The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Obama can do what he wants. He can kill Americans without due process of law. He can take away your insurance coverage. He cannot be dealt with. He is black. To deal with him appropriately through the impeachment process would simply create one more black martyr. Most are not willing to do that.

What he has done with the insurance scandal will likely give Republicans control of the government for at least the next 20 years. We are just waiting patiently for it to come back to us. And it will.

Keep waiting. I like that.
Fox is not that stupid. They're actually very good at what they do which is selling the Republican Party to the lightly informed.

So what they tell you is that all government is incompetent, and all business is your loving and caring friend.

Then you read what that article said and think, there's proof.

Speaking of Fox News, double talk, lightly informed or anything else you want to call the bullshit coming from the media ...

Blue Cross-Blue Shield in North Carolina says that they can work with the President's request to reinstate health plans for one year (after 2014 mid-terms) in attempts to comply with the lie President Obama told before.
They also say that if you want to have the plan you had before ... It won't actually be the same plan it was ... And will cost you more for additional requirements to become compliant with the law.

In others words ... It won't be the plan you had and will cost you more ... You don't even have to listen to Fox News, because NPR will tell you that much.


At least they didn't blame their decisions on the government.
I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

Dear PMZ: I and others AGREE with the end goal of accountability, collaboration as well as ethical and sustainable solutions.

Where we disagree is abusing govt to IMPOSE this using mandates that DEFEAT this very purpose.

The ACA is NOT the most economical and efficient way. If anything good comes of it, it is being used to force people to fight for Constitutional solutions. Sort of like holding a gun to someone's head to make them go fix a problem. This is not the best way, but it is speeding up the process by forcing that person to work fast. That is the only good I see in it.

The ACA itself is not constitutional, either in itself, or at the very least by the right of people to defend their own beliefs without discrimination, penalty or exclusion/imposition by govt.

The best way to establish collaborative sustainable and ETHICAL solutions is to COLLABORATE in an ETHICAL way, ie not abuse political or govt power to impose or coerce.

I hope you will join me in asking all Constitutionalists, and believers in free choice, sustainable health care, and cooperative business by free enterprise to work together to set up LEGAL alternatives so that ACA can be uphold and enforced by VOLUNTARY compliance and not abuse govt or taxation powers to force this on people who do not believe govt has authority to force people to buy insurance to cover their health care and "penalize them if they choose other options of paying these costs."

Denying or obstructing the beliefs of other people, penalizing them for the free exercise to choose other means of health care, is neither "sustainable" or "ethical" but PREVENTS collaboration because it forces them to go into defense mode and waste resources FIGHTING FOR INALIENABLE RIGHTS THAT THIS BILL TAKES AWAY.

So again, this whole approach defeats the very purpose and goal that we could otherwise work on in common. Totally destroys the relationships and credibility of the arguments.
I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

Dear PMZ: I and others AGREE with the end goal of accountability, collaboration as well as ethical and sustainable solutions.

Where we disagree is abusing govt to IMPOSE this using mandates that DEFEAT this very purpose.

The ACA is NOT the most economical and efficient way. If anything good comes of it, it is being used to force people to fight for Constitutional solutions. Sort of like holding a gun to someone's head to make them go fix a problem. This is not the best way, but it is speeding up the process by forcing that person to work fast. That is the only good I see in it.

The ACA itself is not constitutional, either in itself, or at the very least by the right of people to defend their own beliefs without discrimination, penalty or exclusion/imposition by govt.

The best way to establish collaborative sustainable and ETHICAL solutions is to COLLABORATE in an ETHICAL way, ie not abuse political or govt power to impose or coerce.

I hope you will join me in asking all Constitutionalists, and believers in free choice, sustainable health care, and cooperative business by free enterprise to work together to set up LEGAL alternatives so that ACA can be uphold and enforced by VOLUNTARY compliance and not abuse govt or taxation powers to force this on people who do not believe govt has authority to force people to buy insurance to cover their health care and "penalize them if they choose other options of paying these costs."

Denying or obstructing the beliefs of other people, penalizing them for the free exercise to choose other means of health care, is neither "sustainable" or "ethical" but PREVENTS collaboration because it forces them to go into defense mode and waste resources FIGHTING FOR INALIENABLE RIGHTS THAT THIS BILL TAKES AWAY.

So again, this whole approach defeats the very purpose and goal that we could otherwise work on in common. Totally destroys the relationships and credibility of the arguments.

Obamacare does nothing to change the private enterprise nature of health care delivery or insurance. It only insists on personal responsibility from each of us for our own health care costs.

If it had been a Republican initiative it would be now touted as the free enterprise solution to our abysmally performing health care and insurance non-system.

But, because of how the Republicans CHOSE to oppose it, they have made a self inflicted black eye from it.

The only question now is how long it will be an effective enough stop gap on the way to single payer. If the private enterprise health care delivery and insurance business feels the pressure, and responds effectively, perhaps Obamacare will be enough.

I personally don't think that the businesses get it yet though. We can't afford what they'd like to sell.
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I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

Dear PMZ: I and others AGREE with the end goal of accountability, collaboration as well as ethical and sustainable solutions.

Where we disagree is abusing govt to IMPOSE this using mandates that DEFEAT this very purpose.

The ACA is NOT the most economical and efficient way. If anything good comes of it, it is being used to force people to fight for Constitutional solutions. Sort of like holding a gun to someone's head to make them go fix a problem. This is not the best way, but it is speeding up the process by forcing that person to work fast. That is the only good I see in it.

The ACA itself is not constitutional, either in itself, or at the very least by the right of people to defend their own beliefs without discrimination, penalty or exclusion/imposition by govt.

The best way to establish collaborative sustainable and ETHICAL solutions is to COLLABORATE in an ETHICAL way, ie not abuse political or govt power to impose or coerce.

I hope you will join me in asking all Constitutionalists, and believers in free choice, sustainable health care, and cooperative business by free enterprise to work together to set up LEGAL alternatives so that ACA can be uphold and enforced by VOLUNTARY compliance and not abuse govt or taxation powers to force this on people who do not believe govt has authority to force people to buy insurance to cover their health care and "penalize them if they choose other options of paying these costs."

Denying or obstructing the beliefs of other people, penalizing them for the free exercise to choose other means of health care, is neither "sustainable" or "ethical" but PREVENTS collaboration because it forces them to go into defense mode and waste resources FIGHTING FOR INALIENABLE RIGHTS THAT THIS BILL TAKES AWAY.

So again, this whole approach defeats the very purpose and goal that we could otherwise work on in common. Totally destroys the relationships and credibility of the arguments.

What problem did we have again? Oh yeah some folks choose to not buy insurance. Yeah that sounds like a problem we needed to solve alright, removing everyone's liberty to buy or not buy insurance that they may or may not need.
I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

Dear PMZ: I and others AGREE with the end goal of accountability, collaboration as well as ethical and sustainable solutions.

Where we disagree is abusing govt to IMPOSE this using mandates that DEFEAT this very purpose.

The ACA is NOT the most economical and efficient way. If anything good comes of it, it is being used to force people to fight for Constitutional solutions. Sort of like holding a gun to someone's head to make them go fix a problem. This is not the best way, but it is speeding up the process by forcing that person to work fast. That is the only good I see in it.

The ACA itself is not constitutional, either in itself, or at the very least by the right of people to defend their own beliefs without discrimination, penalty or exclusion/imposition by govt.

The best way to establish collaborative sustainable and ETHICAL solutions is to COLLABORATE in an ETHICAL way, ie not abuse political or govt power to impose or coerce.

I hope you will join me in asking all Constitutionalists, and believers in free choice, sustainable health care, and cooperative business by free enterprise to work together to set up LEGAL alternatives so that the ACA can be upheld and enforced by VOLUNTARY compliance and not abuse of govt or taxation powers that force this on people who do not believe govt has authority to force people to buy insurance to cover their health care and then "penalize them if they choose other options of paying these costs."

Denying or obstructing the beliefs of other people, penalizing them for the free exercise to choose other means of health care, is neither "sustainable" or "ethical" but PREVENTS collaboration because it forces them to go into defense mode and waste resources FIGHTING FOR INALIENABLE RIGHTS THAT THIS BILL TAKES AWAY.

So again, this whole approach defeats the very purpose and goal that we could otherwise work on in common. Totally destroys the relationships and credibility of the arguments.

Ok, but what about the right of the government to also not be abused by the citizens who do not want to be responsible in acquiring a health care plan, and this regardless of their age once they become adults in their lives ? Then when they get hurt falling off a skate board or any other hobby or sport they might be into, thus (cracking a vertebrae) or worse, why do they think their treatment is free or someone else's responsibility ? They then expect the government to pick up the tab in which they cannot afford, nor can their parents afford to help them either, so is this right to expect that the government will just take care of these people regardless of their refusal to be responsible citizens who should do the right thing by getting some kind of coverage as they should be expected to ? How does the nation stop this expected entitlement that is just given to these free loaders in life or how do we change the mindset of freeloading in life ? It appears that the ACA is trying to address this problem wouldn't you agree, and if it isn't the right solution or reaction, then what is ? I do think that the ACA is packed slam full of stuff that didn't need to be a part of it (even abuse is involved in it), and that is a problem also, so what's wrong with reforming it, and still getting the right solution done about the freeloader mindset in this nation ?

Looking back now, I remember I would always be willing to allow my employer to take out money for my health care plan, and I would always participate no matter how young I was, because I felt that it was something that I needed, but I had seen friends and young people balk at the idea of participation, because they always figured two things. 1. They would not get hurt or sick at their young ages. 2. If they did, it wouldn't be so bad, and they could either afford the bill or if it was bad someone else would afford it for them.

They knew they weren't going to be left for dead at any stage in America, so they gambled to not participate, and that all would be OK for them. Problem is, is that it left the system without their help, and therefore their expenses piled onto the system (making every thing more expensive for all). Imagine the money that could go to helping the elderly and the sickly, and the money for new research and technology, otherwise if these free loaders wouldn't have had the mindset to just throw their bills and responsibilities onto everyone else, just imagine.
And the end result is crap healthcare.
So the fear is by many in this huge national debate, is that if the extreme profits are lessoned a bit, and the corruption and freedom to experiment at any cost are somehow removed (or) the lavish lifestyles are threatened to be rolled back a bit, then the incentive for people to want to enter the field of taking care of another human being will be all but lost maybe ?

Specialist or surgeons shouldn't have to worry in life, as they should be insulated in their fields, but bad managements or corrupt people may be worrying about their candy being taken away, and this could be what the big fuss is all about coming from them now.
The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

A month later Rott has fail.

Let's move on.
I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

Dear PMZ: I and others AGREE with the end goal of accountability, collaboration as well as ethical and sustainable solutions.

Where we disagree is abusing govt to IMPOSE this using mandates that DEFEAT this very purpose.

The ACA is NOT the most economical and efficient way. If anything good comes of it, it is being used to force people to fight for Constitutional solutions. Sort of like holding a gun to someone's head to make them go fix a problem. This is not the best way, but it is speeding up the process by forcing that person to work fast. That is the only good I see in it.

The ACA itself is not constitutional, either in itself, or at the very least by the right of people to defend their own beliefs without discrimination, penalty or exclusion/imposition by govt.

The best way to establish collaborative sustainable and ETHICAL solutions is to COLLABORATE in an ETHICAL way, ie not abuse political or govt power to impose or coerce.

I hope you will join me in asking all Constitutionalists, and believers in free choice, sustainable health care, and cooperative business by free enterprise to work together to set up LEGAL alternatives so that ACA can be uphold and enforced by VOLUNTARY compliance and not abuse govt or taxation powers to force this on people who do not believe govt has authority to force people to buy insurance to cover their health care and "penalize them if they choose other options of paying these costs."

Denying or obstructing the beliefs of other people, penalizing them for the free exercise to choose other means of health care, is neither "sustainable" or "ethical" but PREVENTS collaboration because it forces them to go into defense mode and waste resources FIGHTING FOR INALIENABLE RIGHTS THAT THIS BILL TAKES AWAY.

So again, this whole approach defeats the very purpose and goal that we could otherwise work on in common. Totally destroys the relationships and credibility of the arguments.

What problem did we have again? Oh yeah some folks choose to not buy insurance. Yeah that sounds like a problem we needed to solve alright, removing everyone's liberty to buy or not buy insurance that they may or may not need.

We were paying twice as much as our global competition for mediocre, at best, results. If you are really a businessman, would you accept that performance in business?

So far you and your anarchists friends have not even been able to define this "liberty" that you are obsessed about losing.

What things that are illegal today are you compelled to do?
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So far you and your anarchists friends have not even been able to define this "liberty" that you are obsessed about losing.

So now following the U.S. Constitution is "anarchy" in your mind? My God the left in this world has become so unhinged.
Obamacare does nothing to change the private enterprise nature of health care delivery or insurance. It only insists on personal responsibility from each of us for our own health care costs.

This is a blatant and outrageous lie and you fucking know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshole and have an honest discussion or go the fuck away. We don't the liberal propaganda here.

The fact that millions and millions and millions have people have lost their health insurance is not because Obamacare "does nothing to change" the private sector insurance. Quite the contrary, it created a fuck load of ignorant regulations which smugly and arrogantly (in typical Dumbocrat fashion) states "I don't care if you are happy with your insurance, I know what is best for you".

Would you like to try again bitch? Maybe this time, try being honest?
We were paying twice as much as our global competition for mediocre, at best, results. If you are really a businessman, would you accept that performance in business?

So for the 4,000x - why don't you start a health insurance company and sell policies for a $1 each will providing a cadillac plan? You would instantly corner the market. This solves every problem for both sides:

  • 100% of Americans would have coverage

  • It would be affordable

  • It would be Constitutional

  • It would provide the coverage Obama wants

  • You would end up filthy "rich" and American hero
So please tell me why you refuse to do this basic, civic duty which is a win-win-win-win any way you look at it? Too lazy?
What things that are illegal today are you compelled to do?

For starters, the right to decide whether or not to purchase a good or service. Any other obvious answers you have questions for, stupid?

You have nearly infinite choice in this country. One thing you do not have choice in is imposing what's best for you on others. For instance, you are required, both by personal responsibility, and now by law, to pay your own medical bills.
So far you and your anarchists friends have not even been able to define this "liberty" that you are obsessed about losing.

So now following the U.S. Constitution is "anarchy" in your mind? My God the left in this world has become so unhinged.

You're the one that uses words that neither you nor anyone else in your band of piranhas can define.

If you disagree, define liberty.
Obamacare does nothing to change the private enterprise nature of health care delivery or insurance. It only insists on personal responsibility from each of us for our own health care costs.

This is a blatant and outrageous lie and you fucking know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshole and have an honest discussion or go the fuck away. We don't the liberal propaganda here.

The fact that millions and millions and millions have people have lost their health insurance is not because Obamacare "does nothing to change" the private sector insurance. Quite the contrary, it created a fuck load of ignorant regulations which smugly and arrogantly (in typical Dumbocrat fashion) states "I don't care if you are happy with your insurance, I know what is best for you".

Would you like to try again bitch? Maybe this time, try being honest?

Your ignorance angers you. It angers me too, but you insist on it anyway.

What's that about?
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Has the ACA collapsed yet?

Republicans have spent billions and 4 years trying to achieve that. They've given up all pretense of governance as a result. They've failed all around.

It will go down in history as their death rattle.
Has the ACA collapsed yet?

Republicans have spent billions and 4 years trying to achieve that. They've given up all pretense of governance as a result. They've failed all around.

It will go down in history as their death rattle.

Ya'll are acting like that it's only the repubs that want this to fail. :eusa_whistle:
The only ones that want this are the ones that would follow their messiah over a cliff.

One just has to look at the anemic economy, the unemployment, the underemployed, and the talk of the new full time worker being 30 hours employed a week.
Yeah, things are really honky dory in your lala land. :cuckoo:

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