The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Nope, but koshergrl continues to defend the indefensible lies being told about ACA.

What she and her colleagues cannot grasp is that we can't now go back to what we had.

Either this is made into an excellent program, or the health care of America will be nationalized.

It is now either or, not either or but. I can hear their gnashing of teeth.

You seem to be defending Obama's lies regarding the ACA, Jake. :eusa_whistle:
It doesn't have to be nationalized, but your messiah wants it that way. Government owned and operated industry.

You seem to not understand what I am saying: we aren't going back.

If the far right and responsible conservatives work to improve the program, the program does not have to be nationalized.
The actual solutions to the "fix", obama would never sign on with. His only "fix" is going towards a single payer system....true story.
Obamacare does nothing to change the private enterprise nature of health care delivery or insurance. It only insists on personal responsibility from each of us for our own health care costs.

This is a blatant and outrageous lie and you fucking know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshole and have an honest discussion or go the fuck away. We don't the liberal propaganda here.

The fact that millions and millions and millions have people have lost their health insurance is not because Obamacare "does nothing to change" the private sector insurance. Quite the contrary, it created a fuck load of ignorant regulations which smugly and arrogantly (in typical Dumbocrat fashion) states "I don't care if you are happy with your insurance, I know what is best for you".

Would you like to try again bitch? Maybe this time, try being honest?

Your ignorance angers you. It angers me too, but you insist on it anyway.

What's that about?

In other words, I just exposed your ignorance and made you my bitch with facts? Got it! Yeah, I already knew that chief. You're inability to respond just verifies what the rest of us (with actual brains) already knew.

The fact that you would even attempt to say "Obamacare does NOTHING to the free market" is fuck'n fall down hilarious. Even Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are smart enough not to attempt that narrative. They openly admit that it drastically imposes regulations on the free market.

You're either a LIAR or a FUCK'N MORON. Which is it chief? :eusa_whistle:
Republicans have spent billions and 4 years trying to achieve that. They've given up all pretense of governance as a result. They've failed all around.

It will go down in history as their death rattle.

Ya'll are acting like that it's only the repubs that want this to fail. :eusa_whistle:
The only ones that want this are the ones that would follow their messiah over a cliff.

One just has to look at the anemic economy, the unemployment, the underemployed, and the talk of the new full time worker being 30 hours employed a week.
Yeah, things are really honky dory in your lala land. :cuckoo:

I'm as upset at the failure of business to grow as you are. They've thrown the country under the bus because it's so personally rewarding for executives. They choose to not reinvest earnings in new products and customer service and reward themselves with majestic bonuses and obscene profits.

The only force left standing to get them off their dead asses are us consumers.

In other words - communism. Everyone should do what's best for Obama and the Dumbocrats, not what's best for themselves and their family - right?

Let me ask you something asshat - who gets to decide what constitutes "obscene profits"? You?
The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Nope, but koshergrl continues to defend the indefensible lies being told about ACA.

What she and her colleagues cannot grasp is that we can't now go back to what we had.

Either this is made into an excellent program, or the health care of America will be nationalized.

It is now either or, not either or but. I can hear their gnashing of teeth.

You seem to be defending Obama's lies regarding the ACA, Jake. :eusa_whistle:
It doesn't have to be nationalized, but your messiah wants it that way. Government owned and operated industry.

You seem to not understand what I am saying: we aren't going back.

If the far right and responsible conservatives work to improve the program, the program does not have to be nationalized.

ROFL.. no we are not going back in time. However, going forward it is my sincere desire the democrats be run out of town on a rail, or shot, and Obama Care de-funded or burned to ashes or everyone is given a permanent exemption just like Obama's already handed out to his worshipers.

The guy who's sitting in for Limbaugh today is nailing it, discussing one (1) of the several upcoming disasters we can expect. It goes like this:

Medicaid providers receive a small percentage of their standard fees for Medicaid patients (Medicare patients too, for that matter).

Medicaid rolls are exploding, which will bury the providers who accept Medicaid in new patients, crippling them financially and creating massive waits.

And again, that's just one (1) of the problems on the way.

Is there a flaw in this?


The guy who's sitting in for Limbaugh today is nailing it, discussing one (1) of the several upcoming disasters we can expect. It goes like this:

Medicaid providers receive a small percentage of their standard fees for Medicaid patients (Medicare patients too, for that matter).

Medicaid rolls are exploding, which will bury the providers who accept Medicaid in new patients,
crippling them financially and creating massive waits.

And again, that's just one (1) of the problems on the way.

Is there a flaw in this?


Not necessarily. Many are simply not accepting new medicaid patients.

It looks like the only places left for the ballooned Medicaid rolls and the obamacare patients are teaching hospitals ( if they are covered by obamacare exchanges, which in the majority of cases are not)
No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...
And people who do have primary care doctors and insurance are being funneled to the clinics if they have anything that needs immediate attention. I called my dr's office to have a lump on my daughter's head looked doctor, who has my daughter's medical history and mine, and who knows her, was not able to see her for 2 months, and so I was advised to go to the clinic.

Where we would be seen by a PA who is clueless and has no history with my daughter or immediate access to her records.

We opted to wait the 2 months and go with our doctor, and in the end it was fine BUT if it had been a tumor or cancerous growth, it could very easily have been a death sentence.

Meanwhile, people who are eligible for medicaid are also unable to get on...and dhs workers are being kept in the dark about new eligibility requirements for those people, so they can't even help them out in the offices.
No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...

Oh, I agree absolutely.

Just added some interior insight :)
And people who do have primary care doctors and insurance are being funneled to the clinics if they have anything that needs immediate attention. I called my dr's office to have a lump on my daughter's head looked doctor, who has my daughter's medical history and mine, and who knows her, was not able to see her for 2 months, and so I was advised to go to the clinic.

Where we would be seen by a PA who is clueless and has no history with my daughter or immediate access to her records.

We opted to wait the 2 months and go with our doctor, and in the end it was fine BUT if it had been a tumor or cancerous growth, it could very easily have been a death sentence.

Meanwhile, people who are eligible for medicaid are also unable to get on...and dhs workers are being kept in the dark about new eligibility requirements for those people, so they can't even help them out in the offices.

Next time if that is THAT long - it's better to go to the doctor and get the copies of medical records ( which is your right and you do not need an appointment for that) and then go to any good teaching hospital in the vicinity - to the ER if no appointment can be made for the pediatric specialist.
There are no teaching hospitals here.

See, everybody DOESN'T live within a stone's throw of the big facilities.

The ER refers non-emergent cases to the walk in clinic.
In fact, the nearest teaching facility that I can think of is 3-1/2 hours away.
What things that are illegal today are you compelled to do?

For starters, the right to decide whether or not to purchase a good or service. Any other obvious answers you have questions for, stupid?

Rott, in this health care debate, where so many are involved upon this ladder in which we are all standing upon now, I ask shouldn't people be figuring out how to accomplish what has been set out to do (together), and this in order to solve the crisis as a team instead of from within this infighting that is going on so bad in this nation now?

Yes. The problem is, we all vehemently disagree what constitutes "figuring this out". Most people who are wiling to set aside ideology, affiliation, etc. and just look at the facts have come to the conclusion that "figuring this out" means immediately repealing Obamacare.

Have you addressed the free loader mentality I talked about in this nation within this debate, and how that has run our health care into free loader oblivion over time?

Absolutely. I've addressed it many times (and the left always hates my answer). This free loader mentality is facilitated by the unconstitutional actions of the Dumbocrats in Washington. The GOP vehemently opposed Social Security in 1931. They warned what would happen. History has proven them right. And please spare me the "I pay into Social Security". You probably do. As do I. But there are TONS of free loaders who never (or hardly ever) paid into Social Security but reap plenty from it. This same song & dance (GOP warns, Dumbocrats forge ahead for votes and power anyway) has replayed itself through history (again in 1967 with Medicare & Medicaid, and again with Obamacare).

There solution is simple - return to Constitutional government. The Dumbocrats can have every precious piece of communism they desire. But legally, they have to do it at the state level. The beauty of this model created by our brilliant founders by the hand of God, is that Dumbocrat failure does not collapse the entire nation. If they want to drag California down with their stupidity (as they have done already), that doesn't hurt people in Texas. When they unconstitutionally do what they have done at the federal level, everybody suffers (which, lets be honest, is exactly what the Dumbocrats want - communist "equality" where everybody suffers but they all suffer equally).

I mean we are a nation that has changed so much from the past, especially in the birth rates and the types of populations we have now over time, where as people are becoming older and older without as much relief coming in from the bottom rungs as there once used to be, so I use this for just one example in the debate, where as there are many afflictions in this problem we have now in the scheme of things. A lot of this is all because the economy has faltered in these bubbles created through out the years, and the greed that has gone on within these bubbles, so now businesses have cut back therefore throwing hundreds of thousands onto the federal government roles for the feds to figure out how to take care of them, so what are the feds supposed to do in order to get relief from those numbers in which are steady coming in?

The economy has faltered because of the Dumbocrats belief that we need to punish the wealthy, reward the free loaders, and spread the wealth. That doesn't work. That has never worked. It's been tried over and over and it always ends the same. Step 1 - drastically reduce corporate taxes. Make it cheaper to do business in the U.S. and jobs will come back to the U.S. Make it more expensive to do business in the U.S., and business will take their jobs somewhere else. It's just common sense and a simple reality.

What I guess they are attempting to do in this health care thing, is they are trying to force people to be responsible or get fined for not being responsible, and isn't that a good thing?

Far too simplistic my friend. They created the free loader, now they want to take away my freedoms (when I have NEVER been a free loader) to "solve" the problem they created themselves. There is a very easy solution to this problem. Get government and their regulations allowing people to be free loaders out of the private sector. Repeal the law from Dumbocrat Tip O'Neill's Congress which forces hospitals, physicians, etc. to provide their service to someone who can't pay and guess what - you damn well better believe that people will start getting responsible. People free load now because they know they can (thanks to the Dumbocrats).

I'm not sure how it is all going over on a population who is more unemployed these days, than they were say 40 years ago, but somewhere in time we all have to pay the piper, and it appears that the time has come for that. Now it could be done best with bi-partisanship for sure, but the war goes on within, and because of this war, we are getting what we are getting as a result of such an inward war that has taken place over time now. We have all been put in this stressed out position because of others known actions over time, and they are superior at throwing that blame off of themselves, and causing mayhem and confusion as a result of what has transpired over time now. We must open our eyes and see what is going on, and we must protect ourselves from those who see it all as a weakness that could usher in a period in which certain ones profit now, meanwhile millions suffer still in the scheme of things.

It amazes me that even uneducated, sanding-eating buffoons like Al Qaeda gets it and yet the left in this nation does not.

Let me ask you something - why does Al Qaeda have "cells"? Why do they have cells operating independently of each other and unaware of the others existence?

Answer: it is so the failure of one does not cause the failure of the whole. And that is the exact model the U.S. had and needs to return to.

Independence. Your failure to take proper responsibility should not drag me down or affect me in any way. My failure to take proper responsibility should not drag you down or affect you in any way. It is the only model that works. Period. Any other form of the "collective" is simply communism idiocy which always ends the same - in failure.

The Dumborats subversion of the U.S. Constitution over the past 100+ years has done away with independence and that is why we ALL suffer right now.
There are no teaching hospitals here.

See, everybody DOESN'T live within a stone's throw of the big facilities.

The ER refers non-emergent cases to the walk in clinic.

Oh, that's bad. But if you have to wait 2 months it is still possible to get to the teaching hospital in the nearest big city ( there are at least 2 in every state as every state had residency programs in my specialty more than one per state, and I am not IM or pediatrician.

Honestly, it is a very long period. you should not wait that long. it is not going to be better ( with waiting times) and unless you want to be a hysterical mom who just shows up ( which is a possibility - but it is a single option, as after that you won't have good relations with the office and the doctor), you should somehow think about the options when you need to come quick.

If you add complaint of "pain" to anything under the sun - it usually expedites everything and justifies the ER visit as well. you might want to remember ;)
No, that isn't the answer, lunatic.

You retards aren't capable of recognizing what works well, and what doesn't. The system worked fine..until entitlement freaks started insisting the government needed to be more involved, and more and more people needed to be provided with free health care.

And since that occurred, we have started the descent down from what used to be the nation with the best medical care in the what will eventually be our status as a country with crap medical care that much more closely resembles a third world country's medical care.

And their medical care will improve, as they continue to strive to achieve the hallmarks that we used to strive for.....

We were paying twice as much as our global competition for decidedly mediocre results and you are unable to think of a single improvement. Typical do nothing Republican.
For starters, the right to decide whether or not to purchase a good or service. Any other obvious answers you have questions for, stupid?

You have nearly infinite choice in this country. One thing you do not have choice in is imposing what's best for you on others. For instance, you are required, both by personal responsibility, and now by law, to pay your own medical bills.

Oh the irony of this ignorant statement. This is EXACTLY what Obamacare does - impose what's best for Obama and his party on others.

There is a much better solution which is Constitutional and still implements FREEDOM and CHOICE for the American people - the right of any physician, healthcare provider, or hospital to deny service to someone who can't or won't pay (just like it used to be).

See, this whole problem started in the early 1980's when Tip O'Neill and the Dumbocrat-controlled Congress passed a bill which effectively repealed the 13th Amendment and brought back slavery (something Dumbocrats have been fighting for since they had their asses handed to them in the Civil War). Once people and organizations were FORCED (a Dumbocrats favorite thing) to provide their labor at no charge, the entire thing started to go to shit.

We're literally living Atlas Shrugged. Dumbocrats stick their nose where they have no Constitutional authority and they fuck it up. From the nightmare they created, they stick their nose in again and fuck it up further with Obamacare. Once doctors refuse to take Medicare/Medicaid because it's not worth it to them, the Dumbocrats will fuck it up further and FORCE doctors to accept it. Of course, the result of that will be doctors quitting and future doctors choosing another profession.

Dumbocrats create the problem, then interfere further to "correct" the problem they created in the first place, which just fucks up everything further, which causes them to believe more intervention is required. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

As I said, we are literally living Atlas Shrugged.

You realize that Atlas Shrugged is fiction, right?

Who is John Galt?
No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...

Every year everyone loses their health care when their annual policy expires. Been going on for 100 years. The solution? Sign up for the updated policy.

Republicans seem unable to do that without a great deal of help.
No matter how you spin it, this fuck'n thing is a catastrophic disaster. Millions upon millions have lost their health insurance because of Obamacare and it's only going to get worse from here. And the icing on the cake is that the idiot Dumbocrats can't even build a simply fuck'n website to keep people with some sort of coverage.

Only the die-hard partisan moron's like PMZ are attempting to deny that this is an unmitigated disaster. And what's funny, when pinned into a corner where he can no longer deny how catastrophic this is, he tries to blame the Republicans for making it fail. You can't make this stuff up folks...

Every year everyone loses their health care when their annual policy expires. Been going on for 100 years. The solution? Sign up for the updated policy.

Republicans seem unable to do that without a great deal of help.

I never lost my policy on December 31. That never happened. It was always there. What part of that do you not understand ?
No, that isn't the answer, lunatic.

You retards aren't capable of recognizing what works well, and what doesn't. The system worked fine..until entitlement freaks started insisting the government needed to be more involved, and more and more people needed to be provided with free health care.

And since that occurred, we have started the descent down from what used to be the nation with the best medical care in the what will eventually be our status as a country with crap medical care that much more closely resembles a third world country's medical care.

And their medical care will improve, as they continue to strive to achieve the hallmarks that we used to strive for.....

We were paying twice as much as our global competition for decidedly mediocre results and you are unable to think of a single improvement. Typical do nothing Republican.

Says the parasite who refused to get up off of his ass and start an insurance company which would offer affordable health insurance policies...

For somebody who wants so much done, you sure do sit around on your ass bitching for other people to do it for you!
We were paying twice as much as our global competition for mediocre, at best, results. If you are really a businessman, would you accept that performance in business?

So for the 4,000x - why don't you start a health insurance company and sell policies for a $1 each will providing a cadillac plan? You would instantly corner the market. This solves every problem for both sides:

  • 100% of Americans would have coverage

  • It would be affordable

  • It would be Constitutional

  • It would provide the coverage Obama wants

  • You would end up filthy "rich" and American hero
So please tell me why you refuse to do this basic, civic duty which is a win-win-win-win any way you look at it? Too lazy?

The silence by [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] is absolutely deafening here [MENTION=31640]koshergrl[/MENTION]! He keeps saying "do nothing Republican" yet what has he done to solve the problem? Nothing but sit on his big, fat, lazy ass and demand that government force you and I to provide him with free health insurance.

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