The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Guy, guess what, Living Wage is coming whether you like it or not.

And you'll be better off for it. I'm sure Possum Catcher doesn't pay that much.

Just another example of freeloaders like you getting something you don't deserve but think is owed to you.

If you bought what you thought was a new car, faithfully made your payments every month, then found out your shiny new car had a reconditioned engine, you'd consider that fair, would you?

Several assumptions on your part. One, I don't make car payments, I pay cash. Two, I have the ability and knowledge to be able to determine whether or not that's been done to an engine.

In that case, if your insurer pulls the bait-and-switch that JoeB's insurer did, you'd never see it coming.

That also assumes Joe is telling the truth. Have him prove that happened to him.

Sad how you lefties use the "IF" doom and gloom argument to try and sell your nonsense.

What are you going to tell me next, that I'm wrong for looking out for me?

It's beyond sad.
Joe said it was life saving. His insurance company said it was elective. I believe his insurance provider. Joe's a liar. Why would anyone believe him?

Anyone who hasn't been letting Daddy Corporation take care of him all his adult life (and even some of you who actually interact with other human beings) knows that Joe's story is only one of millions. People pay their premiums, check to make sure the life-saving surgery they need is covered by their insurer, have the surgery, and then hear
"We changed our policy. You lose, sucka!"

It's the reason for the bankruptcies. But you refuse to believe that they exist, either. No amount of hard data makes a dent in your confirmation bias. Either you're a liar or you're incredibly stupid. It's a wonder you can find your way onto the Internet to spew your anger day after day.
So then the question remains - why don't people like you and Joe start insurance companies that operate in the highest ethical capacities imaginable?

Why is it people like you and Joe cry to government to solve your problems for you (by placing a gun to people's heads no less)? Why not solve your own problems? And...why drag the rest of us into your problems? We were all quite happy with our insurance. Funny how stuff like this seems to only happen to people like Joe. What a coincidence... :dunno:
Joe said it was life saving. His insurance company said it was elective. I believe his insurance provider. Joe's a liar. Why would anyone believe him?

Anyone who hasn't been letting Daddy Corporation take care of him all his adult life (and even some of you who actually interact with other human beings) knows that Joe's story is only one of millions. People pay their premiums, check to make sure the life-saving surgery they need is covered by their insurer, have the surgery, and then hear
"We changed our policy. You lose, sucka!"

It's the reason for the bankruptcies. But you refuse to believe that they exist, either. No amount of hard data makes a dent in your confirmation bias. Either you're a liar or you're incredibly stupid. It's a wonder you can find your way onto the Internet to spew your anger day after day.
So then the question remains - why don't people like you and Joe start insurance companies that operate in the highest ethical capacities imaginable?

Why is it people like you and Joe cry to government to solve your problems for you (by placing a gun to people's heads no less)? Why not solve your own problems? And...why drag the rest of us into your problems? We were all quite happy with our insurance. Funny how stuff like this seems to only happen to people like Joe. What a coincidence... :dunno:

They're the type that says (fill in the blank) should be done yet automatically look to the government to do it. If they care about people having coverage, it's easy. They can buy it for them. They don't. They expect the government to force others to do it then take credit as if it was their money. They say businesses should pay a higher minimum wage but rather than starting a business and proving to us they believe that, they want the government to force business owners to pay higher wages.
Joe said it was life saving. His insurance company said it was elective. I believe his insurance provider. Joe's a liar. Why would anyone believe him?

Anyone who hasn't been letting Daddy Corporation take care of him all his adult life (and even some of you who actually interact with other human beings) knows that Joe's story is only one of millions. People pay their premiums, check to make sure the life-saving surgery they need is covered by their insurer, have the surgery, and then hear
"We changed our policy. You lose, sucka!"

It's the reason for the bankruptcies. But you refuse to believe that they exist, either. No amount of hard data makes a dent in your confirmation bias. Either you're a liar or you're incredibly stupid. It's a wonder you can find your way onto the Internet to spew your anger day after day.

The only way to KNOW Joe's story is real is for him to prove it. If I made a claim with which you disagreed, you'd demand proof. When someone makes a claim with which you agree, you accept it without proof. Typical Liberal.

Joe made a claim and you automatically believed it happened to him. That makes you incredibly stupid but you're a Liberal and it comes natural for you.

Where's the proof? No proof, didn't happen.
I have. You know what I did. I paid the difference. That means I got back to you and I suspect you find some other excuse to justify being a freeloader.

That just tells me you've never had a serious medical crisis. "Woooo, I paid my deductable".

Wow, guy, really?

If people die because they don't have insurance, it's the fault of people like you that say you care about them but are personally unwilling to provide them help with your own money. If you say someone deserves something then won't provide them with it using your money, you can't blame someone else for not doing what you think should be done.

Guy, the thing is, people are dying because they have insurance. 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis,and of those, 75% of them had insurance when the crisis started. They either exceeded their insurance or they were unable to maintain insurance because they were unable to work. The whole concept of linking health care to the ability to work is insane.

Just another example of freeloaders like you getting something you don't deserve but think is owed to you.

Guy, the thing is, if people vote to redistribute the wealth, there ain't much you can do about it. I guess you'll sit outside your Double Wide with your shotgun and wait for those revenuers....
Given your assumption that half the people on this board are liars, I wonder what you're doing here. Not to mention whether you've figured out the difference between "elective" and "life-saving" yet.

Conservatard65 thinks everyone who disagrees with him is lying. The thought that other people had other life experiences is unthinkable to him.

Sadly, I truly believe his life experiences have led him to be a racist, callous asshole.
I have. You know what I did. I paid the difference. That means I got back to you and I suspect you find some other excuse to justify being a freeloader.

That just tells me you've never had a serious medical crisis. "Woooo, I paid my deductable".

Wow, guy, really?

If people die because they don't have insurance, it's the fault of people like you that say you care about them but are personally unwilling to provide them help with your own money. If you say someone deserves something then won't provide them with it using your money, you can't blame someone else for not doing what you think should be done.

Guy, the thing is, people are dying because they have insurance. 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis,and of those, 75% of them had insurance when the crisis started. They either exceeded their insurance or they were unable to maintain insurance because they were unable to work. The whole concept of linking health care to the ability to work is insane.

Just another example of freeloaders like you getting something you don't deserve but think is owed to you.

Guy, the thing is, if people vote to redistribute the wealth, there ain't much you can do about it. I guess you'll sit outside your Double Wide with your shotgun and wait for those revenuers....

Thanks for proving you're a freeloader. I wouldn't expect anything else from someone that is a failure in life, can't hold a job, and thinks others owe him something. It's what you kind is, worthless pieces of shit that would have been better of dying by not getting the surgery. It's a shame you got it.
Given your assumption that half the people on this board are liars, I wonder what you're doing here. Not to mention whether you've figured out the difference between "elective" and "life-saving" yet.

Conservatard65 thinks everyone who disagrees with him is lying. The thought that other people had other life experiences is unthinkable to him.

Sadly, I truly believe his life experiences have led him to be a racist, callous asshole.

It's not about disagreement. It's about you not having proven your claim.

Seems your life's failures have led you to be yet another freeloading piece of shit.
So then the question remains - why don't people like you and Joe start insurance companies that operate in the highest ethical capacities imaginable?

Why is it people like you and Joe cry to government to solve your problems for you (by placing a gun to people's heads no less)? Why not solve your own problems? And...why drag the rest of us into your problems?

We are solving the problem. We are doing EXACTLY what every other civilized country has done.

Why come up with a new solution basedon what we already know doesn't work, when a bunch of other people have already found a solution that works perfectly fine?

We were all quite happy with our insurance. Funny how stuff like this seems to only happen to people like Joe. What a coincidence...

I was perfectly happy with my insurance, too. Until I needed it. That's when I stopped being one of your Republican assholes who only thought about himself.
Thanks for proving you're a freeloader. I wouldn't expect anything else from someone that is a failure in life, can't hold a job, and thinks others owe him something. It's what you kind is, worthless pieces of shit that would have been better of dying by not getting the surgery. It's a shame you got it.

Yawn, guy, I'm more successful than you are...

And I still think private insurance sucks. It doesn't work. Even the insurance companies admit as much,which is why they didn't fight ObamaCare the way they fought HillaryCare.
Thanks for proving you're a freeloader. I wouldn't expect anything else from someone that is a failure in life, can't hold a job, and thinks others owe him something. It's what you kind is, worthless pieces of shit that would have been better of dying by not getting the surgery. It's a shame you got it.

Yawn, guy, I'm more successful than you are...

And I still think private insurance sucks. It doesn't work. Even the insurance companies admit as much,which is why they didn't fight ObamaCare the way they fought HillaryCare.

Again, I'll ask you to prove it.

Sad that you define success by how much you get of someone else's money to provide you what you won't provide yourself.
Again, I'll ask you to prove it.

Sad that you define success by how much you get of someone else's money to provide you what you won't provide yourself.

Not at all. I am still on a private insurance plan. I've also built up an HSA,just in case.

That said, private insurance doesn't work. It was always a bad idea, which is why America has the worst health care in the industrialized world.

The thing is, if you are sufficiently sick (and the crisis I had wasn't, even though I ran up over $60,000 in medical bills) you won't be able to work and you will lose insurance. That's fucking insane.

Especially when those bills included a $150.00 charge for giving me liquid tylanol after one of the surgeries.

working people should not be crushed between the greed of hte medical industry and the greed of the insurance industry.

Every other country has figured this out, by going to single payer and controlling
Again, I'll ask you to prove it.

Sad that you define success by how much you get of someone else's money to provide you what you won't provide yourself.

Not at all. I am still on a private insurance plan. I've also built up an HSA,just in case.

That said, private insurance doesn't work. It was always a bad idea, which is why America has the worst health care in the industrialized world.

The thing is, if you are sufficiently sick (and the crisis I had wasn't, even though I ran up over $60,000 in medical bills) you won't be able to work and you will lose insurance. That's fucking insane.

Especially when those bills included a $150.00 charge for giving me liquid tylanol after one of the surgeries.

working people should not be crushed between the greed of hte medical industry and the greed of the insurance industry.

Every other country has figured this out, by going to single payer and controlling

Private insurance has worked for ME every time.

You said it all. CONTROL. You might be such a worthless piece of shit you want to be controlled but many of us aren't that way.
Private insurance has worked for ME every time.

You said it all. CONTROL. You might be such a worthless piece of shit you want to be controlled but many of us aren't that way.

It j ust tells me you've never had anything bad enough it couldn't be cured with a pill.
Private insurance has worked for ME every time.

You said it all. CONTROL. You might be such a worthless piece of shit you want to be controlled but many of us aren't that way.

It j ust tells me you've never had anything bad enough it couldn't be cured with a pill.

More claims without proof? You sure make claims about people for which you have no clue.

Unlike you Joe, I pay my bills.
Again, making claims you can't prove and diverting from expectations that you prove your claims.

Prove what you claim happened to you actually happened or STFU.

I know it happened. That's enough for me, Cleetus.

Proving stuff to you is pointless. You are fact impervious.

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