drone on about Fox News...

Fox News....
Fox News....
Fox News....

You need to expand your vocabulary beyond 50 words.

If you see a house burning, you only need one word, "fire".

I realize that you are worried that your opinion security blanket might go away and you'll get stuck having to think for yourself and form your own opinions.

Scary, like all of the monsters in the conservative closet.

Confront those fears. You may be more capable of thinking than you realize.

Great story....why call 911 ?

I'm worried ? Not at all. Obama and Sebelius are doing our task for us. Obama's approval numbers are in the tank. The Economist is going out of business ? Opinions ? You think this is about opinions ?

What is scary is that people like you are allowed to breed.

With every post I put up I confront people like you who have no interest in anything but making sure you bend your perceptions to whatever universe your reality resides in.

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