The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

If it were true, you could prove it. Since you can't, we know it isn't.
Here are multiple sources.... oops! Your statement is as ignorant as saying "prove that people breathe air". It's easily proven. But it shouldn't be necessary since it's so widely known. You're clearly to ignorant of politics to be here discusisng this stuff.

Cost of ObamaCare

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

Obamacare's big overhead bill? Try $273.6 billion
Those are not about the deficit, because O-Care is actually driving down the deficit.
CBO Obamacare Report Shows Deficit And Debt Are Phony Issues
Jun 22, 2015 - This absolutely is not a criticism of the Congressional Budget Office, which last week issued a report on the costs of the Affordable Care Act ... Enzi called the deficit reduction “substantially unclear” and said the deficit impact of ...
Obama: Health care is driving down the deficit | PolitiFact
Oct 8, 2014 - The cost of "health care is now the single-biggest factor driving ... have been debating its potential effect not just on health care but on the ...

2014 ?

2015 ?

Those are facts, the last 2 years available, and the deficit continues to go down.

The sun comes up every morning.

You are an idiot.

The two are facts and are unrelated.

Just like your claim.
Right. Don't worry about facts, brainwashed functional moron. There is no evidence O-Care will add to the deficit. Quite the contrary. Duh.
and Hillary's going to fix it...
Bwahahaha! "Fix it"?!?'ve spent 6 year emphatically declaring what a resounding success Obamacare is. And now you just admitted that it needs fixing!

Caught in a lie as usual.

It will be tinkered with forever. It hasn't been fully implemented yet, and the GOP and crony insurers are blocking competition in the exchanges and Medicaid in red states, hoping one of theirs will win the presidency. The dam will burst when Hillary gets in. And regulation of ridiculous hospital charges, specialist doctors, and drug prices will be gone after. The party's over. It is a success but can be better.
People are sick of obstruction, the GOP may well be splitting on it, and Hillary has skills Obama doesn't have, and she's not black lol...
My dog has skills that Obama doesn't have. We've been telling you that for 8 years. All you've done is perform fellatio on him and declare him the ultimate deity mankind has ever encountered.

Now that he's out, his record is failure, and you're desperate for Hitlery to be in, you're starting a new false narrative.

I've got news for you junior - Obama is buffoon. But he is actually better than Hiltery. He at least is capable of keeping his composure.
Obama has been totally obstructed by the "No compromise, un-American (probably racist) TP GOP"- TIME. A duped, bought off disgrace. Now imploding.
Seriously, even Democrats know Obamacare is a burden on many working Americans at a time when they can ill afford it.

Seriously, even Democrats know Obamacare is a burden on many working Americans at a time when they can ill afford it.

As he said, not for people who get big subsidies and people on Medicaid, but those who get no help- singles with income over $47k, families of 4 of four over 85k. Hillary has real tax cuts for the middle class and will go after ridiculous hospital/doctor/drug costs and bring prices down.

bore= had
Seriously, even Democrats know Obamacare is a burden on many working Americans at a time when they can ill afford it.

As he said, not for people who get big subsidies and people on Medicaid, but those who get no help- singles with income over $47k, families of 4 of four over 85k. Hillary has real tax cuts for the middle class and will go after ridiculous hospital/doctor/drug costs and bring prices down.

bore= had
Well, you've pretty much admitted that Obamacare is a burden on too many working Americans. There is nothing free, and ACA is in fact a way of getting the young and the middle class to pay for health care of the regular freeloaders.
Seriously, even Democrats know Obamacare is a burden on many working Americans at a time when they can ill afford it.

As he said, not for people who get big subsidies and people on Medicaid, but those who get no help- singles with income over $47k, families of 4 of four over 85k. Hillary has real tax cuts for the middle class and will go after ridiculous hospital/doctor/drug costs and bring prices down.

bore= had
Well, you've pretty much admitted that Obamacare is a burden on too many working Americans. There is nothing free, and ACA is in fact a way of getting the young and the middle class to pay for health care of the regular freeloaders.

Which they have for years, just in the stupidest (ER, no doctor or preventive care), most humiliating and deadly way. Taking subsidies and Medicaid into account, the poorer workers pay little, and when regulation of hospitals and drugs etc takes cold, the cost curve will bend down faster. Or you could blow the whole thing up and go back to scams and cutoffs, no pre-existing, and even faster cost rises. Great idea.
I don't know, Poodle, you'be been telling us the sky is falling for three years now with this thread.

More indisputable evidence for progressives to ignore...

Stopping Another Obamacare Bailout

Isn't there a thread about this already? How many times do you intend to repeat it?
How many times do you intend to ignore it? :dunno:

As often as you reiterate it based on sources that present opinion as evidence and then ask for a donation at the end.
Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there cupcake. Obamacare has been a catastrophic failure and even the Clintons have gone on record stating as much. Seventeen of the exchanges have gone under and Obama is desperately trying to bail the rest out. Premiums have skyrocketed as have the actual healthcare costs.

Watching progressives deny reality is funny as hell....
More indisputable evidence for progressives to ignore...

Stopping Another Obamacare Bailout

Isn't there a thread about this already? How many times do you intend to repeat it?
How many times do you intend to ignore it? :dunno:

As often as you reiterate it based on sources that present opinion as evidence and then ask for a donation at the end.
Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there...

The article you repeatedly link to is an opinion piece containing not one hard fact.
More indisputable evidence for progressives to ignore...

Stopping Another Obamacare Bailout

Isn't there a thread about this already? How many times do you intend to repeat it?
How many times do you intend to ignore it? :dunno:

As often as you reiterate it based on sources that present opinion as evidence and then ask for a donation at the end.
Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there...

The article you repeatedly link to is an opinion piece containing not one hard fact.
Except that this entire thread is filled with hundreds of pages with "hard facts". You've chosen to ignore each and every one of them because they are uncomfortable to your fragile 'lil psyche since those "hard facts" don't align with the progressive ideology you've bought into.
Isn't there a thread about this already? How many times do you intend to repeat it?
How many times do you intend to ignore it? :dunno:

As often as you reiterate it based on sources that present opinion as evidence and then ask for a donation at the end.
Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there...

The article you repeatedly link to is an opinion piece containing not one hard fact.
Except that this entire thread is filled with hundreds of pages with "hard facts".

I'm referring to the opinion piece you linked to in Post #3608.
How many times do you intend to ignore it? :dunno:

As often as you reiterate it based on sources that present opinion as evidence and then ask for a donation at the end.
Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there...

The article you repeatedly link to is an opinion piece containing not one hard fact.
Except that this entire thread is filled with hundreds of pages with "hard facts".

I'm referring to the opinion piece you linked to in Post #3608.
Of course you all progressives you ignore the entire body of evidence and desperately attempt to attack one small piece.
As often as you reiterate it based on sources that present opinion as evidence and then ask for a donation at the end.
Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there...

The article you repeatedly link to is an opinion piece containing not one hard fact.
Except that this entire thread is filled with hundreds of pages with "hard facts".

I'm referring to the opinion piece you linked to in Post #3608.
Of course you are....

If you don't want anyone to talk about it, why do you keep posting it?

Tell you what: Show us one verifiable datum in that opinion piece. You get to pick whichever one you want, but you have to prove it.

Repeating the term "glaring evidence" is not proof, Vizzini.
Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there...

The article you repeatedly link to is an opinion piece containing not one hard fact.
Except that this entire thread is filled with hundreds of pages with "hard facts".

I'm referring to the opinion piece you linked to in Post #3608.
Of course you are....

If you don't want anyone to talk about it, why do you keep posting it?

Tell you what: Show us one verifiable datum in that opinion piece. You get to pick whichever one you want, but you have to prove it.

Repeating the term "glaring evidence" is not proof, Vizzini.
I'm happy to talk about it. Or the fact that progressives can't bring themselves to admit what a catastrophic failure Obamacare was.

You want just one? How about three in the first few paragraphs alone:
  • When President Barack Obama made his case to the American people for Obamacare, he promised that it would both lower health insurance premiums and not add to the national debt. Neither has been true.
  • One way Obamacare has been adding to the deficit is through illegal bailouts of insurance companies operating Obamacare plans through the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • The Government Accountability Office highlighted one bailout scheme last week when it released a report finding that since 2014, HHS has been illegally sending billions of “reinsurance” fees to insurance companies instead of sending those dollars to the United States Treasury where they belong.
Now which part of those widely known and accepted facts do you need "proven" to you? Even when I post video of Barack Obama promising that his highly illegal and unethical legislation would lower healthcare costs and insurance premiums, you'll just deny it. You'll attack the source, of you'll proclaim that he didn't say what he said, etc. - you know, all of the traditional progressive tactics.
[*]When President Barack Obama made his case to the American people for Obamacare, he promised that it would both lower health insurance premiums and not add to the national debt. Neither has been true.

Says the author of the opinion piece. Proof? Yanno, facts, statistics, data, links, anything?

One way Obamacare has been adding to the deficit is through illegal bailouts of insurance companies operating Obamacare plans through the Department of Health and Human Services.

Says the author of the opinion piece. Proof? Yanno, facts, statistics, data, links, anything?

The Government Accountability Office highlighted one bailout scheme last week when it released a report finding that since 2014, HHS has been illegally sending billions of “reinsurance” fees to insurance companies instead of sending those dollars to the United States Treasury where they belong.

Says the author of the opinion piece. Proof? Yanno, facts, statistics, data, links, anything?

Now which part of those widely known and accepted facts do you need "proven" to you?

Just one will do. Go for it.

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