The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

JoeB131 do you agree public services can be provided by schools and charities,
and can be managed on a state level,
and don't have to be mandated through federal taxes?

Sure, if you want to do it in a half-ass way.

If you want to do it RIGHT, get the feds to do it.

JoeB131 why not teach the States to do it right so it doesn't depend on the Feds.

When we teach our kids to run their own households, do we want them living under the wing of parents
who already know how to manage? Don't we want the kids to "grow up" manage their OWN kids someday?

Where is your sense of equal empowerment?
Why would you want people to stay dependent on federal govt
and not learn how to enforce the same principles independently on their own?

Would you agree that the ideal is for people NOT to depend on Federal Govt to manage
our own local decisions about education, health care, etc.?

I find it funny this is coming from someone who doesn't believe
in ONE GROUP imposing their version of the ideal God on everyone else.

Yet you want to take YOUR ideal version of govt and do that very thing!!!

You wouldn't like if someone took their version of govt and forced you to follow it,
like the God of Abraham, but you are telling me that you want to do that to other people?

Why would you do what you hate being done to you?
Most curious JoeB131 please explain until I can understand!
JoeB131 yours is not the only way.

People can pay for health care without going through mandated insurance and govt exchanges.

Yeah, they can. And they'd go bankrupt pretty fast if they get anything more serious than a cold.

70% of bankruptcies are tied to medical crisis. What makes that worse is that of those, 75% had insurance when the crisis started. That's what happens when you don't have universal health care or tie health care into your ability to make someone else money.

And why not go after state budgets wasting taxpayer money (in the BILLIIONS) on failed
criminal justice and mental health.

Why not reform THAT and save lives and resources that can go into health care per STATE.
teach people to invest in crime reduction and correction so money is spent on PREVENTATIVE care.

Do you understand that more of the population could be covered by
focusing on effective PREVENTION -- instead of abusing and wasting
those same resources on symptoms and costs AFTER crimes are committed.

How does depending on Federal Govt to bail out the states
motivate ANYONE to correct the waste of money on problems already costing us billions of dollars?

Wouldn't holding States accountable to pay for health care with the same budgets blown on prisons
force proper accounting and reform?
Most social programs enacted in our two party system is a bundle of compromises and not close to perfection. Obama-Care will be changed, modified added to and so forth. The Obama-Care fifty years from now will be somewhat different, in fact if America continues
to change at its present rate Obama-Care may have joined Medicare and changed into total medical care. The irony for Republicans will be when our children's children wonder why the name.
Three years since this thread was started and things have only gotten worse. It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives can so easily identify and accurately predict the results of a policy while liberals are so blinded by their ideology that not only cannot they see the forest for the trees but then they can't even bring themselves to admit that a liberal policy was a catastrophic failure after the fact.

The 14th Obamacae co-op is now closing its doors. There were only 23 to start with. Everything about Obamacare has been catastrophic. It caused people to lose their health insurance when it claimed to do the opposite. It caused people to lose their doctor when it promised to give people more access to doctors. It caused healthcare costs to skyrocket when it claimed it would reduce healthcare costs. And it has cost the American people trillions of dollars to legislate, pass, setup, and run. An unmitigated disaster from start to finish. That's what happens with legislation that is unconstitutional and which is founded on lies.

Obamacare’s 14th Co-Op Is Closing. More Could Follow.
Three years since this thread was started and things have only gotten worse. It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives can so easily identify and accurately predict the results of a policy while liberals are so blinded by their ideology that not only cannot they see the forest for the trees but then they can't even bring themselves to admit that a liberal policy was a catastrophic failure after the fact.

The 14th Obamacae co-op is now closing its doors. There were only 23 to start with. Everything about Obamacare has been catastrophic. It caused people to lose their health insurance when it claimed to do the opposite. It caused people to lose their doctor when it promised to give people more access to doctors. It caused healthcare costs to skyrocket when it claimed it would reduce healthcare costs. And it has cost the American people trillions of dollars to legislate, pass, setup, and run. An unmitigated disaster from start to finish. That's what happens with legislation that is unconstitutional and which is founded on lies.

Yawn... Checking the weather report, Poodle.

The sky still isn't falling.
Three years since this thread was started and things have only gotten worse. It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives can so easily identify and accurately predict the results of a policy while liberals are so blinded by their ideology that not only cannot they see the forest for the trees but then they can't even bring themselves to admit that a liberal policy was a catastrophic failure after the fact.

The 14th Obamacae co-op is now closing its doors. There were only 23 to start with. Everything about Obamacare has been catastrophic. It caused people to lose their health insurance when it claimed to do the opposite. It caused people to lose their doctor when it promised to give people more access to doctors. It caused healthcare costs to skyrocket when it claimed it would reduce healthcare costs. And it has cost the American people trillions of dollars to legislate, pass, setup, and run. An unmitigated disaster from start to finish. That's what happens with legislation that is unconstitutional and which is founded on lies.

Obamacare’s 14th Co-Op Is Closing. More Could Follow.
heres what I have found about Obama care the people who actually have it and have sign on correctly love it ... people who complain about it who have applied for it incorrectly complain about it ... I have had friends conservative one who wet to the web site and applied they did apply their subsidy then complain about the cost ... I was debatigh with a conservative here complaining about how he had to pay 1200. a month... and he said he lived in the same state that I do ... after several rounds of own yeahs I said to him well do you have a health care broker and of course he said no ... so I offered him mine ... finally he said he had move out of my state and now lives in Louisiana ... I had to laugh Bobby Jindal refused the obama care to his state and I said well you get what you voted for... you see if your state doesn't apply for the health care subsidy you pay through the nose... .

you said ( never ceases to amaze me how conservatives can so easily identify and accurately predict the results of a policy while liberals are so blinded by their ideology that not only cannot they see the forest for the trees but then they can't even bring themselves to admit that a liberal policy was a catastrophic failure after the fact.)
I had to laugh ... none of you republicans have ever predicted anything that we liberals have put into play ... states who accept the obama care program love it ... states who rejected it where republican governors refused it, and their people hate it, because they pay through the nose, because of their republican governor rejecting it they high cost, they have to pay through the nose ... you moron deserve what you get

lets look at republican predictions White water... they went after hillary and lost ... then they tried to go after her for just about any thing while she was first lady and lost their too... now currant day ...they went after he over benghazi, they lost there too ... they went after her over emails, now they lost their too ... now they are going to try to go after her for lying under oath at the Benghazi hearing ... they will fail their too... don't you ever get tire of republicans wasting your tax dollars??? so when you try to make your claim liberals are so blinded by their ideology ... I had to laugh ... here the republicans are so blinded by their hate, that they are the ones who can't see the forest for the trees ... I sat and watch all 5 hours yesterday of time and time again republicans making fools of them selves over their loss of their battle over her emails each and ever time republican said the same thing over and over where comes had to correct their statement by say using fictional scenarios don't app-ly in this case and it made them mad ... finally it got so bad of republicans repeating themselves Director Comey said to the republicans look me in the eye, hillary clinton didn't brake any laws that I can prosecute her under... she didn't get special treatment ... if anyone else in this country did the same thing she did I would say the same.... finally, mr clueless ... the Emails in question where the had the (C) in the emails the state department who classifies them said those documents in question they said yesterday in the hearing that they were marked incorrectly ...that they weren't classified documents ... but I know you'll come up with a law that doesn't apply so don't bother me with it ...
JoeB131 do you agree public services can be provided by schools and charities,
and can be managed on a state level,
and don't have to be mandated through federal taxes?

Sure, if you want to do it in a half-ass way.

If you want to do it RIGHT, get the feds to do it.

JoeB131 why not teach the States to do it right so it doesn't depend on the Feds.

When we teach our kids to run their own households, do we want them living under the wing of parents
who already know how to manage? Don't we want the kids to "grow up" manage their OWN kids someday?

Where is your sense of equal empowerment?
Why would you want people to stay dependent on federal govt
and not learn how to enforce the same principles independently on their own?

Would you agree that the ideal is for people NOT to depend on Federal Govt to manage
our own local decisions about education, health care, etc.?

I find it funny this is coming from someone who doesn't believe
in ONE GROUP imposing their version of the ideal God on everyone else.

Yet you want to take YOUR ideal version of govt and do that very thing!!!

You wouldn't like if someone took their version of govt and forced you to follow it,
like the God of Abraham, but you are telling me that you want to do that to other people?

Why would you do what you hate being done to you?
Most curious JoeB131 please explain until I can understand!
To understand JoeB is to delve into a murky world of pathological damage, besides which, he can't hold a job and has probably never paid taxes. He thinks living in Chicago is an excuse, but the truth is it goes much deeper than that.
Most social programs enacted in our two party system is a bundle of compromises and not close to perfection. Obama-Care will be changed, modified added to and so forth. The Obama-Care fifty years from now will be somewhat different, in fact if America continues
to change at its present rate Obama-Care may have joined Medicare and changed into total medical care. The irony for Republicans will be when our children's children wonder why the name.
I would like to see all health care go through medicare with private insurance companies being selected by they people applying for it ... I would like to see like it is now ... where every body has money taken out of their pay check each month that pays for part of it ... and either the company they work for or themselves have to buy a supplemental from an insurer... that would be the best plan we could ever have, in my opinion ...
Three years since this thread was started and things have only gotten worse. It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives can so easily identify and accurately predict the results of a policy while liberals are so blinded by their ideology that not only cannot they see the forest for the trees but then they can't even bring themselves to admit that a liberal policy was a catastrophic failure after the fact.

The 14th Obamacae co-op is now closing its doors. There were only 23 to start with. Everything about Obamacare has been catastrophic. It caused people to lose their health insurance when it claimed to do the opposite. It caused people to lose their doctor when it promised to give people more access to doctors. It caused healthcare costs to skyrocket when it claimed it would reduce healthcare costs. And it has cost the American people trillions of dollars to legislate, pass, setup, and run. An unmitigated disaster from start to finish. That's what happens with legislation that is unconstitutional and which is founded on lies.

Yawn... Checking the weather report, Poodle.

The sky still isn't falling.

Dear JoeB131
We shouldn't BE depending on the Federal Govt to hold the sky up.
Joe you don't get it do you.
Even if it works that means citizens DEPEND on federal govt
and we no longer have checks on officials if they hold the purse strings
to benefits and health care we depend on.
This is going in the wrong direction.

Sustainable programs with accountability to those they serve
depend on EARNING the voluntary contributions and participation.
The minute the Red Cross or any such group loses trust by abusing resources,
people can YANK their funding and support INSTANTLY.

With federal govt we can go in circles for years and years without changing anything.
There is not direct accountability, and social programs that affect us directly need
more FLEXIBILITY than can be managed in longer election cycles, voting on each and every change.

If this is run through govt the funding is mandated and this loses accountability to the public.
It goes through Congress and you can see what a battle that is to get any representation.

This is why SOCIAL PROGRAMS are better run by independent groups
and not by federal govt that is not designed for sensitive personal decisions as health care
and individual finances involve.
you said ( never ceases to amaze me how conservatives can so easily identify and accurately predict the results of a policy while liberals are so blinded by their ideology that not only cannot they see the forest for the trees but then they can't even bring themselves to admit that a liberal policy was a catastrophic failure after the fact.)
I had to laugh ... none of you republicans have ever predicted anything that we liberals have put into play ... states who accept the obama care program love it ... states who rejected it where republican governors refused it, and their people hate it, because they pay through the nose, because of their republican governor rejecting it they high cost, they have to pay through the nose ... you moron deserve what you get

God Almighty....educating you astoundingly ignorant liberals is exhausting.

  • In the late 1930's, Democrats wanted to implement Social Security. Republican's vehemently opposed it - warning that it was unsustainable. Social Security is now insolvent. It owes more than it brings in. It is unsustainable just as Republican's accurately predicted over 70 years ago.
  • In the last 1960's, Democrats wanted to implement Medicare & Medicaid. Republican's vehemently opposed it - warning that it was unsustainable. Medicare and Medicaid are so unsustainable, that Barack Obama himself went all over the nation claiming that Obamacare was absolutely necessary because the government could not handle the healthcare costs of Medicare and Medicaid. Once again, Republican's proven 100% correct - this time roughly 50 years later.
  • In 2009, the Dumbocrats wanted Obamacare. Republican's vehemently opposed it - warning that it was unsustainable. Already, millions have lost their health insurance because of it, millions have lost their doctor because of it, healthcare costs have skyrocketed because of it, and 14 of the 23 co-op's have shut down because they can't afford to stay in business. Yes again, Republican's were proven 100% correct - this time after only 3 years. We're either getting better and better at seeing the future or you Dumbocrats are getting dumber and dumber and thus failing quicker and quicker.

See - here is the thing junior. The things you stated in your ignorant post (Benghazi, Clinton e-mails, etc.) were not laws, legislation, or policy. They were events. Benghazi was a terrorist event. It was not a proposed bill that one could study, crunch numbers on, and accurately predict the results of. So you're either really stupid to mention those items because they have nothing to do with the issue, or you're disingenuous. Which one is it, junior? Neither one bodes well for you.
Dear JoeB131
We shouldn't BE depending on the Federal Govt to hold the sky up.
Joe you don't get it do you.
Even if it works that means citizens DEPEND on federal govt
and we no longer have checks on officials if they hold the purse strings
to benefits and health care we depend on.
This is going in the wrong direction.

Without reading through your verbal spew, I'd rather trust the government that I can vote out than a private insurance company contracted by my employer that I have no control over.

There's a reason why Medicare recipiants are highly satisfied with their level of care and people in private plans, not so much.
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

What's sad is that people like you think one person owes another person anything in life including healthcare coverage. You do know there is a way you can get what you want without the government or a single taxpayer being involved don't you? Provide coverage to someone you think it's owed to with your money.
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

What's sad is that people like you think one person owes another person anything in life including healthcare coverage. You do know there is a way you can get what you want without the government or a single taxpayer being involved don't you? Provide coverage to someone you think it's owed to with your money.

I'm sure you've done this many times.
Three years since this thread was started and things have only gotten worse. It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives can so easily identify and accurately predict the results of a policy while liberals are so blinded by their ideology that not only cannot they see the forest for the trees but then they can't even bring themselves to admit that a liberal policy was a catastrophic failure after the fact.

The 14th Obamacae co-op is now closing its doors. There were only 23 to start with. Everything about Obamacare has been catastrophic. It caused people to lose their health insurance when it claimed to do the opposite. It caused people to lose their doctor when it promised to give people more access to doctors. It caused healthcare costs to skyrocket when it claimed it would reduce healthcare costs. And it has cost the American people trillions of dollars to legislate, pass, setup, and run. An unmitigated disaster from start to finish. That's what happens with legislation that is unconstitutional and which is founded on lies.

Obamacare’s 14th Co-Op Is Closing. More Could Follow.

Quite a bit of misinformation in your statement. First of all, Obamacare has led to 20 million additional people being insured. Second, most people who lost their doctor did so because they chose one of the cheapest policies available. I purchase my insurance through the marketplace because I am self-employed, and if I chose one of the really cheap policies, I would have lost my doctors too. Last of all, while there have been premium increases, they haven't been any more than they were in years past. In fact, mine have been less than what they were during the Bush years. I do realize that this can vary greatly by state and that some states are seeing bigger increases than others. What people fail to understand is that now everyone gets insurance, not just the healthy people. These policies are much closer in price to what businesses pay. In the past private policies were much cheaper than those through employers because they only accepted completely healthy low risk individuals, and if you got sick, they would try to find ways to dump you.

Prices are not increasing because of Obamacare/ACA. They are increasing because hospitals are still getting away with overcharging for just about everything. Need an MRI? Your local hospital will charge you around $2000. An independent imaging center will charge $500 for the same exact MRI. The imaging center might be within a mile of that hospital that charges four times more for the same exact service.
What's sad is that people like you think one person owes another person anything in life including healthcare coverage. You do know there is a way you can get what you want without the government or a single taxpayer being involved don't you? Provide coverage to someone you think it's owed to with your money.

Guy I suspect you aren't going to compliantly die when your health issues outpace your ability to pay. You'll be the first one insisting your insurance company pay for it, and will scream like a banshee if they tried to deny you coverage.
What's sad is that people like you think one person owes another person anything in life including healthcare coverage. You do know there is a way you can get what you want without the government or a single taxpayer being involved don't you? Provide coverage to someone you think it's owed to with your money.

Guy I suspect you aren't going to compliantly die when your health issues outpace your ability to pay. You'll be the first one insisting your insurance company pay for it, and will scream like a banshee if they tried to deny you coverage.

I already KNOW you think when one person doesn't have coverage you'll do nothing about it but demand someone else fund it. You're the typical bleeding heart Liberal that believes supporting someone else being forced to do what you support means you actually did it yourself.
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

What's sad is that people like you think one person owes another person anything in life including healthcare coverage. You do know there is a way you can get what you want without the government or a single taxpayer being involved don't you? Provide coverage to someone you think it's owed to with your money.

I'm sure you've done this many times.

I KNOW you haven't.

I have no reason to do it. I don't think one person is owed anything by another. You do yet you personally do nothing in regards to what you want the rest of us to be forced to do. If you cared, you and those that think like you would have done things to the point you would have to get the government to force others. You simply don't like that people don't privately do with their money what you think should be done and your ONLY answer is to get the government to force them to do so.
Dear JoeB131
We shouldn't BE depending on the Federal Govt to hold the sky up.
Joe you don't get it do you.
Even if it works that means citizens DEPEND on federal govt
and we no longer have checks on officials if they hold the purse strings
to benefits and health care we depend on.
This is going in the wrong direction.

Without reading through your verbal spew, I'd rather trust the government that I can vote out than a private insurance company contracted by my employer that I have no control over.

There's a reason why Medicare recipiants are highly satisfied with their level of care and people in private plans, not so much.

That's your problem. You trust the government to do for you what your sorry ass should be doing for yourself.
I already KNOW you think when one person doesn't have coverage you'll do nothing about it but demand someone else fund it. You're the typical bleeding heart Liberal that believes supporting someone else being forced to do what you support means you actually did it yourself.

you mean I favor EFFECTIVE solutions? yes. yes, I do.

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