The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

That's your problem. You trust the government to do for you what your sorry ass should be doing for yourself.

I'm sure I can't build a health care system by myself any more than I can build a road by myself.

That's why we have government to do these things.

The thing is, the current system with it's 9 figure salaries for CEOs and seven figure salaries for doctors is more expensive than a government system that would actually control costs and make it affordable.
I already KNOW you think when one person doesn't have coverage you'll do nothing about it but demand someone else fund it. You're the typical bleeding heart Liberal that believes supporting someone else being forced to do what you support means you actually did it yourself.

you mean I favor EFFECTIVE solutions? yes. yes, I do.

OK JoeB131 so if you believe this is more effective to go through govt
why can't this be a FREE CHOICE for everyone to decide what is most effective as well?

When spiritual healing through Christian programs is deemed more effective,
aren't people given a choice whether to fund a Catholic, Protestant or Universalist group they prefer?

When right to life people prefer abstention and education to prevent abortions
as more effective, aren't they expected to fund these programs by their own choice and not impose through govt?

What happened to free choice?
That's your problem. You trust the government to do for you what your sorry ass should be doing for yourself.

I'm sure I can't build a health care system by myself any more than I can build a road by myself.

That's why we have government to do these things.

The thing is, the current system with it's 9 figure salaries for CEOs and seven figure salaries for doctors is more expensive than a government system that would actually control costs and make it affordable.

Dear JoeB131 yes and no
When it comes to roads, we agree what is delegated to state, local or federal levels.
Why not extend this same process to health care and AGREE what should be
on local, state or federal levels?

Clearly we don't even agree on federal govt deciding for our local
schools who needs to be using which restroom.

We are dragging this same conflict into multiple issues if we don't resolve it first.
So why not resolve it and solve all the other areas where this same argument is taking place?

What is local
What is state
What is federal

As for examples of health care and medical programs that work independent of govt:
Look at Doctors without Borders
When they couldn't contain the Ebola outbreaks that had become a threat to nation's security,
they alerted the govts to step in who had authority to freeze travel until it could be contained.

But for the lesser areas, they are able to go in and work QUICKLY to meet the needs and demands
PER REGION because they aren't bogged down in "voting through Congress" everytime they need to do something.
They can decide on the spot because they are privately managed, and they run on
purely VOLUNTARY donations and participation.

Only in extreme cases like Ebola where people needed to be ordered to follow govt protocol
did it require that level of intervention and national controls.

Most of the local care can be handled regionally.

I talked with Libertarians about the cost of localized health care,
and found one group that estimated the cost can be reduced to 25/month
to cover basic care. And it's only the CATASTROPHIC level that needs to be
handled as emergencies on a higher collective level of organization.

So why not rework the state budgets to cover health care,
such as by revamping the state prison budgets where taxpayers are
already paying millions if not billions for the care of people with either
mental criminal illness or social disorders, and reserve only the truly
emergency cases for higher levels.

Why not organize by party, so people like you who believe in managing
things collective through govt can fund that, while others who believe
in localizing control through free market business charities and schools
can fund that. Organizing by party will still allow the management to
go all the way up to the top national levels, but without forcing this
on people involuntarily. People volunteer to affiliate with the parties
of their choice, so why not use that structure to organize health care
and benefits according to what people believe in or don't believe in funding.

And recognize free choice so everyone gets what they want and agrees to pay for their own systems?
That's your problem. You trust the government to do for you what your sorry ass should be doing for yourself.

I'm sure I can't build a health care system by myself any more than I can build a road by myself.

That's why we have government to do these things.

The thing is, the current system with it's 9 figure salaries for CEOs and seven figure salaries for doctors is more expensive than a government system that would actually control costs and make it affordable.

I didn't say build a health system. I said provide for YOURSELF. You can't do that. It's why you want the rest of us forced to be in a system so you can actually get something.
I already KNOW you think when one person doesn't have coverage you'll do nothing about it but demand someone else fund it. You're the typical bleeding heart Liberal that believes supporting someone else being forced to do what you support means you actually did it yourself.

you mean I favor EFFECTIVE solutions? yes. yes, I do.

You support it because it provides you something you aren't capable of providing yourself. Typical loser that relies on others to do for him what he CAN'T do for himself. How sad it must be for you to know you can't make it on your own.
I didn't say build a health system. I said provide for YOURSELF. You can't do that. It's why you want the rest of us forced to be in a system so you can actually get something.

Uh, guy, here's the thing. Right before I got cured of Republicanism, I did provide for myself. I worked a job that had health insurance and I selected the top program they had because I knew I was getting up there in years and would have more issues.

And then came that happy day my doctors told me I needed surgery for something that the insurance company decided was ELECTIVE after I paid the premiums. After a long fight, they paid up and then pushed my employer at the time to cut me from the program.

So, um, no, I would be happy to pay taxes to provide for insurance from a government I can vote out than an insurance company I can't.

It's really pretty simple We tried it your way and it didn't work.

We can pretty much apply that to ANYTHING conservatives say. We tried that. Doesn't work. Let's do something that does.
I didn't say build a health system. I said provide for YOURSELF. You can't do that. It's why you want the rest of us forced to be in a system so you can actually get something.

Uh, guy, here's the thing. Right before I got cured of Republicanism, I did provide for myself. I worked a job that had health insurance and I selected the top program they had because I knew I was getting up there in years and would have more issues.

And then came that happy day my doctors told me I needed surgery for something that the insurance company decided was ELECTIVE after I paid the premiums. After a long fight, they paid up and then pushed my employer at the time to cut me from the program.

So, um, no, I would be happy to pay taxes to provide for insurance from a government I can vote out than an insurance company I can't.

It's really pretty simple We tried it your way and it didn't work.

We can pretty much apply that to ANYTHING conservatives say. We tried that. Doesn't work. Let's do something that does.

I can't help it you chose to have an elective surgery then wanted it to be funded. They should have done what they did. You tried to cheat the insurance company to pay for something you wanted to do.

Funny how you Liberals say you'd pay more in taxes. If you thought your ideas were so good, no one would have to tell you to pay more. You'd pay it voluntarily.
Getting fired because you are over 55 because Obama care doesn't concern itself with older white workers, priceless. Obama cares more about poor non white non productive non revenue producing whatzits other than us non descript hard working revenue generating folks . Really? I never voted for Obama, and he has hurt me.Chickens come home to roost eventualy, Hussein .
Getting fired because you are over 55 because Obama care doesn't concern itself with older white workers...

Is that the excuse your boss gave you? Pathetic. Even more pathetic is that you believed him.
Well, they really didn't say a word other than weep over a intercom as they say "you are fired" .My boss just sat there. Then he was forced to retire a few days later. I wish Hussein had to experience that.
Getting fired because you are over 55 because Obama care doesn't concern itself with older white workers...

Is that the excuse your boss gave you? Pathetic. Even more pathetic is that you believed him.
Well, they really didn't say a word other than weep over a intercom as they say "you are fired" .My boss just sat there. Then he was forced to retire a few days later.

And it's your belief that no one was ever superannuated prior to the passage of the PPACA. What a fascinating microcosm you live in.
Getting fired because you are over 55 because Obama care doesn't concern itself with older white workers...

Is that the excuse your boss gave you? Pathetic. Even more pathetic is that you believed him.
Well, they really didn't say a word other than weep over a intercom as they say "you are fired" .My boss just sat there. Then he was forced to retire a few days later. I wish Hussein had to experience that.
Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal
Getting fired because you are over 55 because Obama care doesn't concern itself with older white workers...

Is that the excuse your boss gave you? Pathetic. Even more pathetic is that you believed him.
Well, they really didn't say a word other than weep over a intercom as they say "you are fired" .My boss just sat there. Then he was forced to retire a few days later. I wish Hussein had to experience that.
Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal
Really, I will remind the judge of that when they bring an eyewitness to the stand next time I pull jury duty. it's all anecdotal unopilars whatever your new moniker is, all facts are based on eyewitness and you can't blow that off.
I can't help it you chose to have an elective surgery then wanted it to be funded.

You still don't get it, do you?
I can't help it you chose to have an elective surgery then wanted it to be funded.

You still don't get it, do you?

I get it. Joe wanted an elective surgery and expected insurance to pay for something it didn't cover. Rather than be a man about it, he whined and bitched like Liberals do.

You don't get it. It's not the government's responsibility to make sure people have health coverage. It really is that simple but you don't want to understand it.
Anecdotal evidence holds sway in our justice system. Its called eyewitness testimony. It beats a bunch of know it all assholes bloggers that never saw a damned thing that refer to the internet as their savior. Guess again.
Anecdotal evidence holds sway in our justice system. Its called eyewitness testimony.

Hate to break it to you, but posting anonymously on a message board does not constitute "eyewitness testimony."

My guess is you never noticed when your employers let older workers go prior to January 2014 because it didn't apply to you.
Anecdotal evidence holds sway in our justice system. Its called eyewitness testimony.

Hate to break it to you, but posting anonymously on a message board does not constitute "eyewitness testimony."

My guess is you never noticed when your employers let older workers go prior to January 2014 because it didn't apply to you.
This is amusing, but YES eyewitness testimony is still acceptable in a court of law. I just came off jury duty, not my first time either. Older workers in my company mysteriously vanished over the span of a couple of years, they where made to retire, or they were fired.. Because my employer couldn't pay for the new health care premiums Obama care imposed. And you are in no way in a position to judge. But you can be a smart ass and be contradictory as you want.
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