The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Anecdotal evidence holds sway in our justice system. Its called eyewitness testimony.

Hate to break it to you, but posting anonymously on a message board does not constitute "eyewitness testimony."

My guess is you never noticed when your employers let older workers go prior to January 2014 because it didn't apply to you.
This is amusing, but YES eyewitness testimony is still acceptable in a court of law.

And this is not a court of law.
Anecdotal evidence holds sway in our justice system. Its called eyewitness testimony.

Hate to break it to you, but posting anonymously on a message board does not constitute "eyewitness testimony."

My guess is you never noticed when your employers let older workers go prior to January 2014 because it didn't apply to you.
My guess is you don't know what you are talking about.
I don't care about politics. Omama hurt me personally, and I don't see how this phoney health care program helps anyone but unproductive people or Obama's image. I don't care about either. Something dreadfully wrong here, kids.
Anecdotal evidence holds sway in our justice system. Its called eyewitness testimony.

Hate to break it to you, but posting anonymously on a message board does not constitute "eyewitness testimony."

My guess is you never noticed when your employers let older workers go prior to January 2014 because it didn't apply to you.
My guess is you don't know what you are talking about.

Then give me some "eyewitness testimony" to the fact that when someone older than you was "let go" you didn't yawn and say "Oh, well, he wasn't that efficient, anyway."
Obama hurt me personally.

So you worked for Obama? Or did he personally show up at your workplace and instruct the bosses to fire everyone over age 54? I'd have thought that would have been newsworthy.
Umm, no and no, he's our fureur. Zeig la Obama's new reich, we can't question him or his politics because you robot liberals go off on those pre programmed diatribes of yours.
I don't care about politics. Omama hurt me personally, and I don't see how this phoney health care program helps anyone but unproductive people or Obama's image. I don't care about either. Something dreadfully wrong here, kids.

Yep. And you describe it succinctly. We have an amoral society concerned only with their own personal circumstance, with no ability - or at least no willingness - to see things from another's perspective.
Obama hurt me personally.

So you worked for Obama? Or did he personally show up at your workplace and instruct the bosses to fire everyone over age 54? I'd have thought that would have been newsworthy.
Umm, no and no, he's our fureur. Zeig la Obama's new reich, we can't question him or his politics because you robot liberals go off on those pre programmed diatribes of yours.

Oh, okay, Alternate Universe R Us. Now I know how seriously to take you.
I can't help it you chose to have an elective surgery then wanted it to be funded. They should have done what they did. You tried to cheat the insurance company to pay for something you wanted to do.

Funny how you Liberals say you'd pay more in taxes. If you thought your ideas were so good, no one would have to tell you to pay more. You'd pay it voluntarily.

It wasn't "elective". The Doctor told me I needed this or I was going to have serious health issues.

That's the problem with what Health Insurance companies do. They take your money and then they try to cheat people out of the services promised. I guess I was luckier than that 17 year old girl who didn't get a liver transplant because the same insurance company ruled her procedure "experimental"

Here's the thing, we are ALREADY paying more for Ed Hanaway's 9 figure salary and the dividends paid to stockholders. While the US Spends 17% of it's GDP on health care, most industrialized nations spend 8-11%.

But you don't want no gummit, telling you what to do, Cleetus!
I get it. Joe wanted an elective surgery and expected insurance to pay for something it didn't cover. Rather than be a man about it, he whined and bitched like Liberals do.

You don't get it. It's not the government's responsibility to make sure people have health coverage. It really is that simple but you don't want to understand it.

It wasn't "elective". I'd have probably died if I didn't get it. This is what qualified medical professionals told me.

But you do bring up an interesting question. Should health care be a public service provided to all citizens like police and fire protection, or should it be a consumer commodity that you only get if you can afford it?

Obviously every other industrialized nation has asked this question and decided it SHOULD be a public service. Only the US still treats it as a consumer commodity and has the worst health care in the industrialized world.

Lowest Life Expectency in advanced nations.
Highest infant mortality rate
62% of bankruptcies linked to medical crisis, and 75% of those had health insurance.
This is amusing, but YES eyewitness testimony is still acceptable in a court of law. I just came off jury duty, not my first time either. Older workers in my company mysteriously vanished over the span of a couple of years, they where made to retire, or they were fired.. Because my employer couldn't pay for the new health care premiums Obama care imposed. And you are in no way in a position to judge. But you can be a smart ass and be contradictory as you want.

You don't think that older workers aren't made to disappear without ObamaCare?
I get it. Joe wanted an elective surgery and expected insurance to pay for something it didn't cover. Rather than be a man about it, he whined and bitched like Liberals do.

You don't get it. It's not the government's responsibility to make sure people have health coverage. It really is that simple but you don't want to understand it.

It wasn't "elective". I'd have probably died if I didn't get it. This is what qualified medical professionals told me.

But you do bring up an interesting question. Should health care be a public service provided to all citizens like police and fire protection, or should it be a consumer commodity that you only get if you can afford it?

Obviously every other industrialized nation has asked this question and decided it SHOULD be a public service. Only the US still treats it as a consumer commodity and has the worst health care in the industrialized world.

Lowest Life Expectency in advanced nations.
Highest infant mortality rate
62% of bankruptcies linked to medical crisis, and 75% of those had health insurance.

That wouldn't have been such a bad thing. One less entitlement minded moron.

I've proposed a solution to many of those that believe like you and it would satisfy those who think others who don't have coverage should get it and those that think it's not their place to pay more taxes to provide it. If you know of a situation where someone doesn't have coverage or can't get care, pay for it yourself. They get what you think they deserve and the rest of us don't have to pay for it.

I've used the healthcare industry in the U.S. and received excellent service. I also know many others that have. Perhaps, like with many other things, you're the problem and not the system.
I can't help it you chose to have an elective surgery then wanted it to be funded. They should have done what they did. You tried to cheat the insurance company to pay for something you wanted to do.

Funny how you Liberals say you'd pay more in taxes. If you thought your ideas were so good, no one would have to tell you to pay more. You'd pay it voluntarily.

It wasn't "elective". The Doctor told me I needed this or I was going to have serious health issues.

That's the problem with what Health Insurance companies do. They take your money and then they try to cheat people out of the services promised. I guess I was luckier than that 17 year old girl who didn't get a liver transplant because the same insurance company ruled her procedure "experimental"

Here's the thing, we are ALREADY paying more for Ed Hanaway's 9 figure salary and the dividends paid to stockholders. While the US Spends 17% of it's GDP on health care, most industrialized nations spend 8-11%.

But you don't want no gummit, telling you what to do, Cleetus!

The problem is you want the government doing everything FOR you, freeloader.
I'm retiring this year. I already called Obamacare to find out about their insurance programs. First I need bridge insurance. That's insurance that goes between jobs or between a job and medicare eligibility. Then I'll need supplemental insurance. Can't imagine it would be easier to find out all the plans and get proper help without the exchange. Republicans would cut off nose to spite face. The ignorance is appalling.
But you do bring up an interesting question. Should health care be a public service provided to all citizens like police and fire protection, or should it be a consumer commodity that you only get if you can afford it?

Obviously every other industrialized nation has asked this question and decided it SHOULD be a public service. Only the US still treats it as a consumer commodity and has the worst health care in the industrialized world.

And that is why the U.S. had the greatest healthcare in the world. It's why Canadian government officials flew in to Florida for heart surgery instead of using their own shitty government healthcare. It's why billionaire oil sheiks from all over the world fly into the U.S. for their healthcare (you sure as fuck don't see them flying into Cuba).

I'm so sick of libtards lowering the bar and trying to destroy the U.S. "Every other industrialized nation does X". Well that's why every other industrialized nations blows in comparison to the U.S. Nobody risks their life trying to make it into China or Japan. Nope - everyone tries to come here. Those other nations are supposedly soooooo great yet every fucking libtard refuses to go live there. That says it all.
I'm retiring this year. I already called Obamacare to find out about their insurance programs. First I need bridge insurance. That's insurance that goes between jobs or between a job and medicare eligibility. Then I'll need supplemental insurance. Can't imagine it would be easier to find out all the plans and get proper help without the exchange. Republicans would cut off nose to spite face. The ignorance is appalling.
You ignorance is indeed appalling RDean...
Can't imagine it would be easier to find out all the plans and get proper help without the exchange.

Yeah....we know RDean. A liberal is someone who can't imagine surviving without government doing everything for them (like a small child needs their mommy for every basic need). I could anyone find out healthcare plans before Obamacare?

Oh wait....that's right.....people have only been doing it for hundreds of years (and surviving thousands of years with no health insurance at all). :eusa_doh:
While the US Spends 17% of it's GDP on health care, most industrialized nations spend 8-11%.

And that is why the U.S. is far superior to everyone nation in the world. You get what you pay for. What kind of mindless asshole would advocate for dirt cheap or "free" healthcare. Oh wait - that's right. A libtard that would rather spend their money on drugs and porn than their health.

Frankly - I want healthcare costs to skyrocket if it happens naturally through the free market. After all, you get what you pay for. After all, a Ford Focus is pretty cheap but the Lamborghini is a billion times better.

But you don't want no gummit, telling you what to do, Cleetus!

That's right Joe! It's called liberty. It's a trillion times more priceless than healthcare. Or housing. Or food stamps. It's exactly why Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty or give me death". But little Joey here, who can't seem to figure out how to function in the real world, says "take my liberty and give me pitiful gummit table scraps in return".
That wouldn't have been such a bad thing. One less entitlement minded moron.

I've proposed a solution to many of those that believe like you and it would satisfy those who think others who don't have coverage should get it and those that think it's not their place to pay more taxes to provide it. If you know of a situation where someone doesn't have coverage or can't get care, pay for it yourself. They get what you think they deserve and the rest of us don't have to pay for it.

I've used the healthcare industry in the U.S. and received excellent service. I also know many others that have. Perhaps, like with many other things, you're the problem and not the system.

Guy, some day you are going to have a situation where you get sick and your insurance won't pay for it. or you would had Obama not passed a bunch of stuff protecting you.

The problem with a system based on greed is that everyone has a price. If you think that there aren't people out there willing to let you die so they can make more money, you are delusional.
And that is why the U.S. is far superior to everyone nation in the world. You get what you pay for. What kind of mindless asshole would advocate for dirt cheap or "free" healthcare. Oh wait - that's right. A libtard that would rather spend their money on drugs and porn than their health.

Frankly - I want healthcare costs to skyrocket if it happens naturally through the free market. After all, you get what you pay for. After all, a Ford Focus is pretty cheap but the Lamborghini is a billion times better.

Here's the thing with that crappy analogy. Not everyone can afford a Lamborghini. Having a Lamborghini health care system that poor people can't afford because they are poor is retarded.

But as I stated. I had a good job. I paid for health coverage. My insurance company did it's level best to screw me, anyway.

My health care plan. Socialized medicine and we harvest the 1%ers for transplant organs.

Sounds as fair and human as what you suggest.

That's right Joe! It's called liberty. It's a trillion times more priceless than healthcare. Or housing. Or food stamps. It's exactly why Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty or give me death". But little Joey here, who can't seem to figure out how to function in the real world, says "take my liberty and give me pitiful gummit table scraps in return".

Fuck the Founding Slave Rapists. YOu don't get to mouth off about "liberty" and then go home and whip your slaves, which is what these assholes did.

Every time you fuckwads talk about liberty, it usually means the ability of those with money to abuse those of us with less money.

I'd rather have health care. Make the rich pay for it. Maybe harvest a couple of them for Transplant Organs.

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