The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

No kitty...I work off of the reality that socialism has a 100% failure rate worldwide. It had never worked anywhere and it never will. And I'm not going to collapse the U.S. because you're a little pussy. I'm not going to surrender liberty, choice, and independence because you're a pussy.
Actually, the same can be said of capitalism... it failed in 2008, 2000, 1991 and 1980. Miserably. The only thing that prevented complete collapse is the government stepped in and saved the Capitalists.
First of all the U.S. has never collapsed kitty. So once again we see you lying. Second, every year you cited above was void of capitalism. Communist Social Security was implemented in the 1930's stupid. Communist Medicare was implemented in the 1960's stupid. Communist Medicaid was implemented in the 1960's stupid. And there have been tens of thousands of regulations controlling them for a century (Affirmative Action, Sarbanes-Oxley, etc.).
So instead of arguing about what works and what fails, in the real, grown up world outside an Ayn Rand novel, you roll with the punches, and you fix the problems when they become obvious.
What an idiotic statement - even by Kitty standards. How can you "fix" something if you don't understand what works and what doesn't? If it doesn't work and you implement something that fails, you haven't "fixed it". You've made it worse. Stupid.

Second - your problems are your problems to "fix". You have no business making your problems my problems, pussy. If something doesn't work for you - deal with it. It doesn't empower you to force the rest of us into your vision of what "works".
Then go live there kitty. What is the problem? They have everything you've ever claimed to desire. Universal healthcare. No firearms. No capitalism. What's the problem kitty? Stop being such a pussy. Put your money where your whiskers are.
I have a better idea. We vote to change this country and we make the rich pay for it. That's actually easier and better.

1.) Proof that the lazy little kitty is always looking for the "easy" way

2.) You could confiscate 100% of the wealth in this nation from every single person and it wouldn't touch our $19 trillion in debt - much less a devastating universal healthcare system. This shows how ignorant you are. You don't even understand basic economics.

3.) If "voting" were easier than moving to Cuba then you would have single payer 100 years ago kitty. You've had your ass kicked at the polls. Just move to Cuba.
How can you "fix" something if you don't understand what works and what doesn't?

Your side seems confident it can or you wouldn't be starting thread after thread after thread about it. (Of course, it's really only the same thread repeated; that's your idea of a "fix.")
How can you "fix" something if you don't understand what works and what doesn't?

Your side seems confident it can or you wouldn't be starting thread after thread after thread about it. (Of course, it's really only the same thread repeated; that's your idea of a "fix.")
Hey stupid....why don't you try reading what was written instead of what you want to see?

JoeB said (and I quote) "instead of worrying about what works and what fix the problem". My response was to illustrate that you can't "fix" a problem if you don't know what works and what fails.

Reading comprehension Arianrhod. Reading comprehension.
I laugh just as hard now as when you first posted this drivel.

Insurance companies will be right in the middle of a single payer system.

The government let Al Raines and Jamie Gorelick make millions on Fannie Mae.

But you think it won't happen in insurance.

We'll still pay twice as much.

Uh, no, we go to single payer, we get rid of the insurance companies and we will all be better off. It's what the Canadians and the Brits do.

We have a system now. It's called Medicare. Just have Medicare Part E, expand it to everyone. Phase it in, start with the 55+ having a buy in.
That's not medical tourism.

Try to keep up.

I have. The thing is, the claim that htere are hoardes of rich Canadians flocking down here for medical treatment they can't get in their own country is lie. Few hospitals treat Canadians, and on the occassions they do, it's because they were tourists who happened to get sick or injured while they were here.
Again kitty....that is your problem. It's not the United States problem.

Poodle, buddy... we got the ACA because everyone KNEW it was everyone's problem.

Even the insurance industry knows it can't keep doing business the way it did.
First of all the U.S. has never collapsed kitty. So once again we see you lying. Second, every year you cited above was void of capitalism. Communist Social Security was implemented in the 1930's stupid. Communist Medicare was implemented in the 1960's stupid. Communist Medicaid was implemented in the 1960's stupid. And there have been tens of thousands of regulations controlling them for a century (Affirmative Action, Sarbanes-Oxley, etc.).

Neither has China or any other country that tried "Socialism".

And when you call something like social security "Communist", I think you guys should totally run on a platform of s hutting down social security and medicare. Totally do that. Please fucking do that.

It'll be the end of you faster than Trump is doing you in.
1.) Proof that the lazy little kitty is always looking for the "easy" way

2.) You could confiscate 100% of the wealth in this nation from every single person and it wouldn't touch our $19 trillion in debt - much less a devastating universal healthcare system. This shows how ignorant you are. You don't even understand basic economics.

That's not true.

Here, let's educate you.

Financial position of the United States - Wikipedia

The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269.6 trillion (1576% of GDP) and debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP)[a] as of Q1 2014.

Now, to clarify that for you... Government debt is bad and we need to do something about that, but it's only 20 Trillion out of 146 Trillion in total debt and 269 Trillion in total assets. So it isn't really a problem of being able to afford it, it's how the assets are leveraged.

Now, on to health care. The United States spends more per capita than any other nation.


Japan, for instance, spends only $3000 per citizen, yet their health care is better than ours in every measurable factor- life expectancy, infant mortality, etc. The average Japanese lives four years longer on average than the average American.

Second - your problems are your problems to "fix". You have no business making your problems my problems, pussy. If something doesn't work for you - deal with it. It doesn't empower you to force the rest of us into your vision of what "works".

No, guy, it's your problem when the rest of us get fed up with your shit. 20 years ago, I've have never voted for a Clinton. This year my biggest problem with her is she isn't assertive enough.

That's where we are at. Your side is losing because for most of us, corporatism is a big old shit sandwich.
How can you "fix" something if you don't understand what works and what doesn't?

Your side seems confident it can or you wouldn't be starting thread after thread after thread about it. (Of course, it's really only the same thread repeated; that's your idea of a "fix.")
...why don't you try reading what was written instead of what you want to see?

So it wasn't you who wrote "How can you 'fix' something if you don't understand what works and what doesn't?"? Did someone hack your account?
That's not medical tourism.

Try to keep up.

I have. The thing is, the claim that htere are hoardes of rich Canadians flocking down here for medical treatment they can't get in their own country is lie. Few hospitals treat Canadians, and on the occassions they do, it's because they were tourists who happened to get sick or injured while they were here.

That is not medical tourism.
I laugh just as hard now as when you first posted this drivel.

Insurance companies will be right in the middle of a single payer system.

The government let Al Raines and Jamie Gorelick make millions on Fannie Mae.

But you think it won't happen in insurance.

We'll still pay twice as much.

Uh, no, we go to single payer, we get rid of the insurance companies and we will all be better off. It's what the Canadians and the Brits do.

We have a system now. It's called Medicare. Just have Medicare Part E, expand it to everyone. Phase it in, start with the 55+ having a buy in.

Never going to happen.

We pay way to much.

And Canadians like some parts of their care.

Also, you might be interested to know that Canadians have a very strong private system.

Their "single payer" is great for a broken leg.

It sucks when it comes to things like cancer.

That comes from Canadians themselves.

Not from this...although it is pretty funny......

Again kitty....that is your problem. It's not the United States problem.
Poodle, buddy... we got the ACA because everyone KNEW it was everyone's problem. Even the insurance industry knows it can't keep doing business the way it did.'s not. You entered into a private business agreement. If it went sideways - that is your problem. It is not the problem of the American people or the government.

And no - you didn't get the ACA because it was a public problem. You got the ACA because a few radical progressives lied their way into a position of power and then engaged in a host of illegal actions to achieve their radical desires. If the American people actually wanted the ACA the Dumbocrats wouldn't have hadn't their asses handed to them in the 2010 mid-terms. You wouldn't have seen the Tea Party or all but 18 states turned over to conservatives.

The American people sent a crystal clear message that they didn't want it. Your either tone deaf or a dirt-bag liar. I don't think your that tone deaf.
First of all the U.S. has never collapsed kitty. So once again we see you lying. Second, every year you cited above was void of capitalism. Communist Social Security was implemented in the 1930's stupid. Communist Medicare was implemented in the 1960's stupid. Communist Medicaid was implemented in the 1960's stupid. And there have been tens of thousands of regulations controlling them for a century (Affirmative Action, Sarbanes-Oxley, etc.).
Neither has China or any other country that tried "Socialism".
Really? That's funny because I keep looking for the U.S.S.R. on modern maps and I can't find it anywhere. I wonder why that is?

By the way - Cuba, Ethiopia, and Cambodia all collapsed as well. Greece shut down their banks and allow people to pull $60 per day from the ATM's. That's absolutely collapse. Thank you for illustrating your extraordinary ignorance, kitty.
1.) Proof that the lazy little kitty is always looking for the "easy" way

2.) You could confiscate 100% of the wealth in this nation from every single person and it wouldn't touch our $19 trillion in debt - much less a devastating universal healthcare system. This shows how ignorant you are. You don't even understand basic economics.

That's not true.

Here, let's educate you.

Financial position of the United States - Wikipedia

The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269.6 trillion (1576% of GDP) and debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP)[a] as of Q1 2014.
Oh poor little pussy. "Assets" are not liquid (that means they aren't cash - stupid). One cannot pay bills with "assets". It takes cash, stupid. Cold, hard, cash.

And if you confiscated every single penny that every single American has it wouldn't even begin to cover the cost. Allow me to educate you, poor little kitty:

There was approximately $1.46 trillion in circulation as of June 1, 2016, of which $1.4 trillion was in Federal Reserve notes.

FRB: How much U.S. currency is in circulation?
Japan, for instance, spends only $3000 per citizen, yet their health care is better than ours in every measurable factor- life expectancy, infant mortality, etc. The average Japanese lives four years longer on average than the average American.
That has nothing to do with our healthcare system you ignorant little kitty. That is our lifestyle. Japan doesn't consume fast food like we do. Japan doesn't have issues with Bloods vs. Crips, Hells Angels vs. Mongols, etc. like we do (violence drastically reduces life expectancy you ignorant kitty).

We have the #1 healthcare in the world and it's not even close. Like everything else, you ignorant progressives are trying to lower the bar and drag down our healthcare to the pitiful level of third world socialized nations.

Paul Krugman is an asshole of epic proportions and this video proves what an uninformed ideologue he is (just like little kitty Joey there).

Notice his response? "Bad move by my part". What is a "bad move" about asking an honest question and getting an informed response? Absolutely nothing unless one is a disingenuous, lying asshole with an agenda.
Never going to happen.

We pay way to much.

And Canadians like some parts of their care.

Also, you might be interested to know that Canadians have a very strong private system.

Their "single payer" is great for a broken leg.

It sucks when it comes to things like cancer.

That comes from Canadians themselves.

Not from this...although it is pretty funny......

No, it's just stupid. The fact is, Canadians are not flocking down here for health care.

They live longer than we do, and they have a lower infant mortality rate, while spending a lot less than we do.

That's because they aren't paying INsurance CEO's nine-figure salaries to figure out ways NOT to pay for claims.
That has nothing to do with our healthcare system you ignorant little kitty. That is our lifestyle. Japan doesn't consume fast food like we do. Japan doesn't have issues with Bloods vs. Crips, Hells Angels vs. Mongols, etc. like we do (violence drastically reduces life expectancy you ignorant kitty).

We have the #1 healthcare in the world and it's not even close. Like everything else, you ignorant progressives are trying to lower the bar and drag down our healthcare to the pitiful level of third world socialized nations.

When 40% of your population can't access the health care system, it isn't the best in the world, Poodle.

When you get out in the real world, let us know, little boy.

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