The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I find it amusing that this thread "called out" the PPACA as a "failure" over three months before it began.

Didn't Miss Cleo die this week? Must be a temporal anomaly.
You should probably read the first post in a thread (at least the first post) before commenting. It would actually make sense to you then. Just say'n...

I did. Are you saying you didn't write it on October 23, 2013?
I find it amusing that this thread "called out" the PPACA as a "failure" over three months before it began.

Didn't Miss Cleo die this week? Must be a temporal anomaly.
You should probably read the first post in a thread (at least the first post) before commenting. It would actually make sense to you then. Just say'n...

I did. Are you saying you didn't write it on October 23, 2013?
Clearly you didn't read it or you wouldn't have made the comment about the thread being started "three months before it began". You're so intellectually lazy that you want to glance at a 6 or 7 word subject line and form the basis of everything from there.

What was failing at the time was clearly already in effect and the links are there to prove it. Would you like to try again?
I find it amusing that this thread "called out" the PPACA as a "failure" over three months before it began.

Didn't Miss Cleo die this week? Must be a temporal anomaly.
You should probably read the first post in a thread (at least the first post) before commenting. It would actually make sense to you then. Just say'n...

I did. Are you saying you didn't write it on October 23, 2013?
Clearly you didn't read it or you wouldn't have made the comment about the thread being started "three months before it began".

Tell the class on what date the PPACA was implemented.
I find it amusing that this thread "called out" the PPACA as a "failure" over three months before it began.

Didn't Miss Cleo die this week? Must be a temporal anomaly.
You should probably read the first post in a thread (at least the first post) before commenting. It would actually make sense to you then. Just say'n...

I did. Are you saying you didn't write it on October 23, 2013?
Clearly you didn't read it or you wouldn't have made the comment about the thread being started "three months before it began".

Tell the class on what date the PPACA was implemented.
Tell the class how that is relevant to the initial post that created this thread? Doh!
Just tell the class what the initial premise of this thread was...

IOW, you have no idea when the PPACA was officially implemented, but you posted a thread calling it a catastrophic failure three months before the implementation, based on your perception that running ads for something means it's a failure.

Do you feel the same way about the newest iPhone?
Reminder: Obamacare Is Still A Disaster | RealClearPolitics

A recent Kaiser Family Foundation study estimates that 664 counties will only feature one single insurer on Obamacare exchanges in 2017. In 2016, it was 225. Four entire states will have only one Obamacare insurer. In one Arizona county, there may be none. Since Obamacare, in effect, solidified in-state insurance cartels, the exchanges are starting to look very much the same. But opening markets up across state (and national) lines is a silly idea, I bet.

At first, Aetna denied that its move was connected to the Justice Department's merger decision. Even in the most generous reading, this turns out not to be exactly true. At The Huffington Post, Jonathan Cohn and Jeffery Young have gotten their hands on a letter from Aetna's CEO that critics seem to believe catches Aetna threatening the administration.
Reminder: Obamacare Is Still A Disaster | RealClearPolitics

A recent Kaiser Family Foundation study estimates that 664 counties will only feature one single insurer on Obamacare exchanges in 2017. In 2016, it was 225. Four entire states will have only one Obamacare insurer. In one Arizona county, there may be none. Since Obamacare, in effect, solidified in-state insurance cartels, the exchanges are starting to look very much the same. But opening markets up across state (and national) lines is a silly idea, I bet.

At first, Aetna denied that its move was connected to the Justice Department's merger decision. Even in the most generous reading, this turns out not to be exactly true. At The Huffington Post, Jonathan Cohn and Jeffery Young have gotten their hands on a letter from Aetna's CEO that critics seem to believe catches Aetna threatening the administration.

Three times now! Gonna post it in every thread in the forum?
The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I hope not. Because I plan on joining it at the end of the year. I refuse to believe the GOP's plan of let him die is the best plan out there.
Does anyone seriously still believe that obamadon'tcare was actually set up to be a viable long-term healthcare solution and not a deliberately move to hasten the advent of government takeover of the entire healthcare system? Anyone?

Remember as well Hillary's failed attempt to take over healthcare when she was unelected and unaccountable. Does anyone think she's not going to resurrect her failed attempt and try to ram it through again? That turd made it illegal to make a private contract with a doctor. The next attempt will be worse.
The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I hope not. Because I plan on joining it at the end of the year. I refuse to believe the GOP's plan of let him die is the best plan out there.

It's not GOPcare you moron.

Pray tell...what will your premiums and deductible's be ?

Hope you got some good savings.
The worst legislation in U.S. history. From start to finish. From the illegal and unethical ways it was "passed" to the ignorant design, to the lies used to promote it - there has never been a bigger disaster than Obamacare...

Aetna Has Revealed Obamacare's Many Broken Promises
Illegal my butt. Typical more like.

What lies? Some moot PREDICTIONS, maybe. Works great in blue states. Funny...Thanks GOP and crony insurers.
How many times did Obama adamantly lie about this? And how many times were conservatives attacked when they said that Obama was lying? All the left ever does is lie and all the right ever does is tell the truth about the liberal lies.

Obamacare Website No Longer Addresses 'You Can Keep Your Doctor'


You should give them a break.
Most people kept their doctor if they looked at what insurers covered them. Again with the GOP and crony insurer obstruction too...
Of course prices went up in red states which still had GOP crony insurer scam plans....but not so much after factoring in subsidies- which the GOP doesn't do in their bs propaganda....
The worst legislation in U.S. history. From start to finish. From the illegal and unethical ways it was "passed" to the ignorant design, to the lies used to promote it - there has never been a bigger disaster than Obamacare...

Aetna Has Revealed Obamacare's Many Broken Promises

Oops, another of my posts vanished. Others can post nothing but a smilie and get away with it, not I.

Perhaps you'd like to compare the PPACA with other "worst" legislations, or has it so blinded you that even slavery looks kewl by comparison?
The worst legislation in U.S. history. From start to finish. From the illegal and unethical ways it was "passed" to the ignorant design, to the lies used to promote it - there has never been a bigger disaster than Obamacare...

Aetna Has Revealed Obamacare's Many Broken Promises

Oops, another of my posts vanished. Others can post nothing but a smilie and get away with it, not I.

Perhaps you'd like to compare the PPACA with other "worst" legislations, or has it so blinded you that even slavery looks kewl by comparison?
Did slavery add trillions of dollars to the national debt? Did slavery require illegal kickbacks and other unethical promises? Did slavery do the exact opposite of what it promised to do?

No? See how stupid you look right now? Yep.

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