The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Again, making claims you can't prove and diverting from expectations that you prove your claims.

Prove what you claim happened to you actually happened or STFU.

I know it happened. That's enough for me, Cleetus.

Proving stuff to you is pointless. You are fact impervious.

You can't prove it which means it didn't happen.

Making excuses is something you're good at. That means you're not good for anything else.
I do. I pay taxes that support funding for where you live in Section 8.

I know you do and don't need to prove it. It's just something I know.

you also know there's a magic man in the sky who loves you. You know a lot of things that aren't so.

I know you haven't proven a damn thing you've claimed yet you still claim it and, worse, expect people to believe it.
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

What's sad is that people like you think one person owes another person anything in life including healthcare coverage. You do know there is a way you can get what you want without the government or a single taxpayer being involved don't you? Provide coverage to someone you think it's owed to with your money.

I'm sorry you don't like living in a civilized society. I'm sure you can find some remote jungle to live in where you can be happy all by yourself.
Joe said it was life saving. His insurance company said it was elective. I believe his insurance provider. Joe's a liar. Why would anyone believe him?

Anyone who hasn't been letting Daddy Corporation take care of him all his adult life (and even some of you who actually interact with other human beings) knows that Joe's story is only one of millions. People pay their premiums, check to make sure the life-saving surgery they need is covered by their insurer, have the surgery, and then hear
"We changed our policy. You lose, sucka!"

It's the reason for the bankruptcies. But you refuse to believe that they exist, either. No amount of hard data makes a dent in your confirmation bias. Either you're a liar or you're incredibly stupid. It's a wonder you can find your way onto the Internet to spew your anger day after day.
So then the question remains - why don't people like you and Joe start insurance companies that operate in the highest ethical capacities imaginable?

Why is it people like you and Joe cry to government to solve your problems for you (by placing a gun to people's heads no less)? Why not solve your own problems? And...why drag the rest of us into your problems? We were all quite happy with our insurance. Funny how stuff like this seems to only happen to people like Joe. What a coincidence... :dunno:

Why is it you completely misconstrue what Joe and I are saying?
Joe said it was life saving. His insurance company said it was elective. I believe his insurance provider. Joe's a liar. Why would anyone believe him?

Anyone who hasn't been letting Daddy Corporation take care of him all his adult life (and even some of you who actually interact with other human beings) knows that Joe's story is only one of millions. People pay their premiums, check to make sure the life-saving surgery they need is covered by their insurer, have the surgery, and then hear
"We changed our policy. You lose, sucka!"

It's the reason for the bankruptcies. But you refuse to believe that they exist, either. No amount of hard data makes a dent in your confirmation bias. Either you're a liar or you're incredibly stupid. It's a wonder you can find your way onto the Internet to spew your anger day after day.
So then the question remains - why don't people like you and Joe start insurance companies that operate in the highest ethical capacities imaginable?

Why is it people like you and Joe cry to government to solve your problems for you (by placing a gun to people's heads no less)? Why not solve your own problems? And...why drag the rest of us into your problems? We were all quite happy with our insurance. Funny how stuff like this seems to only happen to people like Joe. What a coincidence... :dunno:

Why is it you completely misconstrue what Joe and I are saying?
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens who check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

So again I ask - why no solve your own problems? Don't sit on the sideline crying to government like they are your mom and dad. Get in the game. Start solving problems. You'll not only preserve freedom and liberty for us and for future generations, but you'll get unimaginably wealthy while doing it. It's the perfect win-win.
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Joe said it was life saving. His insurance company said it was elective. I believe his insurance provider. Joe's a liar. Why would anyone believe him?

Anyone who hasn't been letting Daddy Corporation take care of him all his adult life (and even some of you who actually interact with other human beings) knows that Joe's story is only one of millions. People pay their premiums, check to make sure the life-saving surgery they need is covered by their insurer, have the surgery, and then hear
"We changed our policy. You lose, sucka!"

It's the reason for the bankruptcies. But you refuse to believe that they exist, either. No amount of hard data makes a dent in your confirmation bias. Either you're a liar or you're incredibly stupid. It's a wonder you can find your way onto the Internet to spew your anger day after day.
So then the question remains - why don't people like you and Joe start insurance companies that operate in the highest ethical capacities imaginable?

Why is it people like you and Joe cry to government to solve your problems for you (by placing a gun to people's heads no less)? Why not solve your own problems? And...why drag the rest of us into your problems? We were all quite happy with our insurance. Funny how stuff like this seems to only happen to people like Joe. What a coincidence... :dunno:

Why is it you completely misconstrue what Joe and I are saying?
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

So again I ask - why no solve your own problems? Don't sit on the sideline crying to government like they are your mom and dad. Get in the game. Start solving problems. You'll not only preserve freedom and liberty for us and for future generations, but you'll get unimaginably wealthy while doing it. It's the perfect win-win.

So you're saying we should all play college football and that will eliminate unethical insurers. How old are you?
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

Guy, I'm not sure why you worship greed or think every solution requires someone getting rich. Oh, wait, some closeted homosexual on Hate Radio said that once. I wouldn't credit
you with an original idea.

Here's the thing. We've ALREADY found the solution. I was the same solution the Germans found a century ago and the British found 50 years ago. Single payer. Everyone gets covered, the rich get the same treatment the poor get.

Sounds completely reasonable to me.
So you're saying we should all play college football and that will eliminate unethical insurers. How old are you?

Im guessing about 25.He read Atlas Shrugged once and thinks he knows everything and no one told him Ayn Rand collected Social Security and MediCare at the end of her miserable life because she wasn't making any money on her awful books.
Joe said it was life saving. His insurance company said it was elective. I believe his insurance provider. Joe's a liar. Why would anyone believe him?

Anyone who hasn't been letting Daddy Corporation take care of him all his adult life (and even some of you who actually interact with other human beings) knows that Joe's story is only one of millions. People pay their premiums, check to make sure the life-saving surgery they need is covered by their insurer, have the surgery, and then hear
"We changed our policy. You lose, sucka!"

It's the reason for the bankruptcies. But you refuse to believe that they exist, either. No amount of hard data makes a dent in your confirmation bias. Either you're a liar or you're incredibly stupid. It's a wonder you can find your way onto the Internet to spew your anger day after day.
So then the question remains - why don't people like you and Joe start insurance companies that operate in the highest ethical capacities imaginable?

Why is it people like you and Joe cry to government to solve your problems for you (by placing a gun to people's heads no less)? Why not solve your own problems? And...why drag the rest of us into your problems? We were all quite happy with our insurance. Funny how stuff like this seems to only happen to people like Joe. What a coincidence... :dunno:

Why is it you completely misconstrue what Joe and I are saying?
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

So again I ask - why no solve your own problems? Don't sit on the sideline crying to government like they are your mom and dad. Get in the game. Start solving problems. You'll not only preserve freedom and liberty for us and for future generations, but you'll get unimaginably wealthy while doing it. It's the perfect win-win.

So you're saying we should all play college football and that will eliminate unethical insurers. How old are you?
I didn't say anything close to that and you know it. So the question is - how old are you? Because you respond like a 4 year old throwing a tantrum when you can't defend your position (typical of liberals).
Anyone who hasn't been letting Daddy Corporation take care of him all his adult life (and even some of you who actually interact with other human beings) knows that Joe's story is only one of millions. People pay their premiums, check to make sure the life-saving surgery they need is covered by their insurer, have the surgery, and then hear
"We changed our policy. You lose, sucka!"

It's the reason for the bankruptcies. But you refuse to believe that they exist, either. No amount of hard data makes a dent in your confirmation bias. Either you're a liar or you're incredibly stupid. It's a wonder you can find your way onto the Internet to spew your anger day after day.
So then the question remains - why don't people like you and Joe start insurance companies that operate in the highest ethical capacities imaginable?

Why is it people like you and Joe cry to government to solve your problems for you (by placing a gun to people's heads no less)? Why not solve your own problems? And...why drag the rest of us into your problems? We were all quite happy with our insurance. Funny how stuff like this seems to only happen to people like Joe. What a coincidence... :dunno:

Why is it you completely misconstrue what Joe and I are saying?
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

So again I ask - why no solve your own problems? Don't sit on the sideline crying to government like they are your mom and dad. Get in the game. Start solving problems. You'll not only preserve freedom and liberty for us and for future generations, but you'll get unimaginably wealthy while doing it. It's the perfect win-win.

So you're saying we should all play college football and that will eliminate unethical insurers. How old are you?
I didn't say anything close to that and you know it.

So how many companies have you started?
So then the question remains - why don't people like you and Joe start insurance companies that operate in the highest ethical capacities imaginable?

Why is it people like you and Joe cry to government to solve your problems for you (by placing a gun to people's heads no less)? Why not solve your own problems? And...why drag the rest of us into your problems? We were all quite happy with our insurance. Funny how stuff like this seems to only happen to people like Joe. What a coincidence... :dunno:

Why is it you completely misconstrue what Joe and I are saying?
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

So again I ask - why no solve your own problems? Don't sit on the sideline crying to government like they are your mom and dad. Get in the game. Start solving problems. You'll not only preserve freedom and liberty for us and for future generations, but you'll get unimaginably wealthy while doing it. It's the perfect win-win.

So you're saying we should all play college football and that will eliminate unethical insurers. How old are you?
I didn't say anything close to that and you know it.

So how many companies have you started?
One. Just started it a couple of months ago. But.....I'm not the one bitching and complaining. I fully support the U.S. Constitution and I completely recognize the value of liberty over pitiful government table scraps like healthcare and food stamps.

The point is - in America - you are free and empowered to solve your own problems. If the insurance companies are doing what you are Joe are claiming they are doing (and I suspect 90% of them are not) then you should capitalize on their poor customer service and launch a health insurance company that never cheats people. You'll be rolling in billions of dollars.
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Why is it you completely misconstrue what Joe and I are saying?
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

So again I ask - why no solve your own problems? Don't sit on the sideline crying to government like they are your mom and dad. Get in the game. Start solving problems. You'll not only preserve freedom and liberty for us and for future generations, but you'll get unimaginably wealthy while doing it. It's the perfect win-win.

So you're saying we should all play college football and that will eliminate unethical insurers. How old are you?
I didn't say anything close to that and you know it.

So how many companies have you started?
One. Just started it a couple of months ago.

Do you provide your employees with health insurance?
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

So again I ask - why no solve your own problems? Don't sit on the sideline crying to government like they are your mom and dad. Get in the game. Start solving problems. You'll not only preserve freedom and liberty for us and for future generations, but you'll get unimaginably wealthy while doing it. It's the perfect win-win.

So you're saying we should all play college football and that will eliminate unethical insurers. How old are you?
I didn't say anything close to that and you know it.

So how many companies have you started?
One. Just started it a couple of months ago.

Do you provide your employees with health insurance?
I don't have any employees. I'm a one man show right now. Just started it (and I suspect this will take a long time to grow so I don't anticipate having some in the next few years barring some sudden unexpected growth of course).
So you're saying we should all play college football and that will eliminate unethical insurers. How old are you?
I didn't say anything close to that and you know it.

So how many companies have you started?
One. Just started it a couple of months ago.

Do you provide your employees with health insurance?
I don't have any employees. I'm a one man show right now. Just started it (and I suspect this will take a long time to grow so I don't anticipate having some in the next few years barring some sudden unexpected growth of course).

Well, good luck with it, but I hope you have a fallback. The majority of start-ups fail within the first year.
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

Guy, I'm not sure why you worship greed or think every solution requires someone getting rich. Oh, wait, some closeted homosexual on Hate Radio said that once. I wouldn't credit
you with an original idea.

Here's the thing. We've ALREADY found the solution. I was the same solution the Germans found a century ago and the British found 50 years ago. Single payer. Everyone gets covered, the rich get the same treatment the poor get.

Sounds completely reasonable to me.

Typical response about rich and poor alike getting the same thing. Funny how equal to people like you only means getting not putting in. If someone isn't putting in the same, why should they get the same?
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

What's sad is that people like you think one person owes another person anything in life including healthcare coverage. You do know there is a way you can get what you want without the government or a single taxpayer being involved don't you? Provide coverage to someone you think it's owed to with your money.

I'm sorry you don't like living in a civilized society. I'm sure you can find some remote jungle to live in where you can be happy all by yourself.

Living in a civilized society doesn't involve giving people what they are unwilling to provide for themselves. Civilized people are willing to do for themselves not expect others to be forced to do it for them. What we can conclude from this is you oppose civilization and support freeloading.
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

Guy, I'm not sure why you worship greed or think every solution requires someone getting rich. Oh, wait, some closeted homosexual on Hate Radio said that once. I wouldn't credit
you with an original idea.

Here's the thing. We've ALREADY found the solution. I was the same solution the Germans found a century ago and the British found 50 years ago. Single payer. Everyone gets covered, the rich get the same treatment the poor get.

Sounds completely reasonable to me.

Typical response about rich and poor alike getting the same thing. Funny how equal to people like you only means getting not putting in. If someone isn't putting in the same, why should they get the same?

Are you "putting in" as much as Stephen Hawking?
I didn't. At all. According to you, people like Joe are completely responsible citizens how check their policies, get authorization, etc., have the surgery, and then are told by the insurance company "Ha! Ha! You lose, sucka". So according to you, this sort of unethical behavior requires government intervention.

My question is - why? You and Joe claim to have found a problem. Do you know how people get filthy rich in America? They see a problem and they solve it. When Kevin Plank was playing football at Maryland and hated his cotton shirt retaining water and sweat - he didn't ask government to force cotton producers to improve their product. Instead, he went out and created Under Armour. He's now one of the wealthiest people in the world. If the insurance companies really operate like you and Joe claim, by forming your own and not doing to people what you claim these companies are doing, you will make billions. Every consumer on earth will sign up with you.

Guy, I'm not sure why you worship greed or think every solution requires someone getting rich. Oh, wait, some closeted homosexual on Hate Radio said that once. I wouldn't credit
you with an original idea.

Here's the thing. We've ALREADY found the solution. I was the same solution the Germans found a century ago and the British found 50 years ago. Single payer. Everyone gets covered, the rich get the same treatment the poor get.

Sounds completely reasonable to me.

Typical response about rich and poor alike getting the same thing. Funny how equal to people like you only means getting not putting in. If someone isn't putting in the same, why should they get the same?

Are you "putting in" as much as Stephen Hawking?


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