The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Back on track folks.

Another Co-op tanked.

It's not a roaring success.

First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website.

Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves.

And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes.

The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.
First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website. Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves. And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes. The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.

Oh the irony.....the irony! :lmao:

You people have lost your fuck'n minds about Donald Trump. You've rioted in the streets. Destroyed property. Resorted to horrific violence. And then you point to Donald Trump supporting a single payer system. Yeah - Trump is a fuck'n moron. The fact that he supports idiotic single payer system is just one of a mountain of evidence proving as much. The fact that you desire it as well and that you want to mooch off of society for your healthcare proves that you are just as big an idiot.
First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website. Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves. And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes. The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.

Oh the irony.....the irony! :lmao:

You people have lost your fuck'n minds about Donald Trump. You've rioted in the streets. Destroyed property. Resorted to horrific violence. And then you point to Donald Trump supporting a single payer system. Yeah - Trump is a fuck'n moron. The fact that he supports idiotic single payer system is just one of a mountain of evidence proving as much. The fact that you desire it as well and that you want to mooch off of society for your healthcare proves that you are just as big an idiot.

Were you unaware that he mentioned single-payer several months ago?
First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website. Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves. And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes. The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.

Oh the irony.....the irony! :lmao:

You people have lost your fuck'n minds about Donald Trump. You've rioted in the streets. Destroyed property. Resorted to horrific violence. And then you point to Donald Trump supporting a single payer system. Yeah - Trump is a fuck'n moron. The fact that he supports idiotic single payer system is just one of a mountain of evidence proving as much. The fact that you desire it as well and that you want to mooch off of society for your healthcare proves that you are just as big an idiot.

Were you unaware that he mentioned single-payer several months ago?
I'm aware that he's talked about it for years. And I can't help but laugh at the irony at how you people claim Trump is unqualified, incompetent, etc. and then agree with his position. :cuckoo:
First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website. Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves. And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes. The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.

Oh the irony.....the irony! :lmao:

You people have lost your fuck'n minds about Donald Trump. You've rioted in the streets. Destroyed property. Resorted to horrific violence. And then you point to Donald Trump supporting a single payer system. Yeah - Trump is a fuck'n moron. The fact that he supports idiotic single payer system is just one of a mountain of evidence proving as much. The fact that you desire it as well and that you want to mooch off of society for your healthcare proves that you are just as big an idiot.

Were you unaware that he mentioned single-payer several months ago?
I'm aware that he's talked about it for years.

So if the PPACA is a "catastrophic failure," and Trump wants to go a step further in that direction, and you support his position...
First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website. Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves. And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes. The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.

Oh the irony.....the irony! :lmao:

You people have lost your fuck'n minds about Donald Trump. You've rioted in the streets. Destroyed property. Resorted to horrific violence. And then you point to Donald Trump supporting a single payer system. Yeah - Trump is a fuck'n moron. The fact that he supports idiotic single payer system is just one of a mountain of evidence proving as much. The fact that you desire it as well and that you want to mooch off of society for your healthcare proves that you are just as big an idiot.

Were you unaware that he mentioned single-payer several months ago?
I'm aware that he's talked about it for years.

So if the PPACA is a "catastrophic failure," and Trump wants to go a step further in that direction, and you support his position...
Really? That is what you got out of my posts? :eusa_doh:

(Hint: a rational person would realize I don't support Trump or 95% of his positions)
Oh the irony.....the irony! :lmao:

You people have lost your fuck'n minds about Donald Trump. You've rioted in the streets. Destroyed property. Resorted to horrific violence. And then you point to Donald Trump supporting a single payer system. Yeah - Trump is a fuck'n moron. The fact that he supports idiotic single payer system is just one of a mountain of evidence proving as much. The fact that you desire it as well and that you want to mooch off of society for your healthcare proves that you are just as big an idiot.

Poodle, you miss the point. The fact that Trump has dumped the crazy rhetoric of "let's go back to the good old days when your insurance company can cheat you!" that you guys support is very telling.

It means while most people who hate ObamaCare because it has the word Obama in it, doesn't mean anyone wants to go back to the pre-PPACA world.

So you've lost the argument. Now the only question is, do we go forward to single payer or keep trying to make this system work.
Back on track folks.

Another Co-op tanked.

It's not a roaring success.

First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website.

Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves.

And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes.

The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.

Obamacare was a failure when it included subsidies funded by those who provide healthcare coverage for themselves for those who won't.
First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website. Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves. And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes. The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.

Oh the irony.....the irony! :lmao:

You people have lost your fuck'n minds about Donald Trump. You've rioted in the streets. Destroyed property. Resorted to horrific violence. And then you point to Donald Trump supporting a single payer system. Yeah - Trump is a fuck'n moron. The fact that he supports idiotic single payer system is just one of a mountain of evidence proving as much. The fact that you desire it as well and that you want to mooch off of society for your healthcare proves that you are just as big an idiot.

Were you unaware that he mentioned single-payer several months ago?
I'm aware that he's talked about it for years.

So if the PPACA is a "catastrophic failure," and Trump wants to go a step further in that direction, and you support his position...
Really? That is what you got out of my posts? :eusa_doh:

(Hint: a rational person would realize I don't support Trump or 95% of his positions)

But you fly into a rage any time a liberal mentions Trump. Hmmm...
The exchanges are dropping like flies. We can now add #15 to the list...

So what? The Coops were only a stop gap.

Point is, we've gone to 90% of the population now has health insurance.

WE haven't gone to anything as long as those now getting it have it subsidized by someone honorable enough to provide it for themselves. Why do you support leeches getting something they didn't earn?
Back on track folks.

Another Co-op tanked.

It's not a roaring success.

First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website.

Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves.

And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes.

The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.

Obamacare was a failure when it included subsidies funded by those who provide healthcare coverage for themselves for those who won't.

Second verse, same as the first...
Back on track folks.

Another Co-op tanked.

It's not a roaring success.

First you clowns decided the PPACA was a failure because there were some glitches in the website.

Now every time a co-op shuts down (the co-ops were always meant to be a stopgap, not a permanent establishment), you congratulate yourselves.

And yet, 90% of Americans have health insurance and even Donnie the Trump was talking about single payer for about five minutes.

The PPACA is not going away...unless it's replaced with Medicare-for-all or something similar.

Obamacare was a failure when it included subsidies funded by those who provide healthcare coverage for themselves for those who won't.

Second verse, same as the first...

Second defense of freeloaders same as the first. Why do you support leeches that won't do for themselves?
Oh the irony.....the irony! :lmao:

You people have lost your fuck'n minds about Donald Trump. You've rioted in the streets. Destroyed property. Resorted to horrific violence. And then you point to Donald Trump supporting a single payer system. Yeah - Trump is a fuck'n moron. The fact that he supports idiotic single payer system is just one of a mountain of evidence proving as much. The fact that you desire it as well and that you want to mooch off of society for your healthcare proves that you are just as big an idiot.

Were you unaware that he mentioned single-payer several months ago?
I'm aware that he's talked about it for years.

So if the PPACA is a "catastrophic failure," and Trump wants to go a step further in that direction, and you support his position...
Really? That is what you got out of my posts? :eusa_doh:

(Hint: a rational person would realize I don't support Trump or 95% of his positions)

But you fly into a rage any time a liberal mentions Trump. Hmmm... really need to figure out which way is up. I have bashed Trump more than anyone else on this site - including liberals. You can't figure out who I am and who is saying what. You are terribly confused.
The exchanges are dropping like flies. We can now add #15 to the list...

So what? The Coops were only a stop gap.

Point is, we've gone to 90% of the population now has health insurance.

WE haven't gone to anything as long as those now getting it have it subsidized by someone honorable enough to provide it for themselves. Why do you support leeches getting something they didn't earn?
Because he is one of the parasites mooching off of society and dragging us down.
Were you unaware that he mentioned single-payer several months ago?
I'm aware that he's talked about it for years.

So if the PPACA is a "catastrophic failure," and Trump wants to go a step further in that direction, and you support his position...
Really? That is what you got out of my posts? :eusa_doh:

(Hint: a rational person would realize I don't support Trump or 95% of his positions)

But you fly into a rage any time a liberal mentions Trump. Hmmm... really need to figure out which way is up. I have bashed Trump more than anyone else on this site - including liberals. You can't figure out who I am and who is saying what. You are terribly confused.

So you weren't defending him upthread, just using him as a springboard to bash liberals. How original.
WE haven't gone to anything as long as those now getting it have it subsidized by someone honorable enough to provide it for themselves. Why do you support leeches getting something they didn't earn?

Guy I have to wonder if you are some kind of retard.

Here's the thing. No matter if its run by a big corporation or the government, health care is socialized. Either you are paying more in than you are getting out if you are healthy, or you are taking more out than you are paying if you are sick that year. And frankly, that's probably better than the alternative, which would be getting completely financially wiped out if you got sick.

now, here's the thing. The government subsidizes those who the private insurance companies would never touch. You think Cigna wants to insure the 65+ crowd? Fuck no. They want people in their 30's and 40's and theyhope to dump them in the 60's off on the government.

Because he is one of the parasites mooching off of society and dragging us down.

Yeah, like when I served in the miitary and then spent the next 25 years in various civilian jobs paying my taxes and contributing to the community.

I could have been like you reading a copy of Atlas Shrugged and pretending I know how the world works.
WE haven't gone to anything as long as those now getting it have it subsidized by someone honorable enough to provide it for themselves. Why do you support leeches getting something they didn't earn?

Guy I have to wonder if you are some kind of retard.

Here's the thing. No matter if its run by a big corporation or the government, health care is socialized. Either you are paying more in than you are getting out if you are healthy, or you are taking more out than you are paying if you are sick that year. And frankly, that's probably better than the alternative, which would be getting completely financially wiped out if you got sick.

now, here's the thing. The government subsidizes those who the private insurance companies would never touch. You think Cigna wants to insure the 65+ crowd? Fuck no. They want people in their 30's and 40's and theyhope to dump them in the 60's off on the government.

Because he is one of the parasites mooching off of society and dragging us down.

Yeah, like when I served in the miitary and then spent the next 25 years in various civilian jobs paying my taxes and contributing to the community.

I could have been like you reading a copy of Atlas Shrugged and pretending I know how the world works.

Difference is when I accepted whether or not to use the insurance of my employer, I also has just as much choice to decline that coverage without penalty. Under Obamacare, there is no choice just different costs, premiums or a penalty.

If Obamacare is such a good idea, why is it mandated? Wouldn't such a good idea be something voluntarily accepted?

You keep saying people get wiped out if they can't pay the bills. That's your fault. You're the one that think some other person should offset that. Since you say you do, set the example and prove you care. I'm not convinced you actually do. All I hear is you saying so.
You keep saying people get wiped out if they can't pay the bills. That's your fault.

So you believe that the costs of hospital care and pharmaceuticals and medical devices are reasonable? Say more about that.

What about doctors? Charging fair prices? What a wonderful fantasy!

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