The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

We were paying twice as much as our global competition for mediocre, at best, results. If you are really a businessman, would you accept that performance in business?

So for the 4,000x - why don't you start a health insurance company and sell policies for a $1 each will providing a cadillac plan? You would instantly corner the market. This solves every problem for both sides:

  • 100% of Americans would have coverage

  • It would be affordable

  • It would be Constitutional

  • It would provide the coverage Obama wants

  • You would end up filthy "rich" and American hero
So please tell me why you refuse to do this basic, civic duty which is a win-win-win-win any way you look at it? Too lazy?

The silence by [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is absolutely deafening here [MENTION=31640]koshergrl[/MENTION]! He keeps saying "do nothing Republican" yet what has he done to solve the problem? Nothing but sit on his big, fat, lazy ass and demand that government force you and I to provide him with free health insurance.

It's like 10 pages later and the do nothing Dumbocrat [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] (who has sat on his lazy ass his entire life) cannot answer WHY, if he felt health care was too expensive, he didn't start an insurance company and offer it at a price that he felt was "affordable".

His silence speaks volumes (dumbocrats like him always did hate the FACTS)
Progressives typically goose step, not right wingers.




Conservatives don't goose step?????

Don't you read their posts here????

Same words to describe Fox's issue de jour with always their one solution. Do nothing.

Then a couple of paragraphs to call their scapegoats de jour every name in the book.

There isn't a bigger herd of lemmings around.

The asshole who has done NOTHING keeps crying that Republicans didn't give him something.

Hey PMZ, do you not realize Republicans "did nothing" because they abide by the law and realize that the Constitution does not authorize them to take action every time your dumb, lazy ass thinks something costs too much? :bang3:

Did you also not realize that the overwhelming majority of America has the best healthcare in the WORLD and at a price that they feel is very affordable? You're the only bitch crying about the price - yet you're not willing to enter the free market and offer it cheaper. Why is that? :eusa_whistle:
The website debacle is by design. If it had worked by design the whole house of cards would crashed all at once. Instead, it's a slow, grueling death. Hoping the people will not notice ACA is bleeding out. Maybe Obamas death panels should rule on this


I'm sure that you will offer some evidence of this soon.

Oh the irony... :lmao:

The asshat who can't offer "evidence" of ONE SINGLE THING HE HAS LIED ABOUT wants "evidence" from others.... :eusa_whistle:
Progressives typically goose step, not right wingers.




Conservatives don't goose step?????

Don't you read their posts here????

Same words to describe Fox's issue de jour with always their one solution. Do nothing.

Then a couple of paragraphs to call their scapegoats de jour every name in the book.

There isn't a bigger herd of lemmings around.

Isn't it hilarious that FACTS are considered "goose stepping" in PMZ's twisted, parasite mind? If you don't eschew facts for his radical left-wing propaganda, then you are "goose steppping" :lol:.

You know, all you assholes "goose stepping" to gravity.

All of you assholes "goose stepping" to the earth being round

All of you assholes "goose stepping" in the lie that the sun is hot

You can't make this stuff up folks. You kill PMZ with facts, he will scream "Fox! Fox! Fox!" like a person suffering from Tourette's and then accuse you of "goose stepping".

You know a liberal has had their ass handed to them with the truth when they scream "racist" or "Fox".... :lol:
Progressives typically goose step, not right wingers.




Conservatives don't goose step?????

Don't you read their posts here????

Same words to describe Fox's issue de jour with always their one solution. Do nothing.

Then a couple of paragraphs to call their scapegoats de jour every name in the book.

There isn't a bigger herd of lemmings around.

Isn't it hilarious that FACTS are considered "goose stepping" in PMZ's twisted, parasite mind? If you don't eschew facts for his radical left-wing propaganda, then you are "goose steppping" :lol:.

You know, all you assholes "goose stepping" to gravity.

All of you assholes "goose stepping" to the earth being round

All of you assholes "goose stepping" in the lie that the sun is hot

You can't make this stuff up folks. You kill PMZ with facts, he will scream "Fox! Fox! Fox!" like a person suffering from Tourette's and then accuse you of "goose stepping".

You know a liberal has had their ass handed to them with the truth when they scream "racist" or "Fox".... :lol:

Other than him being no more than a chew toy, why do you people give PMZ so much credibility as to respond to his tripe? :confused:
Progressives typically goose step, not right wingers.




Conservatives don't goose step?????

Don't you read their posts here????

Same words to describe Fox's issue de jour with always their one solution. Do nothing.

Then a couple of paragraphs to call their scapegoats de jour every name in the book.

There isn't a bigger herd of lemmings around.

It's like Pavlov's dog.

Just say limited government and they start frothing at the mouth.

Then they start yelling "Faux News" out the their asses.

Live must be pretty boring for someone so limited.
Conservatives don't goose step?????

Don't you read their posts here????

Same words to describe Fox's issue de jour with always their one solution. Do nothing.

Then a couple of paragraphs to call their scapegoats de jour every name in the book.

There isn't a bigger herd of lemmings around.

Isn't it hilarious that FACTS are considered "goose stepping" in PMZ's twisted, parasite mind? If you don't eschew facts for his radical left-wing propaganda, then you are "goose steppping" :lol:.

You know, all you assholes "goose stepping" to gravity.

All of you assholes "goose stepping" to the earth being round

All of you assholes "goose stepping" in the lie that the sun is hot

You can't make this stuff up folks. You kill PMZ with facts, he will scream "Fox! Fox! Fox!" like a person suffering from Tourette's and then accuse you of "goose stepping".

You know a liberal has had their ass handed to them with the truth when they scream "racist" or "Fox".... :lol:

Other than him being no more than a chew toy, why do you people give PMZ so much credibility as to respond to his tripe? :confused:

"Credibility"? He's the laughing stock of USMB. He has ZERO credibility and me pointing out the absurdity of his posts and proving his lies does not give him any credibility. Quite the contrary, if further erodes any he might have with someone new to USMB and unaware of his ignorance.
So for the 4,000x - why don't you start a health insurance company and sell policies for a $1 each will providing a cadillac plan? You would instantly corner the market. This solves every problem for both sides:

  • 100% of Americans would have coverage

  • It would be affordable

  • It would be Constitutional

  • It would provide the coverage Obama wants

  • You would end up filthy "rich" and American hero
So please tell me why you refuse to do this basic, civic duty which is a win-win-win-win any way you look at it? Too lazy?

The silence by [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is absolutely deafening here [MENTION=31640]koshergrl[/MENTION]! He keeps saying "do nothing Republican" yet what has he done to solve the problem? Nothing but sit on his big, fat, lazy ass and demand that government force you and I to provide him with free health insurance.

It's like 10 pages later and the do nothing Dumbocrat [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] (who has sat on his lazy ass his entire life) cannot answer WHY, if he felt health care was too expensive, he didn't start an insurance company and offer it at a price that he felt was "affordable".

His silence speaks volumes (dumbocrats like him always did hate the FACTS)

This is typical Rotweiner logic. He doesn't have the means to distinguish between health care and insurance.

"health care was too expensive, he didn't start an insurance company and offer it at a price that he felt was "affordable""

This is exactly why the Republican solution for every problem is precisely the same. Do nothing. If that doesn't work, do less.

The US is spending twice as much for health care as every other country in the world for mediocre results. The Republican solution? Do nothing.

Yet they have the balls to call themselves producers. What do they produce? More nothing.

She was right on. Only the GOP would even try to spin what happens in the insurance business every year, new policies with new prices, as cancellations, this year only, in their desperation to bury their inability to solve any problem.

If they spent 10% of the time, energy, and money helping the country, rather than spinning propaganda, they might have a chance at redemption. But they simply have zero ability to solve problems. Any problems.
Progressives typically goose step, not right wingers.




Conservatives don't goose step?????

Don't you read their posts here????

Same words to describe Fox's issue de jour with always their one solution. Do nothing.

Then a couple of paragraphs to call their scapegoats de jour every name in the book.

There isn't a bigger herd of lemmings around.

Isn't it hilarious that FACTS are considered "goose stepping" in PMZ's twisted, parasite mind? If you don't eschew facts for his radical left-wing propaganda, then you are "goose steppping" :lol:.

You know, all you assholes "goose stepping" to gravity.

All of you assholes "goose stepping" to the earth being round

All of you assholes "goose stepping" in the lie that the sun is hot

You can't make this stuff up folks. You kill PMZ with facts, he will scream "Fox! Fox! Fox!" like a person suffering from Tourette's and then accuse you of "goose stepping".

You know a liberal has had their ass handed to them with the truth when they scream "racist" or "Fox".... :lol:

Rotweiner, you wouldn't know a fact if someone nailed one to your sloped forehead.
The silence by [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is absolutely deafening here [MENTION=31640]koshergrl[/MENTION]! He keeps saying "do nothing Republican" yet what has he done to solve the problem? Nothing but sit on his big, fat, lazy ass and demand that government force you and I to provide him with free health insurance.

It's like 10 pages later and the do nothing Dumbocrat [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] (who has sat on his lazy ass his entire life) cannot answer WHY, if he felt health care was too expensive, he didn't start an insurance company and offer it at a price that he felt was "affordable".

His silence speaks volumes (dumbocrats like him always did hate the FACTS)

This is typical Rotweiner logic. He doesn't have the means to distinguish between health care and insurance.

"health care was too expensive, he didn't start an insurance company and offer it at a price that he felt was "affordable""

This is exactly why the Republican solution for every problem is precisely the same. Do nothing. If that doesn't work, do less.

The US is spending twice as much for health care as every other country in the world for mediocre results. The Republican solution? Do nothing.

Yet they have the balls to call themselves producers. What do they produce? More nothing.

I was happy with my healthcare. No complaints

It's like 10 pages later and the do nothing Dumbocrat [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] (who has sat on his lazy ass his entire life) cannot answer WHY, if he felt health care was too expensive, he didn't start an insurance company and offer it at a price that he felt was "affordable".

His silence speaks volumes (dumbocrats like him always did hate the FACTS)

This is typical Rotweiner logic. He doesn't have the means to distinguish between health care and insurance.

"health care was too expensive, he didn't start an insurance company and offer it at a price that he felt was "affordable""

This is exactly why the Republican solution for every problem is precisely the same. Do nothing. If that doesn't work, do less.

The US is spending twice as much for health care as every other country in the world for mediocre results. The Republican solution? Do nothing.

Yet they have the balls to call themselves producers. What do they produce? More nothing.

I was happy with my healthcare. No complaints


Of course. You had the out of dumping your bills on us if your health luck ran out.

Now we don't have to worry about you dumping your bills on us and you don't have to worry about us dumping on you. A world of personal responsibility.
This is typical Rotweiner logic. He doesn't have the means to distinguish between health care and insurance.

"health care was too expensive, he didn't start an insurance company and offer it at a price that he felt was "affordable""

This is exactly why the Republican solution for every problem is precisely the same. Do nothing. If that doesn't work, do less.

The US is spending twice as much for health care as every other country in the world for mediocre results. The Republican solution? Do nothing.

Yet they have the balls to call themselves producers. What do they produce? More nothing.

I was happy with my healthcare. No complaints


Of course. You had the out of dumping your bills on us if your health luck ran out.

Now we don't have to worry about you dumping your bills on his and you don't have to worry about us dumping on you. A world of personal responsibility.

It's like watching someone taking a shit out their mouth...
I was happy with my healthcare. No complaints


Of course. You had the out of dumping your bills on us if your health luck ran out.

Now we don't have to worry about you dumping your bills on his and you don't have to worry about us dumping on you. A world of personal responsibility.

It's like watching someone taking a shit out their mouth...

It's fun to watch anarchists being assaulted by the truth. The wheels really come off their wagon.
I was happy with my healthcare. No complaints


Of course. You had the out of dumping your bills on us if your health luck ran out.

Now we don't have to worry about you dumping your bills on his and you don't have to worry about us dumping on you. A world of personal responsibility.

It's like watching someone taking a shit out their mouth...

I think he just shyts out his mouth.

He certainly talks out his ass.
I think that there should be one medical card for workers, one med card for the poor, and one card for the elderly and one card for the special needs citizens or disabled . Then a flat tax is taken out of the citizens incomes (all citizens who have an income be it young, middle aged or elderly that still work) and from those whom are the investors in this nation for whom no longer work a physical labor job, but they still have an income coming in through their investments and other means in which they have also that is taxed). This will completely pay for the health care needs of all citizens in the united states, and for the health care system in which we all need equally as human beings to work for us all.

Then these Cards could be managed in a way in order to see why some of the negative numbers are being found between the two main groups in which are primarily made up of the working class and the poor (i.e. a better managed look at it all once the numbers are known under the cards in which the cards do represent in these two category's).

The focus would then be - to move as many as possible from the poor group over to the working class group, and this by working hard to get the poor for what ever reason they are there (off) of the free loader status in which they had become bogged down in for some reason or another in life, and to get them over onto the working participant status med card, therefore becoming a positive number instead of a negative number on the system if at all possible.

Not only are you looking at the numbers found within these two groups (i.e. between the working class and the poor), but also you are looking at as to why they are being found within these specific groups in the numbers that they are being found in, and all the while we would be managing the health care needs of all citizens at the same time.

Example: Lets say that I have a workers class health care card issued to me by the government, and with this card I am taxed $23.00 dollars a week out of my check under an (HCS)Health Care Services code, and so I am taxed this amount because that is what has been figured that the cost of health care will be for all once everybody is into the same flat single payer system listed under these 4 cards that will be issued unto us all in category there of. Then we will receive the cards that will fit us all depending on where we find ourselves under each managed category as listed for the status in which we find ourselves in life, and at any given time in our lives.

Ok so I should be able to take this card and go anywhere I want to, in order to get my services met within the health care industry right, but just as long as they are certified as legitimate service providers could I do this, and so for the private sector it's just a matter of being certified as legal and lawful providers within the industry, now wouldn't you think this was ok ?

So the whole system is certified now, and we have our card to get our health care needs met by certified providers, and we are in such a large pool of people (all citizens who have an income are now in), that we shouldn't have to pay such ridiculous prices each week that would be taken from our incomes by these wallet rapist that we have had to deal with in the past (win, win, right?). The money taken could be broken down like this for example: Lets say it is $25.00 a week that is figured for all working citizens or non physical labor working citizens with an income coming in or can afford to participate without an income coming in (i.e. the super rich), where as in this break down $7.50 is allocated to a workers health care needs, and then $7.50 goes to the needs of the poor who are not working at this time, and then $5.00 goes to the seniors needs as this is all the amount that they will need for their budget by what is known by the managers and/or accountants who reside over their managed part of it all, and then the special needs and disabled citizens get $5.oo dollars as well from us for their special needs part of it also. If a budget or category needs more for each group mentioned, then let it go through the proper request panel for review, and then the tax would be added to in a one time hike to be taken each week from each citizen working or from each citizen who has an income coming in as described before. This is in order to raise up the area in need as so that they won't go without just as we wouldn't want to go without either when it comes to our health care needs in this life also.

It would be looked as we looked at the pie in math class, where as the pie is understood of it's portions and sizes being broken up into parts or by it's portions according to ones needs in life, but in this pie there is found percentages within each portion, and why one percentage is larger than the other or why is it that someone is taking so much more than the other in percentage of, so we would be looking at the reason always in order to try and get the portions under control and the health care system working smoothly for all. So the goals would be to get the working class or all whom have a taxable income coming in, to then help all those who had come before them in which deserve this help (retired or disabled citizens and/or our seniors for example), and to also help the special needs people whom can't help themselves, or to help the poor who are in a situation that was unfortunate in their lives also.

Now when looking at the numbers between the working class and the poor, they are to be looked at in a way that always works hard to try and shift the poor back over into a working class status sooner or later, because this would bring their numbers into a better arrangement or percentage to be found within the pie. Right now there is no pie, and people are going without needed health care in their lives, and they do this because they feel either that they are a burden on the system or that they still won't be able to withstand the bills with the current substandard policies in which they may have (so they put off and put off until things spiral way out of control for them), therefore making a small problem into a huge one that may even cause them to die earlier than they should have, so something has to be done to get people to not fear the medical part of their life because of money, and that should be the goal in all of this in the end. Would this work yall ? A Flat taxed single payer system for our health care needs in America ? Would it also be sort of like the time where the will of the American people did want a flat tax system in America, in which was being spoken about by so many times during these past campaigns, and would it or could it apply to the health care system as well, I mean since that is the focus at hand these days ?
Last edited:
Of course. You had the out of dumping your bills on us if your health luck ran out.

Now we don't have to worry about you dumping your bills on his and you don't have to worry about us dumping on you. A world of personal responsibility.

It's like watching someone taking a shit out their mouth...

I think he just shyts out his mouth.

He certainly talks out his ass.

Another anarchist speaks up. What rock are they all crawling out from under?

Of all of the extreme political splinter groups in the world, the Communists, the Taliban, the African private armies, etc, anarchists are the most dysfunctional. They are against nothing less than civilization.
It's like watching someone taking a shit out their mouth...

I think he just shyts out his mouth.

He certainly talks out his ass.

Another anarchist speaks up. What rock are they all crawling out from under?

Of all of the extreme political splinter groups in the world, the Communists, the Taliban, the African private armies, etc, anarchists are the most dysfunctional. They are against nothing less than civilization.
ROFL Anarchists ROFL what an idiot you are.
I think he just shyts out his mouth.

He certainly talks out his ass.

Another anarchist speaks up. What rock are they all crawling out from under?

Of all of the extreme political splinter groups in the world, the Communists, the Taliban, the African private armies, etc, anarchists are the most dysfunctional. They are against nothing less than civilization.
ROFL Anarchists ROFL what an idiot you are.

Are you one too?

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