The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Another grade-A asswipe response. Nobody said they were refused health insurance. The exchanges will be happy to bend them over and give them some (health insurance too).

But if you are saying nobody lost a perfectly servicable health insurance policy because of Obama care, then you'd better hope "head extracted from ass" is covered by whatever coverage you have now.

The only jerk off (besides yourself) is the one who had to stand up and say Sebelius made a liar out of me. Here's the "fix".

It's beyond your world to comprehend that he had to offer it. How could he. He is your god.

Before Obamacare, people were perfectly comfortable with inadequate coverage as there was always the emergency room or urgent care route or medical bankruptcy. In other words, let others pay your bills.

That's what is no longer OK. We are all responsible for our own health care costs. It's personal responsibility that people like you don't like.

Short memory.....

Lots of people had "inadequate coverage" and still made it work without sucking off the ER. I am in that group.

So the propaganda that Stephanie "The Whore" Cutter pushes in your direction won't fly here.

It's the fact that your world does not coincide with reality that causes you to sit on the toilet at night dreaming of David Axelrod.

A weird post, I assume from a weird poster.

It sounds like his point is that he made irresponsibility work by not getting sick. That’s one approach, but not very reliable. Hopefully that choice has been eliminated and he will be left with only responsible choices.

Unless there's someone out there who'd like to volunteer to pay his bills.
I am sure clarity is a goal you strive for as you continue to look out of your ass through your bellybutton. Tons of folks have been cancelled. Sorry Charlie, better luck with the next Affirmative action moron you decide to nominate.

It's already been proved. Better check for polyps while you are'll save some money on your GI exam.

You offer not a shred of proof. It's what you fell for so you think that I will too.

Stop falling for propaganda.

Right....there is nothing that will cause you to pull your head out of your oversized ass and get a breath of fresh air and reality.

I get it. Life is to short to be bothered by facts.

Keep at it. You might actually talk yourself into believing this bullshyt.

[MENTION=32163]Listening[/MENTION] ... PMZ just posted a link from Talking Points Memo DC ... And then turned around and accused you of falling for propaganda.
That is why debating with PMZ is so much fun ... Doesn't have a clue what he/she is saying.

You offer not a shred of proof. It's what you fell for so you think that I will too.

Stop falling for propaganda.

Right....there is nothing that will cause you to pull your head out of your oversized ass and get a breath of fresh air and reality.

I get it. Life is to short to be bothered by facts.

Keep at it. You might actually talk yourself into believing this bullshyt.

[MENTION=32163]Listening[/MENTION] ... PMZ just posted a link from Talking Points Memo DC ... And then turned around and accused you of falling for propaganda.
That is why debating with PMZ is so much fun ... Doesn't have a clue what he/she is saying.


I have no idea what you're talking about but that's typical. You have nothing to say but say it with certainty.

Why don't you run out and gather some facts and form your own opinion then come back and act like an adult.
PMZ just posted a link from Talking Points Memo DC ... And then turned around and accused you of falling for propaganda.
That is why debating with PMZ is so much fun ... Doesn't have a clue what he/she is saying.


I have no idea what you're talking about but that's typical. You have nothing to say but say it with certainty.

Why don't you run out and gather some facts and form your own opinion then come back and act like an adult.

I know you don't have an idea what I am talking about ... In fact, that is pretty much what I said ... And thanks for confirming it ... Again.

Then you must be very angry about many of the insulting posts for what you are from conservatives here.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Show one, asshole. (With link) Certainly, Conservatives insult some women; Nancy pelosi for example, but not women in general. We insult some immigrants, but not because of their origin but for their status or actions.

I'm going to assume you are a native born male P.eople have been insulting you for days. As with others, your sex and national origin are irrelevant.

Relax, Ernie.

I name them as I see them.

And I have a pretty good differentiating ability ( part of why professionally I am what I am).

I'm perfectly relaxed. I get a bit pissy when Libs toss out the old "make gramma eat dog food" and hate women and foreigners bullshit. It holds as much water as the "You only disagree with Dear Leader because you're racist bullshit.
They invariably trot out the old tried and true bullshit when they have nothing else.

As a matter of fact, PMS rarely has anything else.

I find it amazing how he can sit there and say that Conservatives hate women, foreigners and science, while he attacks you.
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Show one, asshole. (With link) Certainly, Conservatives insult some women; Nancy pelosi for example, but not women in general. We insult some immigrants, but not because of their origin but for their status or actions.

I'm going to assume you are a native born male P.eople have been insulting you for days. As with others, your sex and national origin are irrelevant.

Relax, Ernie.

I name them as I see them.

And I have a pretty good differentiating ability ( part of why professionally I am what I am).

I'm sure that you are near perfect in your mind with what you wish those you'll never meet are. That's all part of the scapegoat propaganda that I addressed earlier.

I'm pretty sure that Adolf thought that he was right on about Jews too.

Godwin's Law. You lose! Next time, you get an honored place on my shit list.
Relax, Ernie.

I name them as I see them.

And I have a pretty good differentiating ability ( part of why professionally I am what I am).

I'm sure that you are near perfect in your mind with what you wish those you'll never meet are. That's all part of the scapegoat propaganda that I addressed earlier.

I'm pretty sure that Adolf thought that he was right on about Jews too.

Godwin's Law. You lose! Next time, you get an honored place on my shit list.

Is that really the best you've got?
The website debacle is by design. If it had worked by design the whole house of cards would crashed all at once. Instead, it's a slow, grueling death. Hoping the people will not notice ACA is bleeding out. Maybe Obamas death panels should rule on this

The website debacle is by design. If it had worked by design the whole house of cards would crashed all at once. Instead, it's a slow, grueling death. Hoping the people will not notice ACA is bleeding out. Maybe Obamas death panels should rule on this


I'm sure that you will offer some evidence of this soon.
Right....there is nothing that will cause you to pull your head out of your oversized ass and get a breath of fresh air and reality.

I get it. Life is to short to be bothered by facts.

Keep at it. You might actually talk yourself into believing this bullshyt.

[MENTION=32163]Listening[/MENTION] ... PMZ just posted a link from Talking Points Memo DC ... And then turned around and accused you of falling for propaganda.
That is why debating with PMZ is so much fun ... Doesn't have a clue what he/she is saying.


I have no idea what you're talking about but that's typical. You have nothing to say but say it with certainty.

Why don't you run out and gather some facts and form your own opinion then come back and act like an adult.

I think the first for words pretty much sum it up for us.

The usual blather.....liberal self assurance that smells like the pile fido left in the back yard.
The website debacle is by design. If it had worked by design the whole house of cards would crashed all at once. Instead, it's a slow, grueling death. Hoping the people will not notice ACA is bleeding out. Maybe Obamas death panels should rule on this


I'm sure that you will offer some evidence of this soon.

I am sure it will go right over your head.
Before Obamacare, people were perfectly comfortable with inadequate coverage as there was always the emergency room or urgent care route or medical bankruptcy. In other words, let others pay your bills.

That's what is no longer OK. We are all responsible for our own health care costs. It's personal responsibility that people like you don't like.

Short memory.....

Lots of people had "inadequate coverage" and still made it work without sucking off the ER. I am in that group.

So the propaganda that Stephanie "The Whore" Cutter pushes in your direction won't fly here.

It's the fact that your world does not coincide with reality that causes you to sit on the toilet at night dreaming of David Axelrod.

A weird post, I assume from a weird poster.

It sounds like his point is that he made irresponsibility work by not getting sick. That’s one approach, but not very reliable. Hopefully that choice has been eliminated and he will be left with only responsible choices.

Unless there's someone out there who'd like to volunteer to pay his bills.

Obama would be proud of this post.

It is dripping with the liberal thumbprint of making statements about things they know nothing about. All "facts" and assumptions have to point to the pre-concieved conclusion.

And they think they are intelligent ! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Obama would be proud of this post.

It is dripping with the liberal thumbprint of making statements about things they know nothing about. All "facts" and assumptions have to point to the pre-concieved conclusion.

And they think they are intelligent ! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I am not sure PMZ has the wherewithal to think he/she is intelligent ... More like the blind loyalty of a puppet.

I'm sure that you are near perfect in your mind with what you wish those you'll never meet are. That's all part of the scapegoat propaganda that I addressed earlier.

I'm pretty sure that Adolf thought that he was right on about Jews too.

Godwin's Law. You lose! Next time, you get an honored place on my shit list.

Is that really the best you've got?
It's really all you deserve. You invoked Hitler, in a last ditch effort to support the unsupportable. You lose! It's the law.
The website debacle is by design. If it had worked by design the whole house of cards would crashed all at once. Instead, it's a slow, grueling death. Hoping the people will not notice ACA is bleeding out. Maybe Obamas death panels should rule on this


I'm sure that you will offer some evidence of this soon.

I'm sure you will offer some evidence of the successes in the ACA roll-out. So fare, all I see is hyperbole and Hitler. You lose!
All the Fox addicts here repeating what the Republican Party wants them to think. Pretty pathetic. Goose stepping through life.
Progressives typically goose step, not right wingers.



Progressives typically goose step, not right wingers.




Conservatives don't goose step?????

Don't you read their posts here????

Same words to describe Fox's issue de jour with always their one solution. Do nothing.

Then a couple of paragraphs to call their scapegoats de jour every name in the book.

There isn't a bigger herd of lemmings around.
Uh huh. Says the moron who doesn't understand insurance to begin with, and who is gobbling the lies about how fantastic Obamacare is working as fast as he can swallow.

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