The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...

Every year everyone loses their health care when their annual policy expires. Been going on for 100 years. The solution? Sign up for the updated policy.

Republicans seem unable to do that without a great deal of help.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] continues to be the biggest liar on USMB. What he is saying is blatantly and egregiously FALSE (and the sick fuck knows it too). Every policy is absolutely perpetual. As long as you continue to pay on the policy, it continues. It does NOT - nor has it EVER - "expired" yearly.

Certainly the price can change, the benefits can change, etc. - but it has NEVER cancelled yearly and required anyone to sign up all over again. Doesn't matter if it's car insurance we are talking about or health care insurance. PMZ has to lie because he's had his ass handed to him with facts.
No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...

Every year everyone loses their health care when their annual policy expires. Been going on for 100 years. The solution? Sign up for the updated policy.

Republicans seem unable to do that without a great deal of help.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] continues to be the biggest liar on USMB. What he is saying is blatantly and egregiously FALSE (and the sick fuck knows it too). Every policy is absolutely perpetual. As long as you continue to pay on the policy, it continues. It does NOT - nor has it EVER - "expired" yearly.

Certainly the price can change, the benefits can change, etc. - but it has NEVER cancelled yearly and required anyone to sign up all over again. Doesn't matter if it's car insurance we are talking about or health care insurance. PMZ has to lie because he's had his ass handed to him with facts.

This is delusional even for you.
Gosh my provider has been lying to me then because every year for the past 7 I have had to enroll by the 31st of october to PREVENT my benefits from expiring.
Gosh my provider has been lying to me then because every year for the past 7 I have had to enroll by the 31st of october to PREVENT my benefits from expiring.

That's the way that it works. Every policy is an annual one. Every year you have to sign up for, typically, more money and some coverage changes.
No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...

Every year everyone loses their health care when their annual policy expires. Been going on for 100 years. The solution? Sign up for the updated policy.

Republicans seem unable to do that without a great deal of help.

[MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] continues to be the biggest liar on USMB. What he is saying is blatantly and egregiously FALSE (and the sick fuck knows it too). Every policy is absolutely perpetual. As long as you continue to pay on the policy, it continues. It does NOT - nor has it EVER - "expired" yearly.

Certainly the price can change, the benefits can change, etc. - but it has NEVER cancelled yearly and required anyone to sign up all over again. Doesn't matter if it's car insurance we are talking about or health care insurance. PMZ has to lie because he's had his ass handed to him with facts.

"Certainly the price can change, the benefits can change, etc."

Exactly what's going on with Obamacare now.
No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...

Every year everyone loses their health care when their annual policy expires. Been going on for 100 years. The solution? Sign up for the updated policy.

Republicans seem unable to do that without a great deal of help.

I'm older than dirt and it never happened to me. Not health, car or home.
No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...

Every year everyone loses their health care when their annual policy expires. Been going on for 100 years. The solution? Sign up for the updated policy.

Republicans seem unable to do that without a great deal of help.

I'm older than dirt and it never happened to me. Not health, car or home.

I'm even older than dirt and it happened ever year. Even when I got health care insurance from my employer.
I think it's fairly obvious that PMZ has never purchased insurace in his life. And that he missed the recert deadlines resulting in coverage lapses of his medicaid. What a moron.
He's one of the losers who calls dhs every year and whines "I didn't get my recert papers! You guys didn't tell me I needed to recertify! "
You are a pro at the oldest propaganda trick in the world. Speak for the scapegoats. Believe for them what you want them to believe and how you want them to behave.

That a full time job for conservatives who have identified at one time or another all of the following scapegoats.

Democrats, all workers, especially union and government workers, the poor, liberals, foreigners, all non Christian religions, all non English speakers, the poor, women, gays, the unarmed, scientists and other intellectuals, other races, people who use Wikipedia and non Fox approved websites, consumers of mainstream media, mainstream media practitioners, environmentalists, the middle class and probably a few groups that I've missed.

That leaves you with very few friends and votes.
Who are you talking to, loser? Your last posts prove that not only are you a liar, but you are also a loser.

Henceforth, I shall only refer to you by your earned nom de plume.
Not a lie in my last post, just inconvenient for you, truth.

If there is anything there that you don't believe you just haven't had as much experience as I dealing with conservatives.
No, it's a lie. People with insurance do not let their insurance lapse as a matter of course. There are enrollment periods that are carefully scheduled to prevent that unfortunate event. If you MISS the enrollment deadline, then your insurance lapses, and you generally have to wait until the next enrollment period.

Does any of this sound familiar? Yes? No?

This is not something that people who have only had medicaid all their lives are familiar with. They generally don't even understand the MULTIPLE statements they receive in the mail that say "In 45 days your insurance will end, RE-CERTIFY NOW!" "If your insurance ends, you may not be eligible as a NEW medicaid client. Don't let it lapse! RECERTIFY NOW!"

And those of us who pay for or have insurance provided as part of our salary get notices (multiple ones) that say the exact same thing, only instead of "certify" they use the term "enrollment".

The objective is always to prevent a lapse in coverage. And for the most part, if your coverage always lapses, it's because you are an idiot.
You are a pro at the oldest propaganda trick in the world. Speak for the scapegoats. Believe for them what you want them to believe and how you want them to behave.

That a full time job for conservatives who have identified at one time or another all of the following scapegoats.

Democrats, all workers, especially union and government workers, the poor, liberals, foreigners, all non Christian religions, all non English speakers, the poor, women, gays, the unarmed, scientists and other intellectuals, other races, people who use Wikipedia and non Fox approved websites, consumers of mainstream media, mainstream media practitioners, environmentalists, the middle class and probably a few groups that I've missed.

That leaves you with very few friends and votes.

You idiot, I am a woman, a scientist/ intellectual, not native English speaker, and a foreigner, a solid middle class and I am as far from the dimocraps as one can possibly get :lol:
Oh, and I have been poor. I came to this country with 600$ in a pocket and a 6 month long tourist visa and my first job was serving coffee and pastries in an Italian pasticerria for 5$ per hour. :D

But I do not use Wikipedia as my primary source of information, contrary to the leftards :lol:
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Your ignorance angers you. It angers me too, but you insist on it anyway.

What's that about?

Actually, obamacare does change the nature of private enterprise, because it mandates that people purchase, and insurers provide, particular benefits. If they do not, they are fined. Charity providers associated with churches and hospitals have already been shut down....the sick people of our nation who were previously receiving care from those organizations are now without coverage...and they haven't received obamacare yet. So their ongoing treatment is halted, and they don't know when or from whom it will be taken up again.

Many of them will not be allowed to use their old care providers...and while in the cities this is not viewed as a huge problem, trust me, outside of city walls, it is. In communities that are 60+ miles from the next available health care provider, for the sick, elderly, disabled, and poor this is an obstacle that is unsurmountable.

Thank God for Medicare and Medicaid that take care of the vast majority of the sick, elderly, disabled, and poor.

The rest will have vastly improved health care under ObamaCare as the launch issues go away. Most of them have already.

Which issues are those? Have we, as promised been able to keep the policies we liked? Has obamacare been deficit neutral? Are the previously uncovered now insured? Last I heard, there are 6 to 10 million more people that were happy with their policies, about to become uninsured as a direct result of this lie.

The exchange site IS running better, but the security concerns alone should discourage people from logging on and sharing personal information.
obamacare is the biggest lie foisted on the US since "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." and it's infinitely more dangerous to our country.
Kirsanow on The Corner | National Review Online

The Beauty of Obamacare. . . is not so much that tens of millions will have their substandard health-care plans from bad-apple insurers canceled but that they will go to Obamacare exchanges to buy much more expensive substandard plans from bad-apple insurers, in order to subsidize people who don’t have substandard health insurance from bad-apple insurers but can now get substandard health insurance from bad-apple insures even if it’s with a deductible so high that they effectively don’t have health insurance, substandard or otherwise. But their plans will at least cover contraceptives and abortifacients for the millions of fecund 60-year-olds who had nothing else to do and got pregnant when Ted Cruz shut down the government so they couldn’t get contraceptives from their doctors who aren’t in their substandard plan’s provider network, mainly because they unnecessarily perform amputations and tonsillectomies for extra cash which they’ll now need because they’ll be getting low reimbursement rates from the tremendous increase in Medicaid patients. Who had no trouble enrolling on because the other 42 Obamacare applicants were busy reporting to the FBI that all their medical and financial information has been hacked by Republicans determined to make Obamacare look as bad as they’ve made the IRS look when it tried to protect our federal government from tea partiers who want to keep their substandard plans primarily because they’re racists who blame the president for the failed stimulus, the stagnant economy, high unemployment, doubling the national debt, the 47 million on food stamps, the 48 million in poverty, declining household incomes, Kathleen Sebelius, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and Iran’s getting a nuclear weapon next year, none of which the president knew about until he heard about them from news reports like everybody else. And all of which are George W. Bush’s fault.
And in turn, the sick people are all waiting for benefits...but the healthy people who are supposed to pay premiums are opting to pay the fines instead, because the fines are cheaper.

Which means the insurance coverage will get worse and worse...and the fines larger and larger....

Good going, liberals.
The only answer then, is a single payer system where all are covered and taxed for it, but why are the people so afraid of this single payer system idea I wonder ?

Really? Maybe that the government takes over an industry, they are able to dictate premium prices and coverage without any competition, and you have to wonder why people are afraid of it? Sheesh, the government isn't capable of running a business, it's been proven.
Socialists just can't help themselves, can they beagle? :eusa_whistle:

PS....the only answer is NOT a single payer system if you wanted to do some critical thinking on your own.
That's just it, so we fear the government as a monopoly, and then we fear the private sector who had become a monopoly in many ways also, therefore doing what they wanted to do to us after they bought out the offices that they needed to buy out. Then they defeated all the competition they needed to defeat quickly there afterwards (or) they are allowed to operate in a monopolized environment. So we get nothing but high rates no matter what we do in the end right ? Who wins this in the end ? I don't see the working stiffs winning anything, because we haven't mattered for quite sometime now, other than the raping of our wallets continuously in order to hold it all up.
No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...

Every year everyone loses their health care when their annual policy expires. Been going on for 100 years. The solution? Sign up for the updated policy.

Republicans seem unable to do that without a great deal of help.
I am a 64 year old male who had a vasectomy 30 years ago. I do not need or want maternity coverage, but if I do get a private policy, I will have it.
No, it's a lie. People with insurance do not let their insurance lapse as a matter of course. There are enrollment periods that are carefully scheduled to prevent that unfortunate event. If you MISS the enrollment deadline, then your insurance lapses, and you generally have to wait until the next enrollment period.

Does any of this sound familiar? Yes? No?

This is not something that people who have only had medicaid all their lives are familiar with. They generally don't even understand the MULTIPLE statements they receive in the mail that say "In 45 days your insurance will end, RE-CERTIFY NOW!" "If your insurance ends, you may not be eligible as a NEW medicaid client. Don't let it lapse! RECERTIFY NOW!"

And those of us who pay for or have insurance provided as part of our salary get notices (multiple ones) that say the exact same thing, only instead of "certify" they use the term "enrollment".

The objective is always to prevent a lapse in coverage. And for the most part, if your coverage always lapses, it's because you are an idiot.

Never had a lapse so I'll let you speak to that.

Never been on Medicaid, so you can cover that too. Or unemployed up until I retired. Or without health insurance because I believe, as Obamacare does, that we each should be personally responsible for the cost of our own healthcare.

I like the terminology where conservatives "re-certify" their insurance but Obamacare "victims" have their insurance "canceled" but merely have to re-enroll to continue. I've always excused conservative gobbledygook as merely repetition of the propaganda that you fell for but more and more it's obvious that it's purposeful disingenuous from people who respect partisan politics more than truth.
You are a pro at the oldest propaganda trick in the world. Speak for the scapegoats. Believe for them what you want them to believe and how you want them to behave.

That a full time job for conservatives who have identified at one time or another all of the following scapegoats.

Democrats, all workers, especially union and government workers, the poor, liberals, foreigners, all non Christian religions, all non English speakers, the poor, women, gays, the unarmed, scientists and other intellectuals, other races, people who use Wikipedia and non Fox approved websites, consumers of mainstream media, mainstream media practitioners, environmentalists, the middle class and probably a few groups that I've missed.

That leaves you with very few friends and votes.

You idiot, I am a woman, a scientist/ intellectual, not native English speaker, and a foreigner, a solid middle class and I am as far from the dimocraps as one can possibly get :lol:
Oh, and I have been poor. I came to this country with 600$ in a pocket and a 6 month long tourist visa and my first job was serving coffee and pastries in an Italian pasticerria for 5$ per hour. :D

But I do not use Wikipedia as my primary source of information, contrary to the leftards :lol:

Then you must be very angry about many of the insulting posts for what you are from conservatives here.
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