The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

And that is why the U.S. had the greatest healthcare in the world. It's why Canadian government officials flew in to Florida for heart surgery instead of using their own shitty government healthcare. It's why billionaire oil sheiks from all over the world fly into the U.S. for their healthcare (you sure as fuck don't see them flying into Cuba).

It was only one Canadian official who didn't want to share a hospital room. His constiuents voted his ass out of office after he did that stunt.

Guy, here's the thing you don't get. Of course the rich are going to get better stuff than the rest of us. But treatments that rich oil sheiks can get and the rest of us can't, not so much.

In terms of ACTUAL NUMBERS, we have the WORST system in the world. Highest infant mortality rate and the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world.
Dear RWNJs: You've used up your quota of "you want government to do everything for you." Try a new buzzphrase, mmkay?
That wouldn't have been such a bad thing. One less entitlement minded moron.

I've proposed a solution to many of those that believe like you and it would satisfy those who think others who don't have coverage should get it and those that think it's not their place to pay more taxes to provide it. If you know of a situation where someone doesn't have coverage or can't get care, pay for it yourself. They get what you think they deserve and the rest of us don't have to pay for it.

I've used the healthcare industry in the U.S. and received excellent service. I also know many others that have. Perhaps, like with many other things, you're the problem and not the system.

Guy, some day you are going to have a situation where you get sick and your insurance won't pay for it. or you would had Obama not passed a bunch of stuff protecting you.

The problem with a system based on greed is that everyone has a price. If you think that there aren't people out there willing to let you die so they can make more money, you are delusional.

Oh, the doom and gloom mentality of a freeloader. What you don't get is that I would rather die than for someone else, including you, to be forced to provide for me. Unlike you, a freeloader, I don't need someone protecting me from something that doesn't bother me. You do because you're both unwilling and unable to do for yourself.
Dear RWNJs: You've used up your quota of "you want government to do everything for you." Try a new buzzphrase, mmkay?

When you LWNJs stop expecting the government to do everything for you, I'll quit saying that's what you want. If you don't expect it, no one will say you do. Since you do, don't be shocked when someone calls you on it.
Dear RWNJs: You've used up your quota of "you want government to do everything for you." Try a new buzzphrase, mmkay?

When you LWNJs stop expecting the government to do everything for you, I'll quit saying that's what you want. If you don't expect it, no one will say you do. Since you do, don't be shocked when someone calls you on it.

Then you're no one, because you can't find a single liberal on this board, much less IRL who "expects the goverment to do everything for" them.

Though you're welcome to try. Go for it.
Dear RWNJs: You've used up your quota of "you want government to do everything for you." Try a new buzzphrase, mmkay?

When you LWNJs stop expecting the government to do everything for you, I'll quit saying that's what you want. If you don't expect it, no one will say you do. Since you do, don't be shocked when someone calls you on it.

Then you're no one, because you can't find a single liberal on this board, much less IRL who "expects the goverment to do everything for" them.

Though you're welcome to try. Go for it.

Do you expect the taxpayers, through the government, to provide funding for food when people can't afford it? Healthcare? Housing?

When the argument by Liberals stems around societies responsibility to provide for society as a whole and the way that's done is through government mandated taxes, it's exactly what you're doing whether you realize it or not.
Do you expect the taxpayers, through the government, to provide funding for food when people can't afford it? Healthcare? Housing?

When the argument by Liberals stems around societies responsibility to provide for society as a whole and the way that's done is through government mandated taxes, it's exactly what you're doing whether you realize it or not.

None of that has anything to do with your claim that I, as a liberal "expect the government to do everything" for me.

I have worked since I was 14. I pay my taxes. As an independent contractor, I pay for my own health insurance. If you polled the liberals here, you'd find out most of them are more conscientious than you are.

You're so obsessed with the fantasy that someone's going to take your money that I doubt you're doing very well in other aspects of your life. Time to stop obsessing, before it kills you.
Which, based on your own words, is just about everything, freeloader.

Meh, naw, just the shit they've clearly fucked up. Like health care.

Like I said, I'd be happier to send the money to the government than Cigna. Then I know it would go to pay for health care rather than Ed Hanaway's 9 figure retirement fund.
None of that has anything to do with your claim that I, as a liberal "expect the government to do everything" for me.

I have worked since I was 14. I pay my taxes. As an independent contractor, I pay for my own health insurance. If you polled the liberals here, you'd find out most of them are more conscientious than you are.

You're so obsessed with the fantasy that someone's going to take your money that I doubt you're doing very well in other aspects of your life. Time to stop obsessing, before it kills you.

well said. I can't imagine this guy is doing well in his own life, but he's happy to look down on others.
Do you expect the taxpayers, through the government, to provide funding for food when people can't afford it? Healthcare? Housing?

Well, personally, I'd rather have the big corporations that exploit their labor pay them a fair wage so they can buy their own.
I don't care about politics. Omama hurt me personally, and I don't see how this phoney health care program helps anyone but unproductive people or Obama's image. I don't care about either. Something dreadfully wrong here, kids.

95% of your posts contain the words "hurt me personally" + some racist rant or whining about being called a racist.

Get some new material.
Do you expect the taxpayers, through the government, to provide funding for food when people can't afford it? Healthcare? Housing?

Well, personally, I'd rather have the big corporations that exploit their labor pay them a fair wage so they can buy their own.

If someone has skills worth $8/hour and they get paid $8/hour, how is that not a fair wage and exploitation? Isn't the wage equal to the skills?

Your problem is that you think it's your place to determine what a business you don't own should pay for skills offered to that business. It's not and never will be.
Which, based on your own words, is just about everything, freeloader.

Meh, naw, just the shit they've clearly fucked up. Like health care.

Like I said, I'd be happier to send the money to the government than Cigna. Then I know it would go to pay for health care rather than Ed Hanaway's 9 figure retirement fund.

My insurance coverage has been excellent since I started working professionally. Tell me why I should support what you support when what you say is fucked up for you isn't for me. Tell me why I should stop doing things in a way that has worked for me so it can be better for you.
Do you expect the taxpayers, through the government, to provide funding for food when people can't afford it? Healthcare? Housing?

When the argument by Liberals stems around societies responsibility to provide for society as a whole and the way that's done is through government mandated taxes, it's exactly what you're doing whether you realize it or not.

None of that has anything to do with your claim that I, as a liberal "expect the government to do everything" for me.

I have worked since I was 14. I pay my taxes. As an independent contractor, I pay for my own health insurance. If you polled the liberals here, you'd find out most of them are more conscientious than you are.

You're so obsessed with the fantasy that someone's going to take your money that I doubt you're doing very well in other aspects of your life. Time to stop obsessing, before it kills you.

If I polled them? Do you really think I believe what Liberal says and trust them to be honest?

Since you're a Liberal I doubt you are what you say you are. What you need to do is prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the claim YOU made.
If someone has skills worth $8/hour and they get paid $8/hour, how is that not a fair wage and exploitation? Isn't the wage equal to the skills?

Your problem is that you think it's your place to determine what a business you don't own should pay for skills offered to that business. It's not and never will be.

Guy, guess what, Living Wage is coming whether you like it or not.

And you'll be better off for it. I'm sure Possum Catcher doesn't pay that much.
My insurance coverage has been excellent since I started working professionally. Tell me why I should support what you support when what you say is fucked up for you isn't for me. Tell me why I should stop doing things in a way that has worked for me so it can be better for you.

Again, wait until you have a bill that's more than they want to pay for, then get back to me.
If I polled them? Do you really think I believe what Liberal says and trust them to be honest?

Hell, you don't even know the difference between "elective" and "You need this surgery or you'll die." Can't expect you to master complex concepts like "honesty."

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