The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Really? That's funny because I keep looking for the U.S.S.R. on modern maps and I can't find it anywhere. I wonder why that is?

Which had nothing to do with Socialism. I'm so sorry you don't understand that.

Hey you know what else I don't see on modern maps? The British Empire. Yup. Since the British Empire is gone, that must mean Capitalism is a complete fucking failure.

Or it means that Indians and Kenyans got sick of being exploited by the English. Kind of like Khazaks and Ukrainians got sick of being exploited by Russians.

wow, Poodle, you are such a child. What Talking Snake University did you graduate form last year?
Really? That's funny because I keep looking for the U.S.S.R. on modern maps and I can't find it anywhere. I wonder why that is?
Which had nothing to do with Socialism. I'm so sorry you don't understand that.
Bwahahaha! What did it have to do with kitty - "Global Warming"? It was socialism, stupid. It's unsustainable. There is no innovation and no work done since there is no reward. What grade did you drop out of junior high?
Hey you know what else I don't see on modern maps? The British Empire. Yup. Since the British Empire is gone, that must mean Capitalism is a complete fucking failure.
Here stupid....the British "Empire" on a current map. :lmao:

Here stupid....the British "Empire" on a current map

Where does that map say, "British Empire" on it, Poodle?

Okay, here' what the British empire USED to look like.


So by your standard, Capitalism must have failed miserably if all these places rejected British rule, right? Because a lot of those places not only threw the British out, they adopted Socialism. (Oh, yeah, right after they lost their empire, the British established nationalized health care.)

Or you can actually be a grown up and admit the one truth of history is that empires fall. Whether it be a Capitalist British Empire or a Socialist Soviet Empire.
Here stupid....the British "Empire" on a current map

Where does that map say, "British Empire" on it, Poodle?

Okay, here' what the British empire USED to look like.


So by your standard, Capitalism must have failed miserably if all these places rejected British rule, right? Because a lot of those places not only threw the British out, they adopted Socialism. (Oh, yeah, right after they lost their empire, the British established nationalized health care.)

Or you can actually be a grown up and admit the one truth of history is that empires fall. Whether it be a Capitalist British Empire or a Socialist Soviet Empire.
Hey stupid...territories breaking off and declaring independence has nothing to do with economic collapse you mental midget.
Hey stupid...territories breaking off and declaring independence has nothing to do with economic collapse you mental midget.

Exactly my point. The USSR didn't collapse economically. Territories broke off and declared independence. And much like when the British Empire had a transitional thing called the British Commonwealth, the USSR had one called the CIS. But the cause was the same. Territories breaking off from an empire.
Hey stupid...territories breaking off and declaring independence has nothing to do with economic collapse you mental midget.
Exactly my point. The USSR didn't collapse economically. Territories broke off and declared independence. And much like when the British Empire had a transitional thing called the British Commonwealth, the USSR had one called the CIS. But the cause was the same. Territories breaking off from an empire.
No stupid...territories didn't "break off". The U.S.S.R. actually collapsed. People waited hours in line for a single loaf of bread only to be turned away when they ran out. The nation completely collapsed, they abandoned idiot socialism/communism, turned to capitalism to rebuild (which worked) and changed their name.
No stupid...territories didn't "break off". The U.S.S.R. actually collapsed. People waited hours in line for a single loaf of bread only to be turned away when they ran out. The nation completely collapsed, they abandoned idiot socialism/communism, turned to capitalism to rebuild (which worked) and changed their name.

Actually, Capitalist Russia is more of a shithole than Communist Russia was...

But, no, the problem was the various countries declared independence... not the other way around.

So you argument that "socialism" failed is wrong... again.
No stupid...territories didn't "break off". The U.S.S.R. actually collapsed. People waited hours in line for a single loaf of bread only to be turned away when they ran out. The nation completely collapsed, they abandoned idiot socialism/communism, turned to capitalism to rebuild (which worked) and changed their name.
Actually, Capitalist Russia is more of a shithole than Communist Russia was...

But, no, the problem was the various countries declared independence... not the other way around. So you argument that "socialism" failed is wrong... again.
No matter how many times you lie, you won't be able to change history kitty. The U.S.S.R. was ruled with an iron fist. Those countries wouldn't have dared dream about independence, much less plan on independence, much less actually declare independence. The only reason that was able to occur was because of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

We've all been operating under the impression that you're the typical 60 year old hippie who dropped out of junior high and didn't want to hold a job. But now I'm thinking that you're about 12. Anyone who lived through the collapse of the Soviet Union would be as ignorant as you. Then again, you do a lie a lot so maybe you're just lying again.
No matter how many times you lie, you won't be able to change history kitty. The U.S.S.R. was ruled with an iron fist. Those countries wouldn't have dared dream about independence, much less plan on independence, much less actually declare independence. The only reason that was able to occur was because of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Yes, because Ronnie REagan yelled at a wall. I know you need to believe whatever shit they taught you at Talking Snake U before they gave you a diploma that isnt' worth the paper its written on.

We've all been operating under the impression that you're the typical 60 year old hippie who dropped out of junior high and didn't want to hold a job. But now I'm thinking that you're about 12. Anyone who lived through the collapse of the Soviet Union would be as ignorant as you. Then again, you do a lie a lot so maybe you're just lying again.

I was in the military when the USSR "collapsed". And up until it did. the Army was still publishing these threat manuals that claimed the USSR was going to come plowing through the Fulda Gap any day now. Imagine our surprise when the Evil Empire turned out to be a collection of third world countries that didn't particularly like each other.
No matter how many times you lie, you won't be able to change history kitty. The U.S.S.R. was ruled with an iron fist. Those countries wouldn't have dared dream about independence, much less plan on independence, much less actually declare independence. The only reason that was able to occur was because of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Yes, because Ronnie REagan yelled at a wall. I know you need to believe whatever shit they taught you at Talking Snake U before they gave you a diploma that isnt' worth the paper its written on.
It must be baffling for you progressives to see what real leadership looks like. You guys are so used to limp-wristed little girly-boys cowering to other countries and begging for friendship.

Of course - weakness intvites aggression and that's what we've seen when cowards like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama sit in the White House.
We've all been operating under the impression that you're the typical 60 year old hippie who dropped out of junior high and didn't want to hold a job. But now I'm thinking that you're about 12. Anyone who lived through the collapse of the Soviet Union would be as ignorant as you. Then again, you do a lie a lot so maybe you're just lying again.

I was in the military when the USSR "collapsed".
Ah! Ok. So you're not 12. You're just lying on every post. Well thanks for clarifying that. At least we know what we're dealing with now.
Ah! Ok. So you're not 12. You're just lying on every post. Well thanks for clarifying that. At least we know what we're dealing with now.

JoeB's Real Life experience in the military during the break-up of the Soviet Union suggests a familiarity with the subject. In order to prove he's lying, instead of simply repeating yourself, perhaps you can share your own experience and knowledge of the history of that era.
It must be baffling for you progressives to see what real leadership looks like. You guys are so used to limp-wristed little girly-boys cowering to other countries and begging for friendship.

Of course - weakness intvites aggression and that's what we've seen when cowards like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama sit in the White House.

Right. YOu see, Reagan yelled at a wall, and the wall became so scared that it peed itself.

Oh, wait. No. The USSR didn't disolve until three years after Reagan wandered from the White House in an Alzheimer's induced daze...
Ah! Ok. So you're not 12. You're just lying on every post. Well thanks for clarifying that. At least we know what we're dealing with now.

Uh, dude, I've stated many times here I'm in my fifties.

you on the other hand, are clearly in your 20's and have no real life experience. That's obvious.
Ah! Ok. So you're not 12. You're just lying on every post. Well thanks for clarifying that. At least we know what we're dealing with now.

Uh, dude, I've stated many times here I'm in my fifties.

you on the other hand, are clearly in your 20's and have no real life experience. That's obvious.
Well since I'm not - you are clearly a moron :lmao:
Ah! Ok. So you're not 12. You're just lying on every post. Well thanks for clarifying that. At least we know what we're dealing with now.

Uh, dude, I've stated many times here I'm in my fifties.

you on the other hand, are clearly in your 20's and have no real life experience. That's obvious.
Well since I'm not - you are clearly a moron :lmao:

Can you prove either?

Can you answer Post #3692?

I suspect the answer to both is "no." Feel free to prove me wrong.
Poodle j ust said in another thread that Leftists were all claiming Clinton didn't have sex with the intern.

Had he been an adult during that time, he'd know that most people on the left concluded he did and it really wasn't anyone's business.
Well since I'm not - you are clearly a moron

except you really haven't proven that. Your posts sh ow a lack of life experience... I doubt you've done much of anything.
My posts frustrate you because they are indisputable and in conflict with your desperate desire to have other people take care of you in life.
Poodle j ust said in another thread that Leftists were all claiming Clinton didn't have sex with the intern.

Had he been an adult during that time, he'd know that most people on the left concluded he did and it really wasn't anyone's business.
Uh....nice try asshat. But you and every other libtards vehemently denied it and cried "conspiracy" as always. Then Bill Clinton admitted it and you obedient little bitches came up with the new narrative suddenly that it was "nobody's business".

Kitty proving once again that he lies in every post.

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