The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there cupcake. Obamacare has been a catastrophic failure and even the Clintons have gone on record stating as much. Seventeen of the exchanges have gone under and Obama is desperately trying to bail the rest out. Premiums have skyrocketed as have the actual healthcare costs.

Watching progressives deny reality is funny as hell....

Healthcare costs were skyrocketing before the ACA was passed, dumbass. Here's the reality. You aren't going to take health care away from 20 million people and not have serious consequences. So what's going to happen after Hillary wins is that she and Paul Ryan will quietly sit down and fix the problem.
Hitlery Clinton just admitted that Obamacare has caused costs (both insurance premiums and the actual healthcare costs) to drastically increase while the coverages have decreased. The exact opposite of what the Dumbocrats promised.

As always - progressive policies create failure.
Hitlery Clinton just admitted that Obamacare has caused costs (both insurance premiums and the actual healthcare costs) to drastically increase while the coverages have decreased. The exact opposite of what the Dumbocrats promised.

As always - progressive policies create failure.

No, she didn't. But that's okay Poodle.
Hitlery Clinton just admitted that Obamacare has caused costs (both insurance premiums and the actual healthcare costs) to drastically increase while the coverages have decreased. The exact opposite of what the Dumbocrats promised.

As always - progressive policies create failure.

No, she didn't. But that's okay Poodle.
When the question pointed that out she said "I agree". Idiot.
Hitlery Clinton just admitted that Obamacare has caused costs (both insurance premiums and the actual healthcare costs) to drastically increase while the coverages have decreased.

Can you cite the exact quote where that was said? I think you'll find that it was Trump who made the claim.
Hitlery Clinton just admitted that Obamacare has caused costs (both insurance premiums and the actual healthcare costs) to drastically increase while the coverages have decreased.

Can you cite the exact quote where that was said? I think you'll find that it was Trump who made the claim.
It wasn't Trump. One of the males on stage cited all of that in his question and asked what the candidates would do to fix it. Hillary explicitly stated "I agree" and then mentioned some vague plans to fix it.
This is the perfect microcosm of Democrats/progressives. Create policies which unequivocally end in failure and then just keep throwing money at it...

Obama Administration May Break the Law to Save Obamacare

Kindly explain what's illegal about this: "...the Transitional Reinsurance Program. Section 1341 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, authorizes the secretary of Health and Human Services to collect payments from health insurance companies and group health plans to stabilize health insurance markets during the transition to Obamacare’s exchange-based coverage."
P@triot, you claim it's illegal. Kindly explain what's illegal about this: "...the Transitional Reinsurance Program. Section 1341 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, authorizes the secretary of Health and Human Services to collect payments from health insurance companies and group health plans to stabilize health insurance markets during the transition to Obamacare’s exchange-based coverage."
As often as you reiterate it based on sources that present opinion as evidence and then ask for a donation at the end.
Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there...

The article you repeatedly link to is an opinion piece containing not one hard fact.
Except that this entire thread is filled with hundreds of pages with "hard facts".

I'm referring to the opinion piece you linked to in Post #3608.
Of course you all progressives you ignore the entire body of evidence and desperately attempt to attack one small piece.

Oh, and he does not think doctors should be "allowed" to make 300K a year.

He wants the garbage man opening his chest when his time comes.

One thing he can take solace in...he won't need a brain surgeon.
Here are multiple sources.... oops! Your statement is as ignorant as saying "prove that people breathe air". It's easily proven. But it shouldn't be necessary since it's so widely known. You're clearly to ignorant of politics to be here discusisng this stuff.

Cost of ObamaCare

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

Obamacare's big overhead bill? Try $273.6 billion
Those are not about the deficit, because O-Care is actually driving down the deficit.
CBO Obamacare Report Shows Deficit And Debt Are Phony Issues
Jun 22, 2015 - This absolutely is not a criticism of the Congressional Budget Office, which last week issued a report on the costs of the Affordable Care Act ... Enzi called the deficit reduction “substantially unclear” and said the deficit impact of ...
Obama: Health care is driving down the deficit | PolitiFact
Oct 8, 2014 - The cost of "health care is now the single-biggest factor driving ... have been debating its potential effect not just on health care but on the ...

2014 ?

2015 ?

Those are facts, the last 2 years available, and the deficit continues to go down.

The sun comes up every morning.

You are an idiot.

The two are facts and are unrelated.

Just like your claim.
Right. Don't worry about facts, brainwashed functional moron. There is no evidence O-Care will add to the deficit. Quite the contrary. Duh.

Nobody said it would....moron.

We just said it would cost a lot more than they said it would.

We are still spending 8,500 per person per year. That hasn't changed.

Some think we are headed to 10,000 (that's 40,000 for a family of four....). Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

You already look stupid. No need to make it worse.
Those are not about the deficit, because O-Care is actually driving down the deficit.
CBO Obamacare Report Shows Deficit And Debt Are Phony Issues
Jun 22, 2015 - This absolutely is not a criticism of the Congressional Budget Office, which last week issued a report on the costs of the Affordable Care Act ... Enzi called the deficit reduction “substantially unclear” and said the deficit impact of ...
Obama: Health care is driving down the deficit | PolitiFact
Oct 8, 2014 - The cost of "health care is now the single-biggest factor driving ... have been debating its potential effect not just on health care but on the ...

2014 ?

2015 ?

Those are facts, the last 2 years available, and the deficit continues to go down.

The sun comes up every morning.

You are an idiot.

The two are facts and are unrelated.

Just like your claim.
Right. Don't worry about facts, brainwashed functional moron. There is no evidence O-Care will add to the deficit. Quite the contrary. Duh.

Nobody said it would....moron.

We just said it would cost a lot more than they said it would.

We are still spending 8,500 per person per year. That hasn't changed.

Some think we are headed to 10,000 (that's 40,000 for a family of four....). Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

You already look stupid. No need to make it worse.
It's not fully implemented yet duh, the GOP insurers and their crony insurers are sabotaging it, and the prices rises have still bent down from the Boosh years (when costs doubled for scams lol). Wait until Hillary goes after ridiculous hospital, doctor and drug prices and gets competition in the exchanges going...
2014 ?

2015 ?

Those are facts, the last 2 years available, and the deficit continues to go down.

The sun comes up every morning.

You are an idiot.

The two are facts and are unrelated.

Just like your claim.
Right. Don't worry about facts, brainwashed functional moron. There is no evidence O-Care will add to the deficit. Quite the contrary. Duh.

Nobody said it would....moron.

We just said it would cost a lot more than they said it would.

We are still spending 8,500 per person per year. That hasn't changed.

Some think we are headed to 10,000 (that's 40,000 for a family of four....). Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

You already look stupid. No need to make it worse.
It's not fully implemented yet duh, the GOP insurers and their crony insurers are sabotaging it, and the prices rises have still bent down from the Boosh years (when costs doubled for scams lol). Wait until Hillary goes after ridiculous hospital, doctor and drug prices and gets competition in the exchanges going...

They keep delaying a "good thing".

I don't suppose you've stopped to wonder why.
Those are facts, the last 2 years available, and the deficit continues to go down.

The sun comes up every morning.

You are an idiot.

The two are facts and are unrelated.

Just like your claim.
Right. Don't worry about facts, brainwashed functional moron. There is no evidence O-Care will add to the deficit. Quite the contrary. Duh.

Nobody said it would....moron.

We just said it would cost a lot more than they said it would.

We are still spending 8,500 per person per year. That hasn't changed.

Some think we are headed to 10,000 (that's 40,000 for a family of four....). Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

You already look stupid. No need to make it worse.
It's not fully implemented yet duh, the GOP insurers and their crony insurers are sabotaging it, and the prices rises have still bent down from the Boosh years (when costs doubled for scams lol). Wait until Hillary goes after ridiculous hospital, doctor and drug prices and gets competition in the exchanges going...

They keep delaying a "good thing".

I don't suppose you've stopped to wonder why.
Better to do it step by step, gives people a chance to "get it" like Pelosi said. Especially with all the bs GOP propaganda and sabotage. Dems are such pussies lol...Ditto "Librul" media.

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